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Chapter 123 Brother Hua's Plan: Navy Army!

Chapter 123 Brother Hua's Plan: Navy Army! (A monthly ticket is requested at the fifth watch)
Increased popularity and increased traffic!
All kinds of operations that could not be done before, or the cost is too high, can also be done.

It can be said that the development prospect of Huya is very broad!
For a behemoth like Huya, a profit of 2 million is just the beginning.

What if he signs a major anchor again later?

Every time one is signed, the popularity will skyrocket!
And there are rumors that Huya will consider going public in the next year, which is why the board of directors cares so much about the revenue statement recently.

Lao Wu believes that in the future, the monthly turnover of the entire platform will be 4 million, and the profit of 2 million will become a normal thing.

As for Daheng itself, it is deeply rooted in Huya. Brother Hua knows the board of directors above, and there are more than 2000 and nearly 3000 contracted anchors on the whole platform, and Xingxiu has nearly [-]!

There are people up and down!
Even if he was beaten twice by Xiao Xiao and lost a lot of ground, to be honest, Daheng's core interests have not been damaged, and the only loss that is unacceptable is the current Xia Nuan.

Wait for the trade union to operate for a while, and after the rhythm passes, Dao Zi and Xiao Fei will definitely be fine. If Xia Nuan's problem can also be solved, that would be great.

As far as Lao Wu is concerned, as long as the 3000 electricity bill anchor under the union does not fall, Daheng will not fall!
If Daheng can control 50.00% of Huya's resources, then there will be 1 million turnover in a month.

And this is only the money that can be seen on the surface.

Unseen sideline businesses such as game agency, advertising, online promotion, brand endorsement, etc., are the bulk of the union's income!

For a third-tier streamer with 10 subscriptions, the trade union receives more than 1 yuan in advertising endorsements.

The second-tier and first-tier anchors with about one million subscriptions, one advertising endorsement is 10!
If you receive five or six posts a month, you will earn more than 50 yuan in advertising revenue.

As for the top-line anchors like Xiaofei, who have subscribed to 500 million, the price of an advertisement is 80 million.

And this is just an advertising endorsement.

Coincidentally, the amount of income from these sideline businesses is precisely based on traffic.

Huya's traffic is getting bigger and bigger, which means that Daheng can support more anchors with 10 subscriptions, or even a million subscriptions.

From June onwards, the trade union's gift revenue may only be 2000 million a month.

But other value-added income is at least 5000 million or more a month.

This adds up to at least 7000 million union revenue.

Such a huge and stable market has already taken shape, Hua Ge is of course willing to invest!

And as long as you recharge, Huya will return 1% of the gold beans.

With a turnover of 1.1 million yuan, the real investment is only 5000 million yuan.

If you want to calculate the return ratio, plus the gifts from the big brothers of the union, in the initial investment period, even if you make a turnover of 2 million a month, it is not a loss at all!
Hua Ge analyzed it in a simple way, and the fifth child finally understood Hua Ge's grand composition, and he was secretly excited.

"That's right, since Xiao Xiao is not a guild number, our Daheng's biggest competitor has changed from a group to a single person. No matter how rich this Xiao Xiao is, it is impossible for him to wrestle with the company!"

The fifth child nodded excitedly.

Lao Wu's words are very well-founded, and it is also something Hua Ge has been emphasizing.

Individuals use private accounts, while companies use public accounts.

The difference between the two is that there is no need to pay taxes in the process of taking public accounts.

The transfer of [-] million from Brother Hua's company to Daheng Media is just a normal flow transaction, just pay the bank a service fee of tens of dollars, and [-] million can be regarded as a [-] million flower.

But personal income is different.

For example, Brother Hua, if he wants to get a personal income, he has to deduct it from the company's profits.

For example, if you withdraw 1 million yuan from the company, you will first have to pay 30% of the company's business tax, and then transfer it to Brother Hua, and you will also have to pay 45% of the personal income tax.

One hundred million is transferred from the company's internal account to personal cash, which becomes 1500 million.

Even with all kinds of financial maneuvers and reasonable tax avoidance, you can get up to 3000 million.

7000 million was mentioned in the personal account, and the direct loss was more than [-] million.

This is an official restriction on the rich, which locks assets at the bank level to prevent some malicious people from transferring assets overseas.

It is also the fundamental reason why many celebrities evade taxes, or some rich people donate to charitable funds.

Therefore, Brother Hua concluded that Xiao Xiao is more likely to be an upstart.

The national welfare of demolition funds is said to be 11 million, that is [-] million, and at most [-]% of the personal tax is paid.

If the account is transferred from the company level to the individual, the [-] million that Xiao Xiao swiped alone will have the company's revenue of [-] billion as a base!

Who is stupid to do this?

In the Daheng trade union, Brother Hua and Brother Jiu are shareholders in the union. Brother Hua holds 70% of the shares, Brother Jiu has 20%, and his fifth brother also has 10% of the shares.

Although there will be a lot of investment in the early stage, the 10% profit after that is at least a monthly return of more than 500 million!

The return on investment is already very impressive.

A huge trade union empire model slowly emerged in Lao Wu's mind.

"After withdrawing funds a few days ago, my company is still recovering. In addition, Huya has held two consecutive events. For the remaining half month of June, there must be no follow-up." Brother Hua smiled.

Huya held the event to draw the blood of the major trade unions and Shenhao.

If the trade union continues to lose money, Huya will continue to hold events, and the major trade unions on the event list will not go to the list.

Therefore, Huya officials will definitely give the trade union some time to recover after the event.

And during this period of time, Brother Hua just happened to be able to draw funds.

"The top anchors are temporarily defeated, but Daheng's two or three thousand ordinary anchors are the real main force."

"At present, the dividend has been opened. Not only do we want to do business in Huya, but more and more other companies will find this opportunity to enter Huya."

"On the YY platform, old tiger bud companies like Yoga, Royal Family, and Wudi who have been working in trade unions will also see this market."

Brother Hua patted Lao Wu's shoulder hard.

"Our opportunities are great, but the pressure is greater and the competition is greater!"

Lao Wu's body sank, thinking of those old trade unions in YY, he suddenly felt that Xiao Xiao standing in front of him was nothing.

"Don't worry, Brother Hua, let me handle the big and small affairs of the union, and you can take the helm without worry!"

The old five take care of everything.

Brother Hua nodded.

Although Lao Wu has problems with the overall situation, he can win because of his good understanding and strong ability.

There are more than 2000 labor unions, and the fifth boss manages them in an orderly manner.

Before Xiao Xiao came, there was basically no mistake from operation to misappropriation.

"Brother Jiu, Brother Li will be online at that time, what should we do?"

Although we talked about the overall situation, the fifth child still didn't forget what was going on in front of us.

Feces can be held for a while, but urine is really unbearable!
"Let Xiao Xiao fight first. Brother Li's live broadcast tonight is from 10:3 am to [-]:[-] am. If we don't make a move, Xiao Xiao's million will be enough."

"After Xiao Xiao is gone, let Brother Jiu go up and make a list of millions."

Brother Hua sighed.

Although the prospect of the trade union is very good, it is also true that there is no money in hand.

If you want to restart operations, at least you have to wait until July.

But it's time to make friends with Brother Li and still go for a wave, otherwise there will be no reason to pull people in the future.

"In this case, union fans and those tourists will definitely gossip." Lao Wu smiled wryly, but this is the best way at present.

The matter of Xia Nuan is here, Daheng is better to avoid the war recently!
"Don't worry, even if the trade union has no money these days, I won't make it easy for Xiao Xiao."

Brother Hua snorted softly, and the ceramic teacup in his hand rubbed against the ring vigorously, creaking.

"Brother Hua, do you have a way?"

Lao Wu's eyes lit up.

Brother Hua sat down slowly, exhaled heavily, and took another sip from the teacup.

After all, he is an old fritter in the mall. Although the current loss is quite big, Brother Hua still accepts it silently.

"Recently, we have suffered and taken advantage of the rhythm."

"But I found that the control point of the rhythm is not the anchor, nor the tourists, but the sailors!"

"For example, when we cleaned Xiao Fei, the navy took the lead and quickly cleaned Xiao Fei out."

"As for Xia Nuan, we made a mistake in our estimation, and the number of naval forces invested was not enough."

"Generally speaking, the navy can make an anchor, and it can also destroy an anchor!"

This is also the reason Hua Ge realized on the live broadcast platform.

"There is still half of June, no hurry, no hurry."

The fifth child on the side looked at brother Hua who was drinking tea slowly and had the four characters "I have a conspiracy" written on his face, his body couldn't help shivering.

Brother Hua, what is this for?

 2500 word chapters.

  Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch!
(End of this chapter)

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