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Chapter 128 Can this small broken road be opened?

Chapter 128 Can this small broken road be opened? (addition for [Zhang 11] leader)
Early the next morning, Brother Jiu took Xia Nuan back to the trade union office, and Brother Hua and Lao Wu had already arrived early.

Brother Hua's complexion was calm, but he couldn't hide the occasional gleam of joy on his face, not to mention Lao Wu, who was so happy that he could tell at a glance that something great had happened to the union.

"Xia Nuan, you are ready to go online tonight, and you will tell Xia Nuan again later."

Brother Hua took a look at Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan's special effects after that were quite obvious. She just woke up this morning, her face was so red, and she didn't know what kind of tricks she played with Brother Jiu.

Brother Hua sighed inwardly.

If Brother Jiu can be tied to Daheng's chariot, Xia Nuan's private life is not too important, as long as she doesn't get caught again.

But if it goes on like this, can Brother Jiu's body still hold on?
At that time, Brother Jiu will be gone, so he won't be able to explain to Brother Jiu's family.

"Brother Hua, is there a way to solve my problem?"

Xia Nuan was overjoyed, and ran all the way to Brother Hua, ignoring her limp and trembling legs.

"I have already greeted the board of directors, and the official side has also found someone. In this matter, they will pretend they didn't see it from the beginning to the end."

Brother Hua nodded.

Things are not easy these days, even with his relationship, it is difficult to do this.

In order to establish a relationship, more than 300 million yuan was spent on gifts alone!
It can be said that Daheng did pay a lot in order to keep Xia Nuan.

"Now all you have to do is shirk."

"That photo is a side view. When you live broadcast, you can push it to other directions, and leave the rest to me."

Brother Hua was afraid that Xia Nuan would do something bad again, so he told him again.

"Don't worry, Brother Hua, I know how to do it." Xia Nuan nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

Whether he can survive this time depends entirely on his acting skills.

Whoever the woman in her photo is, as long as it's not me, Xia Nuan!

The fifth child took Xia Nuan to talk for a while, and explained the matters needing attention.

In the trade union office, there are only two directors, Brother Jiu and Brother Hua.

"Brother Hua, I showed the old man the operating report you gave me, and the old man said there is no problem, and the funds will arrive before next month."

Brother Jiu chuckled, lay down on the sofa next to him, picked up the pastry on the table and ate it.

The battle last night exhausted a lot of energy.

"Then there's no problem. Your contribution this time will be averaged into the future financing share in proportion."

Brother Hua nodded.

For Daheng, he gets 70% of the shares, and Brother Jiu gets 20%.

Brother Jiu still took a lot this time. If it was a one-time financing, Brother Jiu's equity share would definitely increase, which was inconsistent with Brother Hua's idea.

Brother Jiu nodded indifferently.

Although Brother Hua threw himself on Xiao Xiao twice, he has been ups and downs in the business world for more than ten years, and his ability is very strong, which is still worthy of trust.

The purpose of his trade union is very simple, one is to make some money, and the other is to make it easier to find internet celebrities.

Even, Brother Jiu has already decided on a few candidates in his mind, and plans to play a game of becoming an internet celebrity.

All he had to do was pay money and cooperate with Brother Hua, and put a beep on the live broadcast platform by the way.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Xiao Chun and Yang Zi both went online, and both of them were full of joy.

Daozi has not been online since noon the day before yesterday, and Yang Zi and Daheng have torn each other, so [-]% of unowned tourists have come to him.

"Good morning, audience friends, welcome to Xiaochun's live broadcast room."

Xiaochun is wearing a swallowtail suit, and the gold-rimmed glasses have also been replaced with new frames, and her hair is combed back deliberately. Under this dress, Xiaochun's thin figure looks very energetic.

"Morning Brother Chun!"

"Brother Chun, Miss and Brother Li went online yesterday, is there any big news?"

"I heard Brother Jiu made a move in Brother Li's live broadcast room last night."

"The most exciting one should be Xia Nuan's photo of the three of them, right?"

As soon as this was said, the audience in the live broadcast room were amazed.

At 10:[-], the number of viewers in Xiaochun's live broadcast has exceeded the [-] mark.

Part of this is due to the division of the knife market, but more is due to the massive drainage from the Huya platform after Miss and Brother Li settled in last night.

In the live broadcast room, there were seven or eight thousand more Xiaobai accounts.

Xiaochun can clearly feel that the popularity of the entire Huya platform has been greatly improved.

Xiaochun made a little estimate, the popularity of the entire platform may increase by around one million!
"I don't have conclusive evidence for Xia Nuan's matter, so I won't express my opinion yet."

Xiaochun said in the live broadcast room with a smile.

Although he was smiling, Xiaochun felt a ruthless look in his heart.

He doesn't want to take care of Xia Nuan's affairs, and he can't take care of them. What he wants to do is to kill the knife who hasn't been online for the past two days!
Miss Li started broadcasting yesterday, attracting a lot of tourists' attention, so it's not suitable for news.

But today, the Xingxiu District is warming up, and the audience is paying attention to the gossip again, which happens to be the most suitable time.

"About Xia Nuan's matter, you can go to Yang Zi's live broadcast room to have a look. Yang Zi has materials in his hand. It's fine if I don't understand what happened. After all, being a news anchor must be fair and objective."

Xiaochun sent a few large packages of thousands of yuan to attract traffic to the live broadcast room.

"When you read the news, you still have to watch Xiaochun. Don't talk about uncertain things, what stands out is being fair and objective."

"Yes, Xiaochun's comments on the news are sharp and fair."

Visitors in the live broadcast room nodded one after another.

Xiaochun has never joined the Great Guild, the purpose is to maintain a fair personality.

This is also the reason why he refused to play activities with Baldy before.

But this is also because no one has touched Xiaochun's interests before.

The current Xiaochun just wants to beat the knife to death once, and then get back the resources that were lost before.

"Everyone knows that this event in June lasted for two weeks. I have already talked about some of the previous things. Now we start to review the last day of the hundreds of millions battle!"

"Hey, Brother Chun will start the lecture today without presents, and the sun is coming out from the west!"

"My brother Chun has been fed by brother Xiao Xiao. He doesn't even look down on gifts from us old fans."

"Ahem, I said I would just start talking about the news. I didn't expect you guys to be so self-conscious." Xiaochun chuckled.

"In that case, hand over your inventory!"

"Then what are you going to use, Xiaochun? We have a lot in stock."

"Xiaochunkou, it's very good, I think it's okay."

"Then you can save a lot later."

"Why don't you save a little bit of your belly button?"

"Good guy, this kind of corner can be found upstairs!"

"Stop, stop, there are so many new tourists today, if you keep going like this, people will be so scared that they will run away." Xiaochun said quickly.

Huya is good everywhere, but the mountain road is too steep, so most tourists can drive a good car.

"It's okay, we don't understand, you continue."

"That's right, that's right, I wanted to learn geography when I first came to Huya."

"Geography? Something is wrong with you upstairs."

"Shouldn't you go to the female anchor to see the mountains if you study geography?"

"It should be a group of peaks, how can there be a single mountain?"

"Upstairs don't talk about martial arts!"

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room getting more and more sideways, Xiaochun almost gave up all the energy he was about to give a heavy blow to the knife.

These water friends can really open any small road!

(End of this chapter)

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