Chapter 300
At this moment, 24 Dinghai Shenzhu, the seventh-rank magic weapon, bombarded and killed Bai Yujing together with the supreme supernatural power 'Dinghai Shenzhu'.

Although the entire valley was blocked by time and space, at this moment, the void was shaken by the Dinghai Shenzhu!

Faced with this extremely powerful blow, Bai Yujing just gently stretched out his right hand.

"Fix the body and ban the air!"

Bai Yujing punched out, and in an instant, he evolved the supreme supernatural power obtained in the wild ancient battle field with the secret of Dou Zi!
In an instant, the fierce and unparalleled punch blasted into the void!

Fist strength contains the prestige of the Dao, and only then can one be able to fix one's body and block the air.

The 24 Dinghai Divine Beads were directly imprisoned in the void.

Bi Yougong, a true disciple who had cultivated the second step of the spiritual realm, was fixed.

"Before the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Zhao Gongming was an expert in the interception of the Luofu Cave in Emei Mountain. Because he accepted the invitation of the Yin Shang Taishi Wen Zhongli, he went down the mountain to help the Yin Shang. With the magic weapon of fame, 24 Dinghaishenzhu, he defeated the Xianjiao Xianren one after another. It can be said to be a high-level artist Strong skills. After Jiang Ziya, please move Lu Ya, and just now he killed it with the supreme supernatural power "Nailhead Seven Arrow Book"!"

"After Zhao Gongming's fall, the 24 Dinghaishen Orbs fell into the hands of Taoist Chanjiao Randeng. At the beginning of the present and ancient times, the leader of Tongtian sect was Zhao Gongming's master, and Taoist Randeng had to hand over the Dinghaishenzhu! With this innate spirit, Zhao Gongming Treasure, beheaded the three corpses, proved the Hunyuan, and then created the supreme supernatural power 'Dinghai Shenzhu'."

"You, Biyou Palace, are elucidating orthodox teachings, and it is not surprising that you have Zhao Gongming's lineage. It's just that I didn't expect that you would be so naive, and you would want to kill me with the Dinghai Shenzhu. It really insults the reputation of Zhao Gongming's lineage! "

Bai Yujing's voice shook the void!
"Bai Yujing, how can I allow you to call me the name of a sage when I explain it to you?"

Bi Yougong reprimanded him.

At this moment, all of a sudden, Bai Yujing's punch exploded!

After fixing the body and banning the air, it was a punch that shattered the air!
Bai Yujing aroused Yuanshi's true energy, and unleashed the Shattering Fist impressively!

The Broken Kong Fist is just a unique skill in martial arts, not magical powers.

But at this moment, in Bai Yujing's hands, the power of Shattering Space Fist is no less than magical powers!
The terrifying and unparalleled Shattering Fist Strength, Shattering the Void!
In an instant, the terrifying and invincible punch directly killed Bi Yougong, a true disciple who had cultivated the second step of the spiritual realm, on the spot!

The blood fog spreads!
Then, 24 Dinghaishen beads fell into Bai Yujing's hands!

"If he can bear it all the time, he may not be able to become your Biyou Palace immortal in the future. It's a pity that he will end up like this if he fights against me!"

Bai Yujing punched and killed Biyou Palace's true disciple who had cultivated to the second step of the spiritual realm, and the true disciple who was blown into a blood mist sounded the death knell for many true disciples who had cultivated in the spiritual realm!
At this moment, many Biyou Palace spiritual realm disciples who were ready to move looked at Bai Yujing in the valley, full of fear!

Although Bai Yujing is only the first step in the spiritual realm, how can his real combat power be measured by the spiritual realm.

And the flesh body of this true disciple who was cultivated in the second step of the spiritual realm was a bloody lesson for many true disciples who had cultivated in the spiritual realm of Biyou Palace.

"Damn it, Bai Yujing, I hope you can live until I strike!"

At this very moment, a true disciple of Biyou Palace who cultivated in the fairyland has a murderous intent!
In the Biyou Palace, he also practiced Zhao Gongming's lineage of art, the magic weapon of fame, and the Dinghai Shenzhu!

It's just that his Dinghai Divine Orb is already a Chunyang Immortal Treasure!
24 pure Yang Xianbao-level Dinghai Shenzhu blasted out, it is impossible for Bai Yujing not to be destroyed physically and spiritually.

"That depends on how many true disciples Biyou Palace will let you die!"

Bai Yujing's voice was cold, with a piercing chill.

In the midair above the valley, Bi Yougong's Headmaster heard the words and was extremely angry.

Biyou Palace is really not as good as the previous generation!
In his generation, even if Bai Yujing was at the height of the sun, besieging and killing Bai Yujing, even if all the immortals fell, but the true disciples of the fairyland still did not change their faces!
But now these true disciples only think about how to save their lives.

"True disciples who have cultivated in the spiritual realm, are there still people who will fight?"

The gloomy gaze of Bi Yougong's head teacher made the true disciples who were cultivated in the spiritual realm tremble with fear.

However, no matter how angry Bi Yougong's headmaster got angry, none of these true disciples who cultivated in the spiritual realm dared to make a move.

"You don't even have the courage to do it. You true disciples are all expelled, and you will never be able to become the direct descendant of Biyou Palace!"

Under the anger of Bi Yougong's head teacher, he directly knocked down all the true disciples who had cultivated in the spiritual realm, and knocked their identity as true disciples to the mortal world.

Moreover, she is never allowed to become the direct heir of Biyou Palace.

It is said that these true disciples of Biyou Palace who have cultivated in the spiritual realm are like mourning concubines.

Then, the head teacher of Biyou Palace, with gloomy and ruthless eyes, looked at the true disciple of Void Realm!
But at this moment, these true disciples who cultivated in the virtual realm were in a dilemma.

If they don't make a move, their fate will definitely be worse than that of true disciples who have cultivated in the spiritual realm!
After all, the disciples who practiced in the spiritual realm didn't make any moves, so it could be said that Bai Yujing had the cultivation in the spiritual realm.

But the Void Realm is a big realm higher than the Spirit Realm.

At this moment, a true disciple who had cultivated the third step of the Void Realm stood up impressively.

Seeing that the true disciple who finally had the Void Realm cultivation dared to challenge Bai Yujing, the head teacher of Biyou Palace was extremely happy.

So, he privately sent a sound transmission to this disciple!
"You can try your best to shoot, if your life is in danger, this seat will save you!"

The head teacher of Biyou Palace didn't have to ask Biyou Palace's true disciples who were cultivated in the spiritual realm or in the virtual realm to kill Bai Yujing, and Bai Yujing could not escape death no matter what.

Biyougong's head teacher, Bai Yujing, is a millstone to hone these true disciples of Biyougong!
It's just that these true disciples were terrified by the death of the previous true disciple who had cultivated the second step of the spiritual realm!
Naturally, Bi Yougong's head teacher was extremely angry. Even if the true disciple who had cultivated to the second step of the spiritual realm was blown away by Bai Yujing, he was not completely destroyed physically and mentally.

Although he was beaten by Bai Yujing, after his resurrection, he will still be a true disciple of Biyou Palace.

These true disciples didn't know the meaning of Bi Yougong's head teacher, so they retreated one by one, fearing that they would be executed by Bai Yujing on the spot.

An afterimage appeared in the void, and this true disciple of the third step of cultivation in the void entered the valley!
Suddenly, he stirred up the magic power in his body!

And at this moment, Bai Yujing suddenly became murderous!


This true disciple who cultivated at the third step of the Void Realm actually practiced the Taoism of Duobao and Sanxiao at the same time!

Therefore, the mana fluctuations appearing on his body at this moment include both the Duobao lineage and the Sanxiao lineage!
But at this moment, this true disciple of the third step of cultivation in the Void Realm suddenly turned into a magic weapon in the Void!
And looking at this magic weapon, Bai Yujing's killing intent became even more intense.

There is a golden bucket between the creation of the world and the creation of the earth, which contains the wonders of the world according to the three talents.

I don't know the cause and effect, the calamity is not obvious, and the supernatural powers are not clear.

It is owned by three empresses, Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao, from Sanxian Island.

Call it, Hunyuan Jindou!

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Sanxiao shines brilliantly, holding a Hunyuan golden bucket, and will explain the twelve golden immortals under Yuxu Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, Chi Jingzi, Guangchengzi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Daoist, Cihangdaoren, Taizong, etc. Yi Zhenren, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Daoxing Tianzun, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Master, Fear Liusun, Huanglong Zhenren, all captured.

Into the Jiuqu Yellow River array, cut three flowers, eliminated five qi, and became a mortal body.

The power of Hunyuan Jindou can be seen like this!
Later, when the Taiqing sage made a move, Hunyuan Jindou was accepted.

At the beginning of ancient times, the leader of Tongtian went to the sage of Taiqing, took the Hunyuan Jindou, and gave it to Sanxiao.

Sanxiao proved the Dao at the beginning of the ancient times, and with the Hunyuan Jindou, he was famous in the battlefield outside the sky and the battlefield of the heavens!
Jiejiao Sanxiao's prestige, directly chasing Duobao, Wudang, and ghosts.

Now, this true disciple who cultivated at the third step of the Void Realm, gathered the supernatural powers of Duobao and Sanxiao, and used his body to refine treasures. He actually refined his body into a Hunyuan Jindou!
This shocked Bai Yujing!

Although the Hunyuan Jindou is extremely powerful, but in the prehistoric, the Hunyuan Jindou in the Heavenly Court is pretending to be filthy!

Therefore, although the Hunyuan Jindou is extremely powerful among the congenital spiritual treasures, except for Sanxiao, other great powers have never refined the imitation of the Hunyuan Jindou.

In an instant, Hunyuan Jindou descended from the sky!

And at this moment, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, second only to the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals, suddenly covered the valley!

Formation space!

The nine-curved Yellow River array forms its own array space!

Within the Jiejiao, comparable to the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, there is another extremely powerful formation, and that is the Ten Absolute Array.

This not only reminds Bai Yujing of a myth, but it is said that one of the nine secrets of Taoism, the secret of array characters, was created by the master Tongtian!
Now it seems that this statement is true!

Master Tongtian, he is proficient in formations!
The Immortal Execution Sword Formation was originally one of the three great formations in the prehistoric world, comparable to the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation of the Monster Race and the Dutian Twelve Gods Formation of the Witch Race!
But among the Jiejiao, there is also a Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, which can rival the three Great Unearthly Formations!
Bai Yujing was immediately included in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation!

If he enters other formations, Bai Yujing will have nothing to fear!

But Bai Yujing instinctively hated the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and sure enough, at this moment, the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was full of stench and filth, making Bai Yujing almost vomit!
In an instant, Bai Yujing inspired the Taoist Nine Secrets array word secret!
At the same time, the Yujing sword transformed from Ruyi's golden cudgel appeared in Bai Yujing's hand!
"Yuxu swordsmanship!"

Bai Yujing yelled suddenly, and in an instant, injected the mighty Yuanshi Qi into Yujing sword!
Accompanied by the Taoist nine-secret formation and word secret, Bai Yujing broke through the nine-curved Yellow River formation forcefully!

This scene shocked the monk Biyougong.

"How is it possible? The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was easily broken like this?"

"He is only the first step in the spiritual realm!"

"This is an illusion. The Hunyuan Jindou and the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation are assembled together. Even if monks from the two realms of Dao Tribulation enter it, they will not escape death."

"Nine-curved Yellow River Formation forms its own formation space. But it can lose the spirit of the immortal, eliminate the soul of the immortal, trap the shape of the immortal, damage the spirit of the immortal, lose the essence of the immortal, and destroy the limbs of the immortal."

(End of this chapter)

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