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Chapter 126 Why I Don't Know Them?

Chapter 126 Why I Don't Know Them? (A monthly ticket is requested at the third watch)
Brother Li never expected that she would meet such a fierce Shenhao just after the live broadcast.

No wonder Brother Xiao Xiao didn't care much about swiping 20 in the live broadcast room.

This is the god who swiped [-] million in one go last night!
For Brother Xiao Xiao, 20 may be just drizzle, right?
She used to think that the anchors on the Huya platform were pretty average, but now that she saw the bald man, she felt a little autistic.

The bald man received 1 million gifts in one night, wouldn't it be 5000 million in his hands?
This is the same as her signing fee.

"Sing a few good songs, I'll surprise you." Liu Xiao spoke in the live broadcast room with a smile.

Originally, I wanted to pretend, but I didn't expect it to be exposed so soon.

The world of the rich is always so unpretentious.

The pk can be selected for 15 minutes or 30 minutes. The pk between the two is 30 minutes this time, and it is only half of it now, so there is still plenty of time.

"Brother bald, shall we have a shout-out session tonight?"

Brother Li proposed.

"No problem, I have wanted to cooperate with you for a long time, but I have never had a chance."

The bald man generously agreed.

Since Brother Xiao Xiao asked them to sing, then he will!

"A DJ version of [Treading Mountains and Rivers], for brother Xiao Xiao, for all fans!"

Brother Li was still choosing a song, Baldy ordered an accompaniment first.

"The autumn wind sets into the long river"


"And I shot like a dragon"

"The universe shakes, and a smile breaks the sky"



"Good sound +10086!"

"Really! Talent anchor!"

After one song, Brother Li followed up with another song [About Loneliness].

Although neither of them is a professional class, they are very talented and both have top-notch voices. One song after another, the combined 40 million viewers in the live broadcast room of both parties cheered.

The flow of gifts is even more continuous.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 10*[-]!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 10 *2*[-] combos!"


In Brother Li's live broadcast room, Liu Xiao started Huya No. 10 in groups of [-].

On the public screen, the Huya No. [-] rocket keeps taking off on the public screen, and the special effects of gifts almost fill the entire screen.

"666, the atmosphere is up!"

"Atmosphere group, come on!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

For a time, countless light sticks swiped the screen continuously.

In the barrage between the live broadcast rooms on both sides, except for the jumping of large gifts, there are only fluorescent sticks left.

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 10 *99*[-] combos!"

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] sent Huya No. 10 *100*[-] combos!"

In Brother Li's live broadcast room, there are a total of 100 groups of Huya No. [-]!
In the live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao ranked first in the Zhou tribute list with a huge reward of 120 million.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Brother Li was excited for a while.

I thought it would be great to come to Huya to get a signing fee, but I didn't expect Huya's Shenhao to be so awesome.

A tip of 120 million is a net income of 60.

Liu Xiao jumped to Baldy's live broadcast room again, and directly posted 100 times in groups of 10, and also swept the 100 million list.

The original Huya tourists were used to Brother Xiao Xiao's arrogance, and they had long been used to it.

In their view, two million weekly rankings are nothing at all.

In the early hours of this morning, the 1000th most popular anchor Feng'er made the weekly list of tens of millions last night, but it's still there!
Even because of the tens of millions of weekly rankings, Feng'er started broadcasting just after eleven o'clock, and the popularity reached [-] to [-]!
But the tourists who just came in from the outer station couldn't bear it.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, this is too fierce, isn't it, one group is 1 yuan, and you can get 2 groups in one or two minutes?"

"It's horrible. I just watched Baldy's live broadcast, and a set of gifts cost 10 yuan!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, you will get used to it in the future, brother Xiao Xiao is the emperor of tiger bud fighting!"

"It's all trivial. Last night's battle of hundreds of millions was called bull beep!"

"I don't think it's a big deal after reading the hot search, but what's the matter with the live broadcast room and the blood boils after only 100 million views!"

"It's a pity that brother Xiao Xiao hasn't released any quotations recently, so I can only recall the previous ones."


Baldy and Brother Li also sang hi, they took turns and sang two rounds of pk, one of them sang seven or eight songs of the hottest DJ at the moment before giving up.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the million reward!"

Baldy thanked him repeatedly in the live broadcast room.

The reward of 5000 million last night was distributed to him, but it was [-] million in income.

This gold bean is in his personal account, and he sells it to various trade unions. Even if he loses a little, he can get at least 4000 to [-] million.

It can be said that the current bald man is richer than many big brothers in his live broadcast room.

Baldy took a sip of water and spoke again in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Li, it's still early, how about we play a game?"

"Okay, what's the punishment?"

"Whoever loses will give 1 yuan to the audience in the other party's live broadcast room to be on TV as a red envelope."

1 yuan is not too much for their anchor, and Brother Li readily agreed.

Baldy introduced the rules of the game.

The two sides talked about three Japanese celebrities at once, and then started a barrage voting in the other party's live broadcast room.

As long as more than 30.00% of the people choose [do not know], they will lose. If there is no winner in the first round, the second round will continue.

"Why not celebrities from other countries, I really don't know a few in Japan."

Brother Li sighed, feeling that he had been tricked by the bald man.

If it is about the names of people in Bangziguo, she can say a lot without even thinking about it.

Liu Xiao also couldn't help laughing.

This bald man has a bad heart!
"Let me tell you one thing first, so you don't think I'm rambunctious."

The corner of Baldy's mouth raised a smirk, intending to dance on the platform Chaoguan's face.

"The first, Mr. Muto, the second, Mr. Hatano, and the third, Mr. Uehara."

"666, bald cow beep!"

"It's stable!"

"Baldy, you really should have said it, if it wasn't for Super Guan Lan Lan facing brother Xiao Xiao, your live broadcast room would have been gone!"

Before it even started, the audience in Baldy's studio burst out laughing.

"I've never heard of any of your names. There must be not many people in the live broadcast room who know about them. You're doomed, bald brother."

Brother Li smiled confidently, and started voting confidently.

Vote for two options, [know] and [don't know].

Brother Li is quite confident.

Her education level is not low, and she has never heard of any of the three people Baldy mentioned.

She hadn't heard of it, and most people certainly didn't know it either.

This is the confidence of cultural people!
And the condition for winning, as long as 30.00% of the votes [do not know] will be enough.

But what Li Ge didn't expect was that the column of [Knowledge] would go up at a crazy speed as soon as the voting started.

In less than ten seconds, the audience who chose [Knowledge] accounted for 98%!

Seeing this data, Brother Li was stunned.

Is it so unscientific?
"What's the situation, do you know all three of them?"

On the public screen, a series of hahaha flashed quickly.

"Baldy's cultural level is really good. As an excellent student, I often go to these teachers' classes."

"I have classes every night, and I don't have enough energy!"

"The bald man is good, he knows a lot!"

"Of course you have to know, these three are the best teachers in Japan!"

"Three Great Educators!"

The audience in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

Brother Li looked at the barrage that kept refreshing, and began to doubt himself.

"It seems that my knowledge is shallow. Next time I have a chance, I will definitely watch their videos for supplementary lessons."

Brother Li apologized first, and then promised to study.

Anyway, she is also a public figure, and most fans know it, so she has to too!

Hearing Brother Li's repeated assurances, Liu Xiao, who originally thought it was a little funny, couldn't help it.

Just took a big sip of milk and almost spit it out.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, yes, it is necessary to study hard!"

"I like you brother Li, when you come back from your studies, give us a show!"

"Who has Teacher Hatano's video address, the desire to learn can't stop now!"

"Ask for the address!"

"Come on, Brother Li, you can do it, you can learn it!"

The fans in the live broadcast room praised wildly.

"Brother bald, pass the test, it's my turn."

Brother Li said:

"I don't know much about education, but I have followed some movies."

"The three characters I'm talking about are: Komaki Kurihara, Tao Okamoto and Rinko Kikuchi."

Baldy also turned on the voting mode in the live broadcast room.

"What are these three?"

"I know Rinko Kikuchi, she played Pacific Rim."

"Tao Okamoto played Batman V Superman!"

 2500 word chapter

(End of this chapter)

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