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Chapter 119 Anchor, You Are Too Acting!Add more rewards for [Why did he come from behind]

Chapter 119 Anchor, You Are Too Acting! (One more) Add more rewards for [Why did he come from behind]

As the world's number one ADC, Uzi was naturally the first to be drawn in.

Afterwards, Kaka, Gu Teyu, Ba Ge, and Zuo Nan entered one after another.

He also plays League of Legends, although he also wants to join the game, but he doesn't know Miss, so he can only give up.

"Old thief, I haven't played against you for a long time." Uzi spoke on the public screen of the game.

"You think highly of me too." Old thief Sima smiled helplessly.

Originally, I just wanted to play a water friend match to relax, but I didn't expect that even Uzi would come.

But having said that, although Uzi is very strong, but the dog tag assistant Xiao Ming is not there, he is still worthwhile.

The nine people quickly assigned their positions.

Purple Fang, scratch male mid laner, Bage top laner, Kaka support, Uzi shooter, Gushou Yu jungler.

It happened to be the anchor team.

And the blue side, theshy top laner, Sima old thief shooter, miss support, and Changzi jungler.

As soon as Liu Xiao boarded the game, Kaka's game application was sent over.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is online, the weak will retreat!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao made another move, I want to see Brother Xiao Xiao's Hasse!"

"I don't know which hero Xiao Xiao will play today, so excited!"

"Miss, you don't need to play as an assistant, give Brother Xiao Xiao a full screen view!"

Looking at the comments of the water friends, there are question marks in the head of miss.

Today should be her live broadcast debut, why are all the public screens showing Xiao Xiao?
As an anchor with a contract fee of [-] million, is it so shameless?
Miss felt very hurt, but still clicked on the game under the eyes of everyone.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, which position are you playing?"

The team voice was turned on, and the voice of miss came over.

Different from the voice in the live broadcast room with a weak sound modification, miss's real voice is a little more playful and cute.

"I'll go for it, and you can choose other positions."

Liu Xiao was the first to choose Yasuo, the Gale Swordsman.

Although there is a full set of blind monk skins, that hero is not good at playing. With so many professional players and big streamers, Liu Xiao just wants to choose a hero like Yasuo who doesn't need mana to play slowly under the tower.

Believe in his professional teammates, he will not be forced to kill him under the opposite tower.

Theshy came here with the attitude of playing water friends. Instead of choosing the famous hero Ruiwen, he chose a chrysanthemum letter.

A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon!

The old thief Sima chose Jin as the shooter, and Miss chose Fengnv as the assistant.

In the end, Changzi chose the blind monk as a jungler.

The hero of the blue side is finalized, and the purple side also starts to choose people.

Except for Uzi, everyone else is an anchor. In order to line up with the professional players on the opposite side, all of them have come up with their special heroes.

Ba Ge chose the top laner of the big tree, the scratch male middle laner chose the male sword, the Uzi shooter chose the night hunter Wayne, Kaka assisted and chose Bron, and as for Fushouyu, he took out the jungler Evelyn.

The game entered the loading interface, and Liu Xiao sighed helplessly.

The five on the opposite side chose their best heroes. Even Gu Teyu, Zuo Nan and Uzi all used their heroes to break through to the first place in the national server.

"I'm a wretched man under the tower, the factory begs for arrest!" Liu Xiao thought about it, and then said directly.

No way, definitely can't beat it!
"Hahahaha, Brother Xiao Xiao is so realistic!"

"Changzi, Brother Xiao Xiao will give you 3 minutes, if you don't come, I will die!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep, speak the weakest words in the most arrogant tone!"


When Liu Xiao said this, many tourists were amused.

Even some tourists who have just arrived in Huya are interested in this hero Xiao Xiao.

In their impression, Shenhao's smile is full of the word "hehe". Where have they seen such a young and interesting elder brother Xiao Xiao?

The four of Miss stood in a row in the river, releasing their skills with Uzi and the others on the opposite side.

And Liu Xiao poured a glass of milk, and stayed under the tower leisurely.

Soon, the little soldiers attacked, and everyone went online separately.

Theshy controls Xin Zhao, and as soon as Ba Ge's big tree comes out, he will use the e skill to stab it upwards. However, Ba Ge, who is the number one dog king in the national server, also has a way to temporarily stabilize the line under theshy's attack.

As for the bottom lane, they have been fighting against each other from the very beginning.

Needless to say Uzi's strength, although Kaka is now playing low-end games, he used to be at the top three level in the national server.

Old Thief Sima is a professional player, Miss is a former professional player, both of them are of very high level.

The four of you come and go, the audience can't get enough of it.

"[Yasuo] killed [Tyrone] and got the first blood!"

Suddenly, a notification popped up on the game's public screen.

Theshy and others were taken aback.

"Changzi, have you caught it?"

"The factory can do it, scratching the man's strength is still very good, so he can directly get a blood in such a short time." Old thief Sima praised with a smile.

Even Miss unconsciously took a high look at the factory.

After all, everyone knows about the blind monk in Changzi 4396, and if the blind monk is taken by Changzi, he can kill people, which is already anti-human.


"I haven't gone yet!"

Changzi looked at himself who had just hit the blue buff to half the blood, with a confused look on his face.

Everyone unconsciously turned their perspective to the middle.

Under the blue square tower, Tailong's body was lying quietly on the ground, Yasuo had a trace of blood on his body, the ignition had just been extinguished, and he survived by luck.

"It turned out that the scratching man rushed to the tower."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right.

No matter how you put it, the scratch man is at the level of a king. How could it be possible that he was solo-killed so quickly in the lane?

If the tower rush fails, it is more in line with the real situation to show yourself to death.

On the other side, Uzi and the others laughed and cursed at the voice of the anchor team.

Their attention was all in the middle from the beginning.

Scratch Nan took the initiative to rush to the tower, and made a final general attack, but he was stuck there and couldn't A out.

Played a crime scene where Brother Xiao Xiao was shown to death by rushing to the tower.

"Tiaonan, I didn't expect you to be so scheming, you're so stupid, so stupid!"

"I want to go too, but theshy overwhelms me!" Brother Ba frowns.

"Hey, the next chance is mine."

With the red and blue buffs that he had just hit on his body, Gu Teyu manipulated Evelyn to approach the middle.

"Wori, Furuteha, you are too licking!"

"Give red and blue, it's too much!"

Uzi laughed happily as he watched several people scrambling to run towards the middle.

"They give it away, we have to fight hard, beat the old thief in the bottom lane, and then push down the lane to give brother Xiao Xiao the head!"

Uzi roared and nodded in satisfaction.

This momentum is in place.

Liu Xiao just came out of the spring with full blood, plus 400 yuan for the first blood, and specially added a Dolan Shield to resist the pressure.

Liu Xiao could clearly feel the killing intent of the man, if it wasn't for the block that just flashed, he might have been caught in seconds.

"The factory is coming!"

Liu Xiao's words were concise and to the point.

"Miss, why don't you go to the middle lane to assist Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao can't stand up to two Dolan Shields."

"Who do you look down on upstairs? With Brother Xiao Xiao's ability, who can't beat him?"

"The answer above is correct, but I still think it's better to let Miss assist Brother Xiao Xiao, at least you can see Brother Xiao Xiao's operation!"

"Changzi is still brushing his Luniao, poor brother Xiao Xiao is still struggling (laughing and crying)."

While the audience in the live broadcast room was talking, Furutoha had already manipulated Evelyn, who was wearing double buffs, to sneak into the grass next to the middle road, and laughed slyly on the team channel!

(End of this chapter)

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