Chapter 294
Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan had a bad premonition in his heart.

Compared with other prehistoric forces, Wen Dao's rise time is too short.

Naturally, there is no corresponding background like other forces, and what is even more fatal is that the Wendao lineage has not had a Wuji combat power to sit in it.

"You enter the Eternal Temple this time to see if you can open up a secret realm for Wen Dao's lineage. Leave the matter of the earth and fairy world to me. You can rest assured and see the right time to enter the eternal world."

As a Tianji Wenxin, Zhuo Bufan can play the role of Tianji Wenxin in more complicated situations.

This time, he wanted to trick people into explaining the three teachings, to deceive the world, and to make Zhuo Bufan's long-silent Tianji Wenxin boil.

Sun Yutong looked at the three beauties Huang Yao, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu, and said in a deep voice, "I can't take you to the lower realms this time, but if I can get a foothold in the Eternal Temple, I will pick you up again. During this time, we must To break through the spiritual realm."

"The Temple of Eternity can gather fragments of true spirits and bring back those who have disappeared. It must have a different appeal to monks in the spiritual realm. The three religions have been monopolized in the eternal world for so many years, and no other forces in the prehistoric world are allowed to get involved. After you go down, Just be careful."

Jiang Mingzhu asked Sun Wei to be like a husband who went to war, accepting his wife's instructions before leaving the house.

Sun Yuhong smiled slightly, and a sharp cold light appeared in the depths of his eyes.

Eternal Great Realm, my grandson is here.

Relying on the memory of reincarnation, Sun Wei directly shattered the void in the cave, and then submerged into the void realm.

At this time, Sun Yu followed his memory and headed towards the eternal world.

In the Void Realm, even though Sun Yu was only a monk in the first step of the spiritual realm, his bursting speed was no less than that of an immortal.

The void world is very different from the real space.

The wings of mana on Sun Yu's back vibrated, and he flew across the void for a million miles in the blink of an eye.

Sun Yu was like a meteor falling into the sky, quickly heading towards the Eternal Realm.

The void world runs through the 36 layers of heaven, earth and immortal worlds, and the Great Thousand World. Within ten days, Sun Yu had already arrived outside the world barrier of the Eternal Great Realm.

The Eternal Realm is a vast world. Because of the existence of the Eternal Temple, since the Three Religions occupied the Eternal Realm, they have strengthened the world barriers of the Eternal Great Realm several times.

The three teachings did this to prevent the immortals from coming to the eternal world without authorization.

Outside the barrier of the world, from the inside to the outside, there are three layers of restrictions.

Sun Wei's spiritual consciousness carefully sensed that there were three layers of restrictions, which were set by the strong of the three religions.

The innermost layer of restriction is Renjiao Tushita Palace.The middle layer of restriction is the Jiejiao Biyou Palace, and the outermost layer of restriction is the Interpretation of Education Yuxu Palace.

"as predicted!"

After careful induction, Sun Wei realized that these restrictions should be after the reincarnation of the eternal world fell.

Because of the previous restrictions outside the world barrier, the outermost layer is Jiejiao Biyou Palace.

At this moment, Sun Wei stepped into his cave.

Soon, the cave became a small dot.

The extremely small point suddenly breaks into the restriction of the Yuxu Palace of Explanation and Education.

But at this time, a ray of primordial qi engulfed the cave and turned into a small dot, which did not arouse the restriction at all.

And after breaking through the restriction of Yuxu Palace, although there are still two layers of restriction in front of him, at this moment, Sun Wei has no fear.

Sun Quan communicated with the Kunlun mirror, and in an instant, from the cave, there were five-color divine lights!

The five-color divine light is naturally capable of restraining most of the prohibition formations in the wild, and the five-color divine light can wipe out the prohibition.

And at this moment, the Kunlun mirror showed its power, using illusion to cover up the fluctuations.

Sun Quan cast five colors of divine light one after another, penetrating two layers of restriction.

And when Sun Yuwen crossed the three layers of restriction, he came to the world barrier.

Sun Yuwen walked out of the cave, Sun Yuyu squeezed into the world barrier, and suddenly, he was sensed by the world will of the Eternal Great Realm.

The world will of the Eternal Great Realm instinctively kills outsiders, and in an instant, within the barriers of the world, the world will directly cast down divine punishment.

Luckily for Sun Yu, fortunately, he didn't use too much force just now to break through the barrier of the world.

And among the barriers of the world, the barriers of the world can weaken the punishment of heaven!
But even so, the light of heaven's punishment still extinguished on Sun Yu's body.

Sun Wei could only resist the light of divine punishment by relying on the four supreme physical training exercises.

The light of punishment is extremely powerful, if it is not in the barrier of the world, Sun Yu is very doubtful, whether he will be smashed into dust by the light of punishment.

But the barriers in this world have weakened the power of heaven's punishment, and in the end Sun Yu was able to resist the light of heaven's punishment.

After surviving the light of punishment from heaven, Sun Wei immediately left the barrier of the world.

In the Eternal Great Realm, apart from the three continents distributed in a zigzag shape, the rest is a boundless sea.

The three religions occupy a continent respectively, Yuxu Continent in the north, Biyou Continent in the east, and Tushii Continent in the west.

The Temple of Eternity is located in the Sea of ​​Eternity in the center of the three continents.

It's just that the Eternal Temple will float from the Eternal Sea every once in a while, but before the Eternal Temple was born, even the Hunyuan Saint could not find the Eternal Temple in the Eternal Sea.

Sun Wei did not go to the Yuxu Continent, but directly came to the Sea of ​​Eternity.

In the Eternal Great Realm, apart from the Eternal Sea, there are some fairy islands, and the other seas are all sea water, without any islands.

And the fairy islands in the sea of ​​eternity are dotted with stars, which seem to correspond to the prehistoric stars.

Stepping into the sea of ​​eternity, Sun Wei's body descended from the sky.

A strange force imprisoned Sun Yu in an instant.

After many declines on the island, a large pit appeared directly.

Dust was flying up, and Sun Wenyu crawled out of the big pit.

"Fortunately, the four supreme body-training magic arts have all broken through the realm of the seventh heaven!"

Although Sun Quan's powerful physical body was damaged, he absorbed the abundant spiritual energy here and quickly recovered.

"Strange power!"

At this time, Sun Yu's spiritual sense sensed that some strange spiritual power that belonged to the eternal sea just entered his body along with the spiritual energy.

"The power of eternity passed on by the monks of the Eternal World is very strange. Once the power of eternity reaches a certain level, it will usher in eternal calamity."

Today, Sun Yu's face is not Sun Yu's face, but the former direct disciple of the Yuxu Palace in the Eternal Great Realm, the Taoist of Yujing.

Sun Yutong recalled the past, the reincarnated body was just a very ordinary person in a small village in the Yuxu Continent.

But once, a certain monk of Yuxu Taoist Temple passed by a small village by accident and met Sun Yutong.

At that time, he was shocked to be a heavenly man, so he led Sun Yu into Yuxu Daoyuan.

Afterwards, Sun Wei showed his impressive aptitude, and finally stepped into the Yuxu Taoist Palace, and finally became known as Yujing Taoist.

Today, Sun Yu is dressed in a simple Taoist robe, and the Ruyi golden cudgel is turned into a sword.

In addition to being the direct descendant of Yuxu, Taoist Yujing is also the number one expert in swordsmanship in the Eternal Great Realm.

At this moment, Sun Quan's ears vibrated slightly.

The sound from far away reached Sun Yu's ears.

The voice was not very clear, but Sun Wei could tell a little bit that it seemed that four monks from Biyou Palace were chasing and killing a couple of Taoists from Yuxu Palace.

And this pair of Taoist couples from Yuxu Palace were in a panic, and they happened to be running towards the island where Sun Wei was.

"Hand over the eighth-rank spiritual object, water and fire seven-leaf lotus, such a precious spiritual object, the strong will live there."

"You still have to fight tenaciously, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, no one can kill you!"

"Damn it, after chasing him for so long, I will kill that man later and leave that female cultivator behind, let us vent it!"

"There is an island in front, do they really naively think that there are seniors from Yuxu Palace secretly cultivating on the island?"

The four Biyou Palace monks are all in the Void Realm.

And this pair of Taoists from Yuxu Palace are also in the Void Realm, but in the early stage of the Void Realm.

And at this moment, the Taoist couple of Yuxu Palace suddenly sensed Sun Wei on the island.

"Senior, save us!"

In an instant, they desperately stimulated the essence and blood of their lives, and in an instant, the light flashed across the sky, and they came to this small island.

But when they landed on the island and saw Sun Yu, they were suddenly struck by lightning.

"How could it be you?"

"Young Palace Master, are you a human or a ghost?"

The pair of Taoist couple Yuxu stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

The Young Palace Master Yujing of Yuxu Taoist Palace suddenly appeared on this small island.

And at this moment, the four Biyou Palace monks who came after him also came to the island.

And these four monks in the Void Realm of Biyou Palace were dumbfounded when they saw Sun Yuhong.

"No, it must have been delusional."

"Bai Yujing, the young master of Yuxu Palace, died a long time ago!"

"It's been so long since the shocking battle back then!"

"How is it possible to be resurrected? If the immortals of the upper realm make a move, they will definitely be destroyed in body and spirit!"

These four Biyou Palace Void Realm monks couldn't believe that they would see Bai Yujing who had been dead for a long time on this island.

"Although the cultivation base has not been fully recovered now, it is still easy to kill the four ants in the Void Realm!"

At this moment, Bai Yujing, who was incarnated by Sun Yu, shook the void with an incomparably cold voice, full of murderous intent.

"It really is you, Bai Yujing!"

The leader of the four Biyougong monks was a late-stage monk in the Void Realm. At this moment, he pointed at Sun Yu, with hatred soaring.

"It seems that there are too few of you Biyougong monks who killed back then. You are a late-stage ant in the Void Realm, and you dare to point at me!"

All of a sudden, Sun Huang made a move!

The Yujing sword transformed into the Ruyi golden cudgel, learned from the swordsmanship of Master Yuding, and shot out dozens of fierce and peerless sword lights!
The radiant sword light was as mighty as the might of the sky, the sword light rushed out, directly piercing through the bodies of the four monks in the Void Realm of Biyou Palace with such momentum.

"Go back and tell Bi Yougong that I, Bai Yujing, are back!"

Suddenly, with a flash of sword light, the bodies of the four Void Realm cultivators turned into dust.

At the same time, their primordial spirits were directly killed by Jian Guang.

However, Jian Guang could not annihilate their true spirits.

Moreover, even if Sun Yu burst out with extreme divine power and annihilated their true spirits, the fragments of their true spirits would gather in the Eternal Temple.

And that, on the contrary, exposed the real combat power.

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(End of this chapter)

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