Chapter 122 [-] Million Turnover Will Not Lose Money
Liu Xiao shook his head.

If this kind of photo is taken by someone, as long as it is confirmed, it will definitely be banned.

However, Liu Xiao believes that Daheng will definitely whitewash Xia Nuan's public relations.

The time was close to 10 o'clock in the evening, and Daheng's side was not peaceful all day long.

Except for Xiaofei who was still insisting on the normal live broadcast, neither Knife nor Xia Nuan was online.

The two top anchors dived, and Daheng's influence on the Xingxiu channel lost two-thirds at once.

Even, many fans ran to Xiao Fei's live broadcast room, questioning whether the photos posted by Yang Zi were real.

The rhythm is chaotic.

Of course Xiaofei knew that the photo was real, and that it couldn't be more real, but he was Daheng's anchor after all, so he could only bite the bullet and talk nonsense.

In order to keep the rhythm of the live broadcast room normal, he had already distributed [-] to [-] barrage red envelopes in one night. This was because Brother Li was going online soon, which distracted some viewers' attention.

If not, he, the last barrier of Daheng, would have to fall into countless insults and rants!
On the contrary, Brother Hua, as if he didn't see Daheng's current situation, was drinking tea in the office in a leisurely manner.

"Brother Hua, the miss in the game area is online today, Xiao Xiao went to brush a wave in the past, and is currently at Xingxiu Yangzi's side."

"Brother Li is about to start broadcasting, do we need to express?"

The fifth child sat beside him and asked.

The fifth brother actually wanted to draw Lige into Daheng's camp.

They can't control the game area, but in the Xingxiu area, they really can't lose it anymore.

Brother Lali came over, even if Xia Nuan couldn't rebroadcast, there was still a basic set to support it.

"No need, since Xiao Xiao is not a guild account, let him go first, we are not in a hurry."

Brother Hua smiled slightly.

Although yesterday's game was lost and Daheng suffered a great loss, Brother Hua didn't care.

Now Brother Hua can be 100% sure of one thing, Xiao Xiao is not a guild number.

After all, Xiao Xiao invested too much yesterday.

If it is really a guild brush, Lehua, a small guild, does not have as much electricity as Daheng.

Coupled with the following of a group of gods such as Xiao Huya, the identity of Xiao Xiao's trade union has been self-defeating.

"Brother Hua, if Xiao Xiao is not the guild name, then the threat to us will only be greater."

The fifth child couldn't help but say something.

With Xiao Xiao's financial resources, it's okay to have a guild account, at least there is a bottom line for playing activities.

But now that Xiao Xiao has been proved to be a strong hero, he is really helpless.

Those who are stunned are afraid of being violent, and those who are violent are afraid of dying!
How arrogant were their Daheng originally?

But when they met Xiao Xiao, a desperate hero, after two activities, they almost beat Da Heng so much that they couldn't stand up.

They hit 2000 million, Xiao Xiao hit 3000 million, they hit 6000 million, Xiao Xiao directly hit 1 million!

Who can stand this kind of crazy brushing regardless of the cost?
In Daheng now, only Xiaofei, a facade anchor, is left to support him.

Moreover, Xiaofei's popularity has also dropped a lot. Even if he has been doing lottery draws, his popularity has not exceeded 10.

Compared with the first-line bald man and little orange, the gap has begun to widen.

If the loss is not stopped in time, I am afraid that this gap will become wider and wider.

"You still see it too superficially." Brother Hua put down the teacup, stood up and stretched his joints.

"In this world, there are many rich people, it just depends on whether they are willing to spend."

"For example, Principal Wang's identity is terrifying, right?"

The fifth child nodded silently.

There is an old man with a small target who opens his mouth and keeps his mouth shut. He must be a ghost if he is not scary.

"Then do you know how much assets Principal Wang has?"

"I can tell you clearly that the total assets of Pusi Investment in President Wang's hands are only 5 million."

"In other words, the son of the richest man doesn't keep a single penny in his hand, and takes out all his property, at most 5 to 6 million in cash!"

Of course, this is when Lao Wang does not support it at all. If Lao Wang supports it, the upper limit of Principal Wang will be higher.

But this can reflect the problem from the side.

Lao Wu frowned, not quite understanding Hua Ge's meaning.

Principal Wang can hit 6 million, so what does it have to do with Xiao Xiao?
"Think about it, Principal Wang can only come up with 6 million in cash at most, so how can this Xiao Xiao pay 2 million with his eyes closed?"

"Could it be that his identity is stronger than Principal Wang?"

"You know, Xiao Xiao is buying gifts for no purpose, not for investment to make money."

"There must be a maximum limit for aimless brushing."

"For example, after Principal Wang spent all the [-] million yuan in his hands and didn't get any return, would Lao Wang give him so much money again?"

When Brother Hua said this, Lao Wu suddenly realized.

"That's right, even if it's Principal Wang, it would be a pity to send tens of millions at a time on the live broadcast platform, so why does this Xiao Xiao get one or two hundred million for a dozen?"

Even if you start your own company, you can't stand such an investment that doesn't care about returns, right?

Unless the family is a giant group.

But the problem is, Brother Hua, the son of Huaguo's top group leader, knows that there is no such person as Xiao Xiao here.

Here comes the problem.

Who the hell is this Xiao Xiao, who can spend [-] million on the Huya platform without frowning?
"In my opinion, the probability of Xiao Xiao being an upstart is relatively high."

"If he was the boss of a group, or if the elders in his family were the bosses of a large group, he would never do this."

The old five nodded heavily.

As long as you start a company, you must invest cash flow.

Principal Wang, a rich second generation, doesn't have much money, but it doesn't mean that his family's company doesn't have much money.

Lao Wu believed that if Wanda Group got together, it would be a trivial matter to get several hundred million in a day.

Brother Jiu and Brother Hua also had the same reasoning.

Brother Jiu is the rich second generation, and Brother Hua is the boss of the company.

In Brother Jiu's hands, it's only 1000 million a month, and he usually takes care of starlets or something, and then pays two or 300 million for the live broadcast, and it's basically over.

But if Brother Jiu really asks his family for it, as long as he states the rate of return on investment, it will be no problem to spend one or two hundred million yuan a month.

And Brother Hua is his own company, so it's not a problem.

June hoped that the plan failed, Brother Hua transferred more than 6000 million from the company, and the company just hurt a little bit.

It is estimated that in a few days, Brother Hua will be almost relieved.

Brother Hua Jiu had been reluctant to make a large-scale sale before, because Huya's dividends were not enough.

Just imagine, Huya’s second quarter lasted for three full months, and the entire platform’s revenue was only 1 million yuan. Is it worth asking the union to spend several hundred million yuan to fight?
But since the third quarter, Huya’s single-month profit in June has exceeded 2 million yuan, and now, it has attracted two more popular anchors to settle in.

The presence of Miss and Brother Li will increase Huya's popularity by at least one to two million people!
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  Thanks to AI, acridine-: 200 book coins for the reward

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(End of this chapter)

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