The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 288 The Desperate Royal Family

Chapter 288 The Desperate Royal Family
In a secret place in the Eastern Wilderness, the two masters of magic, Master Tongtian and Demon Lord Yuanshi, unexpectedly got together.

Besides the two giants of magic, there is only the little magician Ye Guyu.

Three sighs sounded!

"It's still a shortfall, not being able to kill Yun Feiyang!" Tongtian Mage was a little regretful. Although he didn't think that he would succeed in his heart before, he still had great hopes.

"It seems that he escaped this killing and killed all the demon cultivators who entered the original space instead. The only possibility is to get the Xinjin Supreme Treasure to recognize the master. Only in this way can he kill the demon cultivators in the realm of immortals! "

Yuanshi Demon Lord is as plain as ever, and Yun Feiyang is mainly grudge against Tongtian Demon Sect.

The Yuanshi Demon Sect most wanted to deal with not Yun Feiyang, but Jixia Xuegong Sun Wei.

"Master, Lord Demon Lord, if you look at it now, you have to ask him to do it!"

The little magician Ye Guyu said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Master Tongtian and Demon Master Yuanshi changed slightly.

He changed the colors of the two giants of the magic way.

"Just using him to deal with a little Yun Feiyang, isn't it a little overkill. Afterwards, it's hard to explain to the five great devils!"

The Demon Lord Yuanshi was silent for a moment, then spoke slowly.

In his heart, the Demon Lord Yuanshi wanted to use him to deal with Sun Yu.

"If the five great demon sages blame, Tongtian Demon Sect will bear it all." Tongtian Demon Sect said in a deep voice.

"The other three major demon sects, they all agreed?" Yuanshi Demon Master was still a little unwilling.

"All agreed. At present, the three major demon sects have not encountered any troublesome immortal seedlings. Moreover, those immortal seedlings are still under heavy protection. At present, only Yun Feiyang and Sun Yu are the members of our two major demon sects. A trouble in the heart!" Tongtian Mage said viciously!
"It turns out that all four of your demon sects agree that my attitude is irrelevant." Yuanshi Demon Lord said lightly.

"Having said that, if you agree, our Tongtian Demon Sect will remember this affection. If the Yuanshi Demon Sect wants to deal with Sun Yuhong in the future, our Tongtian Demon Sect will help you!"

Tongtian Mage and Yuanshi Demon Lord are both the five giants of the magic way, and they all know each other.

From the current point of view, the four major demon sects all agreed, and even if the Yuanshi demon sect disagreed, it would not be able to change the overall situation, but the Tongtian magician did not want to have a bad relationship with the Yuanshi demon sect because of this trivial matter.

Although in the magic way, internal disputes are fierce.

However, as one of the five giants of the Demonic Dao, Tongtian Mage doesn't want to have a bad relationship with the Demon Lord Yuanshi. If this happens, it will damage the luck of the Demonic Dao.

Over the years, although the magic way has developed rapidly, it is still not as good as the mainstream fairy way in the wild.

Don't talk about the way of immortality, even the way of god, humanity, swordsmanship, and literature can't compare.

This makes Tongtian Mage, even more careful to maintain their relationship with each other.

"Release him, if it can make the annihilation sword sect's momentum drop, that would be a happy event. The great prosperity of the sword is not a good thing for our devil. These sword repairs are more hateful than the immortal monks. If this is the case, it will be ruined. This kendo seedling!"

Yuanshi Demon Lord said coldly.

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Tongtian Mage's face.

But at this moment, Sun Yu was in the original space, but suddenly found that the original space was shrinking.

At the same time, the original space is absorbing endless golden spirit energy.

Sun Yu hurriedly asked Xin Jinjian to absorb less of the aura of the golden line, and tried to leave enough aura of the golden line for the land of Jinjue.

In this case, if the land of absolute gold is to be turned into a vein of spirit gold, there will be more spirit gold.

Xinjin Jianling obeyed Sun Yuhong's wishes and did not wantonly absorb Jinxing's aura.

The original space shrunk, and finally Sun Weiyu left the original space and stepped into the realm of void.

And at this time, the original space finally shrinks to the extreme.

All of a sudden, the original space turned into a golden light, which entered Sun Yu's body.

And at this moment, the golden light transformed from Xin Jin's original space disappeared into the cave.

Immediately, Xin Jin's original space was completely swallowed and fused by Dongtian.

In Sun Yu's cave, suddenly there was a Xinjin vein in the earth.

The original power of Xinjin turned into Xinjin veins in the cave.

Sun Wei was about to leave the boundless void and return to the Eastern Desolation, but suddenly, behind Sun Yu, a sigh sounded impressively!
In an instant, Sun Yu felt the chills all over his body stand on end, and a heart-piercing cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the sky.

Sun Yu turned around, but suddenly found that there was nothing behind her.

But at this moment, the chilly air that made the whole body and heart feel cold covered and permeated the whole body, and instead of disappearing, it became more and more intense.

"Phaseless Heavenly Demon!"

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness swept out and spread out, and his extremely keen spiritual consciousness did not find any traces of the enemy.

"The Phaseless Heavenly Demon is a low-level Heavenly Demon. If you can die together with me, it is not an insult to your identity!"

The voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

Sun Yu immediately knew that the magic way of the Pangu universe and the demons joined forces and finally showed their killer.

"Could it be that you are the royal family of the demon clan outside the territory?"

Sun Yu felt that only the royal family of the heavenly demons outside the territory could give him such a strong life-and-death crisis.

"You guessed it right, but it's a pity that I can't give you a reward. The only descendant of the desperate royal family among the demon clan outside the territory of this hall, dragged you to die together. Looking at Hongmenghai 36's original universe, you are proud of it!"

This royal family of the heavenly demon clan outside the territory brought an unprecedented life and death crisis to Sun Yu.

It's like facing a natural enemy!
"The Rahu universe can't completely control your extraterritorial demon clan. The old antiques of your extraterritorial demon clan are all chaotic demon gods who escaped from Rahu's hands. I just didn't expect that you, as the royal family of the extraterritorial demon clan, would Let's work together with these demon monks!"

Sun Yuyan and his party in the Huanggu Dou battlefield knew many secrets of Hongmenghai.

"You know quite a lot, but it's a pity that you, as the seed of the Pan Gu universe sword, have not yet taken root and grown into a 'towering tree' of sword, so sadly you will fall in the void world!"

The descendants of the desperate royal family were not in a hurry, because at this moment, Sun Yutong did not even have a hint of despair.

"It's really extraordinary for a clan of heavenly demons outside the territory to be able to control the emotions and desires of monks. As a descendant of the desperate royal family, if I have even the slightest thought of despair in my heart, then I will really fall into the abyss of despair. It's a pity that there is no one in this vast sea. A strong man who can make me despair!"

Despair, that is a special emotion.

But Sun Yu, even though he knew the road ahead was difficult and dangerous, he didn't feel desperate.

Even if the calamity is opened, even if the heaven and the earth are destroyed, even if the universe is annihilated, the big deal is to wave the wishful golden cudgel in your hand and kill a bright universe!
I only want to be respected in the world, I only want to have a clear conscience, I only want to have a clear mind, and I don’t want to stay behind.

There is no difficulty, it can make Sun Yuyu despair!

Even if you are in the most difficult and dangerous situation, you can't swing the Ruyi golden cudgel and smash a hole in the sky.

"That's because you don't even know how powerful I am as a descendant of the desperate royal family among the extraterrestrial demon clan!"

After the words fell, suddenly, Sun Wei's mind was pulled into the abyss of despair!

The abyss of despair is bottomless!
And at this moment, in the abyss of despair, there is an atmosphere of despair.

In that kind of environment where the mind is always in despair and sinks into the abyss of despair forever, if the monk's concentration is not strong and his mood is not high, he will be directly transformed by the abyss of despair.

"Is this the abyss of despair that once made many original universes fearful? It's a pity that your desperate royal family is too powerful, and was killed by several masters of the original universe."

Sun Yuhong's mind remained calm, and he was not intimidated by the abyss of despair.

"As long as there are living beings in the Hongmeng Sea, as long as there is despair among the living beings, our Despair Demon God will return again. At that time, the Way of Despair will become the new Hongmeng Avenue in the Hongmeng Sea. The Despair Demon God, It can be compared to those masters of the universe! Achieve the Dzogchen karma of Hongmeng Saint, and be proud of Hongmenghai!"

The descendants of the desperate royal family have ardent hopes for the Desperate Demon God, so this is why he has been able to support until now.

But for the great cause of the royal family of Despair, and for the Demon God of Despair to be able to return from the world of mortals again, only the true fall of this descendant can stimulate the Demon God of Despair to wake up.

Therefore, he willingly chose to become the sharp blade of the Rahu universe against other original universe arrogance.

Every time, this descendant of the desperate royal family has the mentality of dying together and dying together. As a result, the original universe arrogance possessed by him finally feels desperate, and his mind sinks into the abyss of despair from then on, beyond redemption.

Therefore, to deal with the arrogance of the major origin universes in Hongmenghai, this descendant of the desperate royal family was determined to die, but ironically, he was not the one who died in the end.

This time when dealing with Sun Yu, the descendants of the desperate royal family also have the determination to die, and now they have pulled Sun Yu's mind into the abyss of despair. it will be him.

"You actually merged with the Abyss of Despair. If you break free from the Abyss of Despair, you will die. And after you die, the Royal Family of Despair will be completely cut off. In this way, the Demon God of Despair hidden deep in the heart of the living beings will be stimulated to wake up. Indeed. It’s a good plan, indeed, the scheme is flawless!”

Sun Yu had to marvel that this descendant of the desperate royal family had a good plan.

"Even if you know, so what, you will never be able to break free from the abyss of despair. You will slowly experience the feeling of despair in this abyss of despair, and finally sink into this abyss of despair forever!"

At this moment, in the abyss of despair, the voice of Tongtian Mage suddenly sounded!
"Master Tongtian, you are in vain for being a wise man of the generation of demons, but you did not expect to be overthrown again and again. When you come to Donghuang, you must also meet Yuanshi Demon Lord. And the dog beside you, Ye Guyu, will follow. Only But the scene you want to see will never come true!"

Sun Yu seemed to be talking to the Abyss of Despair, but he knew that Master Tongtian could hear his words.

"Deep in the abyss of despair, you are still so arrogant. When you sink forever, you will not die, you will become a demon warrior, and you will never recover!"

The Demon Lord Yuanshi said in a gloomy and cold voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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