Chapter 279
Ye Guyu had never imagined that he could persist for more than 200 years after the magic candle burned.

He never thought that Yun Feiyang's will would be so firm and tenacious that he would endure the fire of the magic candle with him for nearly 300 years.

"This is impossible!"

In Ye Guyu's eyes, there was a thick panic.

"Is your will so tough in this world?"

Sun Yung smiled coldly.

Ye Guyu knew very well that her own firm will came from this. Under the seat of Master Tongtian, Ye Guyu is now known as a little magician.

But before becoming a magician's direct disciple, the pain Ye Guyu endured was [-] times more painful than burning a magic candle.

After going through trials and struggling from countless times of life and death, it is only then that I have honed such a tenacious and superior will!

But what about Yunfeiyang?A billion years ago, he was just an ordinary true disciple of the Annihilation Sword Sect, but now he has only inherited the Annihilation Sword Sect's orthodoxy.

It is impossible for Yun Feiyang's will to be so outstanding!

Without the accumulation of several generations of reincarnation, it is impossible for the will to withstand nearly 300 years of calcination by the fire of the magic candle.

"You definitely have a treasure that can resist the fire of the magic candle for you. Otherwise, with your fragile will, it is impossible to withstand the fire of the magic candle."

Ye Guyu couldn't believe that the younger generation also had the same extraordinary will as him.

"Looking at the sky from a well, you underestimate the heroes of the world. Although you were burned by the fire of the magic candle, I used the fire of the magic candle to temper the pure Yang Yuanshen and the body. The pain I suffered was no less than yours. Just let I'm disappointed, it's less than 300 years old, and you're almost unable to hold on."

It wasn't until now that Sun Yu realized that for him, the biggest gain in reincarnation is not wisdom, but will!

Persevering, extraordinary, unyielding, and eternal will, if Sun Yu wants to take revenge on many treasures, he has only one thought in his mind. If he can't even compare with Ye Guyu, how can he compete with the famous chief of Jiejiao? Disciples contend.

Upholding this original and only obsession in his heart, Sun Yu's will, endured the painful burning of the fire of the magic candle, tempered the pure Yang Yuanshen, and tempered the body.

Now, the realm of the four supreme body-refining divine arts has reached the realm of the sixth heavenly great perfection.

And Sun Yu's pure Yang Yuanshen, after nearly 300 years of tempering, has become what it was at the beginning, only twelve feet high.

And Sun Yu's physical body reached the sixth level of Dzogchen, and it was also twelve feet high.

Although in the prehistoric period, many monks believed that the symbol of the immortal golden body, the six-foot-long golden body was the most perfect state of the physical body!
But Sun Yu had no choice. The minimum pure Yang Yuanshen could only be twelve feet, which was determined by the innate Yuanying of twelve feet.

Therefore, if Sun Quan did his best, his physical body would rise to a height of twelve feet.

At this moment, Ye Guyu's incarnation finally exhausted all its energy.

The fire of the magic candle was blazing like never before, but Ye Guyu's last counterattack before he died, in Sun Yu's view, when the time comes, his good fortune will be fulfilled!

At this moment, before the fire of the magic candle was introduced into the body, it was burning blazingly outside of Sun Yu's body!

Sun Yu yelled violently, and his body swelled to twelve feet in an instant.

Afterwards, the twelve-foot-tall Pure Yang Primordial Spirit stepped out of the Purple Mansion.


Sun Yu's voice was like the sound of Taoism that opened up the world. In an instant, the twelve-foot pure Yang Yuanshen and the twelve-foot body suddenly merged together.

Perfect blend!

Because it has also endured the fire of the magic candle for nearly 300 years, the fusion of the pure Yang Yuanshen with the physical body is completed in an instant without any flaws.

Sun Yung's breakthrough was as natural as a natural process, from the fourth step of "Pure Yang Primordial Spirit" to the fifth step of "Unity of God and Body".

The fifth step of the Divine Realm, "The Unity of God and Body", is the initial stage of cultivation!
After the breakthrough in cultivation base, Sun Wei's aura suddenly exploded!
Like rolling thunder, the terrifying aura suddenly and directly destroyed the hall.

At this time, among the five affiliated sword sects, there is no more sword cultivator!
The five affiliated sword sects that once prospered by relying on the annihilation sword sect ended in the hands of Yun Feiyang.

This is a reincarnation!
The five great sword sects prospered because of the annihilation of the sword sect, and now Yun Feiyang, the descendant of the annihilation of the sword sect, personally ended their orthodoxy.

At this moment, all swords are fired!

The tens of millions of golden spirit swords outside the mountain gate, under the control of Sun Yu and the golden unicorn baby, destroyed all the buildings within the mountain gate of the five great sword sects!
The five great sword sects migrated to the site of the mountain gate in the Land of Golden Jue, and it was completely reduced to ruins.

Above the ruins, there are only tens of millions of golden spirit swords standing against the wind.

The kendo of the Jinxing Spirit Sword superimposed together, making this ruin a forbidden area.

High above the sky, Qingfeng appeared in the spirit body of time.

"For ruining the five great sword sect's orthodoxy, it's time to go to Lian Baozong to settle accounts. Does he think that the annihilation sword sect is completely destroyed when he comes to the land of gold one after another?"

Sun Wei's murderous intent is awe-inspiring, and he is absolutely righteous when dealing with Lian Baozong.

Shi Qingfeng seemed to be standing side by side with Yun Feiyang, but if you looked closely, it was a little behind.

"Refining Treasure Sect, I have been waiting for a long time!"

Shi Qingfeng also had murderous intent on his face. As a disciple of the Annihilation Sword Sect, he had never been afraid even when facing the Three Sects.

In an instant, Shi Qingfeng took Yun Feiyang, crossing time and space in one step, and came to the core of the golden land.

At this time, Shi Qingfeng's terrifying aura instantly caused Da Luo Jinxian, who was guarding this branch of the Treasure Sect, to fly into the air.

"Who is coming?"

The Great Luo Jinxian of the Treasure Refining School stepped into the void and scolded coldly.

"Treasure Refining Sect, you guys are really daring. You actually came to the Golden Jue Land for the second time, and those who get involved in the Jin Jue Land will die!"

With fierce murderous intent, Sun Yu looked coldly at the Da Luo Jinxian of the Treasure Sect in the void.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect. If you know your mind, get out of the Golden Jue Land immediately. The Jin Jue Land is now the territory of our Treasure Sect."

Daluo Jinxian of the Treasure Sect has a tough attitude and is arrogant, and regards the land of gold as the site of the Treasure Sect.

"The Annihilation Sword Sect has not shown its power for a billion years, and now you, a little Daluo Jinxian, dare to threaten to occupy the land of Jinjue. Are you tired of life, do you want to court death?"

Shi Qingfeng was furious, and with terrifying and unparalleled power, he shot straight into the sky.

"I give you ten breaths of time. If you don't get out of the land of gold, don't blame our Treasure Sect for being ruthless!"

The Da Luo Jinxian of the Lianbao School was extremely rampant, and his arrogant attitude made Sun Wei feel calm and angry.

"Kill him, let him be destroyed physically and mentally. Kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey, and let those powerful people in the earth fairy world and the 33 heaven world who dare to sway their minds about the land of Jinjue know that annihilating the sword sect must not be bullied!"

At this moment, Sun Yu was furious.

"I've wanted to do it for a long time!"

Suddenly, Shi Qingfeng waved his hand.

The endless time and mana surged in the void in an instant!
"Time is imprisoned!"

As soon as he made a move, Shi Qingfeng was a great supernatural power!
In an instant, the arrogant and domineering Daluo Jinxian of Lianbaozong was directly fixed in the void!

Shi Qingfeng waved his hand, and suddenly, a loud slap rang out.

Lian Baozong, the extremely arrogant Da Luo Jinxian, was slapped severely by Shi Qingfeng!

Seeing this scene and hearing this voice, Sun Yu was extremely relieved.

Shi Qingfeng slapped him hard on the right cheek again, and at this time, the Great Luo Jinxian of the Lianbaozong broke free from the great supernatural power of 'time imprisonment'.

Now, on the double face of this Daluo Jinxian, there are five bright red handprints on each.

At this moment, the big Luo Jinxian's lungs exploded with anger.

He is a great Luo Jinxian, but today he was slapped twice in the face!

Since he became a monk of the Lianbao Sect, he has never encountered such bullying.

And at this moment, in the Land of Absolute Gold, the immortals and monks of the Treasure Refining Sect had their eyes widened to the extreme, dumbfounded.

Da Luo Jinxian, who had previously been in their hearts as mighty as a prison and invincible in the world, was now slapped twice in the face!

They are the Treasure Refining Sect, not a third-rate force like the prehistoric ones.

"This is just a lesson for you Lianbaozong, to let you know that destroying the prestige of Jianzong is not something you can offend! As for your boastful words before, you should be punished!"

When Shi Qingfeng dropped the last word 'Zhu', his figure disappeared in the same place in an instant!
Then, in the void, the incomparably cold words of the breeze sounded.

"Back in time!"

In an instant, an illusory river of time appeared beside the Daluo Jinxian of Lianbaozong.

But at this moment, the long river of time is actually going against the current.

Almost in an instant, the long river of time upstream brought this treasure refining sect Daluo Jinxian to the divine realm before he became an immortal.

At this moment, Shi Qingfeng made an impressive move, directly killing the past body of the Da Luo Jinxian of the Treasure Refining Sect who was cultivated in the divine realm in the long river of time.

In an instant, the long river of time returned to normal.

In the void, the Great Luo Jinxian of the Treasure Refining Sect exploded, and a cloud of blood mist suddenly appeared in midair.

Seeing that Shi Qingfeng killed his past body so ruthlessly and completely erased his imprint in the long river of time, Sun Wei vented his anger.

It's just that although Da Luo Jinxian of the Lianbaozong was killed, at this moment, there are still many immortals and monks of the Lianbaozong!

More importantly, at this moment, within the branch of Lianbaozong, an incomparably powerful aura suddenly rose!

Treasure world air machine!

It's not the treasure world transformed from the Da Luo Immortal World after the fall of the Da Luo Jinxian!

It is the precious realm transformed from the Quasi-Saint Immortal Realm after the fall of the Chaos Golden Immortal.

At this moment, under the full efforts of all the immortals and monks of the Treasure Refining Sect, Baojie exploded with quasi-holy power!
Although Shi Qingfeng is strong, it cannot destroy the quasi-sage world!
It's just that seeing this scene, a piercing sneer suddenly appeared on Sun Huang's face.

In the quasi-sage world, Shi Qingfeng could not destroy it, but Sun Wei could!

"Bao Lian Zong, you committed me to annihilate the place where Jian Zong Jin Jue, the crime should be punished!"

Sun Yuhong's cold and ruthless words were a judgment on all the immortals and monks of the Lianbao Sect in the branch sect.

And at this moment, there was also an ultra-absolute aura emanating from Sun Yuhong's body.

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(End of this chapter)

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