Chapter 108 Is [-] million enough? (A monthly pass is required at the sixth watch!)

Brother Hua didn't hesitate any longer after renewing the subscription. In a few minutes, he quickly paid out all 2000 million.

The total list of Knife live broadcast directly jumped to 6500 million!
Solo ranking first, team ranking first!

"6500 million! This time it is absolutely stable!"

"Thank you, big brothers! Thank you, Brother Hua!"

Xiao Fei was very excited.

You know, last year only 500 million hits were made!
Compared with last year, the list of this event has directly increased by more than ten times!
Although it was posted by the trade union, how many viewers in the live broadcast room knew about it?
Seeing the total list of 6500 million, Brother Hua finally heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as the hole cards are out, they will be out. As long as you win the event, you will earn it back sooner or later!
Brother Hua glanced at the computer next to him, and was about to see Xiao Xiao's embarrassing appearance, but the news on the public screen in Baldy's live broadcast room suddenly made his eyes widen!

The frequency of once every two seconds has never been interrupted, and the total amount of gifts in the live broadcast room has reached 3000 million!
"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *300*[-] combos!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *301*[-] combos!"


Although the list is less than half of Xiaofei's, a bad premonition reappeared in Brother Hua's mind.

Familiar and unfamiliar.

In the live broadcast room, when the bald man saw that Xiao Fei had reached the 6500 million list, he was also frightened.

Daheng went crazy today!

Last year, all the anchors of the Daheng guild added up to 1500 million.

During the mid-year fan festival, Daheng's guild made more than 2000 million yuan.

But this time.

Knife’s live broadcast room is 970 million, Xia Nuan’s live broadcast room is 4500 million, and Xiaofei’s live broadcast room is 6500 million.

Excluding the money for fans, the minimum investment is [-] million!

If there is no Brother Xiao Xiao, he would really surrender with both hands and feet.

Even Xiao Huya and the others were frightened.

Although there are more than 20 people in their Emperor's Group, since they entered Huya until now, the total of twenty people may not have consumed this amount!

"Brother Xiao Xiao is still brushing, it seems that Brother Xiao Xiao is really going to fight Daheng today!"

"It doesn't matter how much Daheng brushes, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao is around, they won't be able to win!"

"They swiped [-] million, but Brother Xiao Xiao also swiped [-] million. It's not worthwhile to start a war when it starts!"

Xiao Xiao fans in the live broadcast room have almost obsessive fanaticism towards Xiao Xiao.

From the first day Brother Xiao Xiao entered Huya, he has never lost!

Instead, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua on the opposite side were beaten back and forth by Brother Xiao Xiao.

And now, brother Xiao Xiao is still giving gifts, this is the best proof!

Seeing the 500 million from Daheng, Liu Xiao suddenly felt itchy.

This is the first time since Liu Xiao came to Huya that someone has just dated so much with him!
After charging again, Liu Xiao increased the speed of the dot connecter again.

Once every 0.5 seconds!
This is also the fastest speed of this connecter.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *380*[-] combos!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *390*[-] combos!"

In the center of the live broadcast room, there was only one ID gift left.

Group after group of big rockets kept churning.

The special effects of the gift are completely invisible. Before one set of special effects is displayed, another set has already covered it.

And at the public screen, the huge number of golden combos is surging upwards rapidly!
In less than 1 minute, the list of Baldy's live broadcast room has reached 4000 million!

"It's still going on!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, what kind of invincible hand speed is this!"

[Daheng wants to fart]: "If I have this hand speed, my Nan friend will definitely not last for five seconds!"

"Upstairs, I remember you pinched friend Nan?"

"Isn't it fixed?"

"666, this thing probably won't work after it's repaired, no wonder it's five seconds!"

As the speed of Brother Xiao Xiao's barrage of gifts increased again, the audience in the entire live broadcast room went crazy.

Originally, I wondered whether Xiao Xiao would shrink back in front of this huge list, but I didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so tough!
"So what about the 6500 million list? Brother Xiao Xiao said he wants to be number one, so he wants to be number one!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

"I've been waiting for brother Xiao Xiao's luck for nothing!"

"Upstairs, post the location, the three-year reform through labor is ready."

Two minutes later, the bald list has reached 2 million.

In 3 minutes, the bald list reached 6000 million.

In less than 4 minutes, the list has already exceeded 500 million!

Looking at the list displayed by Xiao Xiao on the computer, Brother Hua suddenly understood what it was like to be buzzing in the head.

I have swiped [-] million on my side, and Xiao Xiao can still follow?
Really think unlimited refills ah?

"Brother Xiao Xiao, enough is enough, it has surpassed the opponent!"

The more than 6000 million lists in the live broadcast room, except for some odds, are all made by Brother Xiao Xiao!

Now that he has terminated the contract with the trade union, brother Xiao Xiao doesn't want cash back, so he can get [-]% of the money!

While Baldy's mood was agitated, he was also a little scared.

If Brother Xiao Xiao was the guild number, he would have accepted these gifts without hesitation, but he knew in his heart that Brother Xiao Xiao was not!
"Are you ready to give your speech?"

Liu Xiao conveniently sent a barrage to make fun of.

The presents are all swiped with a dot stick, so he doesn't need to do anything at all.

The bald man smiled wryly.

In fact, when he saw Xiaofei's list of more than 6000 million, he had already given up in his heart.

But he didn't expect Brother Xiao Xiao to be so aggressive. Shan Renhao swiped nearly 7000 million, and he's still swiping.

Liu Xiao didn't intend to stop at all.

Since Daheng dared to jump out, be prepared to be slapped in the face by him until it hurts!

In Baldy's live broadcast room, all the audience held their breath at this moment.

There were millions of viewers from Xiaojuzi and the major anchors, but there were very few bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

Even, the barrage of the previous article stayed five seconds before.

Every second in Baldy's live broadcast room is 20 turnovers!

At this moment, everyone felt that the world was a little unreal.

A luxury car or a luxury house may be wiped out in a few seconds.

The barrage of gifts continued, and the turnover soon exceeded 7000 million.

It was another minute, and it exceeded 1 million again.

Everyone in the live broadcast room, no matter how dull they were, guessed Xiao Xiaoge's goal with their faces full of disbelief.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *999*[-] combos!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *1000*[-] combos!"

With the end of the 1000th group of Huya No. [-], the special effects of gifts on the public screen finally faded away.

Everyone raised their eyes unconsciously, and looked at the weekly list at the top of the live broadcast room.

No. [-] on the weekly list: Xiao Xiao.

Total gift amount: 1 golden beans!

100 billion golden beans, a gift worth [-] million RMB!
Baldy silently opened the star show team leaderboard for the June Hope event in the live broadcast room.

Leaderboard No.1: The end team.

Captain [Xiao Hui]: 1 million!
Player [Little Orange]: 5100 million!
Player [Yang Zi]: 1240 million!
Team total list: 1 million!
Although the Second Coming team is not bad, the team's total list is 2000 million.

But compared with the end team, it is much worse, with 5000 million!

 Sixth, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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