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Chapter 110 Xia Nuan's live broadcast room exploded, adding more rewards for [Chapter Head 1 La

Chapter 110 Xia Nuan's Live Broadcast Room Explodes

"we lose."

Daheng Union, Brother Hua took a deep breath and let it out again heavily.

The facts are already in front of you, even if you want to deny it, you have no choice but to admit defeat consciously.

Brother Hua gritted his teeth, quite unwilling.

At this time, he couldn't help but shake what he had been insisting on in his heart.

Could Xiao Xiao, who is so reckless and arrogant, really be a guild account?
Not to mention anything else, just let all the first-line anchors and big brothers in the game area come to support this, which guild account can do it?

The anchors like Huhe and the others may be stupid, but the gods represented by Xiao Huya are not all stupid, are they?

It is impossible for such a rich second generation to be so flattering to a guild number.

Xiaohuya's full support tonight seems to prove this point from the side.

Xiao Xiao, it might really be Shenhao!

Brother Hua closed his eyes, recalling everything that Brother Xiao Xiao had done since he came to Huya.

"Brother Hua, what should we do next?"

The fifth child asked cautiously.

The dozen or so emperors on Daheng's side are still hanging in Xiaofei's live broadcast room. If this matter is not handled well, Daheng, a behemoth, may really collapse.

"Let's find the navy first to bring back the rhythm of Xiaofei's live broadcast room."

Brother Hua waved his hand helplessly.

There were over a hundred thousand viewers in Xiaofei's live broadcast room, but not many of these viewers were speaking.

Without it, they were all overwhelmed by tonight's brilliance, so that they forgot Daheng's failure for a short time.

"We lost this event."

Xiao Fei took the initiative to stand up and bowed deeply.

For Xiaofei, there is only one way to go at present, and that is to admit defeat!

"For this event, Brother Hua, Brother Jiu, Brother Four, as well as the big brothers and fans in the live broadcast room, all swiped a lot, but Xiao Fei, I still didn't win the first place"

"I'm sorry for the presents from fans, I"

Having said this, Xiao Fei's voice choked up, and he forced out a few tears.

Fans who had just reacted and were about to go viral, saw Xiao Fei apologizing in such a miserable way, and many of them immediately softened their hearts.

At this moment, Daheng's sailors spoke one after another.

"Brother Fei, it's not that we are not strong, but that Xiao Xiao is too fierce!"

"Brother Jiu and Brother Hua already swiped 500 million, who knew Xiao Xiao could swip [-] million!"

"It's already very good. I can't even win the 500 million list. It can only be said that the luck is bad."


A group of sailors took action and soon infected many tourists.

Many people calm down and think about it, and this is indeed the case.

If Xiao Fei only hit a few million, even if he had tens of millions of reasons, he would be sprayed to death by them.

But this time, Xiao Fei spent a total of 6500 million in the live broadcast room!
With so much money, he still hasn't won. To be reasonable, Xiaofei really can't be blamed.

"Yeah Xiao Fei, don't worry too much, we will come again next time!"

"Xiaofei's own Emperor Feipeng has collected more than 200 million. Xiaofei has indeed worked very hard."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is a bit too fierce. The live broadcast room only paid [-] million yuan. I just saw that Vice President Huya Du gave Brother Xiao Xiao an identity plate."

"It's no shame to lose to Xiao Xiao, just come back next time."

In the live broadcast room, countless bullet screens are true and false.

Some of them were made by tourists, but more were made by the navy.

But generally speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room is still developing in a good direction.

Even the tourists who had given Xiao Fei a lot of presents felt relieved when they saw the bullet screen on the public screen.

Seeing that the tourists in the live broadcast room did not cause trouble, Lao Wu let out a sigh of relief, and quickly privately messaged all the big brothers in the live broadcast room to go offline.

If Xiao Xiao stopped after swiping around 7000 million, it would be difficult for them to explain.

But the [-] million swiped, the effect of public opinion was indeed too strong, which in turn helped them a lot.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, next we will hold a fan feedback event tonight. All fans with any anchor brand of the Daheng Union can participate in the lucky draw!"

Xiao Fei wiped away the tears that he forced out, and sat down in front of the computer again.

He turned on the TV directly and sent a 5 yuan barrage red envelope.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua saw that the rhythm of the live broadcast room was not brought up, so they also quietly went offline.

Xia Nuan, who was peeking at the screen next to him, saw that Xiao Fei had successfully suppressed the rhythm of the live broadcast room, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

No matter what, as long as there is a way to suppress the rhythm!
Turning the camera to the side, Xia Nuan dipped his fingers in water and wiped the corners of his eyes.

Following Xiao Fei's example, he pushed his chair aside and bowed heavily in the live broadcast room.

"Sorry everyone, we lost"

What Xia Nuan didn't expect was that she hadn't finished talking about her loss, and even the navy who had just arrived in the live broadcast room hadn't spoken, and the public screen was swiped with abuse in an instant.

"Do you have the face to apologize? If it wasn't for you, Xiao Xiao would beat him so hard?"

"If Xiao Xiao doesn't intervene, Daheng will already be number one!"

"I think what Xiao Xiao said is correct, some anchors are shameless!"

"Tmd is just a black face, why don't you provoke Little Orange Gan Nima?"

"Xia Nuan, in fact, I am a rare coconut fruit of a kind of Vosini Coconut on the coconut tree. The name is Vossini Coconut."


As soon as Xia Nuan spoke, the public screen in the live broadcast room exploded.

Leaving aside the past, just tonight, Xia Nuan mocked Xiaojuzi twice!
The crux of the problem is that if you have the ability to beat Xiaojuzi, you can ridicule them and support them, but you can't beat others, and you still openly mock them in the live broadcast room, this is brain damage.

Xiaofei played in the live broadcast room for an hour, most of which were played by the elder brother.

In Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, she played for a full three hours!

I don't know how many gifts they have circled.

Many people have more than a thousand gifts.

But now that he didn't win the first place, it's just a simple sorry?
"After receiving 600 million gifts, you can't even get the last 400 million?"

"What about your face, why do you have the face to apologize in the live broadcast?"

"Actually, Xia Nuan is also very pitiful."

"Xia Nuan has also paid a lot for this event, how can you say that about her!"

"Yeah, when Xia Nuan practiced dancing overnight, she twisted her hair!"

"Upstairs, you first transfer the gift money I paid to me, and then speak for her!"

As soon as a few sailors opened their mouths, countless abuses followed.

And the field controllers in the live broadcast room couldn't even be sealed, so they simply gritted their teeth and directly blocked the sailors who helped Xia Nuan speak.

Several of their field controllers also used a lot in the big battle just now!
Xia Nuan originally pretended to cry, but when she saw the situation in the live broadcast room, she became excited and really cried out.

How come Xiaofei wiped away tears and apologized, and the audience in the live broadcast room all became saints and comforted her, but she just spoke and was scolded like this?

You must know that she is still a female anchor, she is born with a weak buff and a loving buff!

This unscientific!

 Eight more, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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