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Chapter 120 Brother Xiao Xiao is Happy Adding Updates to the Leader of [Lin 11]

Chapter 120 Brother Xiao Xiao is Happy (Second Update) Adding Updates to the Leader of [Lin 11]

Changzi was still brushing Lu Niao in the wild area, when suddenly, a scream came from the middle road next to him.

Taking a closer look, the opposite jungler Evelyn and the mid laner Tyrone fell in front of the mid lane tower together, and Yasuo was bleeding again.

What was different from last time was that Yasuo suddenly had a red and blue buff on him.

Seeing the bad news coming from the middle road one after another, theshy and the old thief Sima couldn't help laughing.

"Tu Nan and Gu Shouyu are too anxious, even if they want to kill Brother Xiao Xiao, they should at least wait for level three!"

"That's all right now, after giving away so much money, brother Xiao Xiao won't be so easy to kill."

Miss is equally happy.

She knew Souan and Gu Teyu, and the strength of these two was slightly weaker than that of professional players, but she did not expect to overturn continuously today.

In particular, Gu Shouyu took out his signature hero, and was shown to death by brother Xiao Xiao under the tower.

But there was something wrong with the factory that was hitting 6 birds just beside it.

His professionalism is still very high, and he can see the operation mistakes of Gu Teyu and Tiaonan at a glance.

But Changzi didn't speak, but continued to play wild.

Down the road, Kaka's Bron forced Q to go up and make a mark, and soon teamed up with Uzi to kill the old thief Sima.

And the miss walking behind couldn't escape the fate of being killed.

"Kaka, don't go back, don't go back!"

"Go, go, go to the middle!"

Uzi saw that Kaka clicked back to the city, and quickly shouted in the team voice.

It was a pity not to go to the middle to send a wave after finally catching such a gap.

Brother Ba glanced at the top road and went down the road, and silently stepped back into the tower.

"Sorry, this wave is mine."

The old thief Sima took the initiative to apologize.

Although Miss's level is good, there is still a gap between the strength of current professional players.

If miss's q skill is used well, this wave can actually save him.

But this is just a water friends match, and old thief Sima doesn't care too much.

While looking at the screen, he controlled the hero to go out again.

Suddenly, a figure flashed across the grass in the middle.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, run, Uzi and the others are here to arrest you!"

The old thief Sima exclaimed.

As soon as the words fell, a red teleportation sign lit up in the grass behind a tower.

The figure of Furuteba, the jungler, also appeared in the grass behind him.

Theshy saw Ba Ge's big tree teleportation, and quickly clicked to teleport, but after all, she saw it three seconds late, one step late.

Seeing the successful transmission, Brother Ba laughed wildly in the live broadcast room.

"You didn't expect it, I have teleportation!"

"The other side is too ruthless, so you think Brother Xiao Xiao is here as a breakthrough?"

In the miss live broadcast room, the fans even exclaimed.

It's only 4 minutes, the jungler, the top laner, the bottom lane, plus the middle lane that was already there, five people caught!

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too miserable this time, to be targeted like this."

"I'm laughing to death, isn't it just killing twice but not killing, is it necessary to be so ruthless?"

Miss's hero was still on the way to the line, so he simply turned his perspective to the middle.

Seeing that the five people were caught, theshy silently canceled the transmission.

5 against 2, he will die if he goes down.

Five big men surrounded the middle, and a little Yasuo was trembling.

Liu Xiao had no choice but to give up the operation directly.

Without any hope of survival!
Uzi controlled Wei En, rolled into the defense tower with a q first, and rushed to Liu Xiao's Yasuo with the tower on his shoulder.

Kaka's Bron posted a w behind Wei En.

And the widow, the male knife and the big tree entered the arena one after another.

"Uzi, you are acting too much, the archer will fight the tower first, can you be more fake!"

Brother Ba yelled for a while, controlled the big tree and rushed in with a flash.

"I want to die second, don't stop me!"

Kakablon's q skill directly hit the side, the widow hit the minion twice, and Dashu foolishly put the E skill beside him, and another w hit the minion.

As for scratching the man, it was even more fake, pretending that he couldn't hit the hero, and went crazy at Tower A beside him!
Chang Zi had just rushed to the battlefield, and was thinking of taking a bloody head without support, when he saw a message pop up on the public screen of the game.

[Five kills! 】

Yasuo stood behind the defense tower with another trace of blood, and beside him were five dead bodies in different shapes, lying on the ground as if they were still cool.

"Fuck, isn't it?"

"Hahaha I laughed so hard, I finally understand!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's banknote ability is working (laughing and crying)."

"Gu Teyu's performance is still good. I watched it in Gute Yu's live broadcast room just now. It's so funny."

"You can go to Uzi's live broadcast room and listen to their team voice to know."

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing one by one.

Others who didn't understand, came back and deducted 666 after adjusting the live broadcast room.

"I always thought it was scratching men and they didn't show well."

A few viewers clicked on the barrage on the public screen with some embarrassment.

The next game is no longer acting.

Liu Xiao, who took seven or eight heads, returned home with an electric knife.

With the support of three professional players and a queen, they successfully took down the opposite crystal in 25 minutes.

From that wave of pentakills, Liu Xiao was also laughed at by Uzi's operations.

The first two dials were okay, at least no flaws were found.

But then in the wave of five-player packs, they acted too much.

After exiting the game, ten people returned to a channel.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, how is my performance?" Uzi chuckled and typed on the public screen.

"Furuto Yu played well, I didn't even notice the double buffs."

Although it was a gift, the scratch man, who had been depressed because of his feelings recently, was rarely happy.

He never thought that licking big brother can be so high.

The public screen in the Miss live broadcast room has completely exploded, and brother Xiao Xiao's bullet screen almost covered the entire public screen.

It was also at this time that miss reacted.

All five people on the opposite side are acting?

Miss was shocked.

It's fine for Brother Ba to act, anyway, Brother Ba is an old actor, and there are at least more than [-] fans in the live broadcast room who shout this [-] cents every day.

But the top anchors like Scratch Nan are actually accompanying them in acting?

You know, as an anchor, excessive licking of big brother will lose a lot of followers.

Even Uzi, the world's number one ADC in League of Legends, is doing the same thing as Ba Ge and the others
Miss has hosted countless large-scale e-sports events, and has seen many wealthy second generations who run game clubs.

But none of those second-generation rich who are worth over [-] million or even billions can be treated like this by an excellent e-sports player!

What's more, the top group of people in the e-sports circle?

He fired a few more shots in a row, scratching the men and giving away their heads in various tricks, which made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh out loud.

"You guys play with the water friends, I'm here."

Liu Xiao looked at the time and it was almost 09:30, and he was polite with a few people, and then quit the game.

Looking at the balance of the bank card, it is currently 2000 million.

I've done a lot of scraping before, but in fact it's not a lot of money. The real big one is the [-] million I spent in Baldy's live broadcast room yesterday.

Of course, 10% of the money turned into golden beans will be returned. With 1.8 million in cash, the golden bean gift has probably reached [-] million.

After another wave of money was poured into Huya, Liu Xiao clicked on the treasure map of the gift, and after clicking twice in a second, he directly chose to send it!

 Update time: 3 updates per day at 12:[-] noon.

  The addition will be in the early morning or afternoon!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
  Today is still the fifth watch!

(End of this chapter)

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