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Chapter 131 Xiao Xiao wants to hold an event in the game area

Chapter 131 Xiao Xiao Wants to Hold an Event in the Game Area

[I'm Crazy for You] Without hesitation, I directly chose Jie, the master of the shadow stream.

Because of the relationship between the shadow clone and the hero Jie, it is really quite enjoyable to show off.

Seeing that Qing Kuang chose this hero, Liu Xiao was also more interested.

This hero is similar to the Gale Sword Hero he often plays!

If you play it well, it's called Naruto Tribulation, but if you don't play it well, it can only be called Child Tribulation.

As for Yasuo, if you play well, you are called Gale Swordsman. If you don't play well, ask for one.

For Yasuo, Liu Xiao is still a bit confident, after all, he has blown up a few technical anchors, hasn't he?
Kaka is on the blue side, temporarily unable to see the perspective of the red side.

Soon, the game entered the loading interface, and the hero on the clockwork side was also displayed.

"Wow, Yasuo!"

"Jie and Yasuo, read some of this!"

"Show each other!"

"Didn't you realize that the skin selected by Qing Kuang is Bai Jie?"

"Catch upstairs and put on handcuffs!"

Seeing that Clockwork chose Yasuo, [I'm Crazy for You] was also a little confused.

A traditional ranged mage playing melee Yasuo?

"It has already entered the game, let me analyze it for everyone."

"Qing Kuang's side is Zed, and Clockwork's side is Yasuo."

"Everyone knows that Zed is not easy to fight against Yasuo before the third level. Yasuo's qa combo is still very restrained by Zed, a short-handed hero."

"But as long as Zed can make up to level 6 peacefully, the probability of Yasuo being killed by a wave is very high."

Kaka explained in the live broadcast room.

[I'm Crazy for You] Naturally, I also understand this truth. As soon as I went online, I controlled Zed to keep a distance from the opposite Yasuo.

His purpose is to make up some soldiers before level 6, use two long swords, and after level 6 is online, kill a wave of solo, this one is basically stable.

And [Deadly Clockwork Demon] naturally also understands this point, directly taps the e skill at the first level, and waits until the minions have residual blood before e goes up to harvest, and does not give the soldiers a chance to push past.

"As you can see, although Clockwork used to play mages before, he is really good at playing Yasuo. The line control of this pawn is very detailed, and Zed can't make up pawns at all."

Kaka praised in the live broadcast room.

Just relying on this detailed treatment alone, there is already a level of alignment above Drill [-].

Unexpectedly, there were quite a few powerful viewers in the live broadcast room.

Liu Xiao was also a little curious.

Qing Kuang is not in a hurry, he is stuck at the farthest point of the experience area, and when the Q skill is ready, he will throw it out to replenish a little soldier with residual blood.

Soon, the two sides came to the third level.

After Yasuo clicked on the wind wall, the suppression became even more unscrupulous.

The second wave of gunners quickly lost their blood. Looking at Yasuo who was suppressing in front, Qing Kuang was a little eager to try.

Complementing the cannon carriage in front is one step closer to the two long sword equipment.

A cannon cart costs more than 70 yuan in the early stage!

Thinking of the shadow clone with w skill, Qing Kuang took two steps forward and threw a q from a distance.

But just as the q skill was about to be thrown onto the cannon body, a wind wall suddenly blocked in front, blocking the flying props.

At the same time, Yasuo stepped forward with his e skill, stepped on several small soldiers and moved to Zed's body.

The Dolan sword that I bought in the early stage, Yasuo has an aqa, three combos, and directly knocked out more than 200 drops of blood from Jie.

[I'm Crazy for Qing] I was annoyed for a while, but I immediately knocked off the only bottle of blood medicine on my body, and quickly retreated with the w skill.

But Qingkuang really went too far in order to replenish the cannon, Yasuo's q skill quickly improved, and he used the minions to move again, and another aqa, directly hit the blood line of Jie to one-third.

"Very good, Yasuo's handling of this wave is very detailed!"

Kaka applauded in the live broadcast room.

"Many viewers may wonder why Zed didn't fight back. Everyone should know that Zed's passive will only trigger damage when the opponent's blood line is very low. It is too bad to play against Yasuo."

"And Zed just used the q skill to replenish the cannon. This short skill vacuum period is harmless. Even if the e skill is connected to a flat a, it can only destroy Yasuo's white shield."

Kaka talked eloquently.

The public screens in the live broadcast room are all 666.

The details of this wave of alignment are indeed commendable!

Soon, three waves of minions spawned, followed by another wave of artillery vehicles.

Jie, who had just recovered half of his blood, was ready to move again.

Just at level 50, I only have [-] yuan of economy on my body. After defeating this cannon cart and adding two knives, I can go back to buy a long sword at level [-].

Even if Yasuo also replenishes his equipment, he is confident that he can solo kill at level 6!

This time [I'm Crazy for Qing] learned a lesson and chose to use the we company to recruit soldiers.

A we threw it over and directly scraped the residual blood cannon car to death.


Just as Qing Kuang was manipulating Zed to run back, Yasuo on the opposite side suddenly ejaculated the soldier, and then a golden mark flashed on the spot.

The next moment, Yasuo's figure drew a circle in place, and instantly appeared beside him!

The third layer of Yasuo q, knock-up effect.

Eq flash combo!
Qing Kuang pressed his finger on the flashing light and moved it frantically.

Under the effect of being knocked into the air, all displacement skills are invalid.

q The high critical damage of the third layer knocked out more than 100 drops of blood, directly hitting Jie's blood line to one-third.

Then, another round of flat A was connected in the air.

Just as Zed flashed out, Yasuo slid over with another e skill.

A flat ace, then a set of lights.

【first drop of blood!】

On the screen, Yasuo left almost full of blood.

The corner of Qing Kuang's mouth was bitter.

This clockwork, the control of the pawn line is terrible.

"Yasuo has a strong control over the pawn line. Although his account is only Drill [-], I believe that he at least has the strength of a master!"

Although Kaka often plays low-end games, his strength is not bad.

The tuba is also often ranked in the king's game, and the strength of the master king can still be analyzed.

The strength of [I'm Crazy for You] is basically at the peak, and there is still a gap between it and a clockwork.

He was solo killed by Yasuo before level 6, and the economy of 400 yuan for the first blood was directly given to Yasuo.

By the time Qing Kuang went online with the two long swords he had just made up, Yasuo had already stepped on the attack speed shoes and two Doran swords to replenish his troops.

The minion economy and first-blood advantage in the early stage are eight or nine hundred more than him!
Seeing Yasuo's equipment, Qing Kuang had completely given up.

In this case, even if he goes up to level 6 and uses the ult, as long as Yasuo's q skill can block the next skill, he can't beat it!
And he really didn't have the confidence to hit Yasuo, who had such a terrifying detail.

As Kaka expected, the match between the two ended quickly.

Yasuo bought attack speed shoes, and the attack speed has reached the minimum standard of Shuangfeng.

After Yasuo reached level 6, two consecutive double winds knocked his face into the air, coupled with the damage from his ultimate move, directly beat Qing madly without temper.

It didn't last until 100 and a blood tower, and two heads were taken.

"Congratulations [Deadly Clockwork Demon] for winning the game!"

"Click on the village chief's avatar to add the little secretary as a friend, and the reward will be issued immediately after the screenshot is verified!"

Liu Xiao also enjoyed watching it very much, and apart from anything else, 100 rounds of tiger buds will be given away on the [-]st.

"Thank Xiao Xiao for the bonus."

Fatiao excitedly typed a speech on the public screen, and then went offline directly, and couldn't wait to come to the live broadcast room to receive the award.

"This kind of game is really interesting."

Liu Xiao typed on the public screen.

"The summer split has just ended, and there are no major events, how about we hold a competition between the anchors?"

As soon as Liu Xiao said this, the public screen exploded with a bang.

"Brother Xiao Xiao wants to hold another event?"

"The last time I promoted the game, it was a grand prize of 2000 million. I don't know how much it will be this time!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao's activities, you have to support them even if you don't sleep every day!"

"Not to mention anything else, as long as this event can be held, the money that was originally given to an author to reward the lord, I will give it to whoever Brother Xiao Xiao asks me to give it to!"

"Upstairs you are too ruthless, I am the author you mentioned! (Crying loudly)"

 Four more, 8600 words today.

  You said that it will be updated at zero o'clock in the future, or will it be updated at another time?
  I see that there are quite a few masters who said to update at 12 o'clock, hehe.

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
  The buttocks are already raised, please leave the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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