The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 280 Rebuilding the Sword Sect

Chapter 280 Rebuilding the Sword Sect
The incomparable aura comes from the Immortal Realm of the Annihilation Sword Master.

The Annihilation Sword Saint founded the Annihilation Sword Sect back then, and used his own fairy world to become the Annihilation Sword Sect Mountain Gate.

As the descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, at this moment, Sun Yuxi aroused the prestige of the quasi-sage fairy world.

All of a sudden, in the void, two streams of air from the Quasi-Saint Immortal Realm collided in the void.

The void on the land of Jinjue is like an extremely fragile mirror. The void is broken, and many void fragments are constantly squeezed by the air machine, shattering the deeper void.

The void is composed of layers of space, and at this moment, at least tens of thousands of layers of space were shattered by the destructive air machine that appeared from the collision of two quasi-sacred air machines.

At this moment, when Qingfeng, the spirit body of time, hurriedly came to Sun Yu's surroundings, Da Luo's celestial power penetrated into Sun Yu's body.


The Immortal Realm of Annihilation Sword Saint impressively suppressed the Quasi-Saint Treasure Realm of the branch of Treasure Refining Sect.

"You and the Treasure Sect, again and again, come to the land of Jinjue, and treat me as nothing to annihilate the Sword Sect. Today, you should pay a heavy price. Anyone who offends me to annihilate the Sword Sect will be killed! "

Sun Yan's words were cold, and at this moment, he flew directly to the sky above the branch of Lianbaozong.

At this very moment, Sun Wei gave up control of the Immortal World of Annihilation Sword Master!
In an instant, the fairy world that annihilated the sword master naturally fell down.

In an instant, the Immortal Realm of Annihilation Sword Saint collided with the Quasi-Saint Realm of Treasure Refining Sect in the void.

The two worlds collided, and at this moment, the terrifying power created was shocking!

The huge wave of destruction caused by the collision of worlds shattered layers of space.

The wave of destruction swept all directions, and the whole sky was shaking.

The ground trembled and the mountains trembled, even the land of Jinjue was shaking.


Sun Yu yelled violently, and in an instant, the Annihilation Immortal Realm crashed into the Quasi-Saint Treasure Realm for the second time.


The void barriers around the Quasi-Holy Treasure Realm were all shattered.

After the Annihilation Immortal Realm smashed into the Quasi-Saint Treasure Realm, in an instant, the Annihilation Immortal Realm was devouring the Treasure Realm.

Seeing this scene, the immortals and monks of the Lianbao Sect went completely mad!
These immortal monks sacrificed their bodies one after another, and in an instant, they were about to activate all kinds of magic weapons and fairy treasures in the Quasi-Holy Treasure Realm.

"Kill all!"

But at this time, Sun Yuhong's cold and heartless words sounded.

When the time spirit body Qingfeng made an impressive move, in an instant, the flow of time around all the immortal monks of the Lianbao Sect suddenly became very abnormal.

But at this time, the power of their burning sacrifices was not absorbed by the various magic and fairy treasures in the treasure world, but Shi Qingfeng led these pure spiritual powers to many golden spirit swords.

Immediately, hundreds of millions of gold spirit swords rose from the ground and flew into the Annihilation Immortal Realm.

The magic formula practiced by the immortal monks of the Lianbao Sect, sacrificing one's own spiritual power, is undoubtedly a great supplement to magic weapons and Taoist implements.

Now, these golden spirit swords absorb these spiritual powers, immediately transforming many golden spirit swords.

Level seven!

Eighth grade!

Ninth order!

Pure Yang Immortal Sword!

At this moment, the Jin Xing Lingjian received great blessings.

And at this moment, a ruthless look appeared on Sun Yu's face, and in an instant, he aroused the supernatural power that annihilated the fairy world, directly destroying those magic weapons and fairy treasures in the quasi-sacred treasure world!

In the treasure world, these magic treasures and fairy treasures that were born with spiritual wisdom were directly destroyed by the power of the fairy world that annihilated the fairy world, and the spiritual wisdom was obliterated.

If these magic treasures or immortal treasures were not owned by the Lianbao Sect, Sun Yu would still have the intention to subdue them, but these magic treasures and immortal treasures have been deeply branded by the Lianbao Sect, and they are born with spiritual wisdom, so they are destined not to betray the Lianbao Sect.

In this case, staying in the Annihilation Immortal Realm is a disaster.

After many magic treasures and fairy treasures were destroyed, all kinds of spiritual gold spiritual materials and fairy gold fairy materials immediately became the spoils of war of the Annihilation Sword Sect.

At this moment, the Quasi-Saint Treasure Realm was completely swallowed by the Annihilation Immortal Realm!
At this moment, Annihilation Immortal Realm shook slightly.

The power of the fairy world spread all over the sky, and in an instant, with this slight shock, all the immortals and monks of the Lianbao Sect were smashed into dust and completely disappeared.

Sun Wei was unmatched in strength, at this moment, the Annihilation Immortal Realm finally landed.

And at this moment, the entire Golden Land seems to be shaking endlessly!

After more than a billion years, the mountain gate that annihilated Jianzong once again stands on the land of Jinjue.

The mountain gate of Annihilation Sword Sect is completely on the original site without any difference.

And at this moment, Annihilation Sword Sect reopened the mountain gate.

Standing in front of the mountain gate, Sun Wei and Shi Qingfeng couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion.

The branch of Lianbaozong was completely ruined. At this moment, Annihilation Jianzong once again stood on the land of the Eastern Desolation.

"From now on, annihilate Jianzong and return with pride!"

With the help of the might of Annihilation Immortal Realm, Sun Yu's voice was like rolling thunder, and suddenly, it resounded in every inch of void in Miemo Mansion.

In an instant, the merits and luck accumulated by Annihilation Sword Sect gathered from all over the Miemo Mansion.

In an instant, these meritorious fortunes entered the Annihilation Immortal Realm, which greatly increased the speed at which the Annihilation Immortal Realm completely devoured the fragments of the Treasure Realm.

At this moment, a loud shout resounded in the sky above the land of absolute gold.

"Annihilate Jianzong, but dare to do so!"

Afterwards, a mighty quasi-sage prestige filled the sky above the Golden Jue Land.

Baoyan, the quasi-sage of the Lianbao Sect, brought Baoxiang, the young master of the Lianbao Sect, to the Land of Golden Jue.

Under the mountain gate, Sun Wei and Shi Qingfeng looked coldly at the quasi-sages Baoyan and Baoxiang who had torn apart the void before annihilating the Jianzong mountain gate.

At this moment, Sun Wei communicated with the Annihilation Immortal Realm, and in an instant, the Annihilation Immortal Realm once again emitted a vast and unparalleled quasi-sage prestige.

Above the high altitude of the land of absolute gold, the power of annihilating the immortal world and the quasi-sacred treasure Yan collided impressively.


Zhunsheng Baoyan was just entering the realm of quasi-sage, but at this moment, the Annihilation Immortal Realm was able to erupt with divine power equivalent to that of the middle-term quasi-sage, and Zhunsheng Baoyan was immediately knocked down by the Annihilation Immortal Realm.

"Annihilation Sword Sect!"

Zhunshengbao Yan Fei arrived in mid-air, with eyes of endless hatred, he looked coldly at Sun Wei and Shi Qingfeng who were under the mountain gate.

And at this moment, Qingfeng, the spiritual body of time, was eager to try.

"It's just a quasi-sage who has just entered the chaotic golden fairyland, and he dares to annihilate Jianzong and scatter wild!"

When Qingfeng's murderous intent was in full swing, he believed that with the power of annihilating the fairy world, he could definitely kill Baoyan, the quasi-sage of Lianbaozong, easily.

"You Annihilation Sword Sect has just been rebuilt, and it seems that it will be destroyed again!"

The young master Baoxiang was furious. Since he came to the Daqi Dynasty, under the rule of the Daqi Dynasty, the three branches of the Treasure Refining Sect were destroyed.

If he wasn't the son of Duobao, if he were any other quasi-sage, he wouldn't be able to escape the punishment of Lianbaozong.

"Based on your little Treasure Refining Sect, now you are only destroying your branch sect. If you are in a hurry, destroy the branch sect of your Treasure Refining Sect in Linzi City together!"

Sun Yu is extremely strong, if he is so strong as Sun Yu, it is easy to drag Jixia Academy and Wen Dao into the water, and get involved in the dispute with Lianbaozong, Sun Yu can't bear it.

But Sun Wei is now Yun Feiyang, not afraid of Baozong.

Although the Lianbao Sect is strong, it is not a cut off religion after all.

And even if Jiejiao is willing to come forward, so what, do you really think that the ancestral sword sect of swordsmanship is not a common force in the prehistoric era?

Relying on Jianzong with his back, Sun Yu was not afraid at all, so at this moment, he was clearly offending Lianbaozong to death, and he could vent his anger.

Lian Bao Zong used people to refine treasures, which undoubtedly violated the line deep in Sun Yu's heart.

Baoxiang was extremely angry, now that there are only two disciples of Annihilation Jianzong, they actually put on such a posture that they are not afraid of Lianbaozong.

At this moment, Zhunsheng Baoyan was also extremely angry. Since he came to Daqi Dynasty, he had never felt at ease.

Threatened by Zou Zi of Jixia Academy, beaten up by Sun Shiba in the void, and almost lost his life last time in the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

Now, even a disciple of Annihilation Sword Sect dared to underestimate him.

It's just that at this time, Baoxiang, the young master of the Lianbao Sect, didn't give an order, and Baoyan, the quasi-sage, didn't dare to make his own claims.

"Bring this little Da Luo Jinxian to the Void Realm and kill him, so that the world will know that he will pay a heavy price for committing offense against my Treasure Sect!"

Not only Zhunsheng Baoyan was filled with resentment, but Baoxiang was also full of anger.

Although the branch sect was destroyed, Baoxiang did not let Zhunsheng Baoyan attack Sun Yuhong.Baoxiang hadn't lost his mind yet, if he took action against Sun Rong, he would be completely against the Annihilation Sword Sect.

But if it is just to kill a Da Luo Jinxian, whether the Annihilation Sword Sect will fight or cooperate with the Lianbao Sect depends on the Annihilation Sword Sect's attitude.

Baoxiang also used this to test the attitude of Annihilation Jianzong, and even more to test the attitude of Jianzong behind Annihilation Jianzong.

At this moment, Zhunsheng Baoyan suddenly inspired an acquired spiritual treasure!
This Houtian Lingbao is a very rare space spirit treasure. In an instant, the time spirit body Shi Qingfeng was directly brought to the void world by the Houtian Lingbao.

Then, Zhunsheng Baoyan broke through the void and submerged into the void realm deep in the layers of void.

The vast void, empty of objects, is the best battlefield for Da Luo Jinxian and Zhunsheng to fight.

Sun Yu was not worried about Shi Qingfeng's safety. Shi Qingfeng was a rare time spirit body, and he was a Daluo Jinxian himself. Even if he lost to Zhunsheng Baoyan, he would not be killed by Zhunsheng Baoyan.

If you want to kill a time spirit body, it may be possible to replace it with a sub-sage like Zou Zi and Sun Shiba.

It's just that at this time, Sun Huang has to show an angry look no matter what.

"Dog thief, die!"

At this very moment, Sun Wei was holding a fairy sword, and slashed at Baoxiang, the young master of the Lianbao Sect!
The fairy sword is fierce, and a terrifying sword energy, accompanied by the fierce and unparalleled sharpness of the sword, slashes towards the treasure in the midair.

When Baoxiang was called a thief by Sun Wei, he was so angry that it could be said that the gods of the three corpses jumped.

Without even thinking about it, Baoxiang suddenly activated the supreme supernatural power 'Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body', and at the same time, another supreme supernatural power was photographed!
Supreme supernatural powers - Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand!
In an instant, the sharpness of the sword and the sword energy of the immortal sword collided with the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the supreme supernatural power!
The solid void was also shattered.A deeper space is revealed, sword energy overflows, and the supreme divine power of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm fills the void.

In mid-air, Sun Yu was holding a fairy sword, and immediately fought fiercely with Baoxiang in mid-air.

Sun Yuxi performed the annihilation sword technique taught by the Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin on the Zhuolu battlefield, and the sword energy flew into the air.

 I wish everyone a happy Children's Day, three chapters will be released in succession, please support genuine subscription!

(End of this chapter)

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