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Chapter 109 Identity Plate: No. 1 God Proud! , Add more rewards for [Fengdu Meituan Special Gift]

Chapter 109 Identity Plate: Number One God! (Seventh update), add more rewards for [Fengdu Meituan Special Delivery]

Time passed slowly.

For a full 2 ​​minutes, millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were staring at the overall list in the center of the screen.

"This list will definitely be on the hot search list tomorrow, right?"

An audience member spoke, breaking the silence in the live broadcast room.

Suddenly, millions of fans in the live broadcast room woke up, and countless bullet screens instantly flooded the public screen of Baldy's live broadcast room!

The bald man woke up instantly, his face was getting more and more bloody, and he was panting heavily.

One hundred million, one hundred million list!
There is no need to discuss the issue of not being on the hot search.

He can guarantee that tomorrow his half-bald head will definitely be on the top of the trending searches, and may even be the number one in the trending searches!

And what kind of popularity and popularity a trending search will bring him, he can't even imagine.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, I"

The bald man had a sore nose and almost cried.

The period when he was at his lowest was Xiao Xiaoge who pulled him up, not to mention a list of 2000 million.

But this time, he even took Daheng's 500 million list and earned [-] million, which won him the position of the first brother.

Brother Xiao Xiao is kind to his bald man!
The time quickly passed 12 o'clock and entered the third week since June.

All weekly rankings are cleared, and the June Hope event starts to be settled overnight.

As the event came to an end, everyone in the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief.

This event was too difficult.

Many people thought that both sides would get 4000 to 5000 million yuan, and even a small number of tourists thought that the side with too much money could reach [-] million yuan.

But in fact, both sides are over [-] million yuan!

In one game, the two sides add up to more than 8000 million. If you add the game area, it has already broken [-] million!
Huya's revenue target for the third quarter is only 1.5 million yuan. The [-] million gift turnover has already completed Huya's third quarter task ahead of schedule.

Is it because Daheng is not strong?

Brother Hua has swiped 4000 million, the fifth and third is 500 million, and Brother Jiu has also swiped 3000 million.

It also adds up to over [-] million.

All I can say is, Brother Xiao Xiao is too fierce!
Although it was past twelve o'clock, the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were basically still there.

Even the anchors like Hue He were there.

There are hundreds of millions of brushes in a single live broadcast room, this is history!
No one is willing to leave at this moment.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

At some point, a big brother in the public screen area suddenly posted a barrage.

All of a sudden, all the bullet screens in the live broadcast room almost turned into bull beeps!

Millions of viewers, almost everyone typed this sentence from the bottom of their hearts!

Only this word can express their emotions at the moment.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

Baldy took the lead in shouting in the live broadcast room.

The blue logo on the top of the live broadcast room flashed, and Vice President Huya Du brought Lanlan into the live broadcast room by air.

"Vice President Du is here?"

"Wow, Brother Xiao Xiao really looks great, Vice President Du is here!"

The audience was amazed.

"First of all, congratulations to the end team for winning No.1 in this event."

Vice President Du smiled and spoke on the public screen.

The full-platform super-management account, the text effects are similar to those of the Emperor, and Vice President Du's speech also has the functions of delay dissipation and bolding.

"Thank you Mr. Du, all of this is thanks to brother Xiao Xiao." The bald man thanked him sincerely.

"Of course, Brother Xiao Xiao is the first Shenhao on the platform to spend over [-] million yuan in a single live broadcast room. After negotiation, we specially made an identity plate for Brother Xiao Xiao."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this identity plate has been issued to your account, you can take a look when you are free."

Vice President Du's attitude is very humble.

He just came up with the identity plate.

He reported false news to Xiao Xiao before, although Brother Xiao Xiao didn't say anything wrong with him, but he couldn't turn a blind eye, could he?

Liu Xiao was a little curious, so he went to read the private message.

Sure enough, there was a gift notification in the private message.

A golden reddish nameplate with four large characters on it: No. [-] Shenhao!

This nameplate is the same as the anchor's fan plate, just click to install or remove it.

Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

It can be taken off at any time, which is in line with his usual low-key style.

Putting on the nameplate, Liu Xiao re-entered Baldy's studio.

A red dragon and the emperor's dragon swayed on the public screen, and after entangled with each other for a while, they exploded into golden red.

The four big characters of the first Shenhao suddenly appeared in it.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"


"Official dog licking is the deadliest!"

"Mr. Du, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"If Brother Xiao Xiao can give me [-] million yuan, I can give Brother Xiao Xiao the number one hero in the universe!"

In the live broadcast room, millions of viewers had different opinions.

Brother Xiao Xiao came to Huya for more than half a month, and he has already collected [-] million.

In other words, Hu Ya indirectly made Brother Xiao Xiao [-] million!

It's just a special effect nameplate that doesn't cost money, and Huya naturally won't be stingy.

Although there are different opinions, tourists all have a unified opinion.

Brother Xiao Xiao is indeed Huya's most arrogant hero, bar none!

"Yes, this brand is very good."

Liu Xiao replied on the public screen with a smile.

Although it's not a substantial benefit, Liu Xiao doesn't care about those either.

Unless Huya donated him a billion real funds, there was nothing else to care about.

"Since Brother Xiao Xiao is satisfied, then I can rest assured."

Vice President Du accompanied him with a smile, and went offline after saying hello in the live broadcast room.

And Lanlan stayed behind on a registered number.

Although it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, she was happy to work overtime!
Brother Xiao Xiao swiped 200 million yuan, and she took a [-]% commission, which is a full [-] ​​million yuan!
Put it in her hometown, and if you raise some money, you can buy a small villa.

Seeing that Guoguo, who was old and troubled by her, was also working overtime at the next station, Lanlan was happier.

She calculates and calculates day by day, making some self-righteous cleverness, thinking that no one knows what she thinks.

In fact, Lanlan has been guarding against her for a long time.

Baldy turned on the mic connection function, and pulled Xiaojuzi and Yang Zi, who had just launched, into the channel.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, we must be the No.1 of the Hope Plan this time, and have the priority of public welfare. Which city do you think is suitable for us to go?"

Xiao Xiao hasn't replied yet, but the fans in the live broadcast room are getting excited.

For this event, there are a total of 10 locations to choose from.

"Come to the capital, I'll give you a banquet in the capital!"

"Although the traffic in our corner is not good, the scenery is absolutely beautiful. Come to us!"

"Will brother Xiao Xiao go together?"

"If Brother Xiao Xiao also goes, I will join the group at my own expense!"

"I really want to see brother Xiao Xiao live on camera!"

"Jiangcheng is also good, you can come to Jiangcheng to taste our fatty intestines!"

"Oh, the upstairs is anti-human, even eating the excretory tissue of living things!"

"Well, I think fat sausage is quite delicious."

"Very fragrant? Shouldn't it be very refreshing?"

"Upstairs, something is wrong with you!"

"Upstairs and upstairs upstairs, you are all wrong!"


The fans in the live broadcast room made a fuss, causing everyone to laugh.

"You guys decide for yourself, just start the live broadcast when the time comes, I will watch it when I have time."

Liu Xiao was typing on the public screen.

Including Kaka and the others in the game area, they also had a chance to go to the Hope Project.

Although it is impossible for Liu Xiao to go, it is also good to watch the live broadcast.

After all, most of them were donated by him!
 Seventh watch, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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