Chapter 285
In Biyou Palace, the other second-generation disciples of Jiejiao looked at Duobao.

"Master, this disciple knows. Disciple, let the master of the Lianbao Sect go to the land of Jinjue, the Annihilation Sword Sect, to plead guilty. No matter what, at least let the Annihilation Sword Sect remain neutral."

Duobao said bitterly.

"The immeasurable calamity is opened, and the battle of luck and destiny is related to your lives. It's okay to be a teacher, but in the immeasurable calamity, once you fall, you may be completely destroyed. Destroy!"

Master Tongtian said in a deep voice!

Although Jiejiao is powerful at present, it is not like Renjiao and Chanjiao. It has the innate treasure of suppressing luck!
Although the Zhuxian sword formation is strong, it is the number one killing treasure in the universe.

But it can't suppress the luck and prevent the luck from passing away like the Taiji diagram and the Pangu banner.

In the immeasurable calamity, Master Tongtian dare not say that he can completely protect the lives of all the disciples present!

And now the immeasurable calamity is just the beginning, once the calamity is at its peak, it is not known what will change.

The demons wantonly invaded the prehistoric?

Are other original universes coveting Pan Gu's origin?

Various variables are possible.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun sits high above Qingyun, looking at Jiang Shang who sits last on the left.

"Zi Ya, back to the Great Qi Dynasty, you should know how to do it."

"Master, this disciple knows. It is the general trend that the Annihilation Sword Sect controls the Miemo Mansion. This point, it was like that a billion years ago, and the Daqi Dynasty has no objection. Now that the Annihilation Sword Master has ascended the holy throne, he has shown a comparable half-step Good Fortune's [Annihilation Swordsmanship]. Disciple will take his younger generation, Xiaobai, to personally go to Annihilation Sword Sect!"

In terms of strength, the Juggernaut of Annihilation has now overwhelmed most prehistoric saints!
Except for saints such as Zhenyuan, Queen Mother of the West, and Mengzhang Shenjun, looking at the prehistoric saints, they can be regarded as the opponents of the Annihilation Sword Saint, and they can be counted on one hand.

"If the Daqi Dynasty can completely tie the Annihilation Sword Sect to the chariot, then it can be said that the Daqi Dynasty will win this round by explaining the teachings. The calamity will start, and the battle of qi will be inevitable."

Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice.

"Master, when it comes to the dispute over Qi, there seems to be a change in the 'Eternal Great Realm', one of the lower realms, the Eternal Temple!"

Guang Chengzi said in a deep voice.

Yuanshi Tianzun heard the words, pinched his fingers and calculated.

"Calculating the time, the Temple of Eternity will open again. Let the lower realm Yuxu Daoist get ready, at least not let the other two religions get the Temple of Eternity!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"Disciple understands!" Guang Chengzi knew what he should do.

The Western White Emperor did not leave the land of extreme gold. At this time, Shi Qingfeng seemed a little cautious.

But Sun Yu was very open-minded.

Be it Western White Emperor or Annihilation Sword Master, just treat them as very kind seniors.

"Feiyang, you did a good job this time."

Inside the Annihilation Sword Sect, there was a gazebo, and on top of the square stone benches, sat the Western White Emperor, the Annihilation Sword Saint, Shi Qingfeng, and Sun Yuhong respectively.

But Shi Qingfeng felt like sitting on pins and needles, he felt extremely terrified, what virtue and ability could he have, to be able to sit with Xixi Baidi and Annihilation Sword Saint.

"Junior Brother Qingfeng, Patriarch didn't mean to blame you."

At this time, Yun Feiyang knew why Shi Qingfeng was so nervous.

Hearing this, Shi Qingfeng left the stone bench and knelt in front of the Annihilation Sword Saint.

"Patriarch, the disciple is wrong!" Shi Qingfeng knelt down to the Annihilation Sword Saint to admit his mistake.

"Silly boy, it's not your fault that you have the supernatural power of time. What's wrong with you? It's doomed to this catastrophe for the Annihilation Sword Sect. The three of you were the most outstanding disciples of the Annihilation Sword Sect at that time. You avoided that Jie, nothing wrong!"

Annihilation Sword Master smiled slightly.

"But I still feel sorry for the sect. I want to warn the sect, but the backlash of time and fate makes the demons invade the sect before the disciple has time to report to the sect!"

Shi Qingfeng has always felt guilty, so he has been staying in Miemo Mansion just to protect the hometown of Miemo Jianzong.

"Get up, I don't mean to blame you. This time you and Feiyang are protecting the sect together, and I see it!" Annihilation Sword Master smiled softly.

But at this time, Sun Wei handed over the Annihilation Sword Code.

Seeing Sun Huang's actions, both Annihilation Sword Master and Shi Qingfeng were a little surprised!
"Since ancient times, the sword sect's rule has been that the sect master is in charge of the annihilation sword code. Now that the patriarch has become a saint, he can use the magic power of the Hunyuan sage to gather all the fellow disciples of the past into the sword sect. The disciple's cultivation level is low, how dare he spy on the position of the sect master!"

It sounds like this reason is very good, but in fact, Sun Wei wants to settle the cause and effect.

Although he continues to stay in the Annihilation Sword Sect as Yun Feiyang, the head of the Annihilation Sword Sect is within easy reach!
But this is not what Sun Yu wants, and he doesn't want to drag the Annihilation Sword Sect into the vortex of the dispute between interpretation and interception.

Although Sun Yu knew that now that the Annihilation Sword Sect was being rebuilt, the Treasure Sect had to bow its head for the time being!

But when the Annihilation Sword Sect was really involved in the dispute, the attitude was naturally different.

The Western White Emperor and the Annihilation Sword Saint joined forces, and the Primordial Saint Power penetrated the prehistoric reincarnation.

In an instant, the reincarnations of those who annihilated the Jianzong sect in the past suddenly had a memory.

The memory of these members of the Sword Sect was awakened, and immediately many members of the Sword Sect were moved from all over the prehistoric region to the Annihilation Sword Sect by the Western White Emperor and the Annihilation Sword Saint.

In one day, the Annihilation Sword Sect flourished again.

But at this time, Yun Feiyang, who is the Taoist descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect and a true disciple a billion years ago, has a high status in the Annihilation Sword Sect, second only to the Annihilation Sword Sage, the great elders, and the head sect.

Moreover, many disciples of Annihilation Sword Sect regarded Yun Feiyang as the only candidate for the next generation of Sect Master.

Annihilation Sword Sect Daxing, at this moment, outside the mountain gate, the sage arrived in his car!
The disciples of the Annihilation Sword Sect immediately reported that Jiang Shang, the sage of the Great Qi Dynasty, Jiang Xiaobai, the Emperor of Zhongxing of the Great Qi Dynasty, and Jiang Yuan, the contemporary Emperor of the Great Qi Dynasty, came to visit together.

Suddenly, the mountain gate opened wide.

Bai Di left the Annihilation Sword Sect, and the Annihilation Sword Master led the Annihilation Sword Sect Supreme Elder and Zhang Zong to meet Jiang Shang outside the mountain gate.

"Congratulations to the Sword Master on his ascension to the Holy Throne. From now on, he will be immortal, live forever, and live forever." Jiang Shang congratulated.

"Annihilation Sword Sect can be visited by the famous Prime Minister of Great Zhou, it can be said to be full of splendor!" Everyone can say what the scene says!
And just now Jiang Shang and his party stepped into the mountain gate, at this moment, countless chariots came outside the mountain gate!
"Qingyang Taoist from Dongfang Qingdi's sect has arrived!"

Taoist Qingyang, the chief disciple of the Qing Emperor's sect, and the current master of the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect, came to congratulate the Annihilation Sword Sect.

They are also under the sect of the five ancient emperors, and now the Annihilation Sword Master has ascended to the holy throne, and the Annihilation Sword Sect is in Donghuang. No matter what, it is impossible for the Qingdi Immortal Sect to remain indifferent.

Taoist Qingyang, the chief disciple of Emperor Qing's sect, is naturally an old friend of the Annihilation Sword Saint.

Annihilation Sword Master and Qingyangzi were not polite, and since ancient times, the disciples of the five emperors have been watching and helping each other.

Just when the Annihilation Sword Sect was about to close the mountain gate, suddenly, another strong man came to the Land of Golden Judgment!
"Refining Treasure Sect, come here to plead guilty!"

At this time, the master of the Lianbao Sect really came to the land of gold and gold alone with the thorns on his back!

But when he saw the Patriarch of the Treasure Sect, the face of the Annihilation Sword Master was not as good as it was before.

The Treasure Sect has occupied the Golden Jue Land twice, and the Annihilation Sword Sect was completely ignored before!
Annihilation Sword Saint still wants to settle this account with Lianbaozong later.

Before the master of the Lianbao Sect came to the mountain gate, he said: "Senior Sword Saint, the Lianbao Sect has offended many times before. Now that the senior Juggernaut has ascended to the holy throne, the younger generation represents the Lianbao Sect, and comes to congratulate the senior Juggernaut on his longevity. In addition, I also want to express my apologies!"

After finishing speaking, the master of Lianbao Sect put his hands in front of him, and put them in a Qiankun bag!

The Annihilation Sword Master used mana to arrest the Qiankun Sack, his holy sense was swept away, and his face was slightly shocked!

Annihilation Sword Saint sighed, after all, it was still difficult to refuse Lian Baozong's sincere apology.

Although the Annihilation Sword Master wouldn't care about these celestial objects, many disciples under his sect still don't have their natal swords.

As for the returned sword immortals, many of them were destitute.

But if Lian Baozong just apologized, he wouldn't pay such a big price!

By doing so, it is clearly to keep Annihilation Sword Sect neutral.

There is no way, the mouth is short for eating people, and the hands are short for taking people.

If the Annihilation Sword Master accepts this sincerity, then in the future, in the Great Qi Dynasty, the Annihilation Sword Sect will not be allowed to intervene in the dispute of interpretation.

It can be said that Lianbaozong is full of sincerity.

"Go back and report, if your Lianbaozong dares to offend again, there is no need for Lianbaozong to exist."

Although he said harsh words, the master of Lianbao Sect was extremely satisfied!

Annihilate the sincerity of the sword master to take over Lian Baozong's apology, then in the future, he must remain neutral in the dispute of interpretation and interception!
"Thank you Senior Sword Saint, this junior will definitely rectify the Treasure Sect when we go back, there will never be a next time!"

The master of Lianbao Sect said in a deep voice!
Seeing that the Annihilation Sword Master had no other orders, the master of the Treasure Sect left.

Afterwards, within the Annihilation Sword Sect, the host and guest enjoyed themselves!
And at this time, in the Annihilation Sword Sect, Sun Yuyu also enjoyed the feeling of getting together with his former classmates!

Back then, those same sects took great care of Sun Rong.Brothers are friendly, and brothers are respectful.

Sun Wei didn't hide any secrets, and passed on all his understanding of the Annihilation swordsmanship to his brothers and sisters.

Moreover, he also helped many brothers and sisters to comprehend the sword intent of annihilation again!

And many seniors of Annihilation Sword Sect felt even more satisfied seeing Yun Feiyang doing this.

Soon, the news of the annihilation of Jianzong Daxing spread throughout Donghuang and Dongfang Batian!

All the sects and families in the Eastern Wasteland and the Eastern Eight Heavens are aware of the third-rate and second-rate strengths. In the Eastern Wasteland and the Eastern Eight Heavens, another first-rate force is slowly rising.

And it's not an ordinary first-class force. Kong Xuan, who annihilated the sword master and made the ancient battle of conferring gods shine, returned in a disastrous defeat, which can be said to have shocked the forces of the East Desolation and Dongfang Batian.

And the Annihilation Sword Sect has become a first-class force, the Eastern Wasteland and the Eastern Eight Heavens, many secret realms, spiritual veins, fairy cities, etc. that the Annihilation Sword Sect could not intervene before, and now they have become a first-class force with the Annihilation Sword Sect. You're welcome.

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(End of this chapter)

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