Chapter 121 You guys know too much
After Liu Xiao withdrew, Sou Nan and other anchors also withdrew.

Miss and Changzi, three professional players, recruited a group of fans from the live broadcast room and began to play water friends.

Before the game started, a series of treasure maps suddenly appeared on the public screen.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map*1!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent out a treasure map *1*2 combo!"


The treasure map is Huya's most prestigious gift. Although it is worth 5000 yuan, only one can be given away at a time.

It’s natural to use this for diarrhea during events, but it’s a powerful tool for live broadcasts!

In the center of the live broadcast room, one golden treasure chest after another rises from the lower right corner, and after slowly opening in the middle of the screen, countless gold coins are sprayed wantonly.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the treasure map."

Miss replied very politely, it was just a few treasure maps, it was nothing to her.

But she suddenly discovered that the public screen in the live broadcast room seemed to explode with the news of these gifts!

"Brother Xiao Xiao has started!"

"The army of Shenhao is here!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is mighty!"

A large group of tourists with fan cards such as Kaka and Laolong kept sending barrage in the live broadcast room.

Although only a dozen treasure maps were sent out, judging by the attitude of these fans, it seems that hundreds of them have already been posted.

Miss didn't start the game either, she planned to wait for her elder brother to collect the gifts before continuing, to show her respect for her elder brother.

In 30 seconds, the number of treasure maps has reached 60!
The 60 treasure maps are constantly being opened on the treasure map, and the bullet screens announced on the entire platform are constantly popping up.

The treasure map barrage screen swiped for nearly 2 minutes, and finally stopped slowly.

200 sheets!
Miss stared wide-eyed, looking at the number of treasure maps in the live broadcast room.

Even though miss is worth more than [-] million yuan, she is also very surprised.

If she knew Brother Xiao Xiao before, she could still accept the gift like this.

But, who would pay so much for an anchor they met for the first time?
200 treasure maps, that's 100 million!

Before she could react, Liu Xiao had already jumped to Uzi's live broadcast room.

In the miss live broadcast room, it is to maximize the popularity of miss, so the treasure map is chosen.

But in the Uzi live broadcast room, Liu Xiao was much more straightforward.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *1*[-] combos!"


"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100 *10*[-] combos!"

Ten seconds, ten shots of Tiger Bud No. [-].

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao is so generous!"

Uzi thanked again and again.

"Playing the game is so fun, and the big brother gave me a gift, it's really flattering!" Uzi smiled, then hugged his girlfriend from the side, and kissed her hard.

"Uzi, you are disgusting!"

"The world is going down, the world is going down!"

"come on."

Liu Xiao replied casually, and entered Gu Teyu's live broadcast room again.

There are Ba Ge, Kaka, and Su Nan.

The same million-dollar gift!

"My 666 is like a torrent of rivers and seas!"

"I don't know in my life if I can see the day when brother Xiao Xiao flirts."

"Upstairs, I think eating a fart is more realistic than this!"

Brother Xiao Xiao went online for an hour and a half, and earned 600 million again!

"Changzi and the others are teasing fish. When I am free, I will go over and give them a reward. If I dare not catch it, I will never end with him."

In the scratch male live broadcast room, Liu Xiao smiled and posted a barrage.

Scratching the man chuckled, and happily accepted the million-dollar gift.

"Next time, bring my brother and let him lick me."


"Brother Xiao Xiao, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"Where to lick where to lick?"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, Lun's family is professional, why don't you give me your address, and I will come to serve you!"

"Upstairs is going to ask Mi Qing to ask for a child again!"

"White Lotus, the appraisal is complete!"

"What door-to-door service do you want, isn't Fairy Baijie a sweetheart?"

"Gone with the Wind is also good."

"Uncle Bin said he didn't understand."

"Long Tao is here, sorry for everyone's relatives!"

"Upstairs, I, Cheng Ming, am the one who is sorry for all my loved ones!"


As soon as Brother Xiao Xiao opened his mouth, the bullet screen moved in the direction of nothingness again.

"You know too much!"

Seeing that the bullet screen was getting more and more crooked, Liu Xiao replied on the public screen and retreated decisively.

The most frightening thing is not how crooked the barrage is, but that he can understand these crooked barrages!

This is terrible.

Looking at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, and Liu Xiao went to Xingxiu District again.

On Xingxiu's side, Yang Zi was still broadcasting live.

To be honest, there are indeed a lot of melons on the Huya platform in recent days, and most of them are about Xiao Xiao.

After winning the first place in the game area for the Dragon and Tiger Roar team, they racked up hundreds of millions in the Xingxiu area.

In the live broadcast room of Xiaojuzi, millions of tourists, hundreds of kings, and more than 20 emperors helped out!
In Baldy's live broadcast room, he directly swiped hundreds of millions, and beat up Xiaofei who had swiped more than 6500 million.

Then it was Xia Nuan who blatantly mocked being banned.

Afterwards, the platform announced that Miss and Brother Li would be joining the platform.

With so many melons, Yang Zi talked for a full day even if he skipped some ordinary and wonderful things.

Yang Zi sipped his saliva slightly, intending to bring up the matter of opening a special session for Xia Nuan this morning and end today's live broadcast.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

Just came in, and directly rewarded 100 Huya No. [-].

"Thank you, brother Xiao Xiao, for sending me Huya No. [-], brother Xiao Xiao is magnificent!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is here!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the way Yang Zi sprayed Xia Nuan this morning is so handsome!"

"Yang Zi gave everyone a bad breath, and Xia Nuan's wave is probably gone."

As soon as Liu Xiao entered the live broadcast room, the fans in the live broadcast room all typed and recounted the special session for Xia Nuan in the morning.

For this matter, they were all excited for a day!
Liu Xiao went to the Motor City to pick up the car in the morning, so he didn't pay attention to this matter, and he was a little curious when he saw the fans talking about it.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this matter is like this."

Speaking of the special session in the morning, Yang Zi was quite proud.

"Last night, when I was looking for Xia Nuan black material, a fan added me as a friend and submitted such a photo to me."

Yang Zi hung up the morning photo again.

Although the photo is a profile photo, it is still recognizable as Xia Nuan.

"One phoenix and two dragons, I can't tell at all, Xia Nuan is playing so flamboyantly!"

Another burst of 666 drifted past the live broadcast room.

In the photo, Xia Nuan is half-covered, and about a third of the clothes on her upper body have been taken off.

Xia Nuan walked between two men. One of the men's right hand was on the most embarrassing part of his upper body, and the other man's left hand was underneath. Not far from the street, there happened to be a hotel.

Seeing this photo, Liu Xiao also silently gave Xia Nuan a thumbs up, and then gave a thumbs up to the elder brother who took the photo.

Xia Nuan's operation has satisfied the fantasies of many people!

 Thanks to Zhang 11: 112000 book coins for the reward

  Thank him for catching up from behind: 40000 book coins as a reward

  Thanks to y: 3000 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to Weiai: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thank you for being lonely: 588 book coins as a reward

  Thank you for being indecisive: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks to Xia Buyan Cicada: 588 book coins as a reward

  Thank you Mr. Wang: 588 book currency reward

  Thanks to Xueguang for heating: 500 book coins as a reward

(End of this chapter)

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