Chapter 276

Walking in the Demon Extinguishing City again, Sun Yu was filled with emotions.

More than a billion years ago, the prosperity of Miemo City was comparable to that of Linzi, the imperial city of the Great Qi Dynasty.

At that time, at least [-]% of the sword cultivators were gathered in the Miemo Mansion in the Eastern Wasteland.

Extinguishing Demon City is the holy city among all sword cultivators in Donghuang.

Although Miemo Mansion and Miemo City were under the rule of the Daqi Dynasty at that time, everyone knew that it was the Annihilation Sword Sect who really controlled Miemo Mansion and Miemo City.

It's just that although Annihilation Sword Sect controls Miemo Palace and Miemo City, Annihilation Jianzong is a top second-rate power, but he doesn't have the arrogance and arrogance of other forces.

In many cases, the cooperation between Annihilation Sword Sect and Daqi Dynasty was very tacit.

At that time, the Daqi Dynasty also assuredly handed over the Miemo Mansion to the Annihilation Sword Sect.

But after the Annihilation Sword Sect was destroyed, the five affiliated Sword Sects relied on the Annihilation Sword Sect's prestige to take over the Miemo Palace!
At first, the Daqi Dynasty didn't care about the five affiliated sword sects for the sake of annihilating the sword sect!
But the five affiliated sword sects made the Miemo Mansion into a mess, and the Daqi Dynasty took over and took control of the Miemo Mansion!

In recent years, as the Daqi Dynasty became more and more powerful, it was Feixiongwei's thunderous sweep before that made the five affiliated sword sects no longer arrogant!
However, as the Lianbaozong re-established a branch in the land of Jinjue, the five affiliated swordzongs surfaced again.

The Feixiong Guard stationed in the Miemo Mansion secretly collides with the five affiliated Sword Sects every day.

If Sun Yu came to Demon City with his true colors, he would definitely be able to take charge of the Feixiong Guards here and wipe out the five great sword sects with ease.

But doing that would be equivalent to directly provoking Lian Baozong.

The branch of the Treasure Sect in the Land of Golden Judgment has already been wiped out once by the Feixiong Guards, and it is impossible for the Feixiong Guards to destroy it a second time.

Lianbaozong was only at a disadvantage in terms of momentum, but in terms of real strength, Lianbaozong was stronger than Daqi Dynasty.

Sun Yutong reminisces about the past, and walks around all the old places that he was nostalgic for in his memory, and Sun Yutong fulfills his previous wish.

At this time, Sun Yu was standing on a very ordinary hill in the Demon City.

This small hill is ordinary, because there are too many small hills like this nearby, and there are gazebos built on each hill.

Sun Wei was sitting alone on the stone bench in the gazebo on the top of the hill. At this moment, Sun Wei showed a bit of momentum!
Annihilate the aura of the sword master, annihilate the aura of the inner world of the sword master!

Even an immortal can't sense this trace of aura!
But Sun Yu believed that if he was in Demon City, he would be able to sense it.

This trace of momentum is mighty and mighty, permeating the sky above Demon Extinguishing City.

Suddenly, in a small courtyard in Demon Extinguishing City, a middle-aged man who was cultivating quietly opened his eyes.

In an instant, his divine sense locked onto this aura, and in an instant, he tore through the void and came directly to the pavilion outside the city!

Sun Yuhong looked at the middle-aged man who suddenly stepped out of the crack in the void, with emotion on his face.

"One billion years have passed by in a hurry. I never thought that Junior Brother Qingfeng, who was a handsome man back then, turned out to be so ordinary!"

Looking at this middle-aged man, Sun Quan couldn't help but feel that time is like a knife.

"who are you?"

At first glance, Sun Yu is just an ordinary boy.But if you look carefully, you can sense that Sun Quan's whole body seems to be covered by a layer of mist.

It seems to be an extremely clever illusion, and it seems to be done deliberately by a powerful person!

But no matter what, if he can make himself unable to see clearly, Shi Qingfeng will ask!
At this moment, the illusion that covered Sun Quan's face dissipated without a sound!

"It turned out to be you!"

Shi Qingfeng never expected that he would see the familiar figure in his dream again in this life.

"Even though your cultivation base is high now, you can see me, shouldn't you call Senior Brother Yun?"

Sun Yu said with a smile.

"The disciples of the outer sect, Shi Qingfeng, kowtowed to the sect master's disciples."

At this moment, Shi Qingfeng pays homage!
Sun Yu got up quickly, "Junior Brother Qingfeng doesn't need to do this, please get up quickly!"

Sun Yu didn't expect that Shi Qingfeng still maintains his respect for Annihilation Sword Sect until today.

There was a breeze when Sun Quan helped him up, and the two of them sat on the stone bench and smiled at the same time.

"Back then I suspected that you were the legendary time spirit body, because at that time you were able to practice the Annihilation Sword Sect! Within the Annihilation Sword Sect, you are the only one who can learn the most powerful swordsmanship!"

Yun Feiyang said with emotion.

"Senior brother Yun defeated the traitor He Hentian back then, and he was the only one who was expected to inherit the mantle of the ancestor of the Annihilation Sword Sect. It's just that he didn't expect that the demons would suddenly invade the Annihilation Sword Sect."

Shi Qingfeng recalled the past, he was only the head of the outer disciples, but Yun Feiyang was a dignified true disciple.

Moreover, everyone in the Annihilation Sword Sect knows that Yun Feiyang is very likely to have successfully cultivated all the 36 branches of the Annihilation Sword Art after the Annihilation Sword Master in the history of the Annihilation Sword Sect!
Because Yun Feiyang was born with the avenue of the cloud, able to tolerate everything and ever-changing.

"Once the ruins of the Annihilation Sword Sect were opened, He Hentian entered it. It's just that he was so ruthless that he was willing to cut off Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base and fell to the blood realm."

Now that He Hentian was mentioned, Sun Yu couldn't help feeling jealous in his heart.

If it were him, he might not have the courage to cut Daluo Daoguo and start practicing from the very beginning.

"He has always wished to obtain the Annihilation Sword Sect's orthodoxy, but the heavens have eyes, and the Annihilation Sword Sect's orthodoxy will ultimately be inherited by you, Senior Brother Yun. Senior Brother Yun, are you summoning me here to destroy the Five Great Sword Sects? "

Shi Qingfeng said in a deep voice.

"That's right, although there are no immortals in the Five Great Sword Sects, I want you to sweep the formation for me. Back then, the Five Great Sword Sects rose up because of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and now I should represent the Annihilation Sword Sect and destroy the Five Great Sword Sects!"

Yun Feiyang said with killing intent.

"Five Great Sword Sects recently have fairyland cultivators who suddenly became immortals, and now they can be said to have become lackeys of the Lianbao Sect. Moreover, the Five Great Sword Sects will move to the mountain gate to the land of Jinjue. If you don't come, I will face the Five Great Sword Sects. Zong strikes!"

Shi Qingfeng said coldly.

"Did you know I was coming?"

Sun Yu asked curiously.

"It's just that when the idea of ​​destroying the five great sword sects came up in my heart, I accidentally peeped into the long river of time and saw a picture. It was Senior Brother Yun, you were sitting in this pavilion, but I didn't know when you would come. So I always kept Qianxiu, and I know, you may send out the breath of Annihilation Jianzong to make me feel!"

Hearing this, Sun Wei couldn't help feeling that the spirit of time was against the sky!

"In the future, try to spy on the river of time as little as possible. As a spirit body of time, you will be backlashed by the river of time even stronger. You can't resist the backlash of the river of time!"

Sun Yuhong said this to prevent Shi Qingfeng from spying on the river of time.

If the long river of time is extremely calm, the backlash of the long river of time will not be severe.

But Sun Yu knew that the next Miemo Mansion would become the place of the Fourth World War!

The entry of the major powerhouses into the Miemo Mansion will cause a long period of time in the Miemo Mansion, and it will almost set off a shocking wave.

Therefore, at this time, Shi Qingfeng spies on the river of time without authorization, and is extremely vulnerable to the backlash of the river of time.

If someone else said this to Shi Qingfeng, he might not listen!

But Yun Feiyang is different, not mentioning the identity of a billion years, just saying that Yun Feiyang is now a disciple of the head sect, a descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and his identity is enough to suppress Shi Qingfeng!

As long as Shi Qingfeng still admits in his heart that he is the disciple of Annihilation Sword Sect, he must listen to Yun Feiyang!
"Senior Brother Yun's words, I will abide by them. But if the five affiliated sword sects dare to get their hands on the Golden Jue Land, they should be killed!"

Shi Qingfeng's murderous intent was in full swing, and in the hearts of the disciples of the Annihilation Sword Sect, only the Annihilation Sword Sect could gain a foothold in the golden land!

Now that the five affiliated sword sects want to relocate the mountain gates to the land of extreme gold, that is to offend Ni Lin of the annihilated sword sect!

The five affiliated sword sects believe that the annihilation sword sect has been destroyed for more than a billion years, and it is only a cloud flying, which is nothing to worry about!
"Let them all migrate to the Land of Judgment of Gold. The Annihilation Sword Sect will open the mountain gate and stand again in the Land of Judgment of Gold. How can it be calm and calm? If there is no blood, is it still called the Annihilation Sword Sect?"

Sun Yu's words reminded Shi Qingfeng of the words that had been circulated in the Annihilation Sword Sect back then.

"When the annihilation sword comes out, there is no blood, the demon is not destroyed, and the sword does not return to its sheath."

The sword that annihilates the members of the Sword Sect will not come out of its sheath easily.

But once it is out of the sheath, blood must be seen and demons must be removed before it can be returned to the sheath.

"Senior brother Yun, do you want to catch them all?" Shi Qingfeng asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, if the five great sword sects are separated, three or five monks may escape. But they dare to go to the land of the golden jue, and let it be their burial place. The five great sword sects, because of the golden land And Xing. Now let them perish in the land of Jin Jue. This can be regarded as a reincarnation, so that the cause and effect of annihilating Jianzong and the five affiliated Jianzong can be completely resolved!"

Sun Wei's eyes were full of unparalleled murderous intent, the five great sword sects deserve to be punished for their crimes!
In an instant, Shi Qingfeng brought the clouds flying, directly tearing the void!

In the lonely and desolate land of Jinjue for a long time, there is a branch of the Lianbao Sect in the core.

On the outskirts of the land of absolute gold, the five great sword sects migrated to the mountain gate and came to the land of absolute gold!
And at this time, among the five great sword sects, a sword cultivator showed an extremely cold smile in the cave.

"Yun Feiyang, even if you are a tortoise, if you dare not show up when you hear that the five great sword sects have meddled in the golden land, you are not worthy of being the heir of the annihilation sword sect."

This sword repairer spoke extremely cold words, but at this moment, his face was exactly the same as that of the little magician Ye Guyu.

"It's really God's help to the devil. I didn't expect that the Lianbaozong would come to the land of gold again to establish a branch sect. Birds died for food, and people died for wealth. For the rumored treasure of Xinjin, the Lianbaozong is your mortal enemy. For the sake of chaos Lingcao, Kong Xuan is your mortal enemy. You should feel honored to have Jiejiao and the Phoenix Clan as your mortal enemy!"

The little magician Ye Guyu was so coldly talking to himself, he was venting his inner pride.

He came to the East Desolation Demon Mansion, but he didn't expect that the Treasure Sect gave him an unexpected surprise!
This time, under his plan, Yun Feiyang is doomed!
 After the third shift, there is another wave of climax. Please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket reward!
(End of this chapter)

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