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Chapter 111 Brother Hua, I seem to have something to do to add more rewards for [Zhang 11]

Chapter 111 Brother Hua, I Seem to Be in Trouble

The scolding in the live broadcast room intensified, Xia Nuan looked at the top 10,000+ popularity in the live broadcast room, and at this time really wanted to shut down the live broadcast directly.

But she knew she couldn't, if the broadcast was turned off at this time, all her careers would be over!
"Xia Nuan, I'm actually your fan. I'm really uncomfortable seeing them teasing you. In my heart, you are actually a very good anchor. I will continue to work hard for your goals. I will always support you, so you Can you give me a kowtow?"

Originally, Xia Nuan was quite touched when she read this barrage, but when she saw the last sentence, she almost spit out blood.

Xia Nuan couldn't count the number of bullet screens that scolded her around the corner.

For a moment, impulse overcame reason, Xia Nuan's brain was congested, and his whole body became emotional all at once.

"What is her little orange? If she hadn't snatched my light stick Zhou Xing, why would I go to PK with her?"

"What is she!"

"Xiao Xiao also doesn't know right from wrong, and has been helping Xiaojuzi, the green tea whore!"

After Xia Nuan scolded these few words, she immediately felt a lot better in her heart, and even watched the bullet screens scolding her in the live broadcast room much more pleasing to the eye.

But the next second she came back to her senses, she was stunned.

Apart from scolding Little Orange just now...

Seems like he scolded Xiao Xiao for not being able to tell right from wrong?
Be cool!

This idea just came to mind, and the next second, the live broadcast room was completely covered by mosaics.

"The live broadcast room of the anchor violated the regulations and is being rectified."

Not only is the video blocked, but even the voice is blocked!
In the category of Huya's temporary ban, this is already considered a big one.

"Hahaha, I don't know what kind of thing I am, but I dare to scold brother Xiao Xiao?"

"It's too bad, Xiao Xiao just got the identity plate of No. [-] Shenhao, so you can talk about it?"

In the live broadcast room, many viewers who had just come to watch the play made speeches and jokes.

At Huya headquarters, Lanlan and Guoguo entered Xia Nuan's live broadcast room almost at the same time.

"Super management, what are you doing!" Guoguo was ashamed and angry, and directly called the phone.

Xia Nuan is the anchor supported by Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, and of course Guoguo is towards her.

For Lan Lan, she was naturally gloating from the sidelines.

If you dare to openly mock Brother Xiao Xiao, you must be prepared to be banned!
Guoguo scolded Super Management while opening the background to prepare to lift the ban on Xia Nuan.

"Sister Guoguo, Xia Nuan insulted the company's clients, it's only been a few minutes and you're going to unblock them?"

"Are you sure you can make this decision for the company?"

"If a major customer is lost, who will bear the responsibility!"

Lanlan pushed the plastic-rimmed glasses, stood up and walked behind Guoguo.

"You want to take care of it? What's the responsibility? Mr. Du will come to me tomorrow!"

Guoguo snorted coldly, and found the unlock icon in the options.

She came to Huya much earlier than Lanlan, trying to scare her, Lanlan is still a little tender!
"If you want to lift the ban, you have to ask me if I agree!"

Lanlan sat back in the trade union, logged into the account, and directly added a 10-minute ban time for super management.

Banned for 6 hours!

"Lanlan, untie it for me!"

Guoguo clicked to unblock it, and when she found it didn't work, she was ashamed and angry.

Because of Xiao Xiao's relationship, Lanlan's account was previously authorized by Vice President Du. Not only did she have the option to ban all speech in the live broadcast room, but she was also a level higher than her.

Therefore, Guoguo does not have the power to undo the ban under Lanlan.

Guoguo kicked away the chair next to her, venting her anger.

"She brought it on herself."

Lan Lan directly turned off the computer, stepped on her bag and walked out of the office.

"Where are you going?!"

"Go home to sleep!"

Lanlan's hearty laughter reached Guoguo's ears, and Guoguo looked at the ban notice that had just been changed in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, and helplessly spread it on the chair.

Who told her not to meet her elder brother?
"The live broadcast room is suspected of violating regulations, and the rectification time is estimated to be 6 hours!"

Many viewers who watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones suddenly had a pop-up window pop up on the screen, and were then randomly assigned to other live broadcast rooms.

Different from a warning ban, this kind of time period ban directly closes the live broadcast room!

Only tourists who log in on the computer will not be forced to jump to the live broadcast room, and can see the Xia Nuan room with a black screen.

For a time, more than 1 people were popular, and only [-] were lost in an instant.

"Let you do it, is it gone now?"

"I'm rubbish, and I still want to blame Xiao Xiao, this is the end!"

Looking at the account on the computer that has been forcibly offline, Xia Nuan was confused.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the 10-minute ban to end and apologize in the live broadcast room, but I didn't expect to block myself directly!
Xia Nuan walked out of the room nervously, and saw the three brothers Hua who were discussing something in the hall, with mournful faces, they spoke cautiously.

"Brother Hua, I seem to be in trouble."

In the bald live broadcast room, the tourists who watched the excitement from Xia Nuan just rushed over.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Xia Nuan just mocked you in the live broadcast!"

"Baldy, brother Xiao Xiao was ridiculed by Xia Nuan!"

"Xia Nuan said Brother Xiao Xiao didn't understand the truth!"

"Little Orange, Xia Nuan scolded you directly!"


Countless tourists spoke one after another with the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Thousands of people are speaking continuously on the public screen, and it is impossible not to notice it.

The live broadcast room, which was originally relatively harmonious, suddenly became less beautiful.

Especially Baldy, Xiaojuzi and Yangzi who were connecting wheat, their faces were darkened.

Yang Zi watched the barrage for a while, and soon understood the ins and outs.

"Bah, what is she, Xia Nuan, who dares to talk about brother Xiao Xiao like that!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person. I'll make preparations tonight and hold a special session for her tomorrow!"

Yang Zi was furious, slapped the table, and sprayed Xia Nuan in the live broadcast room.

"I haven't heard Yang Zi spouting people for a few days, and I'm still not used to it!"

"Looking forward to it!"

"Yang Zi's goal is getting higher and higher, even the first sister Daheng dares to hold a special session!"

Fans 666 in the live broadcast room kept buttoning.

"Everyone knows what strength Xiao Xiao is. If Xia Nuan dares to say that, I, the bald man, won't agree!"

"Antagonize brother Xiao Xiao, she is not worthy!" Xiaojuzi also spoke.

"Okay, okay, you have to be magnanimous, don't grab other people's little tails."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen, but his heart was full of joy.

Yang Zi roared to start the battle in the front, while he acted like an ordinary and peerless expert in the back.

When tourists see themselves indifferently, they must praise Brother Xiao Xiao for his generosity.

It seems that Yang Zi, the news anchor, really chose the right one!
"Brother Xiao Xiao, you are the person I respect the most. You don't care about your generosity, but I can't stand it!"

"Hey, I really can't do anything about you." Liu Xiao sent several emojis of little tiger shaking his head in succession, expressing his helplessness.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is still generous, if it were me, I would have gone to her live broadcast room and scolded her!"

"This is really meeting Brother Xiao Xiao. If you were any other god, at least you would have to ask the authorities to seal her up!"

Xiao Huya and other big brothers also sighed.

With such a strong strength, there is no airs at all, but his temper is so good!

"Brother Xiao Xiao's realm is high, so he won't be as knowledgeable as her, but my realm is low. Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, join us on time, and watch Yang Zi give her a special show!"

Xiao Huya said with a smile on the public screen.

Only sister Feifei's mouth twitched.

Based on her contact with Brother Xiao Xiao during this period of time, she still has some understanding of Brother Xiao Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao Xiao was so lucky!
 Ninth watch, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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