Chapter 129 Parents Sacrifice to the Heavens with Boundless Mana

Xiaochun finally managed to bring back the rhythm of the live broadcast room, and soon got to the point, all kinds of vaguely holding knives were not.

But what he didn't expect was that on the other side, Knife was about to rebroadcast under Hua Ge's arrangement.

"Old Five, how many people did you contact with the Water Army?"

"There are more than 1000 accounts, and eight people are controlling the accounts. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the rebroadcast of Knife."

The fifth child nodded affirmatively.

These sailors are not all small white numbers, but Daheng paid a lot of money.

A thousand numbers, ranging from swordsmen to dukes, all are nobles!
Using a software editor, log in these thousand accounts on seven or eight computers respectively, and then intelligently edit the barrage in the text library that has been drawn up in advance according to the meaning you want to express.

If these thousand numbers are used well, they are no different from real people except that they have no spending power.

If there is a real difference, it is the live-action version and the Frog version. They feel different, and they will not take the initiative.

However, the frog frog version is more obedient, flexible and more convenient to operate.

This is the navy after entering the era of intelligence.

There is no need to find meat machines, and there is no need to pull people into the group for unified command. Accounts are managed in a unified cluster, which is convenient for command, and there is no suspicion of fishing.

The only problem is that the investment is relatively large.

For a single navy project, from management and control costs to account costs, it costs 100 million less a month!
"Let the knife go. It stopped for a day yesterday and there was no announcement. If it stops today, the popularity of the knife will not be half at least."

Brother Hua sat down on the seat next to him and told him again.

"By the way, send the report prepared for the knife to the knife computer."

The first show of the navy in the Knife live broadcast room is just the beginning.

If the effect is good, Brother Hua can find a chance to implement the plan he has been thinking about.

Knife took a deep breath and quickly adjusted his mentality.

He knows how much pressure he has today.

Although Xiaofei succeeded in apologizing, Daheng's trade union fans only understood, saying that it was impossible to have no complaints in their hearts.

And Xia Nuan directly apologized and failed.

Even today, there are still many Daheng fans raving in the live broadcast room with a black screen.

And his knife is Daheng's first news brother, and also Daheng's portal to the outside world!
Now that Xiao Fei is not broadcasting, Xia Nuan is still on a black screen, and the rest of the second-line anchors can't resist much damage.

It can be said that all the pressure of Daheng's morning session was on him!

He could already imagine how the barrage would explode after the broadcast started.

Extending the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.

After taking a few deep breaths again, the knife did not hesitate, and pressed the start button heavily.

Tourists who were wandering around the platform for a while, as long as they subscribed to Knife, they all received the news pop-up window that Knife started broadcasting.

In just a few minutes, the number of people in Daozi's live broadcast room has exceeded 5, and it is still rising rapidly.

"Good morning brothers, I haven't seen you for a day, Knife misses you very much!"

Knife put up a pleasing face and spoke in the live broadcast room.

"Knife, where is Xia Nuan, let her come out and say something!"

"Xia Nuan was blocked for six hours. She hasn't appeared for more than a day, and there is no announcement. What does she mean?"

"Your knife is not a good thing either. You cheated on big brother Zhou Xing's gift twice. During the finals, Yang Zi was online, but I didn't see you!"

"Why didn't you go online yesterday? Is it because you are afraid that Yang Zi will expose your scandal?"


"Why don't you stay offline for the rest of your life, Yang Zi's news is pretty good, I don't need you anymore!"


Just as Daozi expected, 5 to [-] people had just entered the live broadcast room, and the curses were already endless.

But there is no way, who let him be the head anchor in the morning show?
Suppressing the urge to ban all the little black fans, Knife spoke again.

"I didn't go online yesterday and the night before yesterday because there was something at home."

"For the specific reasons, let's see for ourselves."

Knife took out a hospital report that the fifth child had sent just now, heaved a long sigh, and his expression instantly became melancholy.

Of course, this hospitalization slip was forged by Daheng.

"My sister just underwent chemotherapy yesterday, and I accompanied her all the way in the hospital. It's true that I didn't have time to send out the notice. I'm here to apologize to everyone."

Speaking of this, the knife forced out a few tears.

The knife enlarged the screenshot of the hospitalization notice, and the diagnosis and treatment news on it was seen by tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

The words requiring chemotherapy after diagnosis are listed on the first line.

Behind it is a bunch of technical terms and filmed films.

Each one was compiled by Hua Ge by a professional doctor, and there is no logical problem.

I don't know what it is, but it looks very serious.

This is the rebroadcast method that Daheng came up with for Knife.


It's clichéd, but it works.

Originally, according to Lao Wu's meaning, he was going to sacrifice his parents to heaven, but Daozi disagreed with his life and death.

The fifth child couldn't hold back a knife, so he had to compromise and choose a sister in the end.

But as far as it is concerned, the effect of the knife is still very good.

Although the effect was not as good as that of parents sacrificing heaven, the audience in the live broadcast room were also moved.

Seeing that Daozi explained the matter in the live broadcast room, and when the tourists were in a state of half-belief, the fifth child winked at a few employees who controlled the water army.

Immediately, the No. [-] sailors spoke one after another in the live broadcast room.

"It turned out to be like this. It was really a mistake to blame the knife."

"Hey, everyone has misfortune, we have to learn to understand."

"Each person has his own misfortune, but fate will not play tricks on those who are grateful."

"Come on, knife!"


Even, Lao Wu deliberately recharged several Duke accounts, and it was just a reward without a word.

It can be said that the authenticity of these accounts has been done enough by Lao Wu.

"Knife, tell my sister to work hard to treat it. This disease can be cured, and there is still great hope for recovery!"

Under the swipe of the thousand-number navy, the tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room fell silent.

If what the knife said was true, then they really couldn't blame the knife.

Isn't it just an event that June hopes to plan, can it be more important than the relatives around me?

For most people, even if the relatives around them have a minor illness, they may ask for leave to go back to take care of them, let alone such a serious illness.

It's only human nature!
At the trade union office, Brother Hua nodded in satisfaction as he watched the barrage that had basically calmed down.

Among them, relatives sacrificed to heaven must be the greatest contribution, but the contribution of the navy to stabilize the rhythm of the barrage is also indelible.

If there is no water army, to achieve the current situation, at least one or two hours of reaction time must be given to tourists!
You may even be suspected in the opposite direction, investigate the truth of the matter, and finally steal the chicken and lose the rice.

"The effect is obvious."

Lao Wu stood next to Brother Hua and admired him.

When the matter came to this point, the matter with Daozi came to an end, and I had a lot of confidence in the rebroadcast of Lao Wu on Xia Nuan's side at night.

The additional expenditure of 100 million per month is indeed not in vain!

 Thanks to Bubble Gum: 5664 Book Coins for the reward

  Thank you Sakyamuni: 200 book coins as a reward

  Thank you Coffee Taste Boy: 100 Book Coins as a reward

  Thanks to Xueguang for heating: 100 book coins as a reward

(End of this chapter)

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