Chapter 683
East China Sea Crystal Palace, East China Sea Dragon King suddenly felt something was wrong.

"The power of the law of refining is so powerful, why hasn't Sun Wukong been completely refined to death?"

The mind of the Dragon King of the East China Sea can remotely sense the ten thousand dragons refining the sky array, even a big Luo Jinxian can't resist the power of the law.

But Monkey King is still sitting cross-legged in the void. The Dragon King of the East China Sea's consciousness cannot pass through the ocean of the law of refinement, but he can sense that Monkey King has never died.

A chaotic Golden Immortal of the East China Sea Dragon Clan said in a deep voice: "Dragon King, according to legend, Sun Wukong has a mysterious treasure body guard that is suspected to be a fortune-telling treasure. Although he cannot fully arouse the power of the mysterious treasure, he can still resist the power of the law in a short period of time. Yes. He can’t break the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining Heaven Formation, as long as we continuously inject mana into the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Heavens Formation, with the power of the law of the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Heavens, he will never be able to escape.”

"Although he relies on the mysterious treasure to protect himself, it is impossible for him to resist the power of the law. Sooner or later he will be turned into flying ash in the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining Heaven Formation, and our East China Sea Dragon Clan will be able to obtain the Lingbao of Creation on his body." Another Chaos Golden Immortal echoed.

In the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation, within Sun Wukong's body, the Zifu space has merged with the chaotic Qinglian.

The two chaotic secret realms are fused in the chaotic green lotus, and Sun Wukong's cultivation has entered the middle stage of the first realm of Taoism.

Sun Wukong sensed the battle between the ocean of refining laws and the rules of operation, and the power of the collision between the ocean of laws and the rules of operation was no longer enough for the chaotic green lotus to merge into the chaotic spiritual sea.

Monkey King stood up and looked around.

The void outside the body, the sea of ​​laws and the rules of operation are still colliding with each other.

Sun Wukong used his supernatural power "Fire Eyes" to look closely.

Eighteen dragon armies from six directions, the immortal power in their bodies is exhausted.

Sun Wukong thought to himself: "Donghai Dragon Palace attacks my old grandson with immortal magic powers and immortal treasures. The rules of operation will not block my old grandson. But they want to connect with the law, trying to kill my old grandson with the power of the law. .Now it seems that there are pros and cons to banning my old grandson's combat power by operating rules. At least any strong man in the prehistoric era would not be able to kill my grandson with the power of laws."

The East China Sea Dragon Palace doesn't know the inside story, if it unleashes overwhelming magical powers, treasures and artifacts to attack, it will be difficult for Monkey King to resist.

Even if it can arouse the might of the Qiankun Ding, the Chaos Immortal Power cannot keep the Qiankun Ding to protect him all the time.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea chose the method they believed to be the most sure, but they didn't expect that Monkey King was banned by rules outside his body.

Seeing this scene, Monkey King frowned, thinking about it.

Previously, the cultivation base had broken through two small realms one after another, making the Chaos Qinglian merge with the Primordial Spirit Ancestral Aperture and the Zifu space, making the Chaos Qinglian space like the embryonic form of the Qinglian universe.

The rudimentary form of the Qinglian universe can temporarily resist the banning of the Pangu universe's heavenly law, because in essence, the power of the chaotic Qinglian can be on an equal footing with the power of the Pangu universe's heavenly law.

The essence of the power of the chaotic green lotus is higher than the power of the Pan Gu universe and the power of the rules of the heavens, but its power is not as good as the power of the rules of the rules, so it can only fight against each other for a short time.

"Even the power of Pan Gu's universe and the laws of heaven and earth can't completely seal my old grandson to death, and a mere Wanlong Refinement Formation is even more delusional!" Sun Wukong thought to himself.

After thoroughly deriving the entire counterattack plan, Monkey King immediately implemented it.

All of a sudden, Sun Wukong injected Chaos Immortal Power into the Chaos Qinglian impressively, and the realm of Chaos Qinglian was propped up impressively!
In an instant, the operating rules sensed the power of the chaotic green lotus, and directly gave up contending with the ocean of laws, and countless chains of laws and chains re-wrapped around Sun Wukong's body.

At this moment, the operation rules have been lost.The power of the ocean of laws poured down towards Monkey King like overwhelming.

In the Ten Thousand Dragons Refining the Sky Formation, Monkey King suddenly yelled loudly.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, today I will let you witness with your own eyes how the twenty armies of your East China Sea Dragon Clan were destroyed!"

After Sun Wukong propped up the chaotic Qinglian domain, the power of the law of the sea locked on Sun Wukong!
At this moment, Monkey King broke through the Ten Thousand Dragons Alchemy Formation!

In an instant, the Ocean of Law followed like a shadow, keeping pace with Monkey King.

The power of the ocean of law is tightly locked, unless he can break free from the lock of the air mechanism, otherwise, even if Sun Wukong escapes to the ends of the earth, he will not be able to escape the ocean of law.

Sun Wukong's figure turned into a golden light, and he fell directly into the dragon army above!
At this moment, the power of the law ocean suddenly descended!
Sun Wukong is banned by the rules of operation outside his body, and under the rules of operation, there is the power of chaotic green lotus!

If the Law Ocean wants to kill Monkey King, unless it can break through the rules of operation and the chaotic Qinglian, otherwise, it will not be able to cause the slightest damage to Monkey King.

Sun Wukong was able to resist the power of the Law Ocean, but at this moment, the dragon army, whose power was exhausted, could not resist the power of the Law Ocean that could kill Da Luo Jinxian!
The power of the law of the ocean today is completely comparable to the full blow of the Dzogchen Da Luo Jinxian.

In an instant, the three dragon armies above were completely wiped out.

It was directly obliterated by the law of the sea and turned into fly ash!
Monkey King continued to flee again, a golden light pierced the sky, and came directly to the place where the three dragon armies were behind!
At this moment, the true dragon immortals of the three dragon armies looked at Monkey King as if they were looking at the plague god.

"Get back!"

"Don't come to us!"

"Dragon King, save us!"

"I don't want to die!"

The wailing of the Dragon Clan True Immortal Lingxian before his death shook the East China Sea!

In an instant, there was no sound.

The power of the law of the sea exploded, completely obliterating these immortals of the dragon clan who were only cultivated in the realm of pure yang true immortals and heaven-reaching spirit immortals on the East China Sea battlefield!

In the Crystal Palace, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was furious!

Suddenly, the Dragon King of the East China Sea rushed out of the Crystal Palace.

But before his body appeared on the East China Sea, at this moment, the figure of Ya Sheng Sun Shiba fell to the earth like a comet, turning into a star, and directly fell into the East China Sea.

"I told you a long time ago, you don't want to intervene in this battle!"

At this moment, Sun Shiba's supernatural power was like a prison, and the sub-sage's power exploded crazily, falling from the sky, and directly knocked the Dragon King of the East China Sea back to the Crystal Palace.

But at this moment, in the eyes of the true dragon gods and spirits, Monkey King is alive like a plague god, bringing them death.

Monkey King is running around in the battlefield, and the dragon army can't hide.

The eighteen dragon armies died one by one under the power of the law ocean.

At this moment, after the law of the sea has killed the eighteen dragon armies, because the Dragon King of the East China Sea and all the Chaos Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals no longer injected mana, the law of refining disappeared impressively!
Sun Wukong's achievements are unprecedentedly brilliant, a total of twenty dragon armies died in his hands!
In addition to the more than 21 real dragons who were killed by the floating fairy city before, the East China Sea Dragons can be said to have suffered heavy casualties. Monkey King killed the [-] guards of the East China Sea Dragons with one hand.

In the Crystal Palace, the three corpses of the Dragon King of the East China Sea jumped violently!
one move!
With just one move, he was beaten back to the Crystal Palace by Sun Shiba!
In Sun Shiba's hands, he couldn't resist even one move.

"Sun Wukong, you bloody monkey, you will die badly."

Now the Dragon King of the East China Sea only dares to be like a hooligan in the Crystal Palace, yelling like a rascal.He dared not leave the Crystal Palace, as long as he stepped out of the Crystal Palace, his life would be in danger.

Sun Wukong won strongly, and the dragons of the East China Sea had to retreat.

Although the other dragon immortals wished they could swallow Sun Wukong alive, they had no choice but to return to the Crystal Palace for the time being.

Monkey King returns to the Floating Immortal City, standing proudly!

In the virtual universe, I witnessed Monkey King killing millions of dragon immortals, and one monkey and one city resisted millions of immortals and countless immortals of the East China Sea dragon tribe. At this moment, I was extremely shocked.

"Monkey King Monkey King is too scary."

"One monkey and one city will make it impossible for the millions of Donghai Dragons to advance."

"The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea can be said to have stolen chickens and lost money this time. Not only did they fail to change the situation of the battle, but they lost the 21 Dragon Guards army."

"The Qitian League is indeed a super-class force. A single Monkey King is so terrifying. I really don't know how powerful the saints will be if they take action."

"The battle of the saints, if you do your best, you can completely overturn the East China Sea and sink the East to win the Divine Continent."

"The dragons of the East China Sea retreated, and the morale of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Xianxiu Legion of the Three Great Immortal Islands fell. It seems that the Qitian League's Xianxiu Legion will definitely win this battle!"

On the East China Sea battlefield, as many immortals in the virtual universe said, the morale of the remaining immortal soldiers from the Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Three Great Immortal Islands fell to the extreme.

If it weren't for the 33 Heavenly Immortal Treasures accompanying them, these Immortal Dao Soldiers would have completely lost their fighting courage.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Gongming, who was standing on the top of Huaguo Mountain, was very angry.

"Sure enough, they are a group of useless and idiots. They have 33 heavenly treasures, and they are no match for the Qitian League's Xianxiu army!"

Zhao Gongming was furious to the extreme, full of anger.

The four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Daluo Golden Immortals beside him lowered their heads.

No one dared to touch Zhao Gongming's bad luck at this moment.

The Huaguo Mountain Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Immortal Dao Soldiers of the Three Great Immortal Islands were on the verge of being defeated, and then collapsed like an avalanche like a snowball.

The Qitianmeng Xianxiu army took advantage of the situation to chase and kill them. Zhao Gongming's eyes were cold. He witnessed the tragic death of these immortal soldiers on the battlefield, but there was no sign of making a move.

The four Chaos Golden Immortals and the eight Great Luo Golden Immortals couldn't bear it, but Zhao Gongming didn't order to act. They could only watch these Huaguoshan Sanxiu immortals die one after another.

Although they feel very sorry for the lives of these immortal cultivators, compared to their own lives, the lives of these immortal cultivators are not worth mentioning.

Even in the eyes of the four chaotic golden immortals and the eight great Luo golden immortals, it doesn't matter even if these casual cultivators die, as long as they can continue to live.

If they really wanted to trade the lives of these immortal cultivators for their chance to survive, they would sacrifice the lives of these immortal cultivators without hesitation.

Zhao Gongming turned a blind eye, and the four chaotic golden immortals and eight Daluo golden immortals of the Huaguoshan Loose Cultivation Alliance did not make any moves. In the end, none of the immortal soldiers who participated in the battle could escape back to Huaguoshan alive.

(End of this chapter)

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