Chapter 278
High above the sky, Shi Qingfeng, the spiritual body of time, saw this scene, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

Previously, Yun Feiyang was determined not to let him intervene in the battle to destroy the five great sword sects. Shi Qingfeng was puzzled, how could Yun Feiyang, who had cultivated at the fourth step of the divine realm, be able to destroy the five great sword sects.

But now, as soon as the supernatural power 'Wanjian Guizong' came out, Shi Qingfeng no longer felt that Yun Feiyang was incapable of destroying the five great sword sects.

It's just that Yun Feiyang used this supreme supernatural power 'Wan Jian Gui Zong', which always made Shi Qingfeng feel extremely weird, and it didn't seem to be the real supreme supernatural power Wan Jian Gui Zong.

But regardless of whether the supreme supernatural power [Wan Jian Gui Zong] is true or not, it is an indisputable fact that the five great sword sects are now suppressed by Yun Feiyang alone.

Outside the mountain gates of the five affiliated sword sects, all directions are surrounded by Jinxing Lingjian.

At this moment, there are more than millions of gold spirit swords!

Tens of millions of golden spirit swords surrounded the mountain gates of the five affiliated sword sects, and the unparalleled edge of the sword filled the void.

At this moment, Sun Wei sighed secretly in his heart: "After all, it is not the real supreme supernatural power 'Wanjian Guizong', otherwise, these golden spirit swords will not only have the highest level of six."

Sun Yu's real cultivation is the fourth step of the divine realm, and it is Sun Yu's limit to be able to raise the rank of many golden spirit swords to the sixth rank.

Sun Wei used the nine secrets of fighting characters and the power of the golden unicorn baby to imitate this supreme supernatural power [Wanjian Guizong]. To kill the remaining sword cultivators with these spirit swords is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Within the Five Great Sword Sects, people are panicking.

But at this time, the incarnation of the little magician Ye Guyu suddenly understood Sun Yu's purpose.

Then, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!
In the mountain gate, all the sword repairmen of the five great sword sects gathered in a hall, including the incarnation of the little magician Ye Guyu.

But at this moment, the door of the main hall closed without wind.

Suddenly, the entire hall was pitch black.

And in this pitch-black hall, Ye Guyu's avatar made a deep voice.

"The Demon Festival of All Souls!"

In an instant, at the bottom of the main hall, the engraved sacrificial array was launched impressively.

Outside the mountain gate, suddenly Sun Yu's heart trembled, and his eyes swept into the mountain gate.

"Yun Feiyang, you were lucky enough to escape the killing calamity on the Zhuolu battlefield. Your death calamity today is inevitable."

Suddenly, the sound transmission from the little magician Ye Guyu resounded in Sun Yu's heart.

"Sure enough, you are the cause of trouble!" Sun Yu shouted sharply.

Before that, Sun Yu was still a little surprised, why did the five great sword sects suddenly want to move the mountain gate to the land of Jinjue? Protect the land of gold!
"The last time you fought on the Zhuolu battlefield, you were lucky enough to win. But today you are doomed to doom, so I will let you taste the pain of the All Souls Demon Festival."

Ye Guyu turned into a sound transmission and landed. Suddenly, the void changed drastically!
At this time, Sun Yu was forcibly detained by the sacrificial array and placed in the main hall.

At this time, Sun Yu saw that in the main hall, the sword cultivators of the five great sword sects had turned into magic candles.

At this moment, the magic candle is burning!
"Becoming a magic candle is what they deserve. The more karma and evil power, the longer the magic candle burns. This All Souls Demon Festival is specially prepared for you."

At this time, the incarnation of the little magician Ye Guyu stood at the core of the All Spirits Demon Festival formation.

"You are an incarnation of a catastrophe, so you can also become a magic candle!"

At this moment, Sun Huang made a bold move.

Supreme supernatural power - Clutch Yuan Magnetic!
The surging Yuanshi Zhenqi came out of Sun Quan's sea of ​​Qi and poured into the magical rune.

In an instant, a burst of strong and unparalleled power of the earth's magnetism pulled Ye Guyu, the incarnation, into the formation of the Myriad Spirits Demon Sacrifice.

Suddenly, Ye Guyu's avatar also turned into a magic candle, and the candle was burning blazingly.

"If the crime is serious, how can they compare with you!"

Sun Wei made a violent attack and achieved a miraculous effect.

"It's just sacrificing an incarnation. It's worth giving up this incarnation to die with you!"

Ye Guyu felt very regretful in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"I'm afraid this is not an ordinary incarnation. Unless you can abandon this part of the true spirit, otherwise, your deity will always feel the pain of burning the magic candle."

The punishment of the magic candle is almost the cruelest punishment in the prehistoric world.

Even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't bear such pain.

Today, the sword cultivators of the five great sword sects have become magic candles, and their mourning is shaking the sky.

But at this time, the flames of these magic candles suddenly poured into Sun Yu's body.

In an instant, the fire of the magic candle went straight to Sun Yu's Chunyang Yuanshen.

At this time, Sun Yu had a strange expression.

"It won't be too late to abandon the true spirit after your body is dead and your soul is gone."

Ye Guyu would not give up until he saw Sun Huang's body die and his soul perish.

"The fire of the magic candle burns my pure Yang Yuanshen, is this your plan?"

There was a hint of a smile that was not a smile on Sun Yuhong's face.

"The fire of the magic candle can burn out the rudimentary true spirit in your pure Yang primordial spirit. Your true spirit has not yet formed the mark of the true spirit in the long river of time. Once the rudimentary true spirit is burned to fly ash, the true spirit will Dissipate, you will not escape death."

The All Souls Demon Festival is extremely powerful because it directly targets the true spirit.

As for the prehistoric monks, most of the true spirits are in a defenseless state.

It can be said that Ye Guyu's calculation is foolproof!
It's just that he didn't think of one thing, that is, Sun Wei had been born a true spirit in advance.

Moreover, there is another thing that is even more unexpected to him, that is, the word "Hongmeng" can be added in front of Sun Yu's Chunyang Yuanshen.

Now, these extremely powerful magic candle flames are only tempering the pure Yang Yuanshen!

After Sun Quan felt it carefully, he found that it was indeed tempering!

Sun Yu's Chunyang Yuanshen is extremely tall, but at this moment, the fire of the magic candle is burning, the Chunyang Yuanshen is tempered, and the Chunyang Yuanshen is even more refined.

The pure Yang soul is like a piece of cold iron that has been around for ten thousand years. Now it is tempered in the fire of the magic candle, and the pure Yang soul is gradually getting smaller.

Previously, the breakthrough problem that plagued Sun Quan was that the Chunyang Primordial Spirit was too tall, and Sun Quan's real body could not carry the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit.

Therefore, Sun Yu was unable to break through to the fifth step of the divine realm.

The fifth step in the divine realm is to unite the pure Yang primordial spirit with the physical body, which is called [unity of spirit and body].

If you complete the fifth step of cultivation in the divine realm, and the primordial spirit and the physical body are indistinguishable from each other, then it can be called the primordial spirit and Taoist body.

And only when one has achieved the primordial spirit and dao body, can one continue to practice and break through to the spiritual realm.

Because in order to cultivate a true spirit, the spirit, energy, and spirit must be united to become a three-treasure spiritual platform, and the true spirit will eventually be born.

Although Sun Yuhong awakened the true spirit very early, starting from the Yuanling Realm, the innate embryo and the true spirit were perfectly integrated.

This is of course of great benefit to Sun Yu's true spirit.

Now, within the gates of the five great sword sects, Ye Guyu has been perfected again. Sun Yu does not have to be contaminated with karma, all karma is borne by Ye Guyu, and Sun Yu only gets benefits. It is hard to find in the prehistoric times.

At this moment, a sword cultivator with a Taoist cultivation base was exhausted, and his soul was completely scattered.

This is just the beginning!
At this moment, the sword cultivators of the five great sword sects turned into magic candles in the sacrificial formation, enduring the greatest pain in the world.

At this time, they were howling crazily.

"Give us a happy time!"

"I don't want to live in such pain, let's just die!"

The sword cultivators of the Five Great Sword Sects began to beg Yun Feiyang to give them a good time. They didn't want to become magic candles, and the pain burned their energy and spirit, and then their bodies and spirits disappeared.

It's just that Sun Yuhong just faced it coldly. At this time, Sun Yuhong wholeheartedly guarded against the fire of the magic candle.These sword cultivators deserved what they deserved. Thinking of the heinous crimes committed by the five great sword sects over the years, Sun Yu felt that these sword cultivators deserved death.

At this time, it was Ye Guyu who was suffering more than the sword cultivators of the five great sword sects.

There is too much sin in him, so that after he became a magic candle, the flame of the magic candle shot straight into the sky.

"If you want to watch me die with your own eyes, you will never be able to bear this kind of pain before that. Your soul is equivalent to being roasted by the fire of the Nine Nether Demons. You, like your master, have committed your own crimes and cannot live."

At this time, Sun Yu still has leisure time to stimulate the little magician Ye Guyu.

It's just that the tone sounds a bit harsh.

Ye Guyu immediately thought that Sun Wei was also on the verge of collapse, so many magic candles burned the pure Yang Yuanshen, and the pain he suffered was no less than him.

"This is a duel of wills!"

In order to win back the victory, Ye Guyu fought against Sun Yutong to the death.

And this scene was exactly what Sun Yurong wanted.

Chunyang Yuanshen was tempered by the fire of the magic candle. Although he suffered endless pain, Sun Yu was able to temporarily blind the pain nerves.

However, Sun Yu didn't do that!

Only by enduring the deepest pain can one hone the strongest and most tenacious will.

Ye Guyu was able to withstand the fire of the magic candle even though he was a magic candle, but Sun Yutong still didn't believe in his will, so he would not be as good as Ye Guyu.

The pure Yang primordial spirit is constantly tempered, and the pure Yang primordial spirit keeps shrinking.

The pure Yang Yuanshen shrinks, the Yuanshen's power, and the Yuanshen's will become stronger.

But at this time, Sun Yu not only tempered the pure Yang Yuanshen with the fire of the magic candle, but also tempered the flesh body with the fire of the magic candle crazily.

In an instant, within Sun Yu's body, the four supreme body-training magical skills were operating to the extreme, and those spirits with vitality in the cave, at this moment, Sun Yu did not care about the consumption of the spirits.

The realm of the physical body is slowly improving, and under the tempering of the fire of the magic candle, the degree of integration of the four supreme body-refining divine arts' dao patterns is getting deeper and deeper.

At this moment, Sun Wei became even more frantic and made the time spirit body Shi Qingfeng make a move. In an instant, the flow of time in the hall gradually accelerated!

The flow of time is speeding up, and one day is equivalent to [-] days!

Ten days later, nearly 300 years have passed in the main hall, and all the sword cultivators of the five great sword sects have all died in body and spirit!

In the main hall, there is only one magic candle, which is still burning fiercely!

And at this time, Sun Yu's only magic candle flame came from the incarnation of Ye Guyu.

(End of this chapter)

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