Chapter 132 Event with 4000 million prize money! (addition for [Zhang 11] leader)
Kaka couldn't help asking.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you mean to hold a host solo match in the Huya League of Legends area?"

If we really want to do this, how to reconcile the various anchors and how to let the anchors participate are all problems. It is not so easy to achieve.

No matter how powerful Brother Xiao Xiao is, there is no platform to make a move. This kind of activity involves a sector
Kaka was in trouble for a while.

"That's right, I'm also ready for this event bonus."

"The first 2000 million, the second 1000 million, the third 500 million, the fourth 300 million, the fifth 100 million, the sixth 50, the seventh 30, and the eighth 20."

Liu Xiao nodded.

The corner of Kaka's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He knew it was like this again.

Kaka did a quick mental calculation. From the first to the eighth, the total reward is exactly 4000 million!
Compared with the last game promotion event on all platforms, the rewards have doubled.

"Since this is the case, it must be fine." Kaka smiled wryly.

Sometimes he feels sorry for Brother Xiao Xiao.

Brother Xiao Xiao said the numbers in his mouth, which seemed relaxed and casual, but these are real money!
4000 million activities, just do it!
"Kaka, are you interested in this event?"


"Brother Xiao Xiao, although my strength is not bad, it is far behind Gu Shouyu and the others."

Kaka shook his head again and again.

It is true that he is a king, but kings are also strong and weak.

It is impossible to say that he is weak, but if he is strong, he may be similar to Brother Ba, or even worse than Brother Ba.

During the competition, if you meet Gu Shouyu, Poison, Coke, Li Qingqiang, etc., you will be shot through.

After all, he usually plays very few high-end games, and mostly plays entertainment games in gold and platinum.

"I'm not asking you to play games, but to organize them."

Liu Xiao replied with a smile.

"It's okay to organize a game." Kaka breathed a sigh of relief.

If he really went up to play the game, he would lose face.

With his current popularity, he has already reached the threshold of a super first-line anchor.

When the time comes to bring Uzi, Zitai, Tiaonan and miss together, it will be enough to hold the stage.

Liu Xiao sent Kaka the few thoughts he just thought of through WeChat.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, don't worry, leave this matter to me. You are usually busy with work, and I will report to you when I'm done."

Kaka quickly returned a message to Liu Xiao.

Among the major anchors in the League of Legends area, except for Miss who just came yesterday, everyone else is the anchor of Brother Xiao Xiao.

This is mostly the default thing in the game area.

Kaka believes that as long as she speaks, they will definitely not refuse to scratch the boy. At most, it will be a little difficult for the miss side.

And the first reward of 2000 million is here, and the contestants are definitely not a problem!

Kaka summed it up and found that this matter has a lot to do.

If this competition is held, I am afraid it will sweep the entire League of Legends sector in an instant.

As the core pillar of the game channel, thousands of League of Legends anchors will definitely pay attention.

The anchors pay attention, and the fans of the anchors will naturally follow.

Moreover, holding the competition in the name of the organizing committee will allow him to show his face more times, and he will be able to imperceptibly secure his status as a newly promoted top-line anchor.

After holding the competition, he is afraid that he will be able to steadily step into the level of a super first-line anchor!

After one o'clock, Liu Xiao went offline to find a beautiful coach to exercise.

Starting today, the beauty coach will open the ligament for him.

A beautiful trainer with an excellent figure was sitting on one thigh, desperately pulling the other thigh up. Just thinking about it made me feel horrible.

But no matter how scary it is, you have to practice.

After training, in addition to being flexible, you can also unlock a lot of new skills.

For a person who loves daily and night-use department stores, this skill must be learned!

On the other side, as soon as Kaka was broadcast, he hurried to contact Sou Nan.

The scratch man had just had a quarrel with his girlfriend, and he wasn't in a very good mood.

Kaka called, Tiao Nan immediately picked up.

He was thinking of complaining to Kaka, but he was shocked when Kaka said the first sentence.

"4000 million big event, game solo?"

The scratching man exclaimed.

It's only been a few days since the last 2000 million event, and brother Xiao Xiao is going to hold another event?

The scratch man didn't think about it at all, and chose to join without hesitation.

Due to emotional problems, the state of the live broadcast is getting worse and worse. Recently, the popularity of the live broadcast room has dropped a lot.

Although scratching the man was helpless, he thought about divorce for a while, but after all, the relationship foundation of many days lay here, and if his girlfriend didn't open her mouth, he didn't want to make a decision first.

In Tou Nan's view, this event is a godsend opportunity.

To be an organizing committee, you don't need a good live broadcast status, as long as you can explain the game.

And relying on this event, it can also slowly bring back the popularity of the live broadcast room, which serves multiple purposes!
"Then it's settled. I'll contact other people first. If possible, we can make a video call to discuss it together at night."

Kaka saw Tiao Nan agreeing without hesitation, and looked forward to this event even more in his heart.

"Miss is left to me. She and I have shared the experience of commenting on the same stage before. She just came to Huya, so it should be fine for me to talk about it."

Scratch Man took over the job of lobbying Miss.

Kaka nodded, and called Uzi and Zitai again.

Hearing that Brother Xiao Xiao organized the event, the two agreed to join without hesitation.

Uzi is purely for fun, while Zitai is thinking about relying on this event to increase his popularity, and then live broadcast live retirement with peace of mind.

For this event, the members of the organizing committee must be top-line anchors or people with a transcendent status in the League of Legends.

Super first-line anchors, the League of Legends currently only has Tiaonan and Uzi.

He is the anchor who is close to the top line, and he can barely be regarded as an entry-level, but Kaka is also worthy of Xiao Xiaoge's support behind him.

As for the detached status among the first-line anchors, it is the attitude of the original IG team.

I don’t know how much the team has won in the quarterfinals. They also won the SWL season two championship once, which can be said to be full of resumes.

The most important thing is that Zitai is still a coquettish person. Although the live broadcast is blushing, every sentence is full of sassy words. It has been many days since Ai Xi's nanny last time, but it is still circulating in the game area.

And although Miss is a newcomer to Huya and doesn't have many subscriptions, Miss's resume is more terrifying than her qualifications.

The champion of the women's team, the ace commentator of e-sports, and the creator of the super popular video [Miss Ranking Diary].

Among gamers, the degree of familiarity is almost comparable to Uzi, the top star.

Tiaonan, Uzi, Zitai, Miss and him.

There are five in total!
Except for his bastard, the other four members of the organizing committee almost represented the peak level and peak popularity of the Huya League of Legends sector!
Kaka was secretly excited.

This time, Brother Xiao Xiao is going to stir up trouble in the League of Legends area again!
And next to Brother Xiao Xiao's throne, there is also his place!
 According to the wishes of the gentlemen, the update time will be adjusted to 12:8 noon and [-]:[-] pm in the future.

  First, adjust the time today, and the rest at noon and afternoon.

  Thank you for your support!
  Today is still four changes, at least 8000.

  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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