Chapter 624
The demons outside the sky mobilized tens of millions of troops to form an attacking demon formation, and it would not be completed in a short while.

At the same time, the four first-class forces joined hands with the affiliated Chaos Golden Immortal and Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Led by Jiang Ziya, the master of the time-space firm, the divine power of good fortune enveloped every inch of the territory of the Daqi Dynasty.At this moment, Jiang Ziya did his best, and the ripples of time and space filled the void of the territory of the Daqi Dynasty.

Annihilation Sword Saint, Yin-Yang Saint Zou Yan, Bing Saint Sun Wu, and Heaven-Hating Saint each unfolded the power of the Hunyuan Saint Realm, and the quadruple Hunyuan Saint Power enveloped the territory of the Daqi Dynasty.

Afterwards, all the Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals rushed to the counties to arrest the Qi practitioners who are above the divine realm, that is, the five realms of the Spiritual Void Dao Tribulation Immortal.

In an instant, the entire Daqi Dynasty was shocked.

No matter where the five-level Qi practitioners of Lingxu Dao Jiexian are hiding, as long as they are in the territory of the Daqi Dynasty, they will all be found.

Afterwards, they were all transported to the land of absolute gold by the ripples of time and space, and in an instant, countless qi trainers of the five realms of spiritual void Taoism tribulation immortal appeared in the land of absolute gold.

One Wuji Golden Immortal, four Hunyuan Saints, and many Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals worked together to arrest all Qi practitioners in the five realms of the Lingxu Dao Tribulation Immortals in the Daqi Dynasty within the time of a cup of tea. The land of absolute gold.

When all these five-level qi trainers who were greedy for life and fear of death, and refused to avoid war gathered together, the four first-class forces and many subordinate forces were all taken aback.

Today, there are more than [-] million Qi practitioners of the five realms gathered in the Land of Absolute Gold.

On the main peak of Sword Sect, Sun Wujiang, the soldier saint, exudes the holy consciousness of Hunyuan.

"The number of qi practitioners in the Five Realms of the Spiritual Void Dao Tribulation Immortal exceeds 8000 million."

Sun Wu, the soldier saint, never expected that the number of these fighters who avoided the battle and practiced Qi was estimated to be very different from the current one.

"These monks are all greedy for life and afraid of death. I heard that the demons outside the sky have invaded in an all-round way and hid in the various secret places of the Daqi Dynasty. If it wasn't for the divine power of good fortune and the four primordial powers, they would have dug three feet to capture them all. !"

The heaven-hating sage was extremely disdainful, and now the Qi practitioners of the five realms who have been arrested have refused to come to the land of golden absolutes through various methods.

Even some monks in the five realms of Lingxu Dao Tribulation Immortal, in order to avoid the battle, did not hesitate to knock down their cultivation base.

And these Qi practitioners are all caught here now, none of them can escape.

"There are so many five-level Qi trainers, although they can form many legions, but their combat effectiveness can be described as vulnerable. Once they are sent to the battlefield, they will only have to be slaughtered by the demons!"

Zou Yan, the yin and yang sage, was not sympathetic to the sky, nor did he feel pity for these monks, but felt that it was a pity to die for nothing.

"All the five-level Qi trainers under the immortal position directly form a super army. And this army is led by my grandson. I can guarantee that the Qi trainer army is no less than the same level of demons. Legion!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the high-level leaders of the four first-class forces and many affiliated forces were extremely shocked.

"Wu Hong, you can't let go of everything. What's your confidence in saying this?" Sun Wu said about such an important matter, and Sun Wu, the soldier sage, immediately questioned him.

"My old grandson said this, of course I have my old grandson's support. Maybe until now, many of you seniors don't know what kind of way my old grandson is practicing. I used to hide it from you because I was afraid that the demons outside the sky would know. But now there is no Concealment is necessary!"

Sun Yu felt in his heart that the demons outside the sky should know what kind of way he was practicing.

"What kind of Dao do you have to do with this? Shouldn't it be the Dao of War?" Ya Sheng Sun Shiba blurted out.

"It should be the way of swordsmanship. Huan is the successor of my Annihilation Sword Sect!" It is related to what kind of avenue Sun Huang practiced, and the Annihilation Sword Master has become not indifferent.

"If the old man's talk is not wrong, what Wu Hong should really cultivate is the Dao of Yin-Yang!" Zou Yan, the sage of Yin-Yang, looks like I have seen through all the truth a long time ago, and just silently watched you conceal it.

"Wrong, my nephew should be cultivating the Five Elements Dao. Because he now has the blood of Suzaku and Qinglong in his body, plus the blood of Qilin, he has already gathered the blood of three elements!"

Wu Xu also interrupted and said.

"Okay, all of you stop making trouble. The real practice of Huan Rong is the Dao of Chaos, and the Dao of Chaos is inclusive of everything. Now I understand what Huan Rong thinks!"

Jiang Ziya was the one who had seen through everything long ago, and Sun Wei's waves of chaotic avenues could not be concealed from his spiritual sense.

"What? It turned out to be the Avenue of Chaos?"

"Although the Dao of Chaos is a great way to contain thousands of things, since ancient times, there has been no strong man who cultivated the Dao of Chaos to prove the Dao, and even the Wuji Golden Immortal of the Dao of Chaos has never heard of it!"

"However, the 'chaos family' among the legendary chaotic beasts, I don't know if they practice the Chaos Dao!"

For a moment, all the Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals were extremely shocked.

"The 'Chaos Clan' of the Chaos Beast Clan, they should be called 'Hundred Chaos' accurately. The 'Hundred Chaos Clan' is not a way of cultivating Chaos." Sun Yu said this ancient secret.

Because in today's prehistoric times, many people regard this chaotic beast race as a chaotic family, but in fact this chaotic beast race is called Chaos.

Although the pronunciation is the same, the name is different.

"If you are really practicing the Dao of Chaos, then with the inclusive nature of the Dao of Chaos, you can indeed become the head of the legion commanding the Dao soldiers of the Five Realms. In this way, you can completely let the super army of Dao Soldiers of the Five Realms , bursting out with a terrifying divine power that would make the demons outside the sky tremble!" Sun Wu, the soldier saint, immediately felt that the suggestion made by Sun Yutong before was feasible.

"I have no objection to this old man. Huan practiced the Dao of Chaos, but he also practiced swordsmanship as a way of attacking and killing!" Annihilation Sword Master did not object either.

"In that case, let Wu Yu lead the Taoist soldiers of the five realms. It's just that so many Taoist soldiers form a super army, and they must practice a kind of skill or impose a ban on them. Only in this way can we let Wu Ruan Ruarm commanded and controlled this super army!" Bing Sheng Sun Wu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Sun Wei laughed lightly, "My old grandson has long been prepared for this. They must practice the kung fu that my old grandson let the virtual universe deduce. It is called "Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art."

Sun Yu felt that it was time to spread this practice to the whole prehistoric world.

One person is short, others are long.

Sun Wei wants to use the wisdom of the prehistoric monks to jointly deduce and perfect "The Mysterious Art of Chaos Creation".

Otherwise, just relying on Sun Yu's own derivation, it is impossible to know how long it will take to deduce "Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art" to the state of Dzogchen.

Sun Yu continued: "The practice of these Taoist soldiers in this discipline does not affect their main cultivation technique. It can also perfectly integrate the cultivation techniques they are practicing now, and can even temporarily transform their true energy into Chaos true energy is even more powerful!"

"For example, a cultivator used to practice the water movement technique before. Now that he practices this technique, his true qi can transform into chaotic water movement true qi. In this case, the power of the true qi will increase. And once he If you don’t practice this technique, it can be easily abolished. It doesn’t damage the foundation, but it can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality!”

As soon as Sun Yuhong said this, many immortals and great powers present were extremely curious about the "Chaos Creation Mysterious Art" that Sun Yuhong said.

"Even you can practice this kind of exercise, but currently there is only Qi training chapter for this exercise. And you will be able to cultivate this exercise to the peak very soon. If this is the case, it is also true chaos. Qi, in the upcoming decisive battle, you can replenish each other's true qi!"

As soon as Sun Yuhong said this, the audience was silent for an instant.

"Wu Hong, you can't just talk about it, you should announce this exercise. Let's try to practice it and see if it is as miraculous as you said?"

Zou Yan, the sage of yin and yang, was the most impatient, because among the great powers of the immortals present, his yin and yang avenue was the closest to the avenue of chaos.

After all, the Dao of Yin and Yang comes from the Dao of Chaos.

"Well, my old grandson is now announcing this exercise in the virtual universe. You only need to pay a small amount of military merit to learn this exercise!"

It's not that Sun Yuhong didn't let the prehistoric monks who can enter the virtual universe to practice for free, but this idea was quickly dismissed by Sun Yuhong.

Because Sun Yu was well aware of the inferiority in the hearts of these prehistoric monks, most of them would not pay attention to a practice that could be practiced for free.

Moreover, even if they want to practice this kind of exercise, they will have a lot of worries, and they are deeply afraid that Sun Quan will set a restriction in the exercise.

But if you pay military merits to buy and then practice, these prehistoric monks can rest assured!
Because now in the virtual universe, any kind of kung fu is sold, even if it is only purchased as a military kung fu, it must be deduced by the heavenly way of the virtual universe. After confirming that there are no traps and restrictions, the heavenly way of the virtual universe allows the sale of kung fu.

And those so-called free exercises that don't require military merit have not been deduced and confirmed by the virtual universe, so monks in the wild will not practice.

The price of selling military merits formulated by Sun Yu is one hundred.

Moreover, Sun Yuhong did not prohibit the sale of military achievements afterward, and could only teach one person.

In this way, a certain family or a certain sect only needs to buy it once, and many disciples of the sect can practice this technique.

As for one hundred military merits, it is simply a drop in the bucket for many immortals present.

Immediately, these celestial beings paid a hundred military merits in the virtual universe one after another, and bought the "Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art" that Sun Yu put in the virtual universe.

Some celestial beings who are cautious by nature, first let the virtual body practice once in the virtual universe.

After confirming that there is no problem, practice by yourself!

For the immortal and powerful, he will soon be able to thoroughly comprehend the "Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art".

And at this time, each of these immortals took a deep breath.

Because they are aware of a very horrifying fact.

"Wu Hong, your Chaos Good Fortune Mysterious Art Body Chapter, isn't it too heaven-defying?" The saint Zou Yan said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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