Chapter 133

On the other hand, Tiaonan also shared his thoughts with miss.

After the broadcast last night, miss deliberately went to understand the big brothers of the Huya platform and the current situation.

After a day of understanding, although the information she knew was relatively one-sided, she could roughly understand why Xiao Xiao had such a status in the game area.

There may be someone on Xingxiu's side who will oppose Xiao Xiao.

But when it comes to the game area alone, it is no exaggeration to say that no one is the enemy of Brother Xiao Xiao!
Especially when Scratch Man said that Brother Xiao Xiao was going to spend 4000 million bonuses to participate in the event this time, miss was shocked on the spot.

She once jokingly said in an interview that if anyone marries her, not only will they not need to struggle in this life, but they will not need to struggle in the next life, including the next life.

Although this was a joke when she was eager to propose, it was enough to highlight her wealth.

But under Brother Xiao Xiao's generous writing, even a billionaire like Miss couldn't stand it.

Even if she took out all the money in her hand, it would not be enough for Xiao Xiao to lose in a month!

If there is another interview next time, she must add a sentence at the end except brother Xiao Xiao!

After listening to Scratch Man's analysis, miss also chose to join.

She has just entered the live broadcast platform. For her, if she seizes this opportunity, her current popularity will definitely be stabilized.

When the scratching male fed back the news to Kaka, Kaka was having lunch.

"Great, I'll form a group later, so I can communicate with you if you have any questions!"

Kaka swallowed the steamed stuffed bun he just got, and waved his fist vigorously, excited.

When all five people join, it means that the organizing committee is full, and this matter is half done.

Quickly set up a wechat group, and attracted four people from scratching the man.

As for Brother Xiao Xiao, Kaka didn't dare to mess around, but sent a separate message asking if he wanted to join the group.

Seeing that brother Xiao Xiao didn't reply for a long time, Kaka guessed that brother Xiao Xiao might be busy, so he didn't dare to disturb him any more.

A big brother who can make tens of millions or hundreds of millions at will, even if he says he is the boss of a company with hundreds of billions, he will believe it!

"Brother Xiao Xiao has a lot of things to do during the day, after Brother Xiao Xiao replies to me, see if Brother Xiao Xiao will come to the organizing committee group."

Kaka sent a smiley face in the group.

"No problem, brother Xiao Xiao usually has a lot of business, we just wait for brother Xiao Xiao to go online."

"Brother Xiao Xiao is coming, remember @我, I want to be the first to lick!"

Uzi made a smirk expression in the group.

Uzi has already felt the feeling of licking Brother Xiao Xiao recently.

In fact, he has also wondered recently, how could he be so happy to lick him if he didn't give himself gifts for Brother Xiao Xiao.

"I didn't expect you to be such an Uzi!"

Miss is sending an emoji holding her forehead laughing and crying.

"Miss on the road, I can only be wretched."

"Hahaha, Uzi, you are too bad!" Zitai, the old driver, saw what Uzi meant at a glance, and laughed in the group.

"My studio here has quite a lot of employees. I'll ask them to come up with a competition process today, and we'll discuss it later." Tiao Nan took the initiative to contract the job.

"Okay, then please scratch the man."

"Thank you for scratching the man." Kaka also replied in the group.

Scratching Man clasped his hands three times in the group and continued diving.

He is a serious person, although he knows a lot of jokes, it is still difficult for him to speak out the jokes.

With a long sigh, Sou Nan wrote a note to his girlfriend who had just had a quarrel and put it on the table, and walked towards the studio when he went out.

When he contracted this job, he also wanted to hide from his girlfriend.

The phone rang, but Liu Xiao didn't hear it.

This time, Liu Xiao has changed into a loose sportswear, lying on the yoga mat and enjoying the impact of the beautiful coach's fascia gun.

"This fascia gun is really a good thing. It is really useful for relieving muscle soreness."

Liu Xiao couldn't stop admiring.

"Brother Xiao, if you come to exercise in the future, you will use it often."

The beautiful coach pushed the fascia gun hard against Liu Xiao's thigh, and the comfortable Liu Xiao almost cried out.

"It's almost time to go for a swim?"

Liu Xiao asked.

He has a membership card of the highest level, which allows him to use a separate swimming pool, and does not need to serve dumplings in the public swimming room.

Although it is not big, it is enough for him to use alone.

The beautiful coach readily agreed and went to the room to change into a swimsuit.

I have to say that the facilities in this gym are still very high-end, with a total of three floors up and down, quite a feeling of heaven and earth.

After eating a nutritious meal in the gym and taking a break, and tried all the postures under the leadership of the beautiful coach, Liu Xiaocai dragged his tired body back home.

The wechat on the phone where the live broadcast was played was not logged in, so Liu Xiao was looking at his normal wechat.

Recently, Liu Xiao has contacted several merchants.

From daily cleaning to clothing sales, I have learned almost everything.

In the end, Liu Xiao decided to choose to make clothes.

If the clothing industry starts, the profit will be not small at all.

However, the clothing industry is very deep, and there are many OEM clothes from various major manufacturers in the market.

Just recently, Douyin has launched a live broadcast to bring goods. It is said that it sells clothes such as Septwolves and Chanel, and the discounts are also generous, and it is also recommended by well-known bloggers in the live broadcast room.

But in fact, these clothes are only OEM products authorized by big-name companies.

Coats made in small workshops, with the brand of Septwolves on them, were immediately priced at more than 100 yuan from 2000 yuan.

To put it simply, it is roughly equivalent to straightening Putian's shoes.

Of course, this kind of unconscionable thing can't be done for a long time, and Liu Xiao doesn't want to do such a thing against his conscience.

Therefore, getting a high-quality source of goods is the first thing Liu Xiao has to do.

As for profit, Liu Xiao was not worried.

When the system is upgraded to level four, the wealth card can bring a [-]% profit bonus.

No matter how you do it, it is unlikely to lose money.

Boarded the background of the operation of the game [Guardian of the Great Country].

At present, there is still an income of 2000-3000 yuan per day, and Liu Xiao has no intention of updating the version. Anyway, he plans to withdraw the lease at the end of the month, and how Tiancheng Company will operate in the future is not his business.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the major anchors in the Xingxiu District started broadcasting one after another.

Since Dao Zi sold out badly in the morning, Daheng's fans are not very hostile towards Dao Zi and Xiao Fei.

On the contrary, Xia Nuan, who has not been online yet, has become the target of Daheng fans and countless tourists.

There is indeed too much black material on Xia Nuan.

Especially the photos of Xia Nuan's threesome that Yang Zi broke out disappointed countless Daheng fans.

This has also become the biggest obstacle to Xia Nuan's rebroadcast.

They never thought that the anchor, who ate instant noodles every day, was doing such dirty things behind his back.

Taking a step back, even if it is being taken care of by the elder brother, at least it is within the understanding of normal people.

"Didn't the knife say that Xia Nuan will start broadcasting tonight? Why isn't it online yet?"

"Uncle Wang came to play at home today. Mom asked me to pour water for Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang picked me up. Mom told him to do it lightly."

"I'm calling you a good guy! Brother upstairs, I just pushed your punctuation marks back two spaces, your Tibetan tail is really good!"

"I used to support Xia Nuan very much. I didn't blame her even if I lost the competition last time. But since Yang Zi broke the news yesterday, I feel bad when I see her video and photos now."

"Upstairs, don't you still want to be a licking dog?"

"There are at least two types of goddesses you've longed for now!"

"Give up. As the saying goes, the four mountains in front of you can be viewed horizontally as ridges and sideways as peaks. Although Xia Nuan is the tallest of the four mountains, it will never be your turn to climb the mountain, because there are too many people queuing up!"

 Today is too much, still four more.

  Starting tomorrow, the update time will be at 12:8 noon and [-]:[-] pm.

  The second update, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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