Chapter 682

In the Crystal Palace, the Dragon King of the East China Sea saw another [-] Dragon Clan True Immortals die and fall, and was furious.

"Trash, all of them are a bunch of trash. So many dragon armies besieged him, and he even killed [-] dragon true immortals. Use the 'Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation' to refine him to death."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea roared again and again, and the sound shook the sky.

The Dragon King ordered that the nineteen dragon armies no longer use immortal techniques to kill Monkey King.

A Dragon Clan army and the scattered Dragon Clan True Immortals joined the other eighteen Dragon Clan armies respectively.

Then every three dragon armies gathered together, and in an instant, they appeared in the six directions of Monkey King.

Sun Wukong was surrounded by eighteen dragon armies, and the eighteen dragon armies occupied the front, back, left, right, upper, lower, and six directions.

Every dragon army activates the 'Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation Disk', and then the [-] formation disks are connected together, which is the Dragon Clan's unrivaled killing formation, the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Array.

Sun Wukong was in the formation, his face remained unchanged, and he remained motionless.

"A mere Ten Thousand Dragons Refinement Formation wants to refine my old grandson to death. This dragon clan's world-leading killing formation is only in name. In the universe of luck, the incarnation of Styx gathers hundreds of millions of blood dragons to form the Ten Thousand Dragons Refinement Formation. There is nothing I can do about it, my old grandson."

Sun Wukong is happy and fearless, and the strongest formation of Ten Thousand Dragons Refines Heaven is the law of refining, which is one of the laws of the One Yuan Heavenly Dao.

The law of refining is one of the 12 laws of the Pangu universe, and its power is second only to the three thousand ways of the law.

In the ancient era, the dragon clan relied on the ten thousand dragons to refine the sky formation and killed countless ancient powers who refused to accept the rule of the dragon clan.

"Sun Wukong, you monkey, you are stubborn now. Wait until the moment when the Ten Thousand Dragons Refinement Formation is about to refine you to death, and see how stubborn you are!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea shouted coldly.

"Don't talk about the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky. In the universe of luck, Ao Tianhuang also displayed Ten Thousand Dragons Chaozong, and my old grandson was unscathed. Today, my old grandson wants to see, you million dragons are really good! Immortal, Lingxian, can you refine my old grandson to death!"

Monkey King is also ruthless, wanting to resist the power of the ten thousand dragons refining the sky formation.

Otherwise, with Sun Wukong's unrivaled speed, if he really wanted to escape, he would definitely be able to escape before the formation of the Ten Thousand Dragons Alchemy Formation.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea gathers the power of millions of Dragon Clan True Immortals and Spirit Immortals to refine Sun Wukong to death, but Monkey King wants to be in the formation and use the power of ten thousand dragons to refine the sky formation to make him a breakthrough in cultivation.

The Ten Thousand Dragons Refining Heaven Formation showed its power impressively, and at this moment, the True Immortals of the Million Dragon Clan spit out immortal fire.

Outside Sun Wukong, millions of dragon fairy fires gathered together to form a sea of ​​flames.

In the sea of ​​flames, the power of the law of refining was linked.

The power of the law of refining, under the urging of the sea of ​​fire, directly wrapped around Monkey King!
Suddenly, the power of the law of refining directly collided with the power of the Pan Gu universe's laws of operation of the heavenly law outside of Monkey King's body!
The power of law collided with the power of rules, shaking the Ten Thousand Dragons Alchemy Formation.

In the Crystal Palace, seeing Monkey King struggling to resist the power of the law of refinement, a murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

On the surface, the Donghai Dragon Clan's move this time was bewitched by the Jujiao.

But in fact, the East China Sea Dragon Clan has deeper calculations. If Sun Wukong dies at the hands of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, then the huge luck after Sun Wukong's death will be absorbed by the Dragon Clan.

In this way, after absorbing Sun Wukong's air luck, Emperor Tianhuang will be able to leap up, replace Monkey King, and become the strongest emperor in the Three Realms and Six Paths of the Great Desolation.

Now that Sun Wukong is the turtle in the urn, the Dragon King of the East China Sea took a look at the Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals of the Dragon Clan in the Crystal Palace.

These Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals suddenly secretly aroused a mighty magic power, and moved them quietly to the Ten Thousand Dragons Alchemy Array.

After being infused with the mana of Chaos Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal, Wanlong's Heavenly Alchemy Disk exploded with earth-shattering supernatural power!
The power of the law of refining has increased tens of thousands of times.

Above the East China Sea, all the saints of the Qitian League suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Just when they were about to make a move, Sun Wukong's mind-spirited voice suddenly sounded in their hearts.

"Don't make a move, let the Chaos Golden Immortal and Daluo Golden Immortal of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea think that their goals have been achieved. My old grandson wants to use the Ten Thousand Dragons to refine the sky to break through the cultivation base, and the law of refining comes from the magic power of the Chaos Golden Immortal and the Daluo Golden Immortal. Strength, I can't kill my old grandson!"

Sun Wukong has rich experience in resisting the power of the law of refining.

After receiving the sound transmission from Sun Wukong's mind, all the sages of the Qitian League pretended not to notice the secret tricks of the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

Jiang Ziya explained to Sun Wukong at this moment, and secretly transmitted the sound from the central god to the great powers of the saints.

"Have you forgotten that in the Middle Ages, Wukong was tempered by the Taishang Laojun in the purple gold gossip furnace. Not only did he not die, but he turned Wukong into an undead King Kong body, and also inspired the most powerful pupil technique of fiery eyes and golden eyes. Divine power."

"How can we forget that if Wukong thinks that the power of the law of refinement linked by these wastes of the East China Sea Dragon Clan is not strong enough, we can all take action secretly." Zhen Yuanzi said secretly.

Within the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation, Monkey King sees himself inwardly.

Outside the body, the power of the law of refining has skyrocketed tens of thousands of times, and its power has finally been raised to be comparable to the power of the Pangu universe's laws of heaven.

The trump card, the power of the law of refining shakes the power of the rules of the Pan Gu universe.

The constant collision between the power of the refining law and the power of the operating rule caused the banning array imposed by the heavenly law of the Pangu universe on Sun Wukong's body to be lifted.

At this time, Sun Wukong took advantage of the situation and began to break through his cultivation.

According to the previous derivation, in the practice of Dao One Realm, Sun Wukong must physically integrate the five chaotic secret realms of the chaotic spiritual sea, chaotic world, chaotic blood sea, purple mansion space, and Yuanshen ancestral aperture.

If Sun Wukong's cultivation base is accurately divided, it is only stepping into the First Realm of Dao, not the initial stage of entering the First Realm of Dao.

It is necessary to fuse the ancestral orifice with the physical body, so that the "god" will be born in the chaotic Taoist body, and the chaotic Taoist god will be achieved before it can be regarded as the initial stage of breaking through the first realm of Taoism.

In the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation, when Sun Wukong temporarily relied on the power of the law of refining to counter the power of the rules of operation, the chaotic Taoist body began to truly merge with the ancestral orifice.

The ancestral orifice is the residence of the Yuanshen, the place where the gods are hidden.

The so-called ancestral orifice, one of the secret realms of chaos, is to completely move the ancestral orifice in Sun Wukong's current physical body to the chaotic Tao body!

Although Sun Wukong has achieved the Taoism of Chaos, because of his current cultivation level, he is not yet the Holy Emperor of the Dao Zejing.So carrying the Chaos Dao Body is the Chaos Qinglian!

The merging of the ancestral orifice with the Taoist body of chaos is the fusion of the ancestral orifice into the chaotic green lotus.

When the ancestral orifice of Yuanshen was transferred from the physical body by Sun Wukong's vast spiritual consciousness, and came to the chaotic green lotus in the chaotic spiritual sea, suddenly, the chaotic green lotus erupted with an extremely strong chaotic blue light.

"Fusion Ancestral Aperture, Primal Chaos Dao God!"

At this moment, Sun Wukong received the terrifying power generated by the collision between the power of the external refinement law and the power of the operation rule. With this power that can destroy the world, he forced the ancestral orifice to merge with the chaotic green lotus!

In an instant, Yuanshen Ancestral Aperture disappeared on Monkey King's current physical body.

Then, Chaos Qinglian seemed to have a god!
Sun Wukong's primordial spirit is completely integrated with the chaotic Qinglian.

From now on, Chaos Green Lotus Seed is Monkey King's primordial spirit.

Now Sun Wukong's primordial spirit can be called the chaotic primordial spirit, or the chaotic Taoist god.

Of course, in order for the Chaos Primordial Spirit to be promoted to the realm of the Chaos Dao God, one must cultivate to the realm of the Dao Zejing Saint Emperor.

Only then can the Chaos Primordial Spirit be called the Chaos Dao God.

The primordial spirit of today's chaos is different from the primordial spirit of Sun Wukong in the Tenth Realm of Spiritual Realm.

The Chaos Primordial Spirit at that time was at best a pseudo-chaotic Primordial Spirit.

Today's Chaos Primordial Spirit is the real Chaos Primordial Spirit.

Because today's Chaos Primordial Spirit is completely fused with Chaos Green Lotus Seed.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's cultivation has truly entered the early stage of Dao One Realm!
But at this time, outside Sun Wukong's body, the power of the law of refinement is still contending with the power of the law of operation.

Sun Wukong immediately sent a voice transmission to the great powers of the Qitianmeng, "You quickly integrate a trace of mana into the Ten Thousand Dragons Alchemy Disk."

Monkey King wants to break through to the middle stage of Dao One Realm in one go!
Sun Wukong's sound transmission fell, and all the saints and great powers of the Qitian League shot one after another!
A ray of mana came from the sky, and in an instant, the power of the law of refinement communicated directly formed an ocean of laws.

The power of the law of refining is mighty, and the ocean of laws completely suppresses the rules of operation.

At this moment, Monkey King began to break through again!
The chaotic Qinglian began to merge with the Zifu space!

The Chaos Immortal Soul, which was born from the fusion of the three souls of Heaven, Earth, and Life in the Zifu Space, directly fused with the Chaos Green Lotus Seed!
In this case, in the chaotic green lotus seeds, the fusion of the chaotic soul and the chaotic immortal soul is the legendary chaotic soul!
Because in the end, if the chaotic dao body, that is, the chaotic green lotus, is to form a chaotic universe, then the primordial spirit and immortal soul must be fused into the chaotic soul.

Even after the true spirit is fused, in that case, the chaotic soul will gather the primordial spirit, the three souls, and the true spirit. In this case, Sun Wukong's chaotic soul will have no fear of the prehistoric soul attacking the supernatural powers!
At this moment, the Chaos Immortal Soul and the Chaos Primordial Spirit are forcibly fused together in the Chaos Green Lotus Seed, under the pressure of the powerful and incomparable power generated when the ocean of laws collided with the power of the rules of operation!
Within the chaotic green lotus seed, the chaotic blue light is the reliance of the fusion of the chaotic primordial spirit and the chaotic immortal soul.

Because the Chaos Primordial Spirit and the Chaos Immortal Soul were covered with chaotic blue light at the same time, and then the chaotic blue light merged, which led to the fusion of the Chaos Primordial Spirit and the Chaos Immortal Soul!
The fusion of Chaos Yuanshen and Chaos Immortal Soul gave birth to Chaos Soul!
Then the Zifu space also completely merged with the chaotic Qinglian.

Chaos Qinglian successively merged Yuanshen Zuqiao and Zifu space, and the space outside Chaos Qinglian has shown the embryonic form of the universe.

Chaos, all over the chaotic air, just like a small chaotic sea.

This rudimentary form of the universe is only a rudimentary form, and it will only truly transform into a rudimentary universe after the fusion of the chaotic spiritual sea, the chaotic world, and the chaotic blood sea.

In that case, the embryonic form of the chaotic universe would be a small chaotic sea!

Sun Wukong guessed that the Hongmeng Sea was the inner world of the Daoist Realm Saint Emperor before, and when he embarked on the road of practicing in the chaotic universe, he also had a kind of understanding in his heart that the Chaos Sea might also be the inner world of the Daoist Realm Saint Emperor.

In Hongmeng Sea and Chaos Overseas, Sun Wukong wants to create a third big universe, this universe, which Sun Wukong currently calls Qinglian Universe!
The main reason is to distinguish between the Hongmenghai universe and the chaotic sea universe. If he can become the Dao Zejing Saint Emperor in the future, then Sun Wukong's inner world is the Qinglianhai universe.

(End of this chapter)

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