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Chapter 127 Can the matter between Shenhao be called counseling?

Chapter 127 Can the matter between Shenhao be called counseling? (Fourth update)
In the live broadcast room, a small number of viewers recognized these three names.

After all, as an actor who has appeared in popular movies, he is still somewhat well-known.

But the vast majority of the audience are unfamiliar with these three.

The voting time is over, and the proportion of choosing [I don't know] is as high as 60%.

Seeing the voting news on Baldy's public screen, Brother Li beeped again.

The few Baldy mentioned just now are probably local educators in Japan, but the three she mentioned are all movie stars who have acted in international movies!

Could it be that the popularity of these three people is lower than that of the teachers who didn't give their names just now?

This is the second time that Brother Li thinks it is unscientific.

At this moment, she seemed to be derailed from the world, and everything around her felt out of place.

"Okay Baldy, it's against the rules to continue sowing."

Although Liu Xiao couldn't help but laugh, he still took action to stop this unhealthy trend.

Have you ruined all the other girls?

It's rare to meet a female anchor who doesn't understand this, wouldn't it be more interesting to keep it and play slowly in the future.

The audience in these live broadcast rooms didn't know when they suddenly became so united. No one leaked the secret to Brother Li, which made Brother Li still confused.

Brother Li was willing to admit defeat, and soon added Baldy's WeChat account, and transferred 1 yuan to Baldy alone.

"Hahaha, brothers, come and get the red envelopes, there are not many chances to get the wool of a big anchor like Brother Li!"

The bald man immediately posted a lottery on TV.

After wandering around the live broadcast platform, Liu Xiao saw that the time was close to 12 o'clock in the evening, so he went to Xiaojuzi's live broadcast room for a round of rewards and then went offline.

At exactly 12 o'clock, the phone beeped softly and the screen lighted up slightly.


The system has been upgraded to level four, and the daily subsistence allowance has also been raised to 10 yuan.

Moreover, he also obtained a wealth investment card, no matter how much net profit he made in reality in the future, he could double it.

After taking a simple shower, Liu Xiao lay contentedly on the big bed.

As long as the Land Rover is shipped back in two days, the money will be almost saved.

But at this time, Brother Jiu, who had been OB in the live broadcast room, dared to take the lead.

Although he really didn't want to take action at this time, but after all, it was a compulsory task given by Brother Hua, so he could only grit his teeth and go on it.

If Brother Li can be won over to Daheng, it's worth noting such a little face.

In order to cooperate with the comeback, Brother Jiu specially asked Xiao Fei to play a king trumpet to play assists.

"I'm on?"

"Come on, Brother Jiu."

"I'm really on the number?"

"Come on Brother Jiu, I'm behind to assist you."

"How about...or wait?"

Just as Brother Jiu was about to click to log in to his account, he suddenly felt guilty.

At this time, what if Xiao Xiao came back again?
Xiao Fei was speechless for a while.

Xiao Xiao has been gone for half an hour, how could she come back?

It's a pity that he was arrested by Brother Jiu just after the broadcast, and now he wants to quickly collect the gifts for Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, finally gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and clicked the login button.

In the live broadcast room, Brother Li, who had just disconnected from the bald man, saw an emperor come online, and quickly expressed his welcome.

Brother Li has now figured out the general situation of Huya.

Brother Monarch is the mainstay of the platform, while Brother Emperor is the absolute core of the platform.

Occasionally, there will be a few potential stocks in Big Brother Emperor, and they are all the ones that can give the anchor a big hit.

"Welcome Brother Jiuyuan to enter the live broadcast room!"

"The anchor is new here. I haven't been online for a day. Huya has changed a lot."

Brother Jiu thought hard, and finally typed out a line.

Originally, I wanted to be arrogant to show my status, but after thinking about it, I was still timid.

Keeping a low profile is king, as long as you are gentle enough, you won't be discovered by Xiao Xiao!

This is not cowardice, this is a strategic retreat!

Can the matter between Shenhao be called confession?

Although Xiaofei was speechless, he still used the king trumpet who came in early to pretend to cover Brother Jiu on the public screen.

"Wow, Brother Jiu is online!"

"Brother Jiu, please express your thoughts on what happened last night!"

"Happy to hear, happy to see!"

Many tourists did not expect that Brother Jiu would be online at this time, and greeted Brother Jiu one after another.

For Brother Jiu and Brother Hua, the tourists actually don't have much ill-feeling, they just simply feel that they are not as good as Brother Xiao Xiao.

After all, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua also fought a lot last night, and they lost only because Brother Xiao Xiao fought too much.

Moreover, Brother Jiu's recent character design has been maintained fairly well. Except for the initial wave of arrogance in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room, the rest of the time has been very low-key.

Even Zhou Xing, who gave the magic book to the knife last week, never let go of any harsh words.

However, there are also a few fans who are not too cold about Brother Jiu.

The incident of being mobilized and attacked after going online did not happen, Brother Jiu let out a long sigh of relief.

After waiting for a minute or two, seeing that Xiao Xiao didn't intend to go online, Brother Jiu immediately stiffened a lot.

He took out the Huya No. [-] rocket from the gift bar, and it was a meal without a word.

"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"


"Emperor【Jiuyuan】sent Huya No. 100 *10*[-] combo!"

Brother Li just wanted to sing another song, but he was stunned when he saw the news on the public screen.

Are Huya's gods so fierce?
Brother Xiao Xiao had just left when another Shenhao who swiped millions of dollars came along?

Brother Li looked at the public screen, and it seems that this brother Jiu is also one of the big brothers Huya who is well-known by the audience, but it seems that the relationship with brother Xiao Xiao is not very good, and some fans of the public screen are still quite resistant.

For Brother Li, she doesn't seem to know any of the educators mentioned by the bald man just now, or the big brothers of Huya's live broadcast.

But looking at it now, Brother Jiu seems to have an average relationship with Xiao Xiao.

Brother Li's mind was spinning all over the place. Although Xiao Xiao had brushed a lot before, she still planned to build a good relationship with Brother Jiu.

Even if the relationship between the two is not good, it has nothing to do with her.

For a while, Brother Li was even thinking about the idea of ​​having the two elder brothers compete in the live broadcast room to generate income.

"Thank you for the 10 sets of Huya No. [-] sent by Brother Jiuyuan, thank you for the gift!"

"Brother Jiuyuan, you can order any song you want to listen to. I can know 60.00% of the DJ shouting songs on the entire network."

"No, just passing by."

Brother Jiu's self-confidence slowly returned after he saw that the tourists on the public screen didn't have much malice towards him.

Posted a smiley face of Xiao Huya, and pretended to beep in a low-key manner.

"Emperor [Jiu Yuan] sent Huya No. 100*[-]!"

Another reward of 10 yuan.

"It's getting late today, let's give fans a bonus."

"Wow, brother Jiu is so big!"

"Thank you Jiu!"

The audience saw that there was another big bag to pick up, and they all cheered up.

"Thank you Brother Jiu, then I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha!"

Brother Li quickly sent out a 5 yuan TV red envelope in the live broadcast room.

"It's fine, it's fine, don't be polite to me, just pass by to say hello to you, I still have something to do here, so let's get off first."

Brother Jiu chuckled, before waiting for Brother Li to speak, he directly chose Yuan to go offline.

Successfully complete the task!

Brother Jiu didn't want to be so afraid of Xiao Xiao. As a veteran god, he felt ashamed.

But after all, I have no money in my pocket today, so it's really hard to get up.

The most important thing is that the purpose of this time is to establish a good relationship with Brother Li so that the union can recruit people in the future.

Xiao Xiao had only been playing in Brother Li's studio for most of the night, so he definitely couldn't stay for too long.

To give brother Li a feeling that he is richer than Xiao Xiao, so that the success rate will be high!
Moreover, he confronted Xiao Xiao several times, Brother Jiu didn't seem to have figured out Xiao Xiao's tricks.

At least it’s okay to learn from the trick of pretending to be beeping in a low-key manner!

 Four changes today, but the total number of words is more than 9000, which is barely enough.

  The layout is in progress, and a more grand scene will come soon, it will be kept secret for now, so stay tuned!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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