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Chapter 134 I, Xia Nuan, seek justice for myself!

Chapter 134 I, Xia Nuan, seek justice for myself! (three more)

In the live broadcast room, many tourists made jokes.

They didn't have much resentment towards Xia Nuan, but they had more of a mentality to watch the excitement.

But the fans who had given Xia Nuan a lot of gifts before were not so easy to talk about.

Daheng Union, Xia Nuan watched the countless insults and taunts on the public screen in the black screen live broadcast room, and his face was almost blackened.

These black fans!

Who she sleeps with is her business, and what does it have to do with them?
Could it be that when she wasn't playing with the local tyrants, would she play with their black fans?
Don't these black fans have brains?
He Xia Nuan, even if it's threesomes, foursomes, or even fivesomes, it's not their turn to pay for sixsomes!
But these words naturally cannot be said in the live broadcast room, and can only be incompetent and furious in my heart.

Brother Jiu suddenly appeared behind him and hugged his slender waist, which shocked Xia Nuan.

"Brother Jiu, I'm broadcasting live." Seeing that it was Brother Jiu, Xia Nuan's tone softened instantly.

"The broadcast hasn't started yet." Brother Jiu laughed.

"Brother Hua asked me to tell you, the broadcast will start in 1 minute, wait for the tourists to vent their anger first, and then start washing."

"Huh? I still have to wait for the tourists to blackmail me again, can't I just come up with the comparison report?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Nuan's face darkened immediately.

"These tourists are all on your side. If you wash them forcibly, it will be counterproductive. It's better to wash them after they are tired of scolding. This will also deepen their sense of guilt."

"You don't have to worry about the material, there is absolutely no problem."

Brother Jiu nodded, and transferred the truth that Brother Hua just explained to Xia Nuan.

"Okay, that's fine, I'll try my best to hold on for a while." Xia Nuan forced a smile on her face, and couldn't help but lament the fate of her life.

They are also the head anchor of the Daheng Union, and she is also a beauty anchor who is naturally more favored.

But what?Same activity fails.

Xiaofei apologized briefly, and the fans in the live broadcast room forgave.

Xiao Fei didn't even apologize, and he played the live broadcast for a day and a half, and Shui Jun immediately washed him out after playing.

But what about her?
In the beginning, not only was Xiaojuzi beat Zhou Xing inexplicably, but also Xiao Xiaoti sneaked out and beat him violently.

It's okay to beat her up, but she won't let her even complain, and she gets banned directly for six hours by super management, which makes her lose her temper, and Yang Zi even opened a special session for her the next day.

What's even more unfortunate is that as soon as Yang Zi said that there would be a special show, someone gave Yang Zi photos of her threesome out of nowhere.

And now, in order to rebroadcast, he had to be scolded by the audience in the live broadcast room first!
Xia Nuan felt that if Huya had to be named the worst female anchor, it would be her.

Her live broadcast career has been a disaster movie from beginning to end. Perhaps for Lehua, her live broadcast career is a comedy movie.

But no matter how unhappy she was, Xia Nuan could only hold back her unhappiness and resume the broadcast.

300 million has already been given out to make some connections, if the rebroadcast fails, she will not have much money in her hands.

The most important thing is that she will have nothing to do with live broadcasting as a money-making channel in the future.

Brother Jiu had already retreated, Xia Nuan sighed heavily, and put on a professional smirk.

This smirk skill was learned while serving the elder brother. After all, whether the elder brother is good or not, it all depends on how good the licking skills are.

The news of Xia Nuan's rebroadcast that Xiaofei said in the morning came out, and there were already [-] to [-] tourists staying in the live broadcast room with a black screen.

At this time, as soon as Xia Nuan started broadcasting, a large number of tourists entered the venue.

With the support of public opinion, in less than a minute, the number of tourists in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room exceeded 1.

And at the VIP table, there were quite a few people with Xia Nuan brand.

"Good evening everyone, me"

Xia Nuan had just spoken, and the live broadcast room was already in chaos.

"Why are you still broadcasting, why haven't you been blocked?"

"Threesomes broke out, and the ban hasn't come yet, what does Huya do?"

"Xia Nuan: As long as I scratch enough, the ban will not be able to catch up with me!"

"No one in this world can seal me Xia Nuan, because I have a BB camera!"

"Whoever blocks me, I will sleep with him!"


Tens of thousands of bullet screens scrolled in the live broadcast room, some were teasing, some were cursing.

Xia Nuan resisted the urge to turn his face, trying to adjust her mentality.

"Good evening, everyone. Regarding the photo released yesterday in Yang Zi's live broadcast room, I hereby declare that the woman above is not me, but she looks a bit like me."


"It's so funny, you said that person is not you?"

"Xia Nuan, you are really enough. I am 100% sure that it is you, and this is a hotel next to the headquarters of Daheng. How do you explain it?"

"Hehe, the car you love is always being driven like an off-road vehicle by others slamming on the gas pedal."

"Have been adding 92 oil, and suddenly it is filled with 95?"

"Behind every woman you think about day and night, there is a, bah, a group of licking dogs!"

"It's okay to drive like an off-road vehicle, but I'm afraid that it will be overloaded at every turn!"

"You don't want to say that there happened to be a woman who looks very similar to you, and it happened that this woman brought two men, and it happened that this woman came to your guild?"

"The chances of this kind of thing happening are probably very small, right?"

"I brushed you so much before, why do you do this kind of thing?"

"Even if you're short of money, you won't be able to do this, right? Brother Jiu and Brother Hua don't give you too much?"

"Upstairs, you think too much. If you can do this, maybe Xia Nuan took the initiative to spend the money."

As soon as Xia Nuan opened her mouth, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed again.

Xia Nuan has no evidence in hand, who would believe such a pale explanation?
Xia Nuan gritted her teeth and almost smashed the display with a punch.

These tourists have been swiping since the night before yesterday, why do they still talk so much?

If in normal times, more than [-] viewers can have such an activity, then her position as the first sister must be stable, the kind that can laugh out loud in dreams.

But she really didn't want this kind of negative enthusiasm, and she didn't dare to!
For more than 20 minutes, the rhythm of Xia Nuan's live broadcast continued.

However, Xia Nuan has always kept Hua Ge's advice in mind.

No matter what the audience in the live broadcast room said, she was bitten to death. The woman in this photo is not her!
"It's almost done, Fifth, send the document to Xia Nuan."

In the office, Brother Hua turned on the computer, which was exactly what Xia Nuan was doing in the live broadcast room.

Xia Nuan's computer ding-dong, and a photo comparison test document was sent over.

Seeing this material, Xia Nuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When it comes to forging materials, Brother Hua is quite professional.

From Xiaofei's material in the morning to her material now, she has read it before.

Enough to wash her white!

Brother Hua didn't give it to her before, because he was afraid that she couldn't help being exposed at the beginning, so that the whitewashing wouldn't achieve the maximum effect.

"Dear audience friends, to be honest, after Yang Zi's photo was taken out, I immediately sent it to a professional organization for comparison with my own photo."

"Through the distribution of muscle lines and the subtle differences in bone positions, I found a professional organization to issue this comparison report!"

"I don't know why Yang Zi did this, but if I didn't do it, then I didn't do it. I, Xia Nuan, always speak with evidence!"

Xia Nuan opened the comparison report.

The two pictures were placed on the public screen at the same time.

One is Xia Nuan's threesome, and the other is a profile photo taken by Xia Nuan.

On the top of the photo, the densely packed dots are very clearly marked.

On it, there are at least 20 different places.

"I don't want to talk about the rest. I want to emphasize again that I, Xia Nuan, am not the kind of person you think. If I were really indiscreet, the network supervisor would have banned me a long time ago. Do I still have a chance to broadcast live here?"

"Our Daheng will sue Yang Zi for defamation. I believe that I, Xia Nuan, will be able to seek justice for myself!"

 Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!And at night.

(End of this chapter)

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