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Chapter 118 Brother Xiao Xiao's Status Is [Why Does He Come From Behind] Add More

Chapter 118 Brother Xiao Xiao's Status (Fifth Change) is [Why Does He Come From Later] Add a change

Under the full operation of Vice President Du, at 06:30, the popularity of the miss live broadcast exceeded 200 million.

Among them, there are many first- and second-level trumpets, all tourists who have just registered for Huya live broadcast.

Some of these little white accounts have already begun to study Huya's aristocratic system, and there are hundreds of them, whose titles have already reached the lordship.

"The knight [miss's little fan] sent out a magic book*1!"

"The king [miss good afternoon] sent Huya No. 5*[-]!"

"The lord [miss's big baby] sent a light stick * 9999!"


"Thank you for your gifts!"

"I just started the live broadcast. I believe many friends want to ask me a lot of questions, such as why I came to Huya."

"Let's not open the game first, but first answer the questions of fans."

Miss smiled, and was very happy to see the countless barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room.

She is quite rich in reality, and with the signing fee Huya gave this time, the money is already enough.

What she cares about is not these gifts, but the audience's love for her.

This is also her most fulfilling point.

As soon as Miss's words came out, the tourists in the live broadcast room opened up barrages one after another.

For a time, tens of thousands of barrage scrolled non-stop.

"Miss, I am an old fan of yours, can we fall in love, I don't think you are old!"

“[Miss Ovulation Diary] Why hasn’t it been updated for a long time, is it because of menopause? (Laughing)”

"Is your relationship with the wind team broken? The wind team seems to be talking about a new girlfriend."

"Does the wind team think you are too old?"


Because the barrage scrolled too fast to see clearly, miss deliberately took a screenshot, and it turned out to be all these problems.


"I was born in 89, and I'm only 27 years old this year!"

"I'm not old, and I'm not menopausal!"

"Also, my video collection is called [Miss Rank Diary], and it has nothing to do with ovulation!"

Miss deliberately pretended to be angry.

When I usually make videos, there are also these problems in the barrage, but I didn't expect to start a live broadcast, and fans brought these problems over.

My birthday in 89, I can barely be considered a post-90s generation.

Miss was autistic for a while, and the question-and-answer session that was originally prepared suddenly turned into a large-scale certification scene.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard."

"Miss is not old, she is almost 30."

"We have been professionally trained and generally don't laugh unless we can't help it!"

"Go to miss, go to miss!"

Out of novelty, the audience teased for a while, and the rhythm of the live broadcast gradually calmed down.

Miss is not the kind of person who has no stomach, she knows that these fans are joking, and she doesn't care much.

On the contrary, because of their countless bullet screens, the popularity of the live broadcast room became higher and higher.

"The king [Brother Snake] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The king [Ximen] sent out a treasure map*1!"


Veteran anchors of the League of Legends have gone online one after another, offering rewards for the unified treasure map.

Top-line anchors such as Hoe He Soo Nan also entered the live broadcast room.

"The Emperor [Scratch Man] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The emperor [hoe Wo] sent out a treasure map*1!"


"Good afternoon, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Seeing Xiao Xiao's ID at the VIP seat, all the anchors greeted each other on the public screen.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, miss's live broadcast is absolutely stable today!"

"I'm envious of miss. Brother Xiao Xiao came to join us as soon as the broadcast started!"

The anchors were amazed.

Especially Snake Brother Ximen, who hovered on the boundary between second-tier anchors and first-tier anchors, was even more envious.

Brother Xiao Xiao once gave them some rewards, but there were not many, and they didn't even say a few words to Brother Xiao Xiao directly.

But as soon as Miss started broadcasting, Xiao Xiao entered the live broadcast room.

As long as Brother Xiao Xiao enters the live broadcast room, rewards will definitely be indispensable...

People are more dead than people!

"Thank you scratch man, thank you Simon"

Thanks again and again, Miss.

The bullet screens of the major anchors have title special effects, which are displayed on the top layer of the public screen, and the miss can still see them.

Looking at Xiao Xiao id, who was ranked first in the VIP seat in the live broadcast room, Miss was also a little nervous.

Huya's manager, Lan Lan, just sent her a WeChat message, telling her not to conflict with Xiao Xiao under any circumstances.

And now, there are so many anchors saying hello to Xiao Xiao.

For this live broadcast debut, she has been contacting some professional players recently, preparing to live broadcast an exhibition match, and she really doesn't know much about Xiao Xiao.

But from the looks of it, this Xiao Xiao should be a relatively powerful hero.

"Thank you for your gifts. Today is the first live broadcast. I specially invited 3 professional players. Next, it's time for our exhibition match!"

Miss built a room and pulled in the invited people.

"Hey, Changzi, theshy, old thief Sima!"

"Oh my god, Changzi can invite a big boss who is dedicated to his career!"

"Miss popularity is still good!"

"Bad review, the wind team was not invited!"

"Upstairs, what's wrong with the wind team?"

"Are there any water friends in the live broadcast room who want to get in the car? 5V5, there are still six positions."

Miss asked.

"I me me!"

"Tell me the password to the room, I'll be right there!"

Miss remembered Lanlan's exhortation just now, and also thought of the attitudes of the major anchors towards Xiao Xiao, so she hurriedly asked a question in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to get in the car?"

Liu Xiao was slightly taken aback.

After watching the live broadcast for a while, my sense of miss is quite good.

From one point of view, miss is the best game player among the female anchors.

From another perspective, miss is the most beautiful among the anchors who play games.

As for miss, her appearance is also a very attractive type, which is more in line with Liu Xiao's aesthetics.

After thinking about it, there is nothing wrong with this meeting, so I might as well play a couple of games.

"Okay, wait for me for a while."

The emperor's exclusive font special effects appeared on the public screen, and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly burst into excitement.

When Uzi, Kaka and Brother Xiaoxiao played games before, many tourists have seen them.

The live broadcast effect is simply explosive!
After playing for two or three hours, they kept laughing for two or three hours.

For so many days, Brother Xiao Xiao has been to the live broadcast rooms of many game anchors, and it is not that no anchor has invited Brother Xiao Xiao to play, but Brother Xiao Xiao refused all of them.

This makes some viewers who want to watch the four guarantees and one tactics even more itchy.

Unexpectedly, when miss started broadcasting today, brother Xiao Xiao agreed again!
Brother Xiao Xiao shot for the second time!

Miss looked at the public screen that exploded in the live broadcast room, and she couldn't count how many times she was surprised tonight.

It's just a simple invitation to Xiao Xiao to play a game, should the barrage be so exaggerated?
Even the first-line anchors who were just about to quit the live broadcast room were tempted.

The opportunity to play games with Brother Xiao Xiao is worth cherishing!
Among other things, as long as Brother Xiao Xiao is happy, can there be fewer gifts?

This is Huya's number one hero!

It's all in the same circle, and most of the first-line anchors have miss's WeChat.

Uzi was even more excited.

He doesn't want a lot of rewards, just like miss, he is not short of money.

He just thought it would be more interesting to play games with Brother Xiao Xiao.

Looking at the private messages on WeChat that were about to explode, Miss felt helpless.

At this moment, she had some sense of Brother Xiao Xiao's status on the Huya platform.

 Fifth update, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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