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Chapter 115 Top Internet celebrities enter!

Chapter 115 Top Internet celebrities enter! (Second, ask for a monthly ticket)
The Daheng trade union and the management all gathered together.

Brother Jiu sat on the side with Erlang's legs crossed, and Xia Nuan sat beside Brother Jiu with his head down, twisting his fingers vigorously, not daring to say a word.

The contract between Xia Nuan and Daheng was signed by S. If she is banned for this reason this time, she will pay Daheng 500 million in liquidated damages!

Although a lot of big brother's money was collected in the previous activities, it was barely enough to get so much money out, but after that, she was not far from bankruptcy.

And most importantly, if she is banned this time, how will she make money in the future?

You know, she broadcast live for a year, but earned 600 million.

Where else can I find such a good way to make money?
"Xia Nuan has such a big scandal, I guess the title is certain." The fifth child sighed beside him.

The past two days have been eventful in Daheng, and Xia Nuan also had such an incident.

He was just banned and warned by the platform last night, and another scandal was exposed early this morning.

Lao Wu, the trade union management, really felt that this matter could not be done.

"Xia Nuan unilaterally breached the contract, fifth brother, you can sue according to the contract, 500 million liquidated damages, and a little money back to the union."

Brother Hua sat aside with a calm expression.

"Brother Hua, I think I can still save it!" Xia Nuan became anxious when she heard what Lao Wu and Brother Hua said.

After all, she is also a big beauty, and she has been the first sister of Daheng for a year, how can she just throw it away?

What about the previous promises that all will prosper and all will suffer?
The trade union management is really a big pig's trotter!

"Brother Hua, why don't you see if there is any way to help Xia Nuan?"

Brother Jiu was also embarrassed to put on his pants and refused to recognize anyone, so he quickly opened his mouth to help Xia Nuan.

Brother Jiu has always known that Xia Nuan is a bus, and he occasionally plays with Xia Nuan because Xia Nuan can play a lot of tricks, which allows him to have fun.

Even on some websites, there are several videos of Xia Nuan wearing a butterfly mask.

Xia Nuan is not his girlfriend, he doesn't care if Xia Nuan's private life is a little messy.

"Rescue it, tell me how to rescue it?"

"How many resources did Daheng use to train you, and how much did it cost?"

"As for you, it's fine if you don't know how to check, but you were caught by passers-by!"

The fifth child was so angry that he didn't even give Brother Jiu any face, and just yelled at Xia Nuan.

"Fifth brother, I promise to restrain myself in the future, but this time the trade union must help me, otherwise I'm really doomed!" Xia Nuan cried with a sad face.

Since Xiao Xiao settled in Huya, Daheng suffered countless losses, but she was the one who was hurt the most every time.

Last night, I couldn't help but spit out a sentence. I was banned for six hours, but Yang Zi even took out such a big deal and opened a special session for her in the morning.

Now, even the labor union doesn't want to help her.

"It's fine, it's fine, Xia Nuan didn't do it on purpose, so please stop saying a few words, fifth."

"To be fair, if Xia Nuan is really banned, Daheng's loss will be more than [-] million at least. A large number of fans and big brothers will definitely leave. There is no doubt about it."

Brother Jiu comforted Xia Nuan with his arms around him, and then explained to Brother Hua.

What he said was also true.

On Daheng's side, more than a dozen kings and elder brothers are maintained by Xia Nuan. Although the relationship is unclear, they can add up to two to three million yuan per month.

These days, who doesn't like real money?

If Xia Nuan is really blocked, all these will be gone!

For a while, the field fell into silence.

Brother Hua lowered his head and twirled the teacup in his hand. Xia Nuan looked at Brother Hua with the last glimmer of hope in his eyes.


Brother Hua exhaled and nodded slightly.

Before Xia Nuan could be happy, Brother Hua spoke again.

"I'll figure out the solution, and I'll go if it's the relationship. You personally take out 300 million funds, is it okay?"

"No problem no problem!"

"Thank you Brother Hua, thank you Brother Jiu!"

Xia Nuan nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

As long as she can keep the current live broadcast position, let alone 300 million, even 500 million, she will be able to pay back within a year.

"Don't go online these days to avoid the limelight."

"I wrote it down!" Xia Nuan let out a sigh of relief, and quickly agreed.

Brother Hua agreed to this matter, which shows that she still has something to play.

Xia Nuan quickly withdrew, and there were only three core managers of Brother Hua left in the office.

"Brother Hua, is there really a solution for Xia Nuan?"

The fifth child was still a little worried.

This is already close to a real thing, how can we turn it over?
"I saw that photo, it was taken with a mobile phone, and it was from the side."

"If you can't be 100% sure, you can still clean it up with public relations."

Brother Hua thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and made several consecutive calls.

While Xingxiu was still bombing, another announcement was made on the official platform.

"Wow, this time the officials have made a big move!"

In the live broadcast room, Xiaochun slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

"Is there an official event again?"

"Impossible, can we hold two events in June?"

"The hope plan at the end of June hasn't been implemented yet. If we hold activities at this time, it will inevitably be a bit overwhelming, right?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little puzzled.

Huya's revenue plan for June and even the third quarter has been completed, so what is going on at this time?

"It's not an event, but two shocking news."

Xiaochun clicked on the homepage of the event, and cast the webpage in the live broadcast room, couldn't stop sighing.

"Tonight at 6 o'clock, the well-known e-sports actress Miss will enter the League of Legends area of ​​Huya's game section!"

"Tonight at 10 o'clock, Li Ge, an Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, will also be stationed in Huya!"


"That's right, Brother Li is coming to Huya?"

"Tiger Ya is too good, and Douyin's first-line Internet celebrities have been poached!"

"Tiger Bud's official bull beep!"

"I've wanted to watch Brother Li's live broadcast for a long time!"

"Vice President Du is amazing!"

Countless fans were amazed.

Douyin is a short video creation platform that has just emerged recently. Under the strong push of Ali, the number of daily active users exceeded 500 million in just five months, and it has successfully become as famous as the old platforms such as Huya and Douyu!

And Brother Li is the undoubted first sister in Douyin!
As for MISS, most people have heard of this name, but they usually play Xingxiu, they don't care much about the game area, but are more concerned about Brother Li's online.

"Ten o'clock tonight, I must support it then!"

"I don't know how much Huya paid to bring Brother Li, the first sister of Douyin, over to Huya!"

There are endless discussions on the public screen.

Xiaochun was also amazed.

You know, Brother Li is not the anchor of Huya Xingxiu like them.

That's a proper top internet celebrity!
As for the miss in the game area, the status is probably about the same as Brother Li's status in Xingxiu.

"It seems that the traffic on Huya's side will explode again!"

Xiaochun sighed again and again.

He could imagine what a commotion it would cause when the two of them started broadcasting on Huya tonight!
 The second update, the fifth update is guaranteed today, and the rest will be released in the evening!

  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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