The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 284: The Power of the Sword

Chapter 284 The Power of a Sword

It was the first time Yuan Feng Zuhuang saw such a pale face on Kong Xuan's face, his face was ashen and lost.

This battle dealt too much a blow to Kong Xuan, and almost made him completely lose his confidence in cultivation.

Seeing Kong Xuan's embarrassment, Yuan Feng Zuhuang immediately made up his mind.

If it was the love of his parents who helped Kong Xuan win the Chaos Spiritual Grass before, Kong Xuan would be very likely to gain a clear understanding of nature from the Chaos Spiritual Grass and prove the Infinite Dao Fruit.

But now, Yuanfeng Zuhuang is for the dignity of the Phoenix clan.

The Phoenix Clan is one of the three dignified Kaitian Clans.

The dignity of the Phoenix Clan cannot be lightly insulted.

"Although the little peacock has not been able to defeat me, the most ineffective disciple, if you can take my sword, you will also offer the Chaos Spirit Grass with both hands!"

At this moment, the Western White Emperor's words completely sealed off all the retreats and retreats of Yuanfeng Zuhuang!
Western Baidi forced Yuanfeng Zuhuang to take his sword.

Otherwise, Yuanfeng Zuhuang's prestige accumulated from the ancient times would be like Kong Xuan's, and his prestige would be wiped out.

"Baidi, today is different from the past. Do you think it is still ancient? In the past, your strength has not increased. I did not expect that your character will become more and more arrogant!"

Yuanfeng looked at Baidi coldly, what did Baidi think of their Yuanfeng Zuhuang, the Phoenix family will dominate the prehistoric world again sooner or later, and that will start from today.

"Yuanfeng, it won't be too late when you can take my sword. If you can't even take my sword, you Phoenix clan will stay away from the sword sect in the future! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

Western Baidi decided to use Yuan Feng Zu Huang to kill chickens and monkeys to completely deter all major forces in the prehistoric world.

In doing so, it was also specially done to show the Three Teachings.

"Bai Di, don't talk nonsense, we want to see how powerful your sword is!"

Zuhuang said coldly.

The great sages of Honghuang were overjoyed. They never expected that today, apart from seeing Kong Xuan fighting and annihilating the sword master, they would also see Baidi make a move.

In the prehistoric times, Baidi seldom made a move!

In many cases, the prestige of the ancestor of swordsmanship and the head of the five ancient emperors is enough to deter all major forces in the prehistoric world!
Even the Three Teachings, when facing Jianzong, they have to back down a lot.

Although Jianzong is not as big as the Three Sects, it is not only the Nine Desolations of the Earth Immortal Realm, but also the 33 Heaven Realms, and more importantly, there are many Taoisms in various lower realms!

Although the Sword Sect has many Sword Dao sects in the Earth Immortal Realm and the Heaven Realm, except for a very few Sword Sect ancestral clans, the other Sword Dao sects were all created by sword immortals who practiced the Sword Dao.

Therefore, not all the sword sects of Neng Honghuang are related to the ancestors of the sword sect.

The ancestral court of Jianzong is in Xihuang, so except for the lineage of the ancestral family of Jianzong, which was annihilated in the Eastern Wilderness, there are very few forces under the ancestral court of Jianzong in other wildernesses.

But now that there are countless tribulations, everything is a little different.

The four pairs of homologous twins, the three-legged golden crow, the ancestor double dragon, the yuan phoenix ancestor phoenix, and the water and fire unicorn, if they fully appear in the prehistoric world, they will definitely have infinite combat power.

In that case, Hong Huang would no longer respect the three religions.

In this case, in order to maintain the status of the ancestral court of Jianzong, Western Baidi wants to deter those Wuji golden immortals. Don't try to shake the status of the Jianzong ancestors.

At this moment, all over the prehistoric region, the Hunyuan saint and the chaotic quasi-sage are all paying attention to this battle!
Because this is a rare battle of Infinity, although Xi Baidi is currently a Hunyuan saint, many saints and quasi-sages in the prehistoric world recognize his combat power, which is already comparable to Wuji.

Although Yuanfeng Zuhuang didn't really and completely announce the strong return of the Phoenix family, at least it also has quasi-infinity combat power.

That is to say, from the bright side, Western Baidi and Yuanfeng Zuhuang are evenly matched.

But secretly, in the hearts of all Hunyuan sages and quasi-sages, there is a steelyard in their hearts, and they are all very clear about the battle between Western Baidi and Yuanfeng Zuhuang, who will win and lose.

The Taoists in Xuandu were a little emotionally aroused by the great red sky in the Taiqing Realm.

"It's been a long time since I saw Baidi really attack with all his strength. I really don't know if Yuanfeng Zuhuang can escape this time!"

In the hearts of Taoists in Xuandu, they believed that Yuanfeng Zuhuang would definitely lose.

"If they can't even catch Baidi's sword, then it can only be said that they have lived in vain for all these eternity years." The Taiqing saint said lightly.

The ancestral land of the Wu clan is now the holy land of the Suzaku.

The Wu Clan has been renamed the Suzaku Protoss Clan. In the Suzaku Temple, the projection of the southern holy beast Suzaku and the good corpse clone of the Fire Emperor are also paying attention to this battle.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang has the guts to challenge the Western White Emperor."

The eyes of the Fire Emperor's good corpse clone were full of gloating.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang should not be underestimated. No matter what, if the innate treasure that suppresses the luck of the Phoenix family is pushed to the extreme, it is equivalent to quasi-limitless combat power. Moreover, this innate treasure of the Phoenix family comes from outside the territory. Now it is It is an innate treasure, but it may not be certain in the future!"

Suzaku guarded the southern starry sky for countless years. During the long years, he knew that the innate treasure of the Phoenix family, which suppressed luck, was by no means an ordinary innate treasure.

"So what, if they dare to use the innate treasure, the Western White Emperor will be able to bloodbath the Phoenix family!" Fire Emperor said coldly.

"Let's see the final result of this battle!"

Suzaku's spiritual projection said lightly.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace!
Many disciples of the second generation of Chanjiao are also discussing this battle.

Although the battle has not yet started, many of the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao are divided into two factions, such as Yuding Zhenren, Yang Jian, Cihang, etc., who believe that the White Emperor will win.

But Ran Deng, Dao Xing, Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, etc. thought that it was impossible for Yuan Feng Zuhuang to be unable to take down the sword of Western Baidi, and they felt that Western Baidi was a bit overbearing this time.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun sitting high above Qingyun, his eyes were slightly closed as if he didn't know that the second-generation disciples in Yuxu Palace were arguing.

In the sky above the land of absolute gold, after Yuanfeng Zuhuang was ready, Yuanfeng said coldly: "Baidi, let's unleash the sword!"

All of a sudden, Western Baidi's temperament changed drastically!
Previously, Western Baidi was calm and calm, but at this moment, he was like an extremely sharp heavenly sword.

"Go back to your Antarctic sea!"

Xixi Baidi gave a cold shout, and in an instant, the Baidi sword in his hand slashed at Yuanfeng Zuhuang!

The Baidi sword suddenly slashed out a simple and unpretentious sword energy, without breaking the void, without accompanying the sword intent to soar into the sky.

But at this moment, Yuanfeng Zuhuang suddenly felt an extremely intense life and death crisis.

And at this moment, they had no time to react, this sword qi struck them!
All of a sudden, over the land of the Golden Jue, the real fire of the phoenix filled the sky, turning the entire void into a sea of ​​flames!

Phoenix Nirvana!

Yuanfeng Zuhuang was actually cut off by sword energy, and was forced to perform Phoenix Nirvana!
The endless phoenix real fire turned into a cocoon in the void, and at this moment, the cocoon burned to the sky, and suddenly, crazily escaped from Donghuang!

And the moment Baidi slashed out that sword, all of a sudden, in the Great Chitian of Taiqing Realm, Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, and Biyou Palace in Donghai.

The Taiqing sage's eyes widened. Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were slightly closed, but when he opened them suddenly, sensing the majestic power of Baidi's sword, two rays of light burst out from his eyes.

Master Tongtian Sect suddenly sighed, and said: "In terms of swordsmanship, I am not as good as him!"

Sanqing was shocked, Taoist Xuandu, the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao, and the second-generation disciples of Jiejiao were stunned and stunned when they saw this scene.

And the many saints who paid attention to this battle did not go anywhere.

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang couldn't take this sword!"

"Before the sword qi shows its power, we should use the phoenix nirvana innate supernatural power in advance, so that we can barely escape this death calamity!"

"The White Emperor of the West is so powerful and terrifying!"

"Yuanfeng Zuhuang, the eternal reputation, will be wiped out in one day!"

"Bai Di is right, really go back to the Antarctic sea of ​​fire!"

Western White Emperor, the power of a sword is so terrifying!
In the land of absolute gold, Kong Xuan's eyes were dull.

Before that, he thought that it was not a big deal just to take Baidi's sword.

But at this moment, his mind was filled with that unpretentious sword energy just now.

It's not brilliant, it's not stunning, but it's just this ordinary-looking sword, the mighty and immemorial Yuanfeng Zuhuang can't take it.

All of a sudden, Kong Xuan came back to his senses, and suddenly turned into the real body, the colorful peacock fled from Donghuang at high speed!

Kong Xuan directly smashed into the void in a panic, not choosing a way out, only one thought in his mind, to escape from the land of gold, to escape from the Eastern Wilderness!

And at this moment, in the sea of ​​fire in Antarctica, a huge fire cocoon submerged into the sea of ​​fire!
The Nirvana of Yuanfeng Zuhuang shocked the Phoenix family!
And at this moment, the fire cocoon transformed into Yuanfeng Zuhuang came to the Temple of Phoenix in an instant!

In an instant, he rushed into the innate treasure that suppressed the luck of the Phoenix family.

In the space of innate treasure, the fire cocoon has to enter a door of light.

"If seniors don't allow us to enter the road of inheritance, the hegemony of the Phoenix clan will disappear in smoke!"

At this moment, if there is a prehistoric strongman who hears what Yuanfeng said, he doesn't know what to do and feels emotional.

"Hey! You overestimated your strength and went to provoke Baidi."

Suddenly, a sigh resounded in the light gate!
Afterwards, the light door opened, and the fire cocoon entered the light door without a sound!

Then, the light door closes.

The sword of Xixi Baidi completely suppressed all the major forces in the prehistoric world.

In Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian looked at Duobao.

"This time your Lianbaozong was slapped, but you still have to send people to annihilate Jianzong. Otherwise, in the Daqi Dynasty, the Chanjiao will completely gain the upper hand!"

When Master Tongtian said this, Duobao looked bitter.

The Annihilation Sword Master has returned from ascending to the sage, defeated Kong Xuan strongly, and already has the same strength as his Duobao.

Not to mention the majesty of the White Emperor at this moment, beheading the famous Yuan Feng Zuhuang with a single sword, looking at the prehistoric world, among the saints, the Western White Emperor has no opponent.

And with the ascension of the Annihilation Sword Master, the Annihilation Sword Sect is no longer a second-rate force.

Nowadays, in the prehistoric world, Annihilation Sword Sect can be called a first-class force.

Although there are only three Annihilation Sword Sects at present, as long as the Annihilation Sword Master exists for a day, the Annihilation Sword Sect will be recognized as a first-class force in the prehistoric world, there is no doubt about it.

(End of this chapter)

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