The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 623 The catastrophe, the decisive battle is coming

Chapter 623 The catastrophe, the decisive battle is coming

In the roulette of fate, the treasure of chaos, on the battlefield of fate.

Sun Yu and Luo Wutian were moved to the fateful battlefield together by the treasure of chaos fate roulette. At this moment, Luo Wutian's face was full of frustration, shock, disappointment, surprise and so on.

"I'm afraid the Sword Demons are still bragging in front of you that they have killed my grandson, so you can sit back and relax. But you didn't expect that the wheel of fate, the treasure of chaos, would turn again and bring you to the battlefield of destiny!"

Sun Yu sneered.

Luo Wutian found that his heart was very chaotic, since he entered the Great Desolation, his heart has never been calm.Distraught, although he had swept the prehistoric emperors in the holy world of fighting before, Luo Wutian discovered afterwards that those prehistoric emperors hadn't tried their best when they fought him.

In other words, those prehistoric emperors tied their hands and feet one by one, and if they did not fight him to the death, they would not allow Luo Wutian to improve.

On the other hand, Sun Yan, since the whole people of the demons outside the sky invaded the flood, the five steps of the robbery can be described as extremely firm.

Every time you break through a small realm, you have to go through difficulties and obstacles.

If this is the case, now it is also the limit of the robbery realm, and it is the first time Luo Wutian admits that he is not as good as Sun Yu.

"Seeing you like this is so disappointing to my old grandson!"

Sun Yutong was indeed extremely disappointed, Luo Wutian who was not strong could not stimulate Sun Yutong to break through to the fairyland at all.

In this case, swallowing Luo Wutian's void world is at most just allowing the chaotic world to generate some space.

"I am indeed not as good as you in the fateful battle of the catastrophe, but in the last battle of fate, I will win back everything I lost!"

Luo Wutian's cultivation base barely broke through to the limit of the Tribulation Realm, and he knew that there would be no suspense in this battle with Sun Yutong.

So Luo Wutian resolutely and directly killed himself!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yu's complexion became a little serious.

Because Sun Yu knew that from now on, Luo Wutian would completely abandon all shackles and his noble status as the son of Luohu.

In the last battle of fate, Luo Wutian will definitely become extremely terrifying.

With a wave of his hand, Sun Wei drew the power of the chaotic world and swallowed Luo Wutian's void world.

Luo Wutian exterminated himself in the fateful battlefield, and was sent back to the Demon Ancestral Palace directly after the fateful battle.

Although he lost all his cultivation again, at this moment, Luo Wutian's Dao heart was truly achieved.

Luo Hu and the queen looked at Luo Wutian without blinking.

"Tian'er!" The demon queen felt very distressed, now Luo Wutian became alone again, his cultivation base was empty, and he fell to a mortal.

However, in Luo Wutian's eyes, there was a sparkle of energy.

"From now on, the child really understands what is the enemy of destiny. Sun Wei is not the kind of ants that can be crushed to death, but the real enemy of destiny. It is the existence that the child needs to chase and surpass in his whole life."

"My child begged my father to give an order, don't let the demons outside the sky make fearless sacrifices. Sun Yu deserves to die, he will definitely die, but he must die at the hands of my child!"

"Father used Pangu as his fateful enemy back then, and worked hard to surpass him, so that he has the unrivaled power to dominate Hongmenghai today. The child is willing to follow the example of his father, and pursues the fateful enemy Sun Yutong as his goal. From now on, the child is no longer superior Luo Wutian, the young master of the Rahu universe, is just an ordinary demon in the Rahu universe!"

"Cultivating in the fairyland, there is the last battle of fate. I swear, I will win back everything I lost before. I also want Sun Yu to taste the taste of defeat, so that he can understand what it means to have nothing. !"

Luo Wutian's face was calm, the wind was light and calm, and he said flatly.

After listening to Luo Wutian's incomparable narration, the demon lord Luo Hu and the demon queen looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of relief in each other's eyes.

"Tian'er, you can't be more correct if you think so. My father told you before, don't underestimate Sun Yu. Since he was selected as your fateful enemy by the treasure of chaos, it must not be ordinary. generation!"

"You conceived an entire era in your mother's belly, and in the Pangu universe, Hongjun began to plan and plan from the moment your mother conceived you. The son of luck born from the luck of the entire Pangu universe, Definitely qualified to be your rival!"

"Although you have failed again now, my father thinks this is a good thing for you. It allows you to truly understand what Dao Xin is and the motivation to practice. Immortality and power are for you , at your fingertips!"

"But if you want to surpass and defeat your destiny enemy, you can only rely on yourself to practice hard. My father will provide you with the best cultivation conditions and the most superior cultivation resources in Hongmenghai. It depends on you!"

Luo Hu said in a deep voice, not in a hurry.

"Father, mother, my son will go down to practice now." Luo Wutian's heart is no longer floating, he has completely broken free from the rut of the young master!
Just like rebirth from the ashes, Luo Wutian, who returned from Nirvana, is bound to become even more powerful.

The 33-layer wonderful method is in the sky, in the camp of the demons.

It was only a cup of tea time before Luo Wutian was taken away by the Chaos Supreme Treasure Fate Roulette. At this moment, a Wuji Golden Immortal received a message from the guard of the Demon Ancestor Palace.

"The young master has no cultivation base, and returns to the Demon Ancestral Palace!"

After just eleven words were read, Hu Mosha felt extremely cold all over his body, as if he had fallen into a freezer.

"Han Mosha, the young master said that he will not pursue the mistakes committed by your sword demon clan and the five major demon sects. You will also not let your sword demon clan repay the heaven and earth treasures paid for the siege and killing of Sun Yu. The young master can only One request, Sun Yu must die under the hands of the young master!"

The Promise Golden Immortal of the Heavenly Demon Royal Family said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your generosity!"

Mu Mosha knelt down on the ground in the direction of Luohu Universe on the spot. Along with him were the four Dzogchen saints of the Sword Demon Clan, the suzerains of the five Great Demon Sects, and the Nine Heroes of Yuanya.

"In addition, now read the demon lord's decree: immediately launch a general attack on the major forces in the wilderness, and completely wipe out the super first-class forces and first-rate forces in the wilderness!"

As soon as these words came out, all of a sudden, the blood of the Wuji Golden Immortal and Hunyuan Saint in the camp began to boil, and their fierce fighting spirit began to arouse.

The decree of the demon lord Rahu really brought catastrophe to the super-first-class and first-class forces in the Three Realms.

All of a sudden, the great Promise Golden Immortals and Hunyuan Saints left the 33rd layer of magical Da Luotian, and began to really fight against the super-first-class forces and first-class forces in the prehistoric era.

Just as Sun Yu was teleported back to Feiyang Peak by the Chaos Supreme Treasure Fate Roulette, he immediately saw many demon warships open in the sky over the land of absolute gold!

The army of tens of millions of demons stood densely on the sky.

All of a sudden, the devil cloud billowed, and the devil qi clustered.

The might of the demon army emanating from the army of tens of millions of demons is mighty and mighty, filling the sky like overwhelming!
This unrivaled magical power emanates from the land of absolute gold.After ten breaths, it flooded every county of the Daqi Dynasty.

Sun Yu immediately teleported to the main peak of the Annihilation Sword Sect. Now here, there are already four high-level leaders of super-first-class forces and the leaders of the forces who are attached to the major forces of the Daqi Dynasty.

"The demons outside the sky really want to launch a general attack on our four first-rate forces. If we can't resist this wave of offensive, then our four first-rate forces will be crushed by the army of the demons outside the sky."

Jiang Ziya, the master of the time-space firm, said in a deep voice.

"Desperate to fight, to break the boat. The demons outside the sky are rampant and rampant, bringing endless catastrophe to the Three Realms. What we cultivate is to live forever and be at ease. But now the demons want to enslave us monks from the wild for generations, we must not let The demons have succeeded!"

The Annihilation Sword Master was full of murderous intent, and he had been looking forward to this coming final battle for a long time.

"This time the Sword Demon Clan will launch a final battle, and He Hentian will definitely fight against him. If this is the case, we must take precautions early!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the senior leaders of the four first-rate forces and the masters of the subordinate forces looked at the Heaven-hating Saint together.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover. The sword demons want to kill me, why hate the sky, how can they succeed without paying a heavy price!"

At this moment, He Hentian had a look of hatred on his face, and said coldly.

"This battle is about the life and death of our four first-rate forces. From now on, any monk who has reached the spiritual realm in the Daqi Dynasty must participate in the battle. Tens of millions of demons are coming, like dark clouds To suppress the city, all monks above the spiritual realm of the Daqi Dynasty must be gathered in this golden place!" Bingsheng Sun Wu said in a deep voice.

"That's right. Before, some monks were greedy for life and fear of death, and refused to obey the edict. But now they are out of control. If they continue to be greedy for life and fear of death on the battlefield, then the extraterrestrial demons will consume mana if they kill them!"

It has come to the critical moment of life and death, and the four first-class forces and the major affiliated forces can't care about others.

Seeing this scene, Sun Yuhong sighed secretly.

Before this battle, at least [-]% of the monks above the divine realm in the Daqi Dynasty did not obey the edict.

These monks whose cultivation base is above the divine realm are all hiding in various parts of the Daqi Dynasty.Some even escaped by closing the death tube.

Today, the masters of the four first-class forces cannot tolerate these monks above the divine realm living at large.If they were not arrested and brought to the battlefield, then the monks who fought desperately with the demons outside the sky would also feel resentful.

After all, they are also monks above the divine realm, so why can those monks sit back and relax.

Now that the masters of the four first-rate forces make such a decision, they treat them equally.

In this way, the monks above the divine realm of the four first-class forces and subordinate forces will not complain.

For these trifles, Sun Quanhong didn't pay much attention to them.

Moreover, Sun Yu became more and more unwilling. In the face of such a decisive battle of life and death, his cultivation base was still too low.

To change the situation like this, at least he must be able to contend against the Promise Golden Immortal.

Fortunately, there is only one Wuji Golden Immortal and four Dzogchen saints among the four first-class forces of the Heavenly Outer Demon Clan, that is, the Sword Demon Clan.

Although the number of Chaos Golden Immortals and Da Luo Jin Immortals tends to be weak, it takes a long time to fight between Da Luo Golden Immortals and Chaos Golden Immortals.

In this case, it depends on the final results of the Promise Golden Immortal War and the Saint War.

(End of this chapter)

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