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Chapter 125 Opposite is the No. 1 hot search?

Chapter 125 Opposite is the number one most searched? (seeking a monthly ticket)
We've just come to Huya, so we'll find a big anchor to connect with and see if he can bring me, a little buddy. "

Brother Li opened Huya's backstage and took a closer look.

At present, there are only three super first-line anchors live broadcasting in Xingxiu District.

Xiaohui ranked first, Xiaojuzi ranked second, and Xiaofei ranked third.

There are quite a few first-line anchors, and the most popular one is Da Mao from the vernacular union, followed by a female anchor named Feng'er with a weekly ranking of tens of millions.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, which anchor do you think is more suitable for us?"

Brother Li asked.

She is a superstar who directly signed a contract with Huya, and she didn't see Huya much before, and she really didn't know a few of Huya's anchors.

Ask Brother Shenhao, you can still have a relationship.

Li Ge took a look at the profiles of the three of them. Xiaojuzi is a singing anchor, Xiaofei is a talk show anchor, and Xiaohui is a shouting anchor.

"As long as it's not Xiao Fei, anyone else is fine."

Liu Xiao randomly typed a barrage.

"Hahaha, brother Xiao Xiao is really straightforward!"

"Xiao Xiao, you are too much. Our brother Fei is also working very hard. He is still practicing talk shows in the middle of the night when no one is around. How can you treat him like this!"

"Upstairs you went to the wrong set!"

"I remember you said that about Xia Nuan yesterday."

"Come on, get this Daheng out!"

"How can you do this, Feifei really worked hard."

[You have been banned by the super management Lanlan. 】

"Good guy, I call him a good guy, the management level is not enough, I just overtake it!"

The tourists saw that the fans with the Daheng sign were banned, and the bullet screen was filled with joy.

Daheng has lost consecutively in the past two days. Some neutral fans have long turned to Lehua, and some other hardcore fans are afraid to speak on other channels.

After all, their anchors lost and lost again, and their faces were disgraceful. If Brother Jiu, Lao Si, and Brother Hua hadn't fought a lot, they would have sprayed Xiao Fei to death.

Brother Li didn't know much about the grievances between Lehua and Daheng, but seeing that the rhythm of the live broadcast room was not right, he thought about it and didn't dare to ask this topic, but directly clicked on Baldy's connection.

Before shouting anchors and shouting anchors, there must be more common topics!
Xiao Hui was blowing beeps with Beibei and the others in the live broadcast room, and was taken aback when he saw Brother Li's live broadcast connection, and then clicked to agree.

"Hello, Brother Hui, I'm a new anchor, Brother Li."

Watching Baldy's video, Brother Li always felt that he was a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

With the successful connection, the videos of the two were divided into one left and one right, and the red and blue pk bars appeared at the bottom respectively.

Tourists in the live broadcast rooms of both sides gave gifts one after another, and the numbers on the pk bar began to scroll rapidly.

"Brother Li, it's boring to pretend to be cute. You are such a popular celebrity on the Internet, there are probably not many people in the live broadcast room that you don't know."

The bald man's hearty laughter came.

"Good evening, Brother Xiao Xiao."

Baldy saw Xiao Xiao's ID in Brother Li's live broadcast, and hurriedly said hello.

To be honest, for Baldy, he didn't care much when Brother Li went online.

Most of Xingxiu's side is a trade union system. No matter how popular an anchor is, as long as there is no union to provide resources, it is impossible to get up.

Of course, if there is support from such a hero like Brother Xiao Xiao, then we have to say something else.

But Brother Xiao Xiao's kind of pride is something that can be met but not sought after.

On the other hand, Brother Li is a female anchor, and he is a male anchor. Even if Brother Li is popular, it will not have much influence on him.

But since Brother Li took the initiative to connect with the mic, of course the bald man would not refuse.

Both of them are shouting anchors, and there are quite a lot of common topics between them.

And Baldy sang "Let Me Be Your Eyes" some time ago, and the chat between the two became even more exciting.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, everyone put on the gifts and teach the new anchor a good lesson!"

Although he didn't deliberately fight, the pk bars on both sides have already gone tens of thousands.

One is Huya's veteran super first-line anchor, and the other is a super Internet celebrity on the entire network.

In the live broadcast room, whether it is a tourist or a big brother, there are not a few people who can watch it.

"Brother Baldy, you are too much, you bullied me on the first day I broadcast!"

Brother Li knew Xiao Hui's nickname, and also yelled it in the live broadcast room.

"I fought, [Let me be your eyes], do it again!"

"Big brother, ask for a gift!"

Brother Li saw that the pk bar was beaten down a lot, deliberately pretended to be very angry, and restarted the accompaniment.

Of course, her purpose is not to win or lose in pk, but to use this popularity to get her subscription up.

Although he is a super Internet celebrity, he just came to Huya and his foundation is very weak. There were only so many recommendations on the first day. If he wants to do well in the future, the support of tourists is still very necessary.

As soon as Brother Li said this, the barrage of gifts in the live broadcast room was raised to another level.

The big brothers gave away magic books non-stop, and there were dozens of free tiger food for ordinary tourists.

"Baldy, you're not good either."

In the live broadcast room, Emperor Beibei laughed out loud.

The bald man's pk bar had just reached 3 yuan, and as soon as Brother Li sang on the opposite side, he was overtaken to 3 yuan.

This kind of friendly PK, generally the big brother in the live broadcast room will not make a move.

Baldy's live broadcast room, that is, the two duke brothers shot a wave, plus the tourists' loose tickets.

It's an atmosphere.

"Brother Li, she has talent, and so do we!"

"Brothers, let Brother Li sing about her eyes, let's sing "The River and the Sea Will Not Cross You"!"

In fact, if you compare carefully, the voices of Baldy and Brother Li are somewhat similar.

Brother Li has a female voice and a smoky voice, while Baldy has a male voice.

After Brother Li finished singing, Baldy also started singing.

The audience in the live broadcast room even brushed up the light sticks one after another.

"The bald man is amazing!"

Brother Li couldn't stop exclaiming.

She originally thought that Huya would not have many talent anchors comparable to her.

In the Douyin female voice called Maili, she and Brother M tied for the first place.

And the two of them basically represent the pinnacle of strength in the internet celebrity world.

Unexpectedly, on the Huya live broadcast platform, the first time even the anchor is so strong!
At the end of the song, Brother Li suddenly exclaimed.

"Brother bald, you are the most searched bald brother this morning!"

"And brother Xiao Xiao, the brother Xiao Xiao on the hot search!"

Brother Li suddenly reacted.

"No wonder I felt that Brother Baldy was very familiar from the beginning!"

"Brother Li, you know."

"Brother Li, your news channels are too closed, you haven't even heard of Brother Xiao Xiao and Baldy!"

"The trending search has been hanging up for a day, you must not have clicked in to see it!"

"It's over, Brother Xiao Xiao's true identity has been exposed!"


The audience in the live broadcast room saw Brother Li being so surprised, and felt a little bit relieved.

Answering questions for such a big anchor is also a way to gain a sense of accomplishment.

Brother Li really didn't expect it at first.

As a first-line Internet celebrity, she is very busy every day. Regarding the live broadcast on Huya's platform, she only simply understands Huya's live broadcast rules, common sense issues such as what gift is how much.

This morning, I just casually glanced at the hot searches, but I didn't expect that one of the two main characters of the hot searches is chatting with her, and the other is watching her live broadcast in the VIP seat of her live broadcast room.

Brother Li took out his phone and opened Weibo, and clicked on the top trending search to confirm.

The screenshot of the character on the hot search is not the bald man opposite!

 Two updates first, and two more at 12:[-] noon!
  Try to update, ask for a monthly pass!

  After 200 monthly tickets, every additional [-] monthly tickets will be added!

(End of this chapter)

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