The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 286 Origin Space

Chapter 286 Origin Space
The Annihilation Sword Master ascended to the Holy Realm and pushed the Annihilation Sword Dao to the Hunyuan Avenue, allowing many sword cultivators of the Annihilation Sword Sect to see the hope of proving the Hunyuan.

To annihilate the great prosperity of Jianzong, forget it, but to fulfill Sun Yu's wish.

"Feiyang, come to the Palace of Annihilation."

Sun Quan was teaching those new disciples who had not comprehended the Annihilation Sword Intent, when suddenly, the gentle voice of the Annihilation Sword Sect Master rang in his ears.

"The master called me for something, you should practice the annihilating sword technique first."

After the words fell, a sword light shot straight into the sky.

Sun Quanhong flew with his sword and soon came to the Hall of Annihilation.

At this moment, in the Annihilation Hall, the Annihilation Sword Master is sitting at the top.On both sides are the Annihilation Sword Sect Daluo Golden Immortal and Chaos Golden Immortal.

Under Da Luo Jinxian, there are only Zhang Zong and Yun Feiyang.

"Disciple Yun Feiyang, I pay my respects to the patriarch, the master, and all the seniors."

As the traditional inheritor of Sun Yu's Taoism, of course, he didn't have to kneel down to salute, he didn't even bow down, he just performed a normal clasped fist salute.

"There is no need to be too polite." Annihilation Sword Master smiled gently, "Before this old man sensed that the treasure of Xin Jin was about to be born, and this old man decided to let Fei Yang go this time. Wait, do you have any doubts?"

Although the Annihilation Sword Master was asking about the attitude of the immortals, the words of the Annihilation Sword Master showed that he had long been interested in Yun Fei, and how could the immortals dare to object.

"I have objections!"

No one thought that it would be Yun Feiyang who had objections.

"Patriarch, my disciples have little talent and learning, and I can't talk about virtue or merit. The patriarch still gives this opportunity to other fellow disciples. Feiyang never dares to monopolize the treasure."

In the main hall, Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal showed shock on their faces, and Yun Feiyang refused.

"The old man said you can do it, you can do it. Just ask, who else in the Sword Sect dares to object!" Annihilation Sword Master is now a Hunyuan Saint, and he is an unrivaled powerhouse in the prehistoric world. Even if he gave the Xinjin treasure to Yun Feiyang, the others No one dared to raise objections.

"The disciple retreated because in this life, apart from being the reincarnation of Yun Feiyang, the disciple is also named Sun Yuhong!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

But at this moment, the word 'Sun Yu' was like a thunderbolt, shocking all the elders.

The Annihilation Sword Saint stood up in shock, Sun Yu, how could they not have heard of it during this period of time!
"Are you the helmsman of the Le'an Sun family in the Great Qi Dynasty, the next generation of Jixia Academy offering wine, and the law enforcement officer of Wen Dao?"

The Annihilation Sword Master couldn't restrain his agitated mood, he never thought that Yun Feiyang still had such a heavy identity.

"Patriarch, if there is no one else named Sun Yuhong, he should be a disciple." Sun Yuhong smiled wryly.

But at this moment, the head of Annihilation Sword Sect frowned.

"Feiyang, it doesn't matter if you are Sun Yuhong. You are the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect, which is recognized by the entire Eastern Wilderness. You want to take charge of the Annihilation Sword Sect in the future. Why do you refuse now?"

The head of the Annihilation Sword Sect understood Sun Yu's wishes, and Sun Yu seemed to want to sever karma with the Annihilation Sword Sect.

"To tell you the truth, seeing that the Annihilation Sword Sect has been rejuvenated again, this disciple couldn't bear to drag the Annihilation Sword Sect into the vortex of the battle of interpretation and interception. And in the future, the disciple must be involved in a murderous calamity. The Annihilation Sword Sect was rebuilt with great difficulty. Xing, how could this disciple get the Annihilation Sword Sect involved in the murder just because of his own selfishness."

Sun Yuhong said in a leisurely manner.

"Feiyang, or you are called Huan, is it true that in your heart, you really don't miss the identity of the successor of the Annihilation Sword Sect?"

The Annihilation Sword Master was neither sad nor happy, with a calm expression, and asked lightly.

"The disciple is proud of being the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect. Don't you see, now that the Annihilation Sword Sect is thriving, this disciple, the orthodox heir, has already ranked first in the list of outstanding people in the Eastern Wasteland. But the Annihilation Sword Sect has gone through hardships, and the disciple does not want to let the Annihilation Sword Sect Repeat the same mistakes!"

I don't know how sinister and treacherous the prehistoric future will be.

The Annihilation Sword Sect finally came to be what it is today, how could Sun Yuyu involve the Annihilation Sword Sect in the murder because of his greed for the identity of the orthodox successor.

"Wu Hong, you have disappointed me too much!"

The Annihilation Sword Master closed his eyes slightly.

"Disciple knows!" Sun Huang was speechless.

"Could it be that in your heart, the status of Annihilation Sword Sect is so low, so inferior to that of Wen Dao?"

Suddenly, the words of the Annihilation Sword Master shook the hall, and the void shattered.

"Disciple has never had such an idea!" Sun Yu said firmly.

"Then you can take up the Wendao lineage without hesitation, become the one who awakens the Haoran literary heart, and become the law enforcement officer of the Wendao lineage. Don't tell me that in your heart, the saints of the Wendao lineage are not afraid of death, and the Wendao lineage is not afraid of decline I am so afraid of death when I annihilate, and I am so afraid of falling again when I annihilate Jianzong?"

Annihilation Sword Saint actually shed tears when he said this.

Seeing the Annihilation Sword Master weeping with sadness and disappointment, in the hall, the Daluo Jinxian and Chaos Golden Immortal of the Annihilation Sword Sect also had sad expressions on their faces.

Sun Quan immediately knelt on the ground!
"Patriarch, seniors, Huan has never thought about it this way. But it is not easy to annihilate Jianzong. This disciple cannot let Annihilation Jianzong be robbed again because of his own selfishness."

Sun Yu didn't expect that he had such a high status among the Annihilation Sword Master and all the elders of the Annihilation Sword Sect.

"Before you refused to become the master, I had doubts in my heart. But I didn't expect that this most unwanted situation will appear now!"

The head sect was also filled with emotions. For so many days, they had been secretly observing Sun Yuhong. Although on the surface, Sun Quan and his fellow disciples were enjoying themselves, they always had a feeling that Sun Yu and his fellow disciples were in harmony. There is always a gap between them.

Now they know what the gap is.

"Then you tell the old man now, are you still the orthodox heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect?"

The Annihilation Sword Master did not force Sun Yutong to make the only choice between the Annihilation Sword Sect and Wen Dao's lineage, he just wanted to protect Sun Yutong, and had no other thoughts.

At this moment, Sun Quan couldn't say anything at all.

"As long as you guys don't give up, I, Sun Quan, will still be the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect!"

Sun Yu is also a person who values ​​feelings. He understands that the Juggernaut of Annihilation did what he did because he didn't want to make it difficult for him to be a human being.

"Okay, since you still think of yourself as the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect, then stand up. From the very beginning, when I founded the Annihilation Sword Sect, I never thought about eternity. I wait for the sword cultivator, and I don't want to live happily ever after. Seek a clear mind! Only with a sword in your hand, you can create a bright world!"

Annihilation Sword Saint's voice was like thunder, resolute and resolute.

Sun Yu got up silently, and secretly swore in his heart that he would never let the annihilation of Jianzong repeat the tragedy of extermination a billion years ago!
The Zhang Zong looked solemn, and walked in front of Sun Yuhong.

"Huan, as the head of the Annihilation Sword Sect, I want you to remember, remember your identity. You are the law enforcement officer of the Wen Dao lineage, and the one who awakens the literary heart, and the Wen Dao lineage can do nothing for you. But You should also remember that you are still the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect!"

"As long as you are the Taoist descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, I, the Annihilation Sword Sect, will always be your strong backing. Wen Dao's lineage can offend the Phoenix Clan for you. So what if they are all enemies, I belong to the same line of swordsmanship, and I annihilate the sword sect, how have I ever been afraid!"

The words of Zhang Zongzong are so important and deafening!

"I will remember it in my heart!" Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Annihilation Sword Master Lao Huai was relieved.

"I will send you to the original space now. Xin Jin's treasure has a spirit, because there are two supreme swordsmanships of Taiqing Xuanmen Wuxiang Sword and Yuqing Chanmen Light Splitting Shadow Sword. It's just that the Annihilation Sword Sect has not been able to make Xin Jin Zhibao recognizes the master. If you get the Xinjin Zhibao, you will be able to obtain these two supreme swordsmanship!"

Hearing this, Sun Yu was a little puzzled. "Xinjin Supreme Treasure, is it related to Taiqing Saint and Yuanshi Tianzun?"

"It's a long story. At the beginning of the present and ancient times, Emperor Bai was invited by Sanqing to visit the Heavenly Court. In order to test Baidi's swordsmanship, Sanqing decided to discuss swords with Baidi. The sages of Taiqing and Yuanshi Tianzun Created these two supreme sword techniques. When Baidi returned to Xihuang, even the innate gods could not engrave these two supreme sword techniques, so he finally thought of engraving them on the Xinjin Supreme Treasure!"

The master explained with a chuckle.

"Afterwards, I created the Annihilation Sword Sect, and my master bestowed Xinjin Zhibao. I wanted to use this to suppress luck, but I didn't expect that Xinjin Zhibao's living beings would not be able to suppress luck. However, because of the formation of the golden land !"

Annihilation Sword Master said with a smile.

"But if the disciple gets the Xinjin Supreme Treasure, will it affect the place of Jinjue?"

Sun Yu suddenly thought of a question.

"The Land of Absolute Gold will gradually become a mine of spiritual gold, but this is also better. The Jianzong must have an atmosphere that tolerates hundreds of schools. Simply annihilating the way of the sword cannot make the Jianzong flourish."

After the Annihilation Sword Master became a saint, although he was certified by the Annihilation Sword Dao, he can also give pointers to other sword arts.

And after becoming a saint, there is no need for the disciples of the Annihilation Sword Sect to only practice the Annihilation Sword Art.

Because not all sword masters are suitable for practicing the way of annihilating the sword, the sword master wants to change.

Sun Yuyu thought about it again, it is indeed so!

The Annihilation Sword Sect is a first-class power among the Eastern Desolation Land and the Eastern Eight Heavens, so naturally it can't be like it was a billion years ago.

"In this case, the disciple will feel at ease!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Then go to the original space!"

Annihilation Sword Master waved his hand, and the mana of Hunyuan exploded!
In an instant, Sun Yu's figure disappeared into the hall.

Sun Yu opened his eyes, and what came into view was a 'sea of ​​snow'.

Whether it is Geng Jin or Xin Jin, the original color is white.

Now it is in Xin Jin's original space again, naturally it is like being in a sea of ​​snow.

At this moment, Sun Yu suddenly felt a life-and-death crisis!
Suddenly, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel suddenly appeared in Sun Yuhong's hands!

Ruyi's golden cudgel moved according to her heart, and with a loud bang, it hit Sun Yuhong's back!
At this moment, in the void, the blood mist exploded!

In an instant, a devilish energy appeared in the blood mist.

At this moment, this demonic energy turned into a heavenly knife, and it slashed towards Sun Yutong impressively!
"Sword Demon Race!"

With a yell, Sun Wei suddenly unleashed his supernatural powers!
In an instant, Sun Wei, who was a hundred feet tall, held a Ruyi golden cudgel dozens of feet long, and slammed it down fiercely at the sky knife in the void!

"Ultimate one!"

The unparalleled magical power, accompanied by the extreme divine power of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, suddenly hit the Heavenly Sword!

The Sky Knife broke into two halves!
But at this time, the Heavenly Knife that was broken into two halves turned into two Heavenly Knives, and once again slashed towards Sun Yutong frantically!

(End of this chapter)

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