The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 298 Crossing the Eternal Tribulation

Chapter 298 Crossing the Eternal Tribulation
Bi Yougong guessed right, Sun Wei was on a certain uninhabited island, surviving eternal calamity.

Since the Eternal Calamity had not been triggered before, Sun Yuyan subconsciously ignored the power of the Eternal Calamity.

Although I watched many Biyougong monks fall into the sea of ​​eternity and be sucked into the endless power of eternity, the eternal calamity erupted violently, and they died on the spot.

"I still underestimate the power of the Eternal Tribulation. I didn't expect that this eternal power would impregnate the physical body, true energy, and primordial spirit at the same time. It is extremely domineering."

Sun Wei's spiritual thoughts were spoken to Kunlun Jingjingling in the Purple Mansion.

Kunlun Mirror Jingling was speechless!
At the very beginning of stepping into the sea of ​​eternity, when the first ray of eternal power was absorbed by Sun Yutong, Kunlun Jingjingling reminded Sun Yuhong.

It's just that Sun Yu didn't take it seriously at the time, and it wasn't until now that he discovered that the tyrannical eternal power invaded the three treasures of spirit, energy, spirit, and human body at the same time.

"Great Sage, I reminded you a long time ago, but it's a pity that you didn't take it seriously." Kunlun Jingjingling said indifferently
The eternal calamity erupted, and the pure yang primordial spirit, Yuanshi true energy, and seven-level physical body were all filled with the power of eternal calamity.

The Eternal Tribulation Fire blazed, and the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit, Yuanshi True Qi, and Void Realm body were all tempered and burned by the Eternal Tribulation Fire.

At this moment, Sun Yu can only rely on his own background to resist the eternal calamity.

In the cave, Sun Yu struggled against the eternal calamity, the power of eternal calamity filled his whole body, and his whole body was filled with eternal calamity fire.

The Eternal Tribulation erupted violently, even if Sun Quan's three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit were extremely powerful, he was still extremely embarrassed by this Eternal Tribulation!
It's just that the Eternal Calamity still failed to destroy Sun Yu's body and spirit.

The reason is that the eternal power absorbed by Sun Wei is not too much!
And after passing through the eternal calamity, Sun Yutong looked inside with his spiritual consciousness.

But suddenly found that after passing through the eternal catastrophe, although the cultivation level has not improved, the combat power has increased by at least [-]% compared to before.

Especially in the flesh body, I don't know how many impurities were completely burned out by the eternal fire.

Because he possesses the four supreme body training exercises, but after all, they are the four supreme body training exercises, and the four Dao patterns have not been fully integrated.

It has not been transformed into a supreme body-refining magical skill. In this case, there will always be defects and many impurities in tempering Sun Yu's physical body.

But after going through the eternal calamity this time, Sun Yu suddenly discovered that many impurities in the physical body and some shortcomings of the previous physical body had all disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, under the violent eruption of the Eternal Tribulation, Sun Yu suddenly felt that the fusion speed of the Dao pattern of the four supreme body-training magic arts is faster!

Yuanshi Zhenqi became more clear, because Zhenqi became more condensed!
Now the power of a trace of Yuanshi Zhenqi is at least ten times that of before.

This is the improvement of Yuanshi Zhenqi. After passing through an eternal calamity, after Yuanshi Zhenqi is tempered, the power of Yuanshi Zhenqi has increased by more than ten times.

After that is Sun Wei's Chunyang Primordial Spirit. Sun Wei thought that the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit of Hongmeng Kaitian rank could not be promoted again!
Unexpectedly, this time under the Eternal Tribulation, the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit of Hongmeng Kaitian rank would still continue to improve!
Moreover, the pure yang primordial spirit and the virtual body are fused into one, creating the acquired five-element spirit body.

In other words, among the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit, except for 'qi', the spirit is one.

In this case, the tempering of the five-element spirit body by Eternal Tribulation is beyond Sun Yu's imagination.

The power of Chunyang Primordial God can be improved because Sun Yu suddenly discovered that the Dao pattern of the four supreme physical training magical arts actually appeared on Chunyang Primordial God.

Not only that, but the treasure body of Myriad Tribulations, which was originally cultivated with the pure Yang Yuanshen, appeared on the physical body again this time!
In other words, Sun Wei's five-element spirit body has been divided into inner and outer layers.

The outermost layer is the four supreme physical exercises.

And the inner layer is the body of myriad calamities!

This is also the reason why in the end the eternal calamity could not destroy Sun Huang's body and spirit. Whether it is the four supreme physical exercises or the treasured body of the myriad calamities, they are not ordinary supernatural powers.

These grades are at least the supreme supernatural powers or physical exercises, which can resist eternal calamity.

After going through the first eternal calamity, Sun Yu was a little surprised at how powerful the eternal calamity was.

So, Sun Yu was in the cave, frantically absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

And at this moment, Sun Yu was no longer ignorant, allowing the power of eternity to invade his body, Sun Yu deliberately gathered the power of eternity together!
Sun Yu first tempered Yuanshi Zhenqi, and when Yuanshi Zhenqi absorbed enough eternal power, as Sun Yu had expected, the Eternal Tribulation erupted impressively!
In Sun Quan's sea of ​​qi, in the cave sky, in Yuanshi's true qi, filled with endless eternal fire!

Yuanshi Zhenqi is tempered in the endless eternal fire.

Yuanshi Zhenqi was so powerful before, because Yuanshi Zhenqi contained the way of Yuanshi.

Sun Yu seized the real body of Jiyuan Daoist, and obtained the Way of Wuji and the Way of Yuanshi!

Although the Tao of Wuji and the Tao of Yuanshi have been deeply imprinted in the true spirit, Sun Yu still stripped out a part of the Tao of Yuanshi, injected it into Yuanshi Zhenqi, and fused it with Yuanshi Zhenqi.

The way of Yuanshi is extremely mysterious, and at this moment, Yuanshi's true energy is tempered by the eternal fire, and the Yuanshi's Dao rhyme within Yuanshi's true energy is stimulated!
The power of Yuanshi Zhenqi soared in a straight line.

The Eternal Tribulation Fire boosted the power of Yuanshi Zhenqi, and after this tempering, the power of Yuanshi Zhenqi increased again!
The power of Yuan Shi Zhen Qi is no less than that of Sun Yu's mana!
On the contrary, the magic power that Sun Yan combined the power of qi and blood and the power of consciousness with Yuanshi Zhenqi is not as good as Yuanshi Zhenqi in terms of power alone!

All of this is naturally because Yuanshi Zhenqi has been tempered and inspired Yuanshi Dao. Now, Yuanshi Zhenqi is full of Yuanshi Dao rhyme.

Sensing the strength of Yuan Shi's zhenqi, Sun Quanhong's face showed joy.

Yuanshi's true qi was circulating in his body and walking in the sky, and Sun Yu heard a sound like a river coming from his body.

Vast and majestic!
How could Sun Quan be reconciled to the improvement of Yuanshi's true qi, but the spirit body of the five elements is not as good as Yuanshi's true qi!

Therefore, Sun Yu should be more careful.

And this scene was all witnessed by Kunlun Jingjingling.

Kunlun Jingjingling has followed Muhuang for many years, and Muhuang is an extremely talented master who has experienced ancient giants and ancient tyrants.

The vision of the Kunlun mirror is so high that it is unimaginable!
But at this moment, Kunlun Jingdu was still shocked by Sun Quan's audacity and audacity.

"Great Sage, are you really the real one?" Kunlun Jingjing Ling couldn't even describe Sun Yu in words.

"If you want to become a master, if you don't go through the catastrophe, how can you get the unrivaled divine power!"

Sun Yu is determined, although doing so is very risky, but in order to improve her strength, Sun Yu is willing to take such a big risk.

"But if you are not careful, you will be completely destroyed by the eternal calamity, and your body and spirit will be destroyed!"

Kunlun Jingjing Ling coldly reminded Sun Wei.

"So what, are you going to let my grandson give up in vain? Knowing that through the eternal calamity, you can improve, if you are afraid of death, you will turn a blind eye. This is my grandson's style, not to mention, my grandson still has a little self-confidence! "

Sun Wei said in a deep voice.

"Great Sage, you are so crazy to do this. Since ancient times, no one has ever tried to practice the four supreme physical exercises in Yuanshen. Maybe some people have tried, but they are definitely dead. At least in the prehistoric, Cultivators who have tried to practice the four supreme body-refining magical arts with their primordial spirits have definitely not cultivated to the realm of immortals!"

Kunlun mirror really felt that Sun Yu was crazy, not to induce eternal calamity to temper his body, but to use the primordial spirit to practice the four supreme body-refining magical arts.

"My old grandson always feels that the four supreme body-refining magical arts come from the same line. And now the primordial spirit and the physical body are fused into the five-element spiritual body. It is impossible to just cultivate the physical body and ignore the primordial spirit like before. No The method, the spirit body of the five elements, is just the posture of Hunyuan."

Sun Yu was not reconciled, but just used the five elements to prove the saint!
The spirit body of the five elements has the posture of proving the saint!
The innate five-element Taoist body has the posture of infinity!

And if you want to prove the Dao of Hongmeng, you must upgrade to the Dao Body of Hongmeng Five Elements.

However, the Five Elements Dao, in today's Hongmeng Sea, there is already a Hongmeng Saint Dzogchen!
The first generation of Chaos Five Elements Demon God!

In the prehistoric sea, one of the 36 only surviving Primordial Demon Gods!

Today's Hongmenghai, the most powerful 36 powerhouses!

If you follow the steps step by step and focus on the Five Elements Dao, you may be able to cultivate to the peak of the Hongmeng Saint!
But in that case, it is impossible to surpass the Five Elements Primordial Demon God forever!
Unless, wait for the Five Elements Hongmeng Demon God to fall, it is possible to replace him and become the master of the Hongmeng Five Elements Dao!

But in today's Hongmenghai, who can kill the Hongmeng Demon God standing on the top?

Regardless of Kunlun Mirror's advice, Sun Yu insisted on going her own way!
In an instant, Sun Wei once again attracted the power of eternity.

At this moment, under Sun Yu's deliberate control, these eternal powers gathered between the Dao patterns of the four supreme body-training magic arts!

Sun Yu thought to himself, perhaps in the prehistoric world, only the eruption of Eternal Tribulation can speed up the fusion of the four supreme body-training magic arts.

Sun Yu's idea is really a bit whimsical!

Since ancient times, it's not that there are no monks with the four supreme physical training skills, but they haven't found their own way like Sun Wei.

He wanted to fuse the four supreme body-training magic arts together.

But at this time, in the Purple Mansion, the Kunlun Mirror didn't say anything.

Because the Kunlun Mirror suddenly thought of a question, if the Monkey King really merged the four supreme body training exercises into a new body training exercise.

So, is this body-refining magical skill just the highest grade?

Do not!
Directly pointing at the method of creation!
In other words, it is at least a good fortune-level body-refining profound art!

If this is the case, it is one of the methods of the Promise of the Promise of the Golden Immortal.

At this moment, Kunlun Mirror no longer persuaded him.

If because of his persuasion, Sun Yu's path was blocked, the cause and effect would be too great.

What's more, the Kunlun mirror is only temporarily living in Sun Yu's body.

His master is Mu Huang, one of the five ancient emperors.

Thinking up to this point, the Kunlun Mirror wanted to see what kind of miraculous miracle Sun Yu was about to create.

(End of this chapter)

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