Chapter 135 The bald man wants to break the steel bar (four more)

As soon as Xia Nuan said this, coupled with the two comparison pictures hanging in the live broadcast room, the effect was still obvious.

The barrage of insults and ridicule on the public screen suddenly decreased a lot, and most tourists focused on the difference between the two photos.

Although the eyes can't see the difference, but with the subtitles marked by the so-called "experts" next to it, the more the audience looks at it, the more they think it is the case.

"However, why does this feel so familiar?"

Many viewers who had been to Knife's live broadcast room in the morning scratched their hair, feeling as if they hadn't grasped something vaguely.

"Don't tell me, these two photos are very similar, but if you look closely, there are indeed some differences."

"Look, in the photo on the left, the nasal bone on the side is obviously not as straight as on the right."

"That's right, that's right, the figure doesn't really look the same. Xia Nuan should be a little plumper, and the woman in the photo should be thinner."

All of a sudden, the sailors arranged by Brother Hua took action one after another.

It has to be said that this kind of test report with official seal is still very powerful.

Even if some viewers faintly felt that something was wrong, the few bullet screens were ignored by most people with the frenzied swiping of the public screen.

Coupled with the resentment and grievance on Xia Nuan's face in the live broadcast room, the audience couldn't figure it out for a while.

"If you ask me, the probability of Xia Nuan being the protagonist of this matter is still very small."

"For a long time, the Huya platform has zero tolerance for hosts who cause malicious negative effects, and the incident has passed for nearly two days, and the Huya official has not made a statement."

"In addition, the Internet Surveillance Department has not dealt with this matter, so the probability that this woman is an ordinary person is relatively high."

A king speaks from a public screen.

Although the special effect delay brought by the title is not as eye-catching as the emperor, it is enough for most people to see these analyses.

"Could it be that we are wrong to blame Xia Nuan?"

"Brother King was right just now. Huya officials are still very sensitive to this kind of thing. If something like this really happened, Xia Nuan should have been banned yesterday, and we can't wait until today to start broadcasting."

"Super tube patrols 24 hours a day, you think you are joking, Xia Nuan just said no to platform consumers, and was immediately banned for 6 hours!"

"That's right, Xia Nuan also said that she would sue Yang Zi, if she didn't have absolute confidence, wouldn't she dare to do such a thing?"

Under the combined efforts of thousands of sailors, Gongping's remarks were almost one-sided in favor of Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan, who was originally angry, was secretly happy when she saw the change in the barrage.

However, he still pretended to be helpless and resentful, expressing his resentment at Yang Zi for framing her.

Comparing Xia Nuan at this time to when the show just started, she has a completely different mentality.

As for whether she would sue Yang Zi, Xia Nuan certainly would not do such a stupid thing.

Although the report that brother Hua obtained is very professional, and some similarities use a lot of technical terms to confuse people, but in the end it is a fake report.

If she really goes to court and a more professional testing agency finds any flaws, she won't be able to wash it out completely.

However, as far as the effect achieved so far, Xia Nuan is still very satisfied.

On the other side, Liu Xiao just counted the clothing suppliers found so far.

Stretching, he took a simple sip of the warm milk beside him, and turned on another mobile phone that had been off for a day.

"Kaka is so fast?"

Liu Xiao was surprised when he saw the message sent by Kaka.

It was just at noon that we talked about holding an event in the League of Legends section. After two o'clock in the afternoon, Kaka selected the members of the organizing committee.

Now at eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Xiao sent a message to Kaka, and Kaka quickly pulled him into the group.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

"Brother Xiao Xiao is really a busy man, all the flowers I have been waiting for you are gone this day."

Uzi was the first to speak in the group.

Because of Liu Xiao's joining, the WeChat group that had been silent for a long time suddenly became active.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, do you want to play games together tonight?"

"Now it's your live broadcast time. If you big anchors don't start the broadcast well, what kind of group are you in here?"

Liu Xiao smiled, and sent three angry expressions one after another.

"What Brother Xiao Xiao criticized, chatting with Brother Xiao Xiao, you can't forget the audience in the live broadcast room." Zi Tai smiled, and then directly sent a voice.

"Brothers, I'm chatting with Brother Xiao Xiao. If you want to see it, click 1 on the public screen. If Brother Xiao Xiao agrees, I will publish the content of the chat!"

After sending the voice, Zitai also took a screenshot of the public screen in the live broadcast room, and countless 1111 barrages almost filled the public screen.

"Good guy, you're doing a live broadcast like this, you're worthy of the signing fee that Huya gave you!"

Miss scolded with a smile.

"Brother Xiao Xiao, the details of the competition here are still being rushed, and it is expected to be released tomorrow night."

Sou Nan also posted a message in the group.

"You plan the competition slowly, as long as it is well done, let some really capable anchors be selected by auditions, and the live broadcast in the game area will be much better in the future."

Liu Xiao smiled.

It's going to be fine, Liu Xiao was just about to go to the live broadcast room of scratching the men to tip a wave and play a few games, but the news from Lanlan and Sister Feifei almost came one after the other.

Liu Xiao opened it, paused the hand holding the milk, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just for today alone, Knife was rebroadcast first, and then Xia Nuan was rebroadcasted.

The tourists, who were offended by the two, also chose to return one after another because of the two reports.

"You guys play first, I'll go to Xingxiu District." Liu Xiao sent a message in the WeChat group, clicked on the Huya live broadcast, logged out and went directly to Xia Nuanle's live broadcast room.

Xia Nuan's face was filled with grievance and resentment, and a few clear tears could be seen in the corners of his eyes.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has all been transformed into comforting words such as Xia Nuan, don't cry, we are your backing.

Anyway, Liu Xiao also stayed in Huya for quite a long time, and he has become familiar with the anchor of Xingxiu recently, so Liu Xiao still has a good idea of ​​who Xia Nuan is.

Liu Xiao knew that Daheng would definitely take action to clean up Xia Nuan, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

In just one and a half days, less than two days, even the comparison report was produced!

After watching it for a while, Liu Xiao felt a little boring.

Go straight to the account and jump to Baldy's live broadcast room.

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Knife in the morning and now Xia Nuan's whitewashing live broadcast, of course the bald man also peeked at the screen.

The bald man who has been dealing with them for more than half a year knows what the knife and Xia Nuan are.

At the most ruthless moment, several head anchors of Daheng attacked continuously, almost knocking the bald man off the net.

Then it was so insidious that he took the initiative to report the vulgar shouting, and it took 3 months to send a letter to the bald boy.

Although there is no evidence now.

But if one of the two people's words in the live broadcast room is true, the bald man would rather break the steel bar himself!

 Four more, 9000 words today, ask for a monthly pass!
  Update tomorrow at 12 o'clock tomorrow night at 8 o'clock!
  Book Friends Group: 371599915
(End of this chapter)

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