The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 293 Three Treasure Spirit Terrace

Chapter 293 Three Treasures Spirit Platform
Sun Yu knew before that that if he won the fifth battle of fate and devoured Luo Wutian's three treasures of energy and spirit, it would be enough to raise his cultivation to the spiritual realm.

Therefore, it took a very long time for Sun Yutong to practice Dzogchen in the fifth step of the divine realm.

Sun Yuxi spent several months in the medicine garden at a hundred times the speed of time in the cave, so that would be hundreds of months.

For decades, Sun Wei has stabilized the foundation of the road to the extreme.

Now, Luo Wutian's natal essence has been absorbed and swallowed, which has already allowed Sun Yuhong to break through physically.

At this moment, Luo Wutian's life energy and primordial spirit, Sun Yuxi began to absorb.

The vitality of life makes Yuanshi Zhenqi transform again, bombarding the barriers of the spiritual realm, Yuanshi Zhenqi is like the Yangtze River, torrential, wave after wave bombarding the barriers of the spiritual realm!
The primordial zhenqi before the spiritual barrier is gathering more and more, and the spiritual barrier is like the strongest dam, but at this moment, the primordial zhenqi has accumulated too much, and eventually the quantitative change leads to a qualitative change.

The strong dam of the spiritual barrier was suddenly overwhelmed by Yuanshi's true energy.

The dam broke down, and the spiritual barrier disappeared.

Sun Wei, break through the spiritual realm!

After breaking through to the spiritual realm, Sun Yuhong suddenly felt that his whole body had become different.

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness transformed into spiritual consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is a more powerful force born from the fusion of the three treasures of spirit, energy, spirit, and human body.

In Sun Yu's mind, he recalled the cultivation of the spiritual realm, which was also divided into five steps.

The first step in the spiritual realm, the Three Treasures Lingtai.

In the second step of the spiritual realm, the true spirit is born.

The third step in the spirit realm, the seal of the true spirit.

The fourth step in the spirit realm, true spirit projection.

The fifth step in the spiritual realm, the law of heaven and earth.

At this moment, within Sun Yu's body, the essence of the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit gradually gathered together to form a spiritual platform of the three treasures.

The Three Treasures Spirit Altar is in the Primordial Spirit. For other monks, the true spirit of the monks is cultivated in the Three Treasures Spirit Altar.

But for Sun Yutong, the Three Treasures Lingtai is of great significance.

Now, outside of the true spirit space in Sun Yu's Chunyang Yuanshen, it has been wrapped by the Three Treasures Lingtai.

In other words, the Three Treasures Lingtai gradually merged with the space barrier of the true spirit space.

In this case, it is also in line with the gradual improvement of the cultivation realm.

It's just that Sun Yu didn't pay much attention to the spirit body of the three treasures. To break through the spiritual realm, the most urgent thing is to really stimulate the spirit body!
Because in the fifth step of the divine realm, if the primordial spirit is fused with the physical body, in this case, the primordial spirit and dao body are formed.

However, when the cultivation base breaks through to the spiritual realm, the spirit of the soul will be truly inspired.

In this case, the primordial spirit body will naturally transform into a spirit body.

But for Sun Yutong, the metamorphic spirit body is not the spirit of the soul, but the acquired five-element spirit body created from the five five-element fairy leaves of the chaotic spirit grass.

At this moment, Sun Yu suddenly felt that in the ancient battlefield, most of the five elements' spiritual power was consumed by the five five elements fairy leaves.

The spiritual power of the five elements hidden in the depths of the physical body was aroused, and in an instant, Sun Yutong's physical body, which had reached the seventh heaven, began to undergo drastic changes.

At this moment, Sun Quan can be called the acquired five-element spiritual body, and the spiritual power of the five elements gradually changes Sun Quan's physical body. Every inch of flesh, every tendon, blood and bone marrow is filled with colorful five-element spiritual power.

The meridians turned into the five spirit meridians, and the colorful spiritual power of the five elements even appeared on the skin.

However, after tempering the skin membrane, the remaining spiritual power of the five elements is absorbed by the Dao pattern of the four supreme body-refining magic arts.

Sun Wei didn't want to turn himself into a colorful monster. In the battlefield of destiny, time would stop forever.

Therefore, no matter how long Sun Yu stayed in the battlefield of destiny, compared to the outside world, it was only a moment.

Sun Yutong achieved the five-element spiritual body, and at this time, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel completely absorbed the Chaos Divine Iron of Wutian Spear, and Sun Yuhong's spiritual consciousness sank into the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

After tempering the Ruyi Golden Cudgel with his spiritual consciousness, Sun Wei and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel once again reached the realm of Ruyi's size.

With a thought, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel turned into a thin needle and was received into the ear.

Winning this battle by relying on the Five Elements Cave, the next battle will be a real duel of supernatural powers.

Sun Yuhong swore inwardly that the next time he came to the battlefield of fate, Chaos Strike would never be just a chaotic light.

With a thought, Sun Wei left the battlefield of destiny.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Huang returned to the secret training room.

And when Sun Yuhong stepped out of the secret room, Jiang Mingzhu, Mo Yuzhu, and Huang Yao all looked at Sun Yuhong with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"Brother Sun, how did you break through to the spiritual realm without a sound?" Huang Yao's voice sounded like heaven, which was pleasant to the ear.

"To break through the spiritual realm, for my old grandson, it is a matter of course." Sun Yu said with a straight look.

At this moment, Sun Yu suddenly sensed a change in the portal.

After sweeping his spiritual sense, he found that the person who came was Zhuo Bufan.

The portal of teleportation opened, and Zhuo Bufan stepped into Sun Yu's cultivation cave.

In an instant, his face froze.

"Eldest brother, have you broken through the spiritual realm?"

Zhuo Bufan called Sun Yutong the senior brother, which became more and more fluent.

"It's only just broken through!" Sun Yu said with a chuckle.

"Then it seems that this is God's will, it is just right for you to break through the spiritual realm." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

"You came to see my old grandson, what's the matter?" Sun Yu asked.

"The Eternal Temple of the 'Eternal Great Realm', one of the lower realms, is about to be opened again." After Zhuo Bufan said this, Sun Wei's face changed slightly.

A trace of reminiscence appeared in Sun Yuhong's eyes.

"The Eternal Realm!" Sun Huang muttered to himself, he was once reincarnated in the Eternal Great Realm.

The Eternal Great Realm, like the Lei Hai Great Realm, is one of the Great Thousand Worlds attached to the Earth Immortal Realm.

Now judging from Sun Yu's knowledge, the Eternal Realm has the Eternal Temple, and the Eternal Great Realm is very likely to be the same as the Leihai Great Realm, not the Great Thousand World derived from the Pan Gu universe.

In the Eternal World, the most important treasure is the Eternal Temple.

In the Eternal Great Realm, there are only three major forces!

Tusita Palace!
Yuxu Palace!
Biyou Palace!
The Three Great Dao Palaces rule the eternal world.

In the prehistoric world, no other forces could get their hands on the Eternal Realm.

The three religions monopolize the Eternal World because of the Eternal Temple.

Now it seems that the Eternal World is very likely to be the Great Thousand World derived from the Eternal Temple.

And the Yuanshi Taoist scriptures compiled by Sun Yuhong came from Yuxu Palace in the Eternal Great Realm.

In that life, Sun Yu was the direct descendant of Yuxu Palace.

It's a pity that in the fairyland, the strong men from the Tushi Palace oppressed the Yuxu Palace, and Sun Yu was alone against Biyou Palace.

In that battle, Biyou Palace even invited the immortals from the upper realm to descend to the lower realm just to besiege and kill Sun Yu.

The past came to mind, originally Sun Yu wanted to sever karma with Yuxu Palace, but this time since the Eternal Temple is opened, the Eternal Temple must not be allowed to fall into the hands of Jiejiao.

The entanglement of grievances and grievances in that life should be resolved with Bi Yougong.

Seeing Sun Yuhong's expression, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"You shouldn't be involved in the eternal world, right?"

When Sun Quan came back to his senses, his eyes suddenly became a little sharp.

"The body of reincarnation in a certain life came from the eternal world. Originally, I didn't want to be involved with Yuxu's teachings in this life. But in the end, I still can't escape cause and effect, and I can't escape fate." Sun Yu said with emotion.

"I understand!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly understood why the black robe only asked him to tell Sun Yutong that the Eternal Temple in the Eternal World was about to be born.

It turns out that in Sun Yu's past reincarnation, he came from the eternal world in one life.

"Going to the Eternal Realm is extremely difficult, and we have to face God's punishment. It's just that my old grandson is not a fairy yet, and the heavenly punishment is not enough to kill my old grandson. However, in order to deceive the world, my old grandson thinks that he can ask the saint openly, Enter the Eternal Realm."

Sun Yu didn't expect to get a place in the lower realm through Jiang Shang.

However, as long as Sun Yu asked the sage Jiang Shang, he would definitely be known by Jiejiao.At that time, the focus of Jujiao will be on Sun Huang, and the others will naturally be ignored.

At that time, it will be like darkness under a lamp.

On the other hand, Sun Yu can quietly enter the eternal world, and with the body of reincarnation in that life, completely break the cause and effect.

In addition, Sun Yu also knew that the reason why the Three Religions valued the Eternal Realm so much was because they wanted to obtain the Eternal Temple.

Even if it is impossible to monopolize the Eternal Temple, the Eternal Temple has a god-defying power, which is to allow those immortals whose imprints of the true spirit are broken to be stored in the Eternal God Pool. After a while, the strange power of the Eternal Temple will naturally gather the true spirit fragments .

In this case, even the immortals whose true spirits are broken can be saved.

So for the Three Religions, the Temple of Eternity is very important.

So when Sun Yu's reincarnated body in that life revealed the invincible power of respecting the eternal world, Dousita Palace and Biyou Palace joined forces.

Dousita Palace is responsible for restraining Yuxu Palace, while Biyou Palace sends strong men to rob and kill Sun Wei.

Afterwards, the Eternal Great Realm returned to the situation where the three Dao Palaces were on equal footing.

"What's so special about the Temple of Eternity that makes the Three Religions so obsessed with it?"

During this time, Zhuo Bufan quietly investigated the Eternal Realm and found that most of the news about the Eternal Great Realm was blocked by the Three Religions.

"The Temple of Eternity can make the immortals whose true spirits have been broken gather together the fragments of their true spirits." Zhuo Bufan's expression changed as soon as Sun Wei said this.

"In other words, can those strong men who disappeared between heaven and earth be resurrected?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt an endless chill, if the Three Sects really had such means, wouldn't it mean that the Three Sects still had a lot of power behind them.

"Although I was the direct descendant of Yuxu in the Eternal Great Realm back then, I didn't pay attention to Yuxu Palace because of my obsession with cultivation. But what you said reminded my old grandson that it seemed that Yuxu Palace was planning to resurrect some of them that had long since disappeared between heaven and earth. the strong."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Sun Wei also felt chills all over his body.

If the Three Religions can really revive those vanished ancient powerhouses, secretly, the Three Religions have accumulated a powerful force.

But the three teachings have not been cited until now.

But at this moment, Sun Wei is very suspicious. The Eternal Temple is so vast, is it true that only the three religions occupy it?
 The prehistoric waters are deep.

(End of this chapter)

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