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Chapter 130 Kaka Live Studio Solo Match

Chapter 130 Kaka's live solo match ([-]rd update)

It was past ten o'clock when Liu Xiao woke up.

The 4S shop called and said that the Land Rover had been shipped from the headquarters, but it would take a few days to arrive.

Liu Xiao didn't pay too much attention to this, and he was able to keep up with the plan a few days later.

After taking a shower and stroking the abs that had just exploded for a long time, Liu Xiao nodded in satisfaction.

Although the beauty coach charges a relatively high fee, after more than half a month of exercise, the effect is still very significant. Some of the fat on the body before has completely disappeared, and the whole person is much healthier.

I believe that even if you play with flowers, you have enough energy and strength to support it.

Being idle and bored, Liu Xiao turned on Huya's live broadcast and entered the League of Legends area.

Kaka was playing a water friend match, saw Liu Xiao enter the live broadcast room, and quickly got up to welcome him.

Brother Xiao Xiao has given him a lot of gifts recently, adding up all the turnover, he now has an income of more than 500 million.

And with the current popularity, when signing the contract next year, the signing fee will definitely be raised again.

Tourists in the live broadcast room also gave speeches to welcome them.

Liu Xiao directly sent a hundred rounds of Huya No. [-].

"It's been a long time since I've distributed benefits, so give the audience some red envelopes."

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao, Brother Xiao Xiao is so generous!"

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

The tourists in Kaka's live broadcast room were even more happy.

Hanging around with Brother Xiao Xiao, not only the anchor can be full, but they can be full too!

Although it is not as good as the previous million-dollar gift, the 5 yuan red envelope is already a lot.

"What are you doing, solo?"

Liu Xiao was a little curious when he saw that there were only two game heroes facing each other on the public screen.

"A few days ago, after we played against Brother Xiao Xiao, everyone preferred to watch the mid lane, and the audience said they wanted to watch the mid lane solo, so I held a solo match in the live broadcast room, and fans who won would get cash rewards."

Kaka touched her head and smiled sarcastically.

The game has been played all morning, and there are more than 50 players who are about to decide the winner.

The so-called solo game means that two players and one referee start a single game. After each side bans three heroes, they randomly select other heroes to line up in the middle lane. The range of activities is not allowed to exceed the bushes in the middle lane.

The condition of victory is two blood, one tower and one hundred knives.

Single-killing the opposing player twice, or knocking down the opponent's first defensive tower, or killing a hundred minions first, all three conditions are met to win.

The LPL Summer Split started on June 6st, and it has already been played.

Although the game is over, the enthusiasm of the players in the League of Legends area is still very high. Coupled with the entry of Miss, the popularity of the League of Legends area is much higher than before.

Speaking of the solo competition, Liu Xiao was also a little interested.

Liu Xiao knew his own strength, so he would naturally not choose to play in person.

As a godly hero, one must be generous in doing things.

"I've contracted this solo match. The winner will be determined later, and I will reward 100 Huya No. [-] alone."

Liu Xiao smiled and spoke on the public screen.

100 hair Huya No. 5, another [-] yuan!
Originally, there was only a prize of 1000 yuan for the championship, but the reward instantly doubled by 50 times!
The two players who were playing solo in the live broadcast room were immediately excited.

They are just students, and 5 yuan is already a huge sum of money for them.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, bull beep!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is too domineering, he is simply working for the welfare of the whole people!"

"My game skills are also good, is it too late to participate now?"

"Wow, it's so annoying, why didn't I participate in the competition just now!"


The tourists in the live broadcast room were annoyed for a while.

In particular, many master kings who think their skills are very good feel it is a pity.

5 yuan, this is not a small income!
"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for your support!"

Kaka smiled and thanked, 100 shots of Huya No. [-] is just a drizzle for Brother Xiaoxiao.

Don't even talk about brother Xiao Xiao, even if he gave this prize, it wouldn't be a big money.

But this is a benefit for his fans in the live broadcast room, and Kaka is still very happy.

"It doesn't matter, when this wave of solo is over, we will play a big one."

Liu Xiao chuckled and gave the audience a pass in the live broadcast room.

Following the blue Fang Ruiwen's flash to tie A, the purple Fang was killed twice in total, and could only exit with regret.

"Congratulations to Blue Fang Ruiwen for successfully winning this game!"

Kaka spoke congratulations.

"There is no need for regrets for the purple side to leave. The third No.4 has a reward of 300 yuan. Click on the village chief's avatar in the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, take a screenshot and contact the secretary to redeem the reward."

The blue Fang Ruiwen won the first place in the second wave of matches, and the only thing left was to play the final solo with the previous winners.

Kaka quickly pulled the two into the room.

Both of them participated in the competition with the mentality of a friendly competition before. After all, the 1000 yuan bonus is neither too much nor too little.

After all, No.2 also has 500 yuan.

But now, Brother Xiao Xiao's promise in the live broadcast room has directly raised the No.1 bonus to 5!
At this time, No.2's 500 yuan and both of them looked down on them a bit.

In Pengcheng Internet Cafe, the player whose ID is [I'm Crazy for You] rubbed his hands, feeling his heart pounding.

He is a master of drill one, and his strength is not bad.

5 yuan, just the last step!
If you win, you can take off directly with the big prize, and if you lose, you can only get 500 subsistence allowances.

[I'm Crazy for Qing] Squinting his eyes, he brought out the best game state.

On the other side, the previous winner [Deadly Clockwork Demon] also put down the flying cup in his hand, raised his pants a little and got serious.

"Now it's the final round. Our game is a game-deciding mode. Two bloods and one tower cost a hundred dollars. You are not allowed to go to the wild area. Is there a problem?"

Kaka asked in the live broadcast room.

On the public screen of the game, the two quickly replied no.

"Okay, now enter the ban selection."

Kaka nodded, indicating that the two began to disable heroes.

"I'm banning Clockwork Demon, Zoe and Syndra."

【I'm crazy about Qing】Typed.

He is still under a lot of pressure.

After all, he is a top laner, and he usually plays heroes like Raven. It is really a disadvantage to face traditional mages on such a short line in the middle.

"666, this is banning all the heroes that the opponent can play!"

"[I'm Crazy for Qing] is too ruthless. I banned all the mages who played well on the opposite side just now. Now the opposite side is not easy to deal with!"

Clockwork frowned.

With Qing Kuang's move, all the mages he played best were banned, and the difficulty of his laning increased a lot.

"I ban Ruiwen, Jianji and Kenan."

[Deadly Clockwork Monster] also chose to ban the mad hero.

"Okay, both of you can confirm that the six heroes that were banned have already been displayed on the public screen. Please pay attention after entering the selection interface."

Kaka joined the blue team as a referee, and directly opened the game interface.

"Go in, go in!"

"The grand prize of 5 yuan, I don't know if it's clockwork or Qing Kuang who will get it!"

 Thanks to the little public who took the train: 100 book coins as a reward

  Thanks (brother symbol, can’t type it out) (laughing and crying): 100 book coins as a reward.

  Thank you Dark 9 Lucky Star: 100 book coins reward
(End of this chapter)

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