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Chapter 101 The Little Orange Family's King

Chapter 101 The King of Xiaojuzi's House

In ten minutes, in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, the number of kings has exceeded 50.

"Let's go too."

Brother Hua saw that it was almost the same on the king, so he clicked on all the members in the emperor's small group.

Brother Yu and the others agreed one after another.

There are a total of ten or so emperors in Daheng. Although the number is small, everyone's spending power is extremely terrifying!
Daheng's 6000 million funds this time, a small part of which is also supported by these emperor brothers.

"The emperor [Brother Yu] entered the live broadcast room!"


"The emperor [Jiu Yuan] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Huahua] entered the live broadcast room!"

After more than 10 barrage prompts in succession, the VIP seats in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room suddenly jumped, ranked in the top ten, and became all emperors!

"Brother Yu and Fei Peng are here!"

"Brother Hua is also online!"

"Oh my god, there are 12 emperors! Xia Nuan is going crazy this time!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were amazed.

Daheng's fans feel the same way and feel proud.

Aren't you Lehua a cow beep?Isn't Yang Zi particular about arranging noodles?
It's not that our Daheng has no heroism, it's just that we don't usually shoot!

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room gradually stabilized, with a full 20 online viewers and more than 2 VIP seats!

The top ten are all emperors, and the top sixty are all kings!

"Thank you big brothers for your support. Xia Nuan believes that even half of our big brothers can't reach Little Orange!"

Xia Nuan was extremely proud.

This is the pinnacle of her live streaming career, even surpassing last year's Xiao Fei!

On the other hand, Xiaojuzi also went online quickly under the arrangement of Sister Feifei.

As the new first sister of Xingxiu, Xiaojuzi is not much less popular than Xia Nuan.

It just started broadcasting, and 10 people also poured in.

"Little Orange, I just came from Xia Nuan's side, it's crazy there, none of the top 60 titles is lower than the king!"

"Yeah, it's just too brutish. Even if each of these big brothers earns 600, it's still [-] million!"

"The emperor probably has more than one hundred thousand?"

"I dare not think, it's too scary!"

"Xia Nuan also openly mocked, saying that there are not many big brothers in the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi!"

Fans of Little Orange sighed on the public screen.

They were indeed terrified.

In May, Daheng was not serious about playing activities, and the emperor group and king group were not convened, which caused many people to miscalculate Daheng's strength.

But today, Daheng went all out to make a move, allowing tourists on all platforms to see the horror of Daheng!
Even if Xia Nuan taunted in the live broadcast room, the tourists had nothing to say.

After all, this time, Daheng really spent a lot of money!

Normally, as long as there is a king in the live broadcast room, it can be regarded as a second-tier anchor, but today in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, there are more than 50 kings!
"Their live broadcast room is very good, but our live broadcast room is not bad."

Little Orange smiled slightly, and stroked her long hair back, revealing a delicate face.

Xiaojuzi didn't care about Xia Nuan's words, Lehua and Baldy also had arrangements, and she believed that the two sides should not be too different.

"That's right, our Little Orange's live broadcast room is not bad. During the live broadcast, there are at least a dozen kings in charge."

"The most important thing is that Xiaojuzi has Brother Xiao Xiao's support, and Brother Xiao Xiao alone can wipe out all the gods of Daheng."

As Zhao Ning started broadcasting, the gods who had been prepared for a long time also entered the venue one after another.

"The king [Junjun] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The king [Xiaotian] entered the live broadcast room!"


In just a few minutes, more than [-] Monarch accounts all entered the live broadcast room.

"Only twenty or so?"

"That's too little, only one-half of Daheng's."

"Although Xia Nuan's tone is worse than athlete's foot, there is really nothing to do with her!"

Although the fans in the live broadcast room had some expectations, they were still a little disappointed when they saw that only twenty or so kings came in.

He even hated Xia Nuan who was talking in the live broadcast room.

When the rankings were made two days ago, there were indeed a lot of more than 20 kings, but now after facing Xia Nuan, it seems a bit too few.

"It's okay, how long has Little Orange been broadcasting live, and when the popularity accumulates in the future, it will not be worse than Xia Nuan!"

Many fans cheered for Xiaojuzi in the live broadcast room.

"Let's wait for Brother Xiao Xiao to come, the momentum on the other side is so fierce, it's scary to watch."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is the real Optimus!"

Xiao Xiao has never been on the account, and many fans have been unable to settle down.

Judging from the current situation, if he confronts Xia Nuan, he will definitely not be able to win.

There are only so few kings, not even an emperor, how can we fight?
"Don't worry, didn't I just say that our side is not bad." Xiaojuzi pretended to be mysterious.

Just as the fans were discussing, a bullet screen suddenly popped up on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

And after this barrage, as if a magic box had been opened, suddenly, barrage after barrage continued to roll up!

The fans in the live broadcast room took a closer look and immediately exclaimed.

"My God, why are they all kings, and they are all anchor numbers!"

"The emperor [Tutu] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The king [Yang Zi] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The king [Feifei] entered the live broadcast room!"

First of all, a large number of King's accounts of anchors in the Xingxiu District have been launched.

"Lehua is so ruthless, he gave so many anchors a king!"

A Monarch account costs 3000 yuan a month, which is a bit expensive for a second-tier anchor, and it doesn't fit the status.

Therefore, generally only first-line anchors will open a Monarch account.

It is indeed a bit crazy for someone like Lehua to open so many accounts for the anchor.

With a group of star show hosts entering the live broadcast room, the number of kings in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi has also successfully broken through 40!
Although it is still not as good as Xia Nuan's side, it is already close in momentum.

"Hahaha, you don't think this is over, do you?"

Brother Junjun spoke in the live broadcast room.

"What do you mean, is there still a king's army?"

The fans in the live broadcast room were shocked, could they still catch up with Xia Nuan?

They couldn't figure out where else to find the king.

Most of the kings on Xingxiu's side, I'm afraid they have all gathered in the live broadcast rooms on both sides tonight.

While the fans were discussing, at the top of the live broadcast room, there was another wave of kings swiping the screen!
"The king [Dragon Dragon] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The king [B article] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The king [Kaka] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The army in the game area is here to support!"

"Hahaha, I just want to see what the anchor that Brother Xiao Xiao supports the most looks like!"

"It's amazing, no wonder Brother Xiao Xiao likes it!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"The Xiao Family Army is here!"


With the re-expansion of the Monarch Group, the number of people in Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room began to jump up at an extremely terrifying speed.

The game area, including most of the first-line anchors from League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, is almost all there!

From B Wen, Kaka, Laolong, to Ximen, Snake Brother, and Ba Ge.

There are more than 20 first-line anchors in two districts, almost all of them are online!

And what these anchors brought online was not only a king account, but also the terrifying popularity behind them.

Of course, the fact that these tourists can come to Xingxiu is also inseparable from Brother Xiao Xiao's activity.

The popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room directly broke the 50 mark in a few minutes!
More than double the warmth of summer!
And the VIP seats are full of more than 3 people, the top 70 are all kings!

(End of this chapter)

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