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Chapter 104 Brother Hua's 4000 Million Reserve Fund

Chapter 104 Brother Hua's 4000 Million Reserve Fund

Lao Wu nodded and agreed, he didn't think so much like Brother Jiu.

In his opinion, it's the same for anyone who makes a move, as long as they get on the list.

Take out your emperor's trumpet [Old Four] and start swiping directly!
"The emperor [the fourth child] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

With the fifth shot, the fans in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room became excited again.

Sister Feifei, who had been watching the screen in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, also sent the news to Liu Xiao on WeChat at the first time.

"Since Daheng is really serious about it, let's do it too."

Liu Xiao glanced at WeChat and spoke in the live broadcast of Xiaojuzi.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, give us a chance to show off first!"

Xiao Huya was typing on the public screen with a smile.

"That's right, Brother Xiao Xiao doesn't need to do anything yet!"

Baldy patted his chest hard.

Even ordinary fans in the live broadcast room spoke up one after another.

Although the list of Xia Nuan's live broadcast room has reached more than 1000 million, but no one in the live broadcast room is flustered.

One hundred kings, twenty emperors, and their [-] nobles haven't really made a move yet!

The bald man felt even more ruthless in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the finals would be played in his live broadcast room, but now he doesn't want to worry about it so much.

The Little Orange live broadcast room currently has millions of people, no matter how much you watch, you must beat Daheng!

"Okay, then you guys play first." Liu Xiao pouted.

These days, every gift is snatched by someone, so it's really hard to be a hero!

Kaka Laolong and others are gearing up and eager to try.

For this final, they all took out most of their belongings.

Especially the old dragon who paid a lot last time, even mortgaged his gift turnover this month to the bank and got a loan of 100 million!

Even Kaka secretly smacked his tongue, the old dragon couldn't even live for Brother Xiao Xiao.

As Xiao Xiao opened his mouth, the light stick barrage that had been slowly swiping the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped, and turned into all big rockets and treasure maps!
Among them, there are also many small gifts such as magic books sent by ordinary tourists.

"The king [Feifei] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Liu Xu] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


Sister Feifei divided the 300 million originally planned for Xiaojuzi into several shares, and for a while, several of Lehua's kings and elder brothers took action one after another.

And the first- and second-tier anchors in the game area and some resident kings also shot!
"The king [Ximen] sent out a treasure map * 10 combos!"

"The king [Brother Ba] sent out a treasure map*10 combos!"


The list with just over 100 million is soaring upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Bull beep bull beep!"

"The graphics card is burning!"

Numerous special effects of gifts were flashing across the screen, and groups of Huya No. [-] took off in the center of the live broadcast room.

Often it is just after the big brother's rocket special effects come out, the other big brother's rocket special effects have already been covered.

In the public screen area, rows of gift combos of different colors are beating rapidly.

Most of the anchors who came over stopped after paying [-] to [-] gifts.

As for the second-tier anchors, it is basically a treasure map reward.

In about 3 minutes, only Sister Feifei and a few elder brothers from the Lehua Union were left frantically swiping on the public screen.

Soon, all the gifts from the king's camp were collected.

Little Orange's list has steadily stopped at 1000 million!
"The king's group bull beep!"

"This is the card!"

"Xia Nuan's King's Group and Emperor's Group collected a total of 1000 million, but Xiaojuzi's side, only the King's Group, only collected 1000 million!"

The live broadcast room is like the Chinese New Year, and all the fans are happy.

They also have a share in this tens of millions list!
As little as a few yuan, more than a thousand, support within the ability!
"Thank you for the gifts, brothers!"

Little Orange exclaimed.

Although the trade union earned 300 million yuan to make up the tens of millions list, even after subtracting these, the king and fans who came to support them still earned a total of 700 million yuan!
These are all direct income!
On the public screen, countless groups of 666 light sticks were flying all over the sky, and the fans in the live broadcast room were all elated.

As the last gift from the king's elder brother came to an end, Xiao Huya and the emperors quickly made their move.

"The emperor [I am a little tiger bud] gave away Tiger Ya No. 100*[-]!"

"The emperor [Xingjue] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

"The Emperor [Huehe] sent out Huya No. 100*[-]!"


All of a sudden, the army of Shenhao represented by Xiao Huya and the army of anchors represented by Hue He made their moves one after another.

And the speed at which they collect gifts is much faster than that of the Kings!
"The King [Little Hui] has activated the Emperor!"

"Emperor [Little Gray] renews Emperor*6!"


"Brothers, if you sneaked up and didn't notify me before opening the emperor, I would be very embarrassed!"

Baldy also made up an Emperor, and then frantically renewed in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, I really forgot to tell you that."

Junjun was a little embarrassed, he had only communicated with Laolong and the others before, but he forgot about Xiaohui, the big boss.

The original 20 emperors in the live broadcast room, after adding Xiao Hui, there are a total of 21 emperors!
The gift list that Lao Wu had just opened to 1800 million was approaching rapidly again.

Especially Xiaohuya and Xiaohui, who brushed the fastest!
Lao Wu frantically swiped while peeping at the screen, but cold sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

Before Xiao Xiao made a move, the list of Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room was about to go up to more than 2000 million. How can this be done?
You know, the funds Daheng plans to give Xia Nuan are only 2000 million!
Even with the support of some big brothers in the live broadcast room, it is already amazing to reach 500 million.

But Xiao Xiao hasn't made a move yet, and it seems that they are almost finished there.

Brother Jiu sat in the corner, watching the live broadcast, while praising his wit in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't choose to make a move just now. If I was the one who knew how to swipe the gifts, wouldn't I be hung up there again after I finished the swipe?
The days of being slapped in the face by Xiao Xiao are finally over!
The witty are always so lucky!

Brother Hua on the side frowned.

He really didn't predict the variables of the top gods and anchors such as Xiaohuya and Hehe.

Although I was a little flustered in my heart, Brother Hua was not in the slightest.

"Fifth, here's an additional 2000 million yuan for you, and you can send them all at once!"

"Brother Hua, if Xia Nuan hits 4000 million here, Xiaofei's there"

Lao Wu hesitated for a while.

"Just to be on the safe side, I reserved another 4000 million yuan in advance yesterday, and I will give Xia Nuan another 2000 million yuan, and Xiao Fei has another 6000 million yuan as a base!"

Brother Hua gritted his teeth.

"Big deal, this time we hit [-] million!"

He has never told anyone about this before, and this is also his biggest hole card!
This amount of money is no longer a small amount to him, and it has even affected the normal operation of his company in reality.

The purpose of preparing this reserve fund is to prevent accidents!

 Second watch, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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