Chapter 124 Let Me Be Your Eyes
At 9:50, a live broadcast room with a black screen was officially set to the top.

Home banner, top live broadcast room, popular live broadcast king
A large number of recommended locations, during this time period, are all given to Brother Li's live broadcast room!

Although there were still 10 minutes to go before the broadcast started, tens of thousands of people had poured into the live broadcast room with a black screen in just one or two minutes.

In the live broadcast room, just as Yang Zi explained Xia Nuan's gossip to Liu Xiao, he saw tourists swiping the public screen.

"Hey, Brother Li is here!"

"Everyone go help Brother Li!"

"I'm so excited, I've been waiting for a day, and finally I'm going to see Brother Li!"

Tens of thousands of tourists jumped to the live broadcast room.

There are not many tourists here at Xingxiu, but the quality of tourists is much better than that of the game area.

Just now there are 200 million people in the Miss live broadcast room, but the nobles are only in the early [-]s.

And Brother Li's live broadcast room has just reached 10, and the number of VIP seats is already [-].

Although the number of viewers on Xingxiu's side is only one-tenth of the game area, Xingxiu's revenue can account for more than 50% of Huya's entire platform revenue.

After all, the live broadcast modes of the two are different. The main job of the anchors in the game area is to play games, while the anchors in the Xingxiu area mostly chat with the audience, and their main job is to collect money.

This is also the reason why the first choice of major trade unions after entering the platform is Xingxiu District.

As long as they are good-looking and have some talent, they can be anchors, unlike the high threshold of the game area, and the income is much higher.

With the opening of Brother Li's live broadcast room, many more Xiaobai accounts are speaking on the public screen.

"The Douyin army is here!"

"Brother Li, here we come!"

"Let me be your eyes!"

"Welcome new friends to Huya Live."

In the live broadcast room, the enthusiasm of the tourists is very high.

Some local tyrants from Douyin, although the screen in the live broadcast room is currently black, gifts such as magic books have been jumping on the public screen non-stop.

Yang Zi has already downloaded, and Liu Xiao also followed the audience to Brother Li's live broadcast room.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

The golden-red exclusive entrance barrage lights up, and the public screen is immediately swiped with all the good night.

After all, Hao spent [-] million. In terms of influence, the current status of Xiao Xiao's account in Xingxiu District is no worse than that of the game district!

Soon, the live broadcast room flashed, and brother Li's figure appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, I'm Brother Li."

"Brother Xiao Xiao, good evening, it's the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future."

Brother Li hugged a guitar, smiled and spoke in the live broadcast room, and even said hello to Liu Xiao.

Just before going online, Huya briefly introduced Brother Xiaoxiao to her.

Brother Li is quite proud that Huya is the most powerful being able to come to the live broadcast room.

The slightly smoky voice immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Li Ge Li, you look better in real life than in video!"

"Brother Li, I love you, you sing so beautifully!"

"Why do you come to Huya, isn't Douyin live streaming good?"

"Upstairs, I can tell you very clearly, because of money."

"Hahaha, is it so realistic?"


Brother Li looked at the live broadcast room that had jumped to more than 20 people, and spoke again.

"We met for the first time, and I will give you the song [Let Me Be Your Eyes]!"

As Brother Li's famous song, just after playing the prelude, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was instantly enhanced.

Recently, the whole internet has been brainwashed by this song.

Of course, what is in Douyin is not a complete version, just a fragment.

The real whole song was placed in today's live broadcast room by Brother Li as a king bomb.

"Although it's not a real concert, it might be good to listen to the live version."

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

The beautiful prelude passed quickly.

"Let me be your eyes, so you can see clearly"

"Sing this love song to you, treat you like a star in the sky"


"Wow, the effect is just explosive!"

"It sounds so good!"

In the live broadcast room, all kinds of light sticks and tiger food flew across the public screen.

After this song became popular, all Huya's shouting anchors basically sang it, but no matter who was singing it, it lacked a little flavor.

There are many covers of the whole song on the major music platforms, but the total number of hits is not as good as the short section uploaded by Brother Li.

This is popularity!
Brother Li just opened his mouth, and the tourists were all intoxicated.

To say that shouting Mai is vulgar is just that some people who write shit words have tarnished the industry.

Although the real shouting is not rap, it has the same effect as rap.

While the fast rhythm mobilizes emotions, the lyrics have a strange charm, which is no worse than traditional pop music.

Isn't the definition of music to make most people feel good?

What professional terms and professional pronunciation have nothing to do with ordinary people.

And Brother Li's unique voice with a little vibrato and a little smoky voice really interprets this song to perfection!
After one song, the live broadcast room could not be calm for a long time.

"Not enough, do it again!"

"Do it again, do it again!"

"Hahaha, I've already videotaped and recorded it, the earliest entire song on the Internet!"

"Upstairs, you add me to Baidu Netdisk, I'll exchange good things with you, remember not to say I gave it to you!"

"I've written down your ID upstairs. If you don't want me to report you, you'd better send me a copy too. My online disk account number is."

"Baidu Netdisk is a thing of the past. It's all online now. Who still uses Netdisk?"

"That big brother above you chat with me privately, I'll exchange ten URLs!"

"Wooooow, why are you all so rich in spiritual food, I don't have any!"

"Everyone, please fill in the blank for me,"


"The full version of the song will be uploaded to all major platforms tomorrow, so don't worry." Brother Li put the guitar in his arms aside, pulled his chair forward, and sat in front of the camera.

Not very beautiful, but very attractive type.

"Next, I will play and sing an original song for everyone."

"This song is not a song called Mai, everyone will just listen to it."

Brother Li picked up the guitar, and the live broadcast room suddenly became quieter.

Although he is not from a major, and his skills are slightly lacking, but with the blessing of his voice and sound card, he still shapes the song very well.

All the gods in the live broadcast room offered rewards one after another.

Especially the series of fans who followed Brother Li from Douyin were even more generous.

At least one hundred, tens of thousands more, and two of the accounts even opened the title of king directly in the live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao was not stingy either, and sent two groups of 100 rounds of Huya No. [-].

"Thank you guys for the gifts!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Brother Li was also shocked when he saw the two groups of Huya No. 2 created by Liu Xiao.

Although Huya's people had long heard that brother Xiao Xiao was generous, she didn't feel the richness of the other party until after Xiao Xiao got out the gift.

The other big brothers open an emperor, and at most it costs tens of thousands of dollars.

But Xiao Xiao, it's 20 casually!

 Thanks to Bubble Gum: 3776 Book Coins for the reward

  grateful. : A reward of 588 book coins

  Thanks to Skull Cloud: 588 book coins for the reward

  Thanks for tiptoe kissing Yaoyao: 200 book currency reward

  Thanks to AI, acridine_: 100 book coins for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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