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Chapter 116 System level 4, 10 income!

Chapter 116 System Level 10, [-] Earnings! (A monthly ticket is requested at the third watch)

Liu Xiao didn't pay attention to what happened on the Huya platform in the morning.

Early in the morning, Liu Xiao deliberately dragged Zhao Ning to the Motor City.

Of course, Liu Xiao told Zhao Ning that he now has 200 million income.

Otherwise, with a deposit of 100 million, if you open your mouth to buy a car with a million dollars, Zhao Ning will be fine if you don't send him to a mental hospital.

In fact, in the crowded city of Shanghai, driving is not as convenient as taking the subway, but there are only two large-scale consumption items that Liu Xiao can think of for the time being.

One buys a car and the other buys a house.

If you buy a house, 100 million is definitely not enough, so you only need to buy a car.

"Hey, it would be great if the money for starting a business is included in the quota."

Liu Xiao was annoyed for a while.

Any investment behavior is not included in the consumption quota.

In other words, if you want to upgrade to the fourth level, you have to spend 100 million purely.

"Tell me about you, you have only earned about 200 million yuan, and you want to buy a car worth 100 million yuan."

Zhao Ning gave Liu Xiao a white look.

"Isn't this going to open a Taobao store, run a business or something, and if you have a good car, you can negotiate the price."

Zhao Ning didn't know much about business, so she thought it was quite right when Liu Xiao said this.

Coincidentally, there is a car show in the Motor City, so there is no need for Liu Xiao and his family to run.

"For a car worth around 100 million yuan, the Maserati Levante is not bad."

"Lexus is also a good brand."

"The BMW 7 Series is also okay."

Walking all the way, Liu Xiao was amazed.

For a man, he doesn't need to buy a car, but he can't understand it.

Liu Xiao knows more or less about these million-dollar luxury cars.

"For business, it's better to buy an SUV, which looks more formal." Zhao Ning said.

If you have a dedicated driver, the first choice is definitely an extended car, but if you drive by yourself, an SUV is better.

Liu Xiao nodded, deeply agreeing.

The SUV has a large interior space and is more comfortable to sit on. Even if you want to do something in the wilderness, it is more convenient than a car, and it feels good to shake.

After choosing for several hours, Liu Xiao finally decided to buy a Range Rover with a relatively large frame.

Although this car has mixed reviews, after Liu Xiao's test drive, the senses are still pretty good.

After all, the price of one million is placed here, and there is a limit to garbage.

Adding the purchase tax and a series of things, a preferential price of 98.5 was given.

Taking advantage of the sales meeting, the two went shopping again.

"Wow, Wuling Hongguang mini, so cute!"

Zhao Ning fell in love with a scooter just released by Wuling Hongguang.

"This car can seat up to two people, and it is also a new energy source. It can be used for urban transportation, but not for highways."

Liu Xiao smiled wryly.

At least 5000 million gifts were received last night. Even if the trade unions and small dust brushes are removed, and an additional 6% is deducted, they can still get about 1500 million.

With so much money, why did you fancy a top-of-the-line Wuling Hongguang with only 4 yuan?

This thing is mainly made of trucks!
"I'm not good at technology, this car is small and cute, it's just right for me."

Zhao Ning smiled and ran over to find a salesman for a test drive.

Pure automatic transmission, and it is an electric vehicle, the acceleration is still very good.

Sitting in the car, Liu Xiao could even feel a slight push back.

"I've decided, I want this!"

Zhao Ning paid the bill happily and chose a blue youth version.

"Tell me about you. Anyway, you are worth hundreds of millions, and you ended up buying a Wuling Hongguang."

"I don't run long distances, this is just right for me." Zhao Ning smiled and took the car keys from the salesman.

It takes a few days for the Range Rover to be shipped from the headquarters.

As for Wuling Hongguang mini, there are existing cars in the Auto City.

After completing the formalities, although the sign has not been hung, it is still possible to drive home.

"You see, although your Land Rover is expensive, it will take a few days before it arrives. Now you have to count on me to take you home." Zhao Ning buckled up her seat belt happily.

"set off!"

Not long after Zhao Ning got her driver's license, Liu Xiao finally understood Zhao Ning's thoughts when she saw Zhao Ning walking unsteadily on the road.

Maybe in Zhao Ning's view, the size of the car is directly proportional to the probability of an accident?
The smaller the car, the less likely it is to hit people!

Wuling Hongguang turned left and right on the road for a long time, and Zhao Ning finally drove the car into the underground garage.

"How about I push it for you?"

Looking at Zhao Ning, who kept repeating the operation of going out and entering the warehouse one after another, Liu Xiao's face was full of black lines.

Wuling Hongguang mini is more than one meter wide and just over two meters long.

The 3-meter-wide and 6-meter-long parking space is full of parking spaces that can accommodate four Wuling Hongguang minis, and Zhao Ning still can't get in!

"Okay, then give me a push!"

Zhao Ning's eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly while looking at the rearview mirror.

"Push your sister!"

Liu Xiao pulled Zhao Ning out of the car, and reversed the car directly.

Although Liu Xiao's skills are average, but with such a small car, he can back it up with his eyes closed.

After sending Zhao Ning home, Liu Xiao felt tired for a while.

At this moment, he actually felt that it was the right choice for Zhao Ning to buy a Wuling Hongguang mini.

If you buy a bigger one, you won't even think about parking your car for the rest of your life.

After returning home, Liu Xiao turned on the system.

The experience bar has reached 99.

Liu Xiao casually bought a Yunjing mopping robot on Taobao, and the experience bar just reached 100 million.


"System upgrade successful!"

[Current level: Level 4]

[Daily money received: 10 yuan]

[Upgrade condition: consumption of 1000 million yuan]


[System props: Wealth Double Card: At any time, as long as you use the Wealth Double Card, all the currency wealth of the host will be doubled immediately. 】

[System Upgrade: Give away a lucky draw opportunity*1! 】

[Note: The higher the level, the greater the chance of getting advanced items! 】

"Sure enough, a daily quota of 10!"

Liu Xiao was secretly excited.

And there is also a wealth doubling card, as long as you save 500 million, you can immediately upgrade to level 5!
"I don't know what I can get from the lucky draw opportunity given this time."

Liu Xiao rubbed his hands, eager to try.

After taking a shower specially, and lighting three more sticks of incense, Hongjun Patriarch Pangu worshiped him all over, and then Liu Xiao clicked on the lottery option.

"System, use the lottery chance!"

The turntable emerged, and the surrounding golden patterns had reached as many as 4 turns.

The turntable turned rapidly and then stopped slowly.

A light blue card fell off from the turntable and floated beside Liu Xiao.

Although it was the fourth time to draw a lottery, Liu Xiao was still very excited.

Take a deep breath and take it lightly.

The light blue card instantly shattered, turning into countless energies and dissipating towards the surrounding void.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the wealth investment card*1! 】

[Wealth Investment Card: No matter what industry the host invests in, its industry yield system will automatically increase by 100%! 】

Unlike the previous wealth doubling card, the wealth investment card is used by default as soon as it is issued.

"Good stuff!"

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up.

This is exactly what he needs most right now.

According to the meaning of the system, no matter which industry he invests in, in addition to the original profit, the system will also add an extra profit!
In other words, as long as one dollar is earned in reality, it is equivalent to two dollars!
Earning 100 million is 200 million income!

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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