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Chapter 102 Emperor Group!They are all waiting for 1 person!

Chapter 102 Emperor Group!They are all waiting for someone! (four more)


"A few days ago, it was said that Yang Zi is a fruit of face ability. Today, it seems that brother Xiao Xiao is the real fruit of face!"

"It's amazing! Brother Xiao Xiao is indeed the number one hero of Huya!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's appeal is too strong!"

The barrage was almost all screened by Xiao Jiajun.

"No wonder Xiaojuzi is so calm, so she already knew it!"

"Little Orange is too unkind, thanks to our worrying about her for a long time!"

"Xia Nuan still dares to ridicule, how many more emperors are there? Our king group is not bad at all!"

The fans of Xiaojuzi laughed and cursed in the live broadcast room, but their hearts were relieved.

Sure enough, when it comes to hitting the rankings, it still depends on brother Xiao Xiao!

In the game area, several people from Uzi were also cutting the screen to watch the live broadcast of Little Orange.

Today's event is for all platforms. Although their game area has been played ahead of schedule, the attention to this event is still quite high.

"Zitai, do you think we should go there?"

"That must go, but several of our accounts are all emperors, so let's go after meeting the emperor's group."

He smiled cheaply.

Generally speaking, the anchor will not open the emperor, after all, this will steal the limelight from the big brother.

Can't one emperor give gifts to another emperor?
But the few of them are all super popular anchors in the game area, and they usually don't care much about it, including the big brother in the live broadcast room, who also thinks that they are worthy of this status.

Although I usually don't pay much attention to some activities on the platform, this time, after all, Brother Xiao Xiao personally promised to fight.

In exchange for Xiao Xiao's favor in exchange for a wave of parachuting into the Xingxiu District, in their opinion, this deal is still a good deal.

It's not just Uzi who thinks so, but also the old anchors on platforms like Hoe He and Tiao Nan.

Sitting on the sofa, Sister Feifei also let out a sigh of relief as she watched the distinguished guests in the live broadcast of Little Orange.

To be honest, apart from the labor union and the bald man's efforts to achieve this, Brother Xiao Xiao's reputation is more important.

Except for the direct anchors like Lao Long who offered to play events, the other first-line anchors are almost all because of brother Xiao Xiao's face.

On the other side, Xiao Hui contacted the big brother Emperor who had returned during this period.

"Brother Beibei, the king's group is over, it's time for the emperor to contribute."

"Hahaha, that must be. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss this kind of scene today?"

Xingxiu District, full of 50 popularity!

Even he, the emperor, couldn't help being a little excited.

And in Xiao Hui's Emperor's Group, the other two big brothers who had only returned in the past few days also jumped to the live broadcast room.

Just when Little Orange's live broadcast room was full of excitement, Brother Emperor from Xiaohui's side dropped into the air in an instant!

"The emperor [Bei Bei] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [I am pig head meat] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [there is a handsome guy] entered the live broadcast room!"

The emperor brothers from the three bald families dropped into the air, causing the fans in the live broadcast room to exclaim.

"Welcome to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast, everyone!"

Seeing that all the arrangements arranged by Sister Feifei and Xiao Hui had been completed, Xiaojuzi heaved a sigh of relief.

It was the first time for her to face such a big scene, and it was inevitable that her heart would beat.

At present, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room has become, no matter what, she has already overwhelmed Xia Nuan in terms of momentum.

The popularity is more than double that of Xia Nuan!

What is lacking is that Brother Emperor is a little bit close, but the gap is no longer obvious.

The anchors of Hoe He and Uzi didn't wait any longer.

"The emperor [hoe wo] enters the live broadcast room!"

"Emperor [Scratch Man] live broadcast room today!"


Hoe Wo, Scratch Nan, Uzi, Zitai, Weishen, Crazy Bird!
A total of six emperors entered almost at the same time!

At the same time, there was also the terrifying aura attracted by six people.

The original 50 popularity jumped again, and within 2 minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room increased again, reaching the 90 mark!
"Welcome, everyone is welcome to enter the live broadcast room."

Although Xiaojuzi was a little surprised, she quickly expressed her welcome.

Seeing the number of people jumping up and down in the live broadcast room, she was also a little uneasy.

Brother Xiao Xiao's connections are too scary, right?
Of course she knew these people, they were almost all the first-line anchors in the game area!

"The Uzi army is here to help!"

"The hoeing army is here to help!"


"The anchor is so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a beautiful female anchor in Xingxiu District!"

In the live broadcast room of 90 people, countless tourists spoke one after another.

Most of these tourists came from the Xingxiu District to watch the fun with their own anchors, and most of them would never enter the Xingxiu District.

And more people are still watching the broadcast in the live broadcast room of their own anchor.

In the background, Sister Feifei almost gasped when she saw the data that jumped suddenly in the live broadcast room.

These anchors were all the ones she tried so hard to pull over, but didn't dare to speak!

But now, she didn't do anything, and the head anchors of these game areas came over to support her!

This made her recognize Xiao Xiaoge's strength once again.

90 people, 5 VIP seats.

The King's Group has broken through 100 members, and the Emperor's Group has reached 9!
"Thank you all for your support, the kings in our live broadcast room have already crushed the opponent, and the Emperor's Group is similar, thank you everyone!"

"A song [Bubble] for everyone!"

Xiaojuzi suppressed the excitement in her heart, called out the accompaniment and began to sing.

With such a high popularity, as long as the live broadcast goes well tonight, her future in Huya will definitely surpass Xia Nuan in all aspects!

Although she is not an overly materialistic person, when such a surprise is in front of her, she is uneasy and at the same time has a greater vision for the future.

"Hahaha, who said that the Emperor Corps is similar?"

In the public screen area, Jun Jun spoke again to tease him.

Before Xiaojuzi could ask a question, a series of opening messages had already lit up on the public screen.

"Congratulations [Junjun] for opening the title of emperor in the [Little Orange] live broadcast room!"

"Congratulations to [Xiaotian] for opening the title of emperor in the [Little Orange] live broadcast room!"

"Congratulations [B Wen] for opening the title of emperor in the [Little Orange] live broadcast room!"

At the same time, Junjun, Xiaotian, Bwen, Kaka, and Laolong who had communicated privately before all opened the Emperor!
The number of emperors broke through 10 in an instant, reaching 14!
"It's not over yet, why worry?"

On the public screen, a message from the emperor appeared along with the barrage.

"The emperor [a little tiger bud] enters the live broadcast room!"

"The Emperor [Star-Lord] enters the live broadcast room!"

In the game area, all the emperors formed by Xiaohuya before, enter!
In the live broadcast room, the number of emperors in the VIP seats jumped again, breaking through 20 directly!

"Bull beep! It's too bull-beep!"

"Is this still an ordinary money-circulating activity?"

"Last year's total of all the anchors, I'm afraid it's not as big as Little Orange's scene this time!"

"Did you find out that after the King's Group entered the arena, Xiaojuzi was almost in a daze the whole time, hahaha!"

"I guess Little Juzi didn't guess that Brother Xiao Xiao has such a big face!"

"I thought Daheng was so powerful, this is simply crushing!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao should be coming soon, right? Everyone who should appear has appeared!"

"I originally said to make up the first order for the author who was released last time, but it seems that it will only be next time!"

The live broadcast room was boiling.

All the tourists never imagined that an event in Xingxiu District could get so many people's support!
Although these big brothers from the Emperor's Group and the King's Group are only here to register, for an anchor, this is the card!
One hundred kings, twenty emperors!

If nothing else, from today onwards, Little Orange will be the most famous anchor in Xingxiu District!

In the live broadcast room, the big brothers gathered together and chatted enthusiastically on the public screen.

There are not many anchors who can bring them together, and this opportunity is quite rare today.

Various texts with different special effects almost render the public screen into a mosaic, but the big brothers still enjoy the barrage.

But everyone tacitly did not start to collect gifts.

All the big brothers are waiting.

Although the little orange halo is dazzling, it is not the real protagonist today.

All the audience are also waiting, waiting for that god-like man to appear!

In the spotlight.

Suddenly, a flying golden dragon emerged with a thick golden barrage.


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"


PS: Today is the 14th, the fourth update!

 A chapter of [-] words, four more!
(End of this chapter)

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