Chapter 299
Be careful and walk on thin ice!
This is the current state of Sun Yuhong.

Extremely subtle control of the power of eternity, gathered next to the Dao pattern of the four supreme body training magic arts.

Sensing this scene, Kunlun Mirror burst into laughter.

"Great Sage, you are still cautious enough not to let Chunyang Primordial Spirit accompany your Void Realm physical body to take risks together."

Sun Wei just gathered the eternal power next to the Dao pattern in the virtual body, and has not yet penetrated into the depths of the soul with the eternal power.

Sun Wei didn't have any extra thoughts to communicate with Kunlun Mirror, until finally, Sun Wei let out a sigh of relief.

Next, as long as there is one more ray of eternal power, it can trigger eternal calamity.

But this time triggers an eternal catastrophe, and the fortune and misfortune are unknown.

Now, Sun Yu's limbs, bones, blood, tendons, meridians, flesh and blood of acupuncture points, etc., are all filled with eternal power.

When Sun Yuyi absorbed a ray of eternal power into his body without hesitation, in an instant, the eternal fire rose directly from all parts of his body.

The flames soared into the sky, crazily burning Sun Rong's body!
At this moment, the Void Realm's physical body seemed vulnerable under the eternal fire.

The dao pattern of the four supreme body-refining magic arts was destroyed by the eternal fire for the first time!
That's right, destroy!
Although the Dao pattern of the four great physical exercises is extremely powerful.But facing the eternal calamity fire at this moment, he does not have the power of the four supreme body-refining magical arts at all.

After the four avenues were destroyed, Sun Yu's physical body at the level of the virtual realm disappeared.

Just like a newborn baby, at this moment, Sun Quan's physical body is not much stronger than a baby after losing the Dao pattern of the four supreme physical exercises.

At this moment, the corners of Sun Yuhong's mouth were full of bitterness.

"It turns out that my old grandson's physical body is so fragile because of the loss of dao marks. All along, my old grandson has practiced only the four supreme physical exercises, not the physical body. Fortunately, I discovered it early and can correct it."

After a wry smile, he was full of joy.

If it hadn't been for destroying the dao pattern, how could Sun Yu know that his physical body was so fragile!

For a long time, Sun Wei thought that his physical body was unparalleled!

But I didn't expect that Yiye blocked his eyes, and he was still unable to know himself in Lushan Mountain.

Although the dao patterns of the four supreme body-refining magical arts were completely destroyed, at this moment, the power of the eternal calamity fire actually aroused the counterattack of Myriad Calamity Treasure Body!
The treasure body of myriad calamities, absorbing the power of eternal calamity crazily!
The talisman of Myriad Calamity Treasure Body continued to penetrate deep into the flesh and blood.

"The four supreme body-training magic arts, Dao pattern reunited!"

Sun Yu suddenly yelled, and in an instant, those destroyed four supreme body training divine arts and dao patterns reappeared!

It's just that it's not the four dao patterns that appear this time!

Instead, it's a fusion!
Sun Yu broke the shackles and completely fused the four supreme physical exercises together!
The newly appeared Dao pattern suddenly has eight Hongmeng seal characters.

In the Purple Mansion, Kunlun Jingjingling read out.

"Chaos Creation Body Refining Mysterious Art!"

The four supreme physical exercises, the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu, the Heavenly Gang Yuan Kung Fu, the Earth Demon Mysterious Kung Fu, and the Immortal Golden Body were forcibly fused together by Sun Yu.

The merged exercise is "Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art of Body Refining".

At this moment, in Sun Yu's body, all the limbs, bones, blood, tendons, meridians, flesh and blood at the acupoints are all new dao patterns.

Chaotic good fortune, body refining, profound kung fu and dao patterns are truly integrated with limbs, bones, bones and blood.

Regardless of each other!

In an instant, Sun Yu's physical body gradually improved from the blood realm, and finally returned to the virtual realm again!

Moreover, it has surpassed the previous realm and reached the middle stage of the seventh heaven.

Just when Sun Wei was still going to continue his cultivation, suddenly, a tyrannical divine sense swept across the island.

In an instant, Sun Wei, who was in the cave, was immediately sensed by this tyrannical divine sense.

Afterwards, Sun Quan felt locked by this divine sense.

"Found the whereabouts of the evil cultivator Bai Yujing!"

In an instant, a steady stream of experts from Biyou Palace descended on this island.

In order to prevent Bai Yujing from escaping, the strong man who came to this island directly sealed off time and space.

The void is imprisoned, and the time fluctuations are approaching to stop.

All of this is naturally to prevent Bai Yujing from reversing time and space and escaping into the past time and space, thus escaping from birth.

Now that the traces were found, Sun Huang got up immediately.

At this moment, Sun Wei changed into Bai Yujing again.

Bai Yujing stepped out of the cave leisurely, and then felt that the entire valley was completely sealed off!
At this moment, this valley is impenetrable.

More and more Biyou Palace powerhouses gathered on this island. For Bai Yujing, it can be said that there is no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to enter the earth.

Overseas of Eternity, the head teacher of Biyou Palace suddenly received a voice transmission from an immortal.

Look happy and stand up!
"Pass on the talisman of this seat, and immediately summon all the monks of Biyou Palace in the Eternal Sea. Order all the true disciples of Biyou Palace to go to the island where Bai Yujing is located."

After Bi Yougong's head teacher issued the talisman, the super-big spirit boat he was in set off impressively.

At the same time, many elders from Biyou Palace accompanied him.

On the island and outside the valley, more and more monks from Biyou Palace surrounded the valley with three inner floors and three outer floors.

Bai Yujing didn't take it seriously at all, and sat cross-legged in the void of the valley, nourishing his energy and concentrating his mind.


The spirit boat headed by Bi Yougong rushed out of the island, and a rainbow bridge suddenly rose from the spirit boat, traveled through the void, and then directly reached the valley.

The head teacher of Biyou Palace stepped on the Hongqiao, and behind him, followed by a group of elders of Biyou Palace.

Three Dao Palaces, the teacher is respected!
Although some Supreme Elders have a higher level of cultivation than the head teacher, but in the eternal world, they are no match for the head teacher!

The Three Great Dao Palaces are in charge of teaching, and they are absolutely invincible in the Eternal World!

And it was Bai Yujing who broke the myth of invincibility back then!

Of course, it is undeniable that Bai Yujing's identity as Yuxu's direct descendant back then resisted some of the headmaster Tianwei!
The Hongqiao crossed the sky, and within ten breaths, the head teacher of Biyou Palace and a group of Supreme Elders came to the valley in person!

The head teacher of Biyou Palace and the elder Taishang looked down.

"It really is you, Bai Yujing!"

If the head teacher of Biyou Palace had not dared to completely conclude that Bai Yujing was the real Bai Yujing before, but now, after seeing Bai Yujing with his own eyes, he can confirm that it is the real Bai Yujing.

"Bi Youzi, back then you were only a true disciple of the fairyland of Biyou Palace, and you were still fearfully watching how I killed you Biyou Palace fairy. Now you dare to come in front of me to show your prestige, Biyou Palace , It's really a great prestige."

Bai Yujing sneered coldly!
"Bai Yujing, today is not the same as in the past. Thousands of years have passed, do you think this seat is standing still? It's just that there is too much difference in status and status between this seat and yours. Don't worry, unless it is a last resort, this seat will not be in the same place." Will make a move."

Bi Yougong's head teacher, aloof and superior, treats Bai Yujing like an ant!

A faint sneer appeared on the corner of Bai Yujing's mouth, "The disparity in status and status is too great? It is true!"

And at this time, the head teacher of Biyou Palace looked at the group of Biyou Palace's true disciples!

"Starting from the true disciples who have cultivated the first step in the spiritual realm, if anyone wants to become the direct successor of Biyou Palace, he should stand up and enter the valley to fight Bai Yujing. Bring out his head, and he will be the direct successor of Biyou Palace. "

The head teacher of Biyou Palace said coldly.

Hearing this, all the true disciples looked solemn.

If before, they thought it would be easy to kill Bai Yujing.

But before Bai Yujing showed his power, many spirit boats of Biyou Palace sank one after another, and nearly ten thousand Biyou Palace disciples died in Bai Yujing's hands.

Bai Yujing's majestic power has already been known to many Biyou Palace's true disciples. Even after thousands of years have passed, Bai Yujing is still the same Bai Yujing.

Although these true disciples are the most outstanding monks in all the realms of Biyou Palace, many true disciples are terrified when they are asked to enter the valley to fight Bai Yujing.

Seeing this scene, the head teacher of Biyou Palace was extremely angry!
"Bi Youzi, don't let them come to die for your unwarranted self-esteem. If you are tired of living and want to die, and you suppress your cultivation in the Void Realm, I can send you on your way!"

In the valley, Bai Yujing's mocking voice came out.

"Headmaster, I'm coming!"

At this moment, a true disciple of Biyou Palace, who had cultivated the second step of the spiritual realm, stepped out impressively!
"Okay, Biyou Palace is still a man of blood. As long as you kill Bai Yujing, you will be the direct heir of Biyou Palace!"

Master Bi Yougong said such words under the watchful eyes of everyone, which made this true disciple extremely excited!
If you kill Bai Yujing, you can ascend to the sky in one step!
Holding Bai Yujing's head, one can become the direct heir of Biyou Palace.

"Bai Yujing, your bones have forged my line of succession!"

This true disciple who had cultivated the second step of the spiritual realm, with great murderous intent, looked at Bai Yujing in the valley extremely coldly.

"Your bones will once again let the myth of my invincibility spread in the eternal world!"

Facing such ants, Bai Yujing was too lazy to say anything.

"Hmph, do you still think that you are the direct descendant of Yuxu who has traversed the eternal world for thousands of years?"

Bi Yougong, a true disciple of the second step of cultivation in the spiritual realm, suddenly disappeared into the valley.

At the same time, a loud shout shook the valley!
The Sea God Orb of Supreme Supernatural Ability!

All of a sudden, 24 Dinghai Divine Beads appeared beside this true disciple.

Of course, this Dinghaishenzhu is not the Dinghaishenzhu of Jiejiao sage Zhao Gongming.

But even so, it is a set of extremely powerful spirit treasures!

Every Dinghai Divine Bead is almost comparable to a seventh-rank magic weapon.

In other words, a single Dinghai Divine Bead is enough to make a cultivator of the Eighth Realm a natal treasure.

But now, 24 Dinghaishen beads are equivalent to 24 seventh-rank magic weapons, and they are blasting towards Bai Yujing together!

Not only that, Dinghai Shenzhu is also a prestigious and supreme supernatural power!
Jiejiao sage Zhao Gongming cooperated with 24 Dinghai Divine Beads to display this supreme supernatural power. The congenital spiritual treasure plus the supreme supernatural power is enough to make saints of the same rank frightened.

Seeing this scene, all the monks of Biyou Palace were shocked!

No one expected that this true disciple whose cultivation was only the second step of the spiritual realm would actually show 24 Dinghai Shenzhu of the seventh rank magic weapon at this moment!
At the same time, he also practiced supreme supernatural powers!
(End of this chapter)

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