Chapter 100 The Scary Fan Club (Part [-])

Sister Feifei swiped the fastest, in less than 2 minutes, all the 100 million gifts were swiped.

In about 3 minutes, the little orange and the bald man were all finished.

Yang Zi clicked on the weekly list and displayed all the gift consumption in the live broadcast room.

Baldy is currently rewarded with 400 million gifts, ranking first!

Sister Feifei and Xiaojuzi occupied the second and third places with 100 million rewards respectively.

Counting from three people down to 25, none of them is less than [-]!

Dao Zi peeped at Yang Zi's live broadcast room, the total list of 690 million was extremely dazzling.

"It's too fierce, bull beep, bull beep!"

"There are a total of 1000 positions on the weekly list, and the least one is [-] yuan!"

"Although the total amount is not particularly scary, this card is too awesome!"

The barrage of gifts disappeared one after another, and the fans in the live broadcast room were amazed.

And Yang Zi's Weekly Star List, with a figure of 690 million, successfully topped the knife!
End the team's first shot and win the Advent team!

"Thank you for your big brothers and fans' support, Yang Zi thank you again!"

This wave of aggressive brushing was not only for this event, but also laid the foundation for his future development.

In addition to Xiao Xiaoge's 500 million list last week, Yang Zi has successfully surpassed Knife's 970 million on the list of the Hope Event in June, becoming the first anchor to reach [-] million!

For an anchor, the meaning of the tens of millions list is synonymous with super first-line anchors!
The field controller quickly took screenshots of the gift flow and the VIP seats, and it will be a face-to-face meeting from now on!
With the robbing of Zhou Xing, the magic book, in the live broadcast rooms of Daheng's various anchors, the mentality of the fans is a little bit bad.

Especially in the Daozi live broadcast room, the fans suppressed their dissatisfaction.

He just said in the morning that he wanted to get the magic book Zhou Xing, but now, Yang Zi snatched it away in just an hour.

Neither Brother Jiu nor Brother Hua had the slightest intention of making a move.

If it wasn't for Daheng's explanation in advance, I'm afraid the live broadcast room of Daozi would be blown up.

"Everyone, don't worry, this week is not over yet. In the finals the day after tomorrow, our Daheng's head anchor will let them know how good they are!"

Knife hurriedly spoke in the live broadcast room, hoping to restore the fans' mentality.

"Yang Zi and the others are too shameless, playing activities while Brother Hua and the others haven't received their money!"

"Yeah, it's like rat droppings, disgusting!"

"The final match between Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei the day after tomorrow, I'll play [-]!"

"I hit 2000!"

"It's really embarrassing. In the finals the night after tomorrow, we must beat them to death!"

The fans of the union held a sigh of relief in their hearts. Looking at the list that Knife had just been removed from, they wished that they would collect millions immediately and put the list back up.

But they don't have the financial resources, so they can only complain wildly in the live broadcast room, venting their dissatisfaction.

On the other side, account managers Lanlan and Sister Feifei also edited today's events and sent them to Liu Xiao on WeChat.

Liu Xiao didn't go online today, but flew to Yiwu and Guangdong to investigate to see if there are any products that can be used as online stores. After all, upgrading the system level is the real thing.

At present, the funds are about to reach 100 million. After this amount of money is spent, the actual amount of 10 yuan can be used every day, which is completely enough for online promotion activities.

If the online store can grow bigger, the turnover it can get is also terrifying.

After two days of investigation in Wuyi and Guangdong, when Liu Xiao returned to Shanghai, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening on the 14th.

Turning on the other phone, Liu Xiao looked at the messages sent to him by Lanlan and Sister Feifei.

"These guys are really good at playing."

Liu Xiao smiled bluntly.

Heli made a list of nearly 700 million in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, and then pushed Daheng to the ground and rubbed it.

But today, neither Daheng nor Lehua made a move. The rankings of both teams have already exceeded [-] million, and there is no one from other unions who is not interested in coming to the rankings.

Therefore, the End Team and the Advent Team successfully advanced to the finals.

After a brief understanding, and replying to Sister Feifei that she will make a move in the finals tomorrow, Liu Xiao stopped paying attention and took a good night's sleep.

After running for the past two days, I was very tired.

On the morning of the 15th, major news anchors went online one after another.

Daozi was in a very excited mood, he was depressed for two days in a row, and he was almost driven crazy by the fans in the live broadcast room.

Early this morning, Brother Hua had notified him that all 6000 million had been credited to the account, and the official finals would begin at [-]:[-] pm!

"Brothers, I have just received definite news from Brother Jiu and Brother Hua. Today we are going to have a showdown with Team End!"

Knife laughed loudly in the live broadcast room.

"Great, Brother Hua is finally going to make a move!"

"Brother Hua makes a move, this time I will definitely win!"

In the live broadcast room, fans who had also been suppressed for two days spoke one after another.

"Knife, will Brother Hua make a move this morning?"

"That's right, knife, where is the battlefield?"

Knife pursed his lips slightly, and smiled.

"Our news anchors didn't participate much in this competition, and the main battlefield is still on Xia Nuan and Xiao Fei's side."

"So, everyone, look forward to the big battle tonight!"

Knife cheered up the fans, mobilized their enthusiasm, and circled a wave of gifts along the way.

On Yang Zi's side, he also has no desire to win the list.

Although it was said that the day before yesterday, Xiaosheng was ahead of the knife, but the gap between the two lists did not widen much, both were around 1000 million.

And the trade union will definitely not choose to play on the news anchor.

The first finale must be the first sister, and the final final must be the first brother!
Therefore, whether this event can be won or not depends on the action at night!
On his side, he also got a notification from Sister Feifei that the trade union has almost made arrangements, and brother Xiao Xiao also promised to come at night.

Therefore, he has no pressure at all.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xia Nuan started broadcasting first.

Under Daheng's deliberate guidance of traffic, Xia Nuan just started the live broadcast, and all the popularity gathered.

Less than 5 minutes after the broadcast started, the number of people in the live broadcast room has already exceeded 10!
And the kings of the Daheng line have also gone online to speak out.

"The King [Quack] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The king [silently] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The king [passes away for a while] enters the live broadcast room!"

There were forty or fifty barrage messages in succession, constantly swiping the screen in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room.

The Monarch Group, represented by Gaga, even expressed their support in the barrage area.

"Welcome to Xia Nuan's live broadcast, everyone!"

"Thank you, big brothers!"

Xia Nuan narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Some of these big brothers are run by the trade union, and there are a few others run by her herself.

A few days ago, in order to get a few big brothers to brush her up today, Xia Nuan did her best. The whole person worked in three shifts, the kind that never missed the morning, middle and evening performances.

However, the effect did meet her expectation. Each of the big brothers promised to pay her more than 100 million today!
(End of this chapter)

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