The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 287 Slaughter 1 Empty

Chapter 287

"Jie Jie, Yun Feiyang, haven't you heard the legend about the immortal sword and the immortal sword?"

The sword demon itself is a magic knife. In the Rahu universe, the fight between the major demon clans is far more tragic than the conquest of other original universes.

Therefore, many demons have long been buried in the long river of time.

And the demon race that has survived to this day cannot be underestimated.

Among the demons that should not be underestimated are the sword demons.

The Demon Sword Clan is known as the "Immortal Demon Saber Clan", and even if the magic knife is broken, it will not die, but can be differentiated into more magic knives.

Among the Demon Clan, the Immortal Demon Saber Clan and the Immortal Demon Sword Clan are often accompanied by each other.

Sure enough, at this moment, a magic sword suddenly appeared in the void in front of Sun Yuhong.

The magic sword was unparalleled sharpness, stabbing directly at Sun Yutong without a sound.

The two magic knives were entangled with Ruyi's golden cudgel, and the Immortal Sword took advantage of the situation to sneak attack.

It's just that it's not that easy to sneak attack on Sun Rong!

At this moment, Sun Wei, who had both hands free, directly inspired the Ninth Secret!
The Nine Secrets of Taoism!

Soldier Secret!
The secret weapon that claims to be able to control all weapons in the world!
In an instant, the Immortal Demon Knife and the Immortal Demon Sword were directly held in Sun Yuhong's hands.

And at this moment, the two magic knives were forcibly synthesized into one magic knives again by Sun Wei with the secret word Bing!

Sun Wei holds a knife in his left hand and a sword in his right.

In an instant, Sun Yu fought each other left and right!

Both the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword slashed at each other fiercely.

The Immortal Demon Knife and Immortal Demon Sword were controlled by Sun Wei with the secret word of soldier, and there was no way to resist!

In an instant, in the void, the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword slashed fiercely together!
The moment the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword slashed each other in the void, Sun Yu's keen spiritual sense immediately sensed the agitated origin of the Immortal Dao and the Immortal Dao.

The powerful and unparalleled divine sense blasted from the gap between the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword into the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword in an instant!
In an instant, the source of the Dao of Immortality and the source of the Dao of Immortality were swallowed up by Sun Yu.

But without the original power, the sword demon and the sword demon were directly pinched by Sun Yun, and turned into powder!

And among them, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel absorbs the golden spiritual power in the Immortal Demon Saber and the Immortal Demon Sword.

"Ye Guyu, you just sent out these two undead sword demons and immortal sword demons to kill me, don't you think it's a little naive and ridiculous?"

Sun Yu's voice echoed in the void.

Like rolling thunder, the sound shook the sky.

"It's you who are so naive and ridiculous! You came to the original space alone, and didn't call the Annihilation Sword Master, it will be the thing you regret the most before you die!"

All of a sudden, Ye Guyu led Yuanshi Demon Sect, Tongtian Demon Sect, and Demonic Sect's demon powerhouses to appear in front of Sun Yutong.

"It turns out that you intercepted these two little minions privately on the battlefield. Just because of you ants, you also want to take my life in the original space?"

Sun Yuhong dismissed it. In this original space, high-level immortals cannot enter.

At this moment, among the demonic immortals who surrounded Ye Guyu, the highest level of cultivation was not Yuanshi Yuxian.

"Is this your last words before you die?"

Ye Guyu was gloomy and cold, full of killing intent.

"It's a pity that your real body has not arrived, otherwise, your life will be completely buried in this original space."

Sun Yu felt sorry that Ye Guyu was still just an incarnation.

But Sun Yu also knew that a strategist like Ye Guyu who was good at intrigue would not reveal his true identity easily.

For example, this time, they obviously had an absolute advantage, but Ye Guyu's real body never came.

"It took an innate spirit treasure to enter the original space to kill you this time. Letting you know before dying is the glory of death. An innate spirit treasure will be buried with you!"

Ye Guyu was extremely cold, with gloomy eyes, showing all murderous intent.

"This is the origin space of the Xinjin Supreme Treasure. Although it is not the complete origin of the gold line, within this origin space, I am absolutely invincible!"

Sun Yuhong is full of self-confidence. From the moment he entered this original space, Sun Yuhong has absolute confidence that he can kill all powerful enemies under Da Luo Jinxian!
If you do it with all your strength, the Immortal Sword Demon and the Immortal Sword Demon will not be able to resist Sun Rong's move.

But in order to lure these demonic immortals to show up, Sun Wei's previous battle could be said to be tied.

But now, there is no need to hide any demon immortals!
In an instant, Sun Wei's momentum exploded and he shot straight into the sky.

"kill him!"

Ye Guyu suddenly trembled with fear, a very ominous premonition enveloped his heart.

"Xinjin Zhibao, if you don't come out now, when will you wait!"

Sun Quan yelled loudly, and in an instant, the original space was shaking!

And at this moment, the Xinjin Supreme Treasure in the original space was finally born!
The treasure of Xinjin is a sword!

In an instant, the unparalleled sharpness of the sword filled the audience.

"Body and sword!"

For sword cultivators, it is easy to practice successfully in the secret art of kendo, which is to fit the sword with the body.

In an instant, Sun Wei's figure disappeared in place!
In an instant, in the void, Xin Jinjian moved abruptly.

For the time being, Sun Wei and Xin Jinjian merged together.

And at this moment, it was logical and natural for Sun Yan to master two extremely powerful swordsmanship!

There is no phase sword in Taiqing Xuanmen!

Yuqing explained the door splitting light and wrong shadow sword!
The essence of these two supreme swordsmanship flowed in Sun Yu's heart in an instant.

At the same time, within the golden elixir's Hunyuan talisman formation in the sea of ​​qi, suddenly, there were two more Hunyuan runes carrying these two supreme swordsmanship!
Within the Golden Core, two more supernatural powers were added.

And it's not ordinary supernatural powers, it's the supreme swordsmanship comparable to the supreme supernatural powers!

It is an extremely powerful swordsmanship!
In an instant, Xin Jinjian's momentum skyrocketed.

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness sank into Xin Jinjian, and he sensed that Xin Jinjian's spirit was just a newborn, but the sword spirit conveyed a very cordial feeling to Sun Quan.

The sword spirit was babbling and learning language, and Sun Wei could sense that Xin Jin sword spirit, who had been lonely for a long time, was very excited.

So, Sun Yu and the Xinjin sword spirit who were in joy and joy, slashed at the group of demon immortals.

If it is just the Xin Jin Sword, although it has powerful power, the Xin Jin Sword Spirit cannot unleash these powers.

If it was only Sun Wei, he would have a strong sense of fighting, but he would not have extremely powerful mana!

But now, Sun Yu and Xin Jin Sword Spirit are combined together, their strong fighting consciousness and incomparably powerful swordsmanship power are fused and superimposed together.

In an instant, a world-shattering power erupted.

At this moment, Xin Jinjian burst out hundreds of millions of sword energy.

Hundreds of millions of fierce and unparalleled sword qi, like a frenzy of sword qi!
In an instant, among the monks of the magic way, the magic cultivators under the fairyland could not resist the power of Xin Jin's sword energy.

Every demon cultivator has been pierced through the demon body by at least ten thousand sword qi.

Before the demon body exploded in the void, it was directly annihilated by the sword energy on the spot.

And the magic cultivator in the realm of immortals, relying on various supernatural powers and magical treasures, was able to withstand the critical attack of Xin Jinjian.

Ye Guyu's cultivation base has not yet reached the fairyland, and this incarnation of him has been pierced through the demon body by at least a hundred thousand sharp sword qi.

Before dying, it was like being pierced by thousands of arrows.

The unparalleled sword energy swept away all obstacles!
"You demons, this time you have wasted an innate spirit treasure for nothing!"

For monks of the sorcerous path to be able to enter the original space, they must sacrifice innate spiritual treasures.

In this way, sacrificing the innate spirit treasure can satisfy the demon god in the dark, so these demon monks and demon immortals can step into the original space!
It's just that they didn't expect that they stepped into a road of no return!

Suddenly, the magic cultivators in the realm of immortals scattered and fled.

"Do you think that you can escape the bombardment?"

Sun Yuhong dismissed it and sneered coldly.

In an instant, Xin Jinjian slashed out two powerful sword lights!

There is no phase sword in Taiqing Xuanmen!

Yuqing explained the door splitting light and wrong shadow sword!
In an instant, the horrific Taiqing Wuxiang Sword Light and Split Light Misunderstanding Sword Light swept across the scene!
Immortals of the demonic way were directly pierced through the demon's body by the powerful sword light, and their true spirits were annihilated!

And at this moment, in the four directions of the sky, there are still four demon immortals left!
And at this moment, suddenly, Xin Jinjian soared into the sky!

In almost a tenth of an instant, Xin Jin's sword pierced through the void, and was the first to catch up with a demon immortal!

Sun Quan burst out the annihilation sword intent, and in an instant, Xin Jinjian slashed out an annihilation sword gang!
Annihilation Sword Gang was transformed by the extremely condensed Annihilation Sword Qi. At this moment, Annihilation Sword Gang directly killed the demon immortal in Yuanshi Jade Immortal Realm in the void!
Imperial envoy Xin Jinjian and Sun Wei are almost teleporting within this original space!
But no matter how far apart, when Xin Jinjian flew out, he could catch up with the Demonic Immortal!

Xin Jinjian crossed many voids without using any swordsmanship or kendo supernatural powers. The sharpness of Xin Jin's sword can directly cut through the body of Moxiu Immortal in Yuanshi Yuxian Realm.

The demon immortal was beheaded by Xin Jinjian on the spot!

Sun Wei, a demon immortal, didn't let go, and he shot ruthlessly, slaughtering all the demon cultivators in the original space who followed Ye Guyu!
Sun Yuhong followed Xin Jinjian to wander around the original space for many circles, and it was not until he killed the last demon cultivator that Sun Yu was separated from Xin Jinjian.

And at this moment, Xin Jin Jianfei arrived in front of Sun Yuhong.

The sword spirit couldn't be manifested, and the immature voice of Xinjin sword spirit rang out in Sun Yu's mind.

Sun Yutong looked at Xin Jinjian, and said through voice transmission: "Do you think that entering my cave will become one of the foundations of the five elements?"

Although Sun Yu could forcibly refine Xin Jinjian, but Xin Jinjian was born with a sword spirit, and Sun Yu didn't want to force it.

But Xin Jin Jianling agreed without even thinking about it, and after that, Sun Yu opened his cave!

In an instant, Xin Jinjian took the initiative to fly into the cave.

At this moment, when Xin Jinjian became one of the foundations of the five elements of the cave, in an instant, in the cave, the fine gold was replaced by the Xin Jin sword.

In this case, the five elements are extremely rare and become one of the foundations of the five elements in the cave.

At this moment, Ruyi Golden Cudgel felt a little regretful.

"You are my old grandson's weapon of enlightenment!"

Sun Yu sent a voice transmission to Xiaojin, the spirit of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

Immediately, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel became happy, and its status in Sun Yu's heart did not decrease.

(End of this chapter)

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