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Chapter 103 Let Daheng fly first for a while

Chapter 103 Let Daheng fly for a while

Seeing Brother Xiao Xiao go online, the live broadcast room fell silent, and then everyone became excited.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

At the public screen, Shenhao, represented by a little tiger bud, spoke one after another, and a total of twenty golden emperor barrages lined up in a long row in the barrage area.


"This is my brother Xiao Xiao's card!"

In the live broadcast room, nearly a million viewers were shocked.

Just going online, without even saying a word, twenty emperors welcome you!

Liu Xiao looked at the ranking of the VIP seats, among the emperor's group, a series of anchors such as Huhe, and a series of gods such as Xiaohuya were impressively listed.

What surprised Liu Xiao was that Laolong and Junjun Xiaotian also opened the emperor.

And in the king's group, he naturally recognizes anchors like Ximen and Gu Teyu.

Xiaojuzi quickly circled Brother Xiao Xiao's id into the speech box, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao types, it will be directly displayed in the center of the public screen, ensuring that Brother Xiao Xiao's speech can be seen by everyone.

"Little Orange is very popular today."

Liu Xiao smiled and typed on the public screen.

Liu Xiao is also in a good mood today. The funds in his hand have already reached 98. As long as the game revenue is raised tomorrow, plus the funds distributed by the system, in reality it will be enough for 100 million.

The system level can be improved immediately!
"It's all the big brothers and Brother Xiao Xiao in the live broadcast room to help."

Little Orange quickly replied.

She clearly knew that there are so many anchors and Shenhao in the live broadcast room today, they all came here for Xiao Xiaoge's name.

On the other side, Xia Nuan watched the popularity of Little Orange on the homepage of Xingxiu jump up and down, her face was almost blackened into carbon.

Do you want to do this to yourself every time?
She said she wanted to play Zhou Xing with a light stick, but Xiaojuzi came over and played her down.

Looking for a face to play a PK, Xiao Tangzi backhanded her and put her in a swimsuit.

But this time it was just bragging. In less than 10 minutes, the popularity of Little Orange's live broadcast room has gone to millions?

Isn't she of African Emirates physique?

Not only Xia Nuan, but also the tourists who saw Xiaojuzi's popularity rushing up and down in the live broadcast room, did not dare to speak and taunt anymore.

Just now they were showing off the kings and emperors in their live broadcast room, but in just ten minutes, the number of people on Xiaojuzi's side directly surpassed that of Xia Nuan's by double!
Brother Hua's face is also a little ugly.

He had guessed that some anchors would come over from the game area to help out, but what he didn't expect was that top-notch anchors like Sou Nan and Uzi and top-notch gods like Xiao Huya would also sell Xiao Xiao's face!

Where are their brains, can't they even see the guild number?

Although he is not familiar with Xiaohuya, he knows Xiaohuya's real identity, doesn't he seem like a brainless person?

The popularity of the game area has been attracted, coupled with the popularity brought by Xiao Xiao's account just now, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi has exceeded one million!
He thought about the data he calculated yesterday, and suddenly felt a little unconfident.
"First collect a wave of gifts. The big brush starts at 9:2000, but the amount must be controlled. The trade union will give out [-] million first, and Xiao Fei must keep it!"

Brother Hua sent a group message in the guild, and the words seemed to lose the confidence of yesterday.

In the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, Xiao Huya first spoke on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, since the people on our side have expired, shall we start a war?"

For this final, Xiao Huya prepared more than 400 million funds.

Of course, his pocket money has long been exceeded, and the money was requested after communicating with his father.

Except for Xiao Hui and other anchors who have been rewarded by brother Xiao Xiao, he is the richest in the live broadcast room today.

Thinking about what the old man had said to him, Xiao Huya became even more determined to have a good relationship with brother Xiao Xiao.

"Don't worry, let Daheng fly for a while."

Liu Xiao cast the live broadcast on the TV and watched the live broadcast on the big screen.

On the screen, Zhao Ning's face is very delicate, and in the public screen area on the right, there are countless bullet screens scrolling non-stop.

Liu Xiao likes to watch live broadcasts because of this. The sense of participation and interaction at any time is not comparable to watching TV dramas.

"Then let's take the gifts and walk slowly, let Daheng fly for a while first!"

Xiao Huya laughed.

This is Brother Xiao Xiao, a war of tens of millions is not taken seriously at all!

"666, let Daheng fly for a while!"

"Hahaha, it seems that brother Xiao Xiao has never taken Daheng seriously!"

"I really want to hear Brother Xiao Xiao's classic quotations again!"

"Upstairs, do you mean the dragon impact?"

"You woo woo woo"

The audience in the live broadcast room spoke and laughed one after another.

Especially some old fans of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room, the moment they saw Xiao Xiao's speech, they were much calmer.

It seems that as long as the ID on the VIP seat is there, everything will be fine!

The countless big brothers in the live broadcast room happily brushed up the light sticks.

A group of 1000 pieces costs 100 yuan.

"The atmosphere group is online!"

"Shake the light stick!"

It's only 100 yuan, which some swordsmen can afford.

For a while, the bullet screen on the public screen was covered by countless light sticks, and Little Orange's scoreboard also began to increase slowly.

At exactly nine o'clock, Xia Nuan was still wrapping gifts in the live broadcast room.

A few big brothers who have promised have made a lot of money. The union has not made a move yet, and Xia Nuan's list has more than 400 million.

Xia Nuan looked at Xiaojuzi's list that had just broken one million, and couldn't help feeling proud.

It doesn't matter if there are too many people on the side of Xiaojuzi, isn't it all because of Xiao Xiaola's efforts?

Embroidered pillows, fancy but not useful!

This 400 million list, for her, is a net income of 160 million!
The Emperor's Group has done a lot, and under the leadership of Brother Hua, the Emperor's Group also took the initiative.

"Emperor [Brother Yu] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"Emperor [Fei Peng] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Xiao Niu Niu] sent out the magic book *1314!"


100 hairs of Huya No. 10 cost 1314 yuan, and 13 magic books cost more than [-] yuan!

Several big brothers shot together, and the weekly list in the live broadcast room began to jump up.

"Emperor [Brother Yu] sent Huya No. 100*20*[-] combos!"

"Emperor [Fei Peng] sent Huya No. 100 *20*[-] combos!"


It only took 400 minutes for the labor union's funds to go from 1000 million to 2 million in the weekly list!

"Old Jiu, Xia Nuan can make a move here." Brother Hua said in the trade union office.

"Let the old five use the trumpet to swipe first, and I will make a move in Xiaofei's live broadcast room later."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and dumped the blame on the fifth child.

Brother Jiu, who was holding his breath, planned to save face by swiping thousands of dollars in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room this time.

It was agreed to let him go first, but when he thought of the terrifying popularity of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room just now, Brother Jiu suddenly became nervous when the matter came to an end.

He always felt that if he made a move like this, he would probably be violently beaten by Xiao Xiao again!

 One more, ask for a monthly pass!
  Thank you for the reward of 3000 book coins

  Thanks to Bubble Gum: 1888 Book Coins for the reward

  Thanks to Gentleman Jie: 1000 book coins for the reward
  Thanks to Xia Buyan Cicada: 588 book coins as a reward

  Thanks to MING,: 588 Shubi for the reward

  Thanks to Weiai: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to Mingyue Qinglong: 321 book coins for the reward

  Thank you for being lonely: 200 book coins as a reward

  Thanks for the autumn and winter: 200 book coins reward

  Thanks to Xueguang for heating: 200 book coins as a reward

  Thanks to Nike: 100 Book Coins as a reward

  Thank you Shang: 100 book coins for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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