The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 292 Wutian Gun Road

Chapter 292 Wutian Gun Road
In the roulette wheel of the treasure of chaos, the fateful battle between Sun Wei and Luo Wutian has started again.

Sun Wei and Luo Wutian arrived at the battlefield of destiny almost at the same time.

When Sun Yu looked at Luo Wutian for the first time, he suddenly found that Luo Wutian's temperament had changed drastically.

In Luo Wutian, there is no trace of frivolity or arrogance.

The current Luo Wutian gave Sun Yu the feeling that he was like a reef on the shore of the ocean, after countless times of wind and waves, no matter how strong the waves were, they could not destroy the reef.

As eternal, as if immortal.

"Four defeats, four rebuilds. Although you have brought me endless humiliation, I have surpassed time and time again. Compared with my transformation, your little progress is only a step backward."

Luo Wutian looked serious and dignified.

When he said this, his expression was as solemn as ever, without any hint of arrogance.

Luo Wutian just seemed to be telling a fact.

If he were the old Luo Wutian, he would be extremely arrogant and arrogant.

"How do you know that my old grandson has only made some progress?"

Sun Yu said coldly.

"Four disastrous defeats, heartbroken. But it just happened to wake me up, let my Wutian Demon Art go to a higher level, and re-train my natal magic weapon. Wutian Spear is not only my natal weapon to attack unrivaled demon soldiers, but also my proof Treasure of the Tao."

After Luo Wutian's words fell, the long spear he was carrying was unloaded abruptly, and the long spear pointed directly at Sun Wei.

This long spear is built with the Chaos God Iron as the core, and a collection of many Chaos wonders and primordial spirits.

"I thought you, Luo Wutian, would continue to use the God Killing Spear, Wutian Spear, how can you be lawless in front of my grandson!"

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in his hand.

Similarly, Sun Yu was holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and the long stick was pointing directly at Luo Wutian.

In the fateful battlefield among the chaotic treasure destiny roulette, Sun Yutong and Luo Wutian faced each other tit for tat.

"What you rely on is nothing more than the rudimentary form of supreme supernatural power [Chaos Strike] created with the help of your Supreme Treasure of Enlightenment, but in this world, you are not the only one who can create the rudimentary form of supreme supernatural power by yourself."

Luo Wutian's expression was solemn and dignified.

"Really? Then my old grandson wants to see it!"

Sun Yuhong knew very well in his heart that the key to victory in this battle lies in the competition of self-created supernatural powers.

Sun Wei had no doubt at all that Luo Wutian could not create the prototype of supreme supernatural powers.

If Luo Wutian is willing, he can even ask Luo Hu or the Empress to help him deduce the supernatural powers suitable for him.

Even the primordial open sky supernatural power is not impossible.

But Luo Wutian must have understood a truth after losing all four battles.

Supernatural powers, created by others and created by oneself, are completely different.

It's like Sun Yu was in charge of the Nine Secrets of Taoism, but he never thought that he could use the Nine Secrets of Taoism to kill Luo Wutian.

Because the Nine Secrets of Taoism were not created by Sun Yuhong.And until now, with Sun Yu's cultivation level, his understanding of the Nine Secrets of Taoism is only very superficial.

"You can be proud of being able to die under the prototype of the supreme supernatural power [Wutian Gun Dao] that I created myself!"

Luo Wutian's murderous ambitions flourished, he was defeated four times and rebuilt four times. Although he was able to surpass the transformation each time, Luo Wutian didn't want to bear such a shame again.

"In the name of Dao, it seems that the ambition is not small."

Sun Yu said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!" Luo Wutian wanted to make a quick decision.

In an instant, after the Wutian Spear in Luo Wutian's hand was infused with his mana, suddenly, the Wutian Spear turned into an extremely dark cold spear.

[The first style of the Wutian Spearway is lawless! 】

In an instant, Luo Wutian poured all his mana into Wutian Spear.

At the same time, Sun Yu also yelled violently!
"Chaos Strike!"

In an instant, the surging Yuanshi zhenqi in Sun Yu's sea of ​​qi was all absorbed by Ruyi's golden cudgel!
In an instant, in the battlefield of fate, a powerful and incomparable spear glow shot out from the Wutian spear!
Sun Wei held up the Ruyi golden cudgel and smashed it hard. A beam of chaotic light caused the sky to shake and the sun and moon to change color!

The essence of Chaos Strike is all in this Chaos Divine Light!
The profound meaning of Chaos Strike is to return everything in the world to Chaos!
[Chaos Divine Light] Just like chaos annihilates divine light, in an instant, the majestic and mighty [Chaos Divine Light], representing Sun Yu's strongest combat power, suddenly appeared in the void with [Wutian Spear Light] collide together.

[Chaos Divine Light] To return all things in the world to chaos, and to turn all tangible things and invisible spaces into chaos.

[Wutian Gun Dao] carried a kind of wanton arrogance, lawlessness, and reduced everything to nothing!

The rudiments of supreme supernatural powers created by Sun Yutong and Luo Wutian, one represents [chaos] and the other represents [nothingness].

[Chaos] is close to [Nothing], but they are not the same.

In the void, layers of space were completely annihilated.

The entire void, generally turns into chaos, usually into true nothingness.

'The Way of Chaos' and the 'Way of Nothing' collided for the first time, and this surprised Sun Yuhong.

Luo Wutian has already stepped out of his path.

There is no way!
There are many avenues in the way of nothingness, the way of emptiness, the way of no sky, the way of lawlessness, the way of infinity, the way of infinity, the way of nothingness and so on.

In the future, Luo Wutian can step into any avenue as he likes. Except for the slightly difficult avenue of Wuji, other avenues have not yet been visited by Hongmeng saints.

In other words, Luo Wutian does not need to inherit the Dao of Luohu, he can create his own Dao of Hongmeng and become an existence comparable to his father.

This is [Wutian Gun Dao]!
[Way of Chaos] and [Way of Nothing] annihilated each other, and this blow was evenly matched.

"Although I created the prototype of supreme supernatural powers later than you, you haven't stepped out of your path yet. But I have already stepped out of my path. In this regard, I am better than you."

Luo Wutian looked at this scene, neither sad nor happy, calm and calm.

It is also the prototype of the supreme supernatural power created by himself, Luo Wutian never thought that he could kill Sun Yutong with the prototype of the supreme god created by himself.

"The way of the road is not the sooner you start the better, but the more suitable for you, the better. Even if you step out of the way before my old grandson, it is impossible for you to create the second style of [Wutian Spear Way] The embryonic form of supreme supernatural power."

Creating your own supernatural powers is a trillion times more difficult than cultivating supreme supernatural powers.

Moreover, what's more, it is necessary to create the prototype of the supreme supernatural power suitable for one's own path.

"Although the prototype of the second form of supreme supernatural power has not been completely created, the prototype of the second form of supreme supernatural power has been completed halfway. It is still the same sentence, it is your honor that you can die under my supreme supernatural power!"

Luo Wutian's killing intent was awe-inspiring, at this moment, he took an elixir!
In an instant, the elixir was swallowed by him and turned into a torrent of mana!
Luo Wutian's mana returned to its peak.

And at this moment, Luo Wutian sternly shouted.

"[Wutian Gun Dao: Endless Demon Realm]!"

In an instant, above the Wutian Spear, an endless demon world suddenly unfolded.

Although it is only a half-form of supreme supernatural power, the power of this form of supernatural power is no less than the first form of 'lawlessness'.

At this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth.

"My old grandson wants to see whether the 'Endless Demon Realm' derived from your semi-superior supernatural power prototype is stronger or weaker than my old grandson's 'Dan Tian Dongtian'!"

In an instant, Sun Wei summoned his cave!

The cave is the dantian, and the dantian is the cave!
The complete Five Elements Cave Heaven erupted out bursts of power to destroy the heaven and earth. The terrifying coercion of the cave sky radiated outwards, mighty and mighty, like the power of the sky.

Dongtian crashed directly into the 'Endless Demon Realm'!
'Endless Demon Realm' was like a bubble, it was smashed by the cave directly on the spot!
"It's just a half-style supreme supernatural power prototype, don't show it to shame in the future!"

This was the last sentence Luo Wutian heard!

The 'Endless Demon Realm' crashed into pieces on the spot, and at this moment, the fragments of the Endless Demon Realm flew straight into the cave sky impressively.

In Dongtian Void, after winning the four battles of destiny in the past, Sun Yuyu usurped Luo Wutian's natal demon essence, which could not be dispelled at all. Now the fragments of the endless demon world are absorbed by these demon essence.

And at this moment, Ruyi Golden Cudgel was extremely excited.

Sun Yu raised his head to look at the sky, and at this moment, a divine light suddenly shot down from above the sky!
Immediately afterwards, Luo Wutian's Wutian Spear was directly smelted by this divine light, and then this divine light integrated all the essence of Wutian Spear into the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!
The whole body of the Wutian Spear is made of Chaos God Iron, plus many Chaos Wonders and Primordial Spirits, but now, all of them are cheap Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

"Master, that's great!"

At this moment, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is undergoing transformation.

The Chaos Supreme Treasure Fate Roulette smelts the Wutian Spear, and supplies its essence to the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is no longer a pure Dinghai God Iron.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is integrated with the Chaos God Iron, many Chaos Wonders and Primordial Spiritual Objects. As Sun Yu's treasure of enlightenment, the stronger the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, Sun Yu is of course happy.

And at this moment, Luo Wutian's demon body suddenly exploded!
Immediately afterwards, the essence of Luo Wutian's demon body was absorbed by Sun Yuyan!

Law heaven and earth!

Sun Yu's body suddenly soared to a million feet. At this moment, on the body of a million feet, there were four supreme body training divine skills and dao patterns all over.

The Dao patterns of Tiangang Yuangong, Disha Xuangong, Jiuzhuan Xuangong, and Immortal Golden Body are in different colors, and some Dao patterns have already merged with each other.

Devoured and absorbed the essence of Luo Wutian's demon body, until some of Luo Wutian's natal demon essence in the dantian cave were absorbed by the flesh body!
In an instant, Sun Yu's physical body leaped to a new level.

The realm of the seventh heaven!

The four supreme body-training magic arts break through to the seventh heaven together.

Although the physical body of the seventh heaven realm is only at an early stage, it is already comparable to the physical body of the peak of the virtual realm.

And when the physical body breaks through, Sun Quan's cultivation must also break through immediately!
The vast primordial qi began to bombard the spiritual barrier!
(End of this chapter)

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