Chapter 291
Huang Yao was lying in Sun Rong's arms. At this time, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu were sitting next to Sun Rong.

"Hey, what are you going to do now?"

Jiang Mingzhu knew that Sun Quan was a person who valued love and righteousness, and now Huangyao's parents died because of Sun Yun, and with Sun Yun's temperament, she would never let it go.


Sun Yu uttered two words coldly.

"Whatever you want to do, I will follow you in life and death!"

Mo Yuzhu is now alone, and her only concern is Sun Yuhong.

Whether it is Longtan and Tiger's Den, or the ends of the earth, even if you die ten thousand times, you will not change your mind.

"Wen Dao's lineage annihilates Jianzong and the Daqi Dynasty. If they attack the Phoenix Clan together, it is not impossible to succeed in revenge." At this time, Jiang Mingzhu had already begun to plan for Sun Yutong.

"This is my grandson's private matter. How can I use Wen Dao's lineage and annihilate Jianzong. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Now my grandson does not have great supernatural powers to kill Kong Xuan, but one day, he will be killed." kill!"

Although Sun Yu was determined to take revenge, he didn't want to take revenge now.

Just like what Jiang Mingzhu said, if he was really desperate, Wen Dao and Annihilation Sword Sect would follow him to the Antarctic sea of ​​flames.

However, even if Kong Xuan could be killed, Wen Dao and Annihilation Sword Sect would suffer heavy losses.

This is by no means what Sun Yuwan wants to see.

But at this moment, in her arms, Huang Yao faintly woke up.

"Brother Sun, I'm with you!"

At this moment, the weak Huang Yao suddenly became extremely strong.

"Huangyao, I'm sorry. Because of my old grandson, I have caused your parents to suffer!" Sun Yu is now feeling guilty towards Huangyao.

But this scene was not what Huang Yao wanted to see.

"Brother Sun, you don't need to say sorry. The enemy who killed my parents was Kong Xuan, not you. Our sworn enemy is him. I will feel sorry for you if you are like this."

Huang Yao lightly brushed Sun Yu's black hair with her catkin.

Sun Huang nodded heavily, he couldn't let Huang Yao still worry about him.

If that's the case, it's really not a man.

Zhuo Bufan left Jixia Academy and came to Linzi City.

"It's so urgent to find me out. Could it be that you have found out the truth of this matter?"

Zhuo Bufan came to a cold underground dark room and said to the empty and cold dark room.

"Huang Yao's parents didn't fall completely, but were rescued. It's just that this news can't be told to Wu Wei, and it can't be leaked!"

Suddenly, in the cold dark room, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Why not?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"If you tell him, he will have less motivation to practice. What's more, this matter must not be leaked in the slightest, and it must be concealed. Otherwise, once it is leaked, he will be entangled in a series of murders."

Zhuo Bufan pondered for a moment, "Anyway, you found out, since you won't let me tell him, then I will follow your wishes."

"I have one more thing to come to you today. You go back and tell Wu Rong that the lower realm 'Eternal Temple' is about to open, and he naturally knows what to do!"

Zhuo Bufan heard of [Eternal Temple] for the first time, but these four words carry a lot of weight.


In the prehistoric times, the great prosperity of the divine way was at the beginning of the ancient times!
Innate gods or chaotic gods appeared in the prehistoric world at the beginning of the ancient times, but unfortunately, they never passed down the divine way like the immortal way!
Afterwards, Emperor Jun established the Heavenly Court and opened the divine way.But the divine way has never flourished, because of the prehistoric times, after all, the immortal way is the right way.

But Zhuo Bufan knows the weight of the word eternity.

Zhuo Bufan left the cold and empty darkroom and returned to Jixia Academy.

In the cave mansion with a Tian-rank A name, Sun Yu was more motivated to practice.

Sun Yu turned all the guilt towards Huang Yao's parents into motivation for cultivation.

But Sun Yu finally stopped being restrained and reserved, and went to Sun's Treasure House and Jixia Treasure House, and swept away all the five elements.

Not only that, Sun Wei also inspired the time-space secret merchant jade card, went to the time-space business, sold all the unnecessary magic weapons, spiritual objects, etc. to the time-space business, and finally bought a large number of five-element spirits from the time-space business.

At this moment, in the cave mansion, Sun Yuyan unfolded the cave sky!

The mouth of the cave appeared in front of Sun Yu, looking like a whirlpool.

Huangyao had already entered the sycamore tree in the cave, and Sun Wei made up her mind this time, almost forcing Huangyao to recognize the sycamore tree as its owner.

In this case, this sycamore tree will become Huang Yao's natal spiritual tree.

Huangyao relied on the sycamore tree to cultivate, and her cultivation speed was more than a hundred times faster than before.

But at this moment, Sun Yutong drove all kinds of five-element spiritual objects into the cave.

In the cave, countless spiritual creatures of the five elements entered the cave at once.And with the Chaos Spirit Grass absorbing different powers, those five-element spirits that really fit into the cave are absorbed by the cave.

And those five-element spirits with a lot of impurities become the nourishment of the chaotic spirit grass.

All kinds of five-element spirits entered the cave, and Sun Yu's cave became more and more perfect.

Because Dongtian has long been merged with Qihai, it is said that Dongtian has an infinite space like Qihai.

Infinite space, big or small.

When it is big, it can be as vast as the world.

And when I was young, it was Sumina mustard seeds.

As far as space is concerned, size does not matter.

Seeing that the cave was getting more and more perfect, Sun Wei still felt that it was not enough, so he asked Zou Zi to help, and on the land of the Eastern Desolation, a total of ten five-element spiritual veins were arrested and placed in the cave!
Finally, Dongtian really began to perfect.

Sun Wei's perfection of the cave was not only for the purpose of stabilizing the foundation of the Tao.

After perfecting the cave, at this moment, Sun Wei used the power of the cave to improve his cultivation.

The physical body has reached the limit of the sixth heaven, and what Sun Yuzhen really needs to improve is his cultivation.

Previously, Sun Quan's cultivation base was only in the early stage of the fifth step of the divine realm [God and Body Unity], but now that the cave has been perfected, Sun Yun's cultivation realm barriers have been smashed by the cave one by one.

And when improving his cultivation, Sun Huang did not forget to comprehend the great supernatural powers he had learned again and more deeply.

Now there is absolutely no need for Sun Yu to deliberately practice those great or peerless supernatural powers. He only needs to comprehend the Nine Secrets of Taoism, and in the future, he can evolve many great supernatural powers with the help of the Douzi Secret.

The nine-character mantra of Taoism, when separated, is the ultimate supernatural power of good fortune, and when the nine secrets are combined, one can advance to the grand opening of the sky.

Although the combination of the nine secrets of Taoism is the supernatural power to open up the heavens, Sun Wei did not use the nine secrets of Taoism as the basis for proving the Tao.

Sun Yu put most of his thoughts on creating the prototype of the supreme supernatural power "Chaos Strike" and the Five Elements Dao. Sun Yu wanted to integrate all kinds of supernatural powers and Ruyi Golden Cudgel, especially the Nine Secrets of Taoism!
If the Ruyi Golden Cudgel can be integrated with the Nine Secrets of Taoism, then it can naturally be integrated with other great supernatural powers practiced by Sun Yu.

In this case, it is no longer a Chaos Strike.

Sun Yu's idea is to use the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to perform Chaos Strike in the future, and each chaotic light is a great supernatural power!
Only in that way can we truly deduce the embryonic form of [Chaos Strike], the supreme supernatural power, to the ultimate supernatural power!

Only then will I dare to truly claim the title of "Chaos strikes, and the world will return to chaos"!
Sun Yu knew how difficult it was to do all of this, but in this world, the more difficult things were, if they succeeded in the end, the combat power would be unimaginable.

There are countless enemies ahead, but it is difficult to step out of one's own way with only a little practice of great supernatural powers!

Sun Yutong stimulated the wisdom of eternal reincarnation with the Bodhi tree, and under the acceleration of time a hundred times in the Dongtian Medicine Garden, Sun Yutong's cultivation did not know the passage of time.

In order to compensate for the loss of the treasure house of the Sun Clan and Jixia Academy in Le'an, Sun Wei specially repaired many damaged magic weapons with the power of mending the sky, refined many elixir with the nine-turn alchemy technique, and cultivated many spiritual elixirs with the medicine garden. medicine.

In this case, the Le'an Sun family and Jixia Academy did not lose money, but made a lot of profit from it.

But the Sun family in Le'an and the Jixia Academy are both equivalent to Sun Rong's own power. The stronger the Sun family in Le'an and the Jixia Academy are, the more they will help Sun Rong in the future.

So, Sun Yu didn't suffer either.

Once immersed in the practice of enlightenment, it is difficult to sense the passage of time.

Sun Wei soon raised his cultivation level to the fifth step of perfection in the divine realm. In this way, the entire cultivation of the divine realm will reach the realm of Dzogchen.

Sun Wei is working hard to cultivate, Huang Yao, Mo Yuzhu and even Jiang Mingzhu are not far behind.

Mo Yuzhu inherited the mind of space, and she also has a Taoist scripture, the Void Sutra, so she practiced step by step.

It's just that although he inherited the divine heart of space, Sun Wei used the five-color divine light to help Mo Yuzhu kill those lines of faith!

Until now, although there are not many monks and mortals who believe in the God of Space in the prehistoric world, they are not in the minority either!
When the thread of faith was extinguished, Sun Wei felt that there were as many as one trillion believers in the God of Space!
One trillion is one trillion, all over the 33 heavens, the nine barren islands of the earth and immortals, and the major lower realms!
And there are the most believers in the lower realm, and these believers have no idea that the God of Space has completely fallen.

Now it's just that Mo Yuzhu inherits the spirit of space, and her void spirit body becomes the space spirit body.

Jiang Mingzhu's cultivation is very peculiar, and she is a legendary ancient treasure cultivation.

Almost all of Jiang Mingzhu's Taoism rests on that companion pearl.

I don't know what grade this companion pearl is, but it is quite powerful.

And at this time, Huang Yao's progress is the biggest!
The sycamore tree is a treasure to the Phoenix family!
Not only because the sycamore tree can gather and refine the spiritual power of fire, but also can purify the blood of the Phoenix family.

Huang Yao's bloodline was originally very high, infinitely close to the bloodline of a saint.

But now, with the help of this second-generation sycamore tree, Huang Yao's bloodline is gradually approaching the barrier of the saint's bloodline!
If the barrier of the saint's bloodline is broken, it is the bloodline of Hunyuan.

Cultivation has no time, when Sun Yu was about to turn 22 in one month, there was only Sun Yu in the secret room of practice!
Even Huang Yao temporarily left Sun Rong's cave!

Sun Yutong told the three daughters that he was going to retreat and break through the spiritual realm, which was right and wrong!
If you can win this battle of fate and break through the spiritual realm, it will be a piece of cake!
But if the battle was defeated, Sun Wei didn't think about the consequences and ending of the defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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