Chapter 136 Old Cars Sprayed with New Paint
"Brother Xiao Xiao is here, welcome!"

Beibei and Xiaotian were discussing Xia Nuan's matter with the bald man, and when they saw Liu Xiao enter the live broadcast room, they all typed and spoke.

"Where are we talking about Xia Nuan and the others here?"

Liu Xiao didn't care much about this matter.

Coming to the live broadcast platform is only for the purpose of playing.

If you want to rebroadcast it, you can rebroadcast it, and it can also bring a little fun to the boring life of Shenhao. As long as they want to die again, Liu Xiao doesn't mind hitting them again.

Liu Xiao didn't care, but for the bald man, he really couldn't swallow this breath.

"Old cars get new paint, old people wear new clothes, don't worry about it."

Seeing that the bald man was so angry, Liu Xiao spoke on the public screen with a smile.

Originally, when Lanlan and Feifei sent a message, Liu Xiao thought that Daheng was planning something big again.

"Brother Xiao Xiao is right!"

The bald man laughed loudly, and slowly let go of the previous matter.

Let them slow down and slow down, the days to come will be long!
With Brother Xiao Xiao's support and 5000 million gold beans in his hand, the bald man is not afraid of anyone!
Besides, after the last competition, the first sister Xingxiu is now Xiaojuzi, and the first brother Xingxiu is bald!
Being idle and bored, Sou Nan's plan won't come out until tomorrow morning, Liu Xiao brushed 100 Huya No.

"This Feng'er's ranking is not low." Liu Xiao was a little surprised.

Feng'er is the dance host who Liu Xiao hit the top 16 million charts in the early morning of the [-]th.

Although there is a public opinion effect that has swept the list of tens of millions, maybe after the live broadcast time is adjusted from the early morning to the prime time, it still has such popularity, which is already very good.

In just a day or two, Feng'er has secured his position as a second-line anchor!

"The emperor [Xiao Xiao] entered the live broadcast room!"

"Welcome Brother Xiao Xiao!"

After Feng'er danced to a song, she was pleasantly surprised to see Liu Xiao enter the room.

Liu Xiao looked him up and down, and found that Feng'er looks really good, and his figure is also very hot.

Although Feng'er's live broadcast on Huya's platform is very short, he still knows a little about Huya's general situation.

Xia Nuan, who is being whitewashed, represents Huya's old trade union, Daheng. Daheng has more than 1000 and [-] anchors in the Xingxiu District, and its strength is very strong.

At present, the bald man and the little orange who vaguely want to become the first brother and the first sister in Xingxiu District are backed by Brother Xiao Xiao.

As far as she is concerned, since Brother Xiao Xiao swiped the tens of millions of lists, she has passively joined the chariot of Baldy and Little Orange.

If she wants to go further, the first thing to do is to make brother Xiao Xiao have a good impression of her, and then join Lehua and officially become the anchor of brother Xiao Xiao's faction!

Feng'er picked another accompaniment and danced hotly in the live broadcast room, trying to attract the attention of Brother Shenhao.

At this time, the water army in Xia Nuan's live broadcast room had already begun to slowly withdraw.

For Xia Nuan, the only thing to be thankful for is that the ferment of public opinion about the threesome inadvertently erased the negative impact of losing the game.

Although there was still a lot of scolding in the live broadcast room, after sending out a few big red envelopes, the live broadcast can already be performed normally.

Xia Nuan didn't care about the fatigue after serving Brother Jiu during the day, so she deliberately picked a few strong dances and jumped up in the live broadcast room.

Xiaofei went online at ten o'clock in the evening, and the two even started interacting with each other.

"Xia Nuan is usually pretty clean. As I said last night, this story must be fake."

"Look, a simple comparison report, won't Xia Nuan be innocent?"

Xiao Fei chuckled, and spoke righteously in the live broadcast room.

"Without investigation, some anchors just rely on a photo that I don't know where to find it to speak freely on the live broadcast platform. Have you ever thought about it? If Xia Nuan hadn't found a professional organization and obtained a comparison report, Xia Nuan's live broadcast career would be terrible. That's the end of it!"

"Indeed, this Yang Zi is not a thing. Now that the test report has come out, let's see what he can say!"

"It is true that Xia Nuan was wronged before, but Yang Zi is indeed too much. If another small anchor is framed like this, is there any chance of rebroadcasting?"

"If Yang Zi does this again next time, won't he ruin others?"

"Yes, it is indeed too much!"

In the live broadcast room, the emotions of Daheng fans were also aroused.

If the matter of Xia Nuan's threesome is true, without Yang Zi's action, they will take Xia Nuan down by themselves.

But now, Xia Nuan has proved her innocence, and confirmed that Yang Zi was framing her.

This time, Daheng's fans were all angry.

Xia Nuan scolded a few words in the live broadcast room, even if the platform was banned, you, Yang Zi, took out a photo that was not evidence, and dared to blatantly slander their anchor of Daheng?

Even though they were beaten by Xiao Xiao many times, their sense of honor as Daheng fans is still there.

The anchors with two or three thousand accounts on the entire platform are their confidence!

Open the Xingxiu area, the 100 anchors on the first page, at least 20 are from the Daheng trade union, and the number will only increase from the second page.

And now, Yang Zi actually chose to provoke them in an almost slanderous way?

"This matter can't be left alone!"

"Yes, justice must be sought!"

"Yang Zi must apologize, otherwise how will Xia Nuan's loss be counted?"

There were more and more denunciations in the live broadcast room between the two.

Thousands of Daheng fans swiped the screen one after another, and for a while, the public screen was full of barrages about to blow up Yang Zi's live broadcast room.

In the trade union office, Brother Hua and Lao Wu looked at each other and smiled.

This is what the navy does!

With such a simple rhythm, the popularity of the labor union that had been scattered was reunited.

Although it is definitely not up to the previous level, the card anchor of the union has risen again.

As long as the operation is resumed, it will take a few days to restore the previous popularity.

Compared with the past when he was holding gifts in a daze, I don't know how many times smarter he is!
In the Feng'er live broadcast room, Liu Xiao also tipped 100 Huya No. [-] rewards.

"Thank you Brother Xiao Xiao for the 100-shot Tiger Bud No. [-], thank you Brother Xiao Xiao!"

Feng'er exclaimed again and again.

100 gifts, the commission is 5 yuan!
"Come on, you dance well."

Liu Xiao posted a barrage on the public screen, clicked on the list of subscribed anchors, and found Xiaojuzi's ID.

In the past two days, Liu Xiao seldom stayed in Zhao Ning's live broadcast room except for daily gifts.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room were also joking.

"Little Orange has fallen out of favor. Brother Xiao Xiao went to Brother Li's live broadcast yesterday, and today he went to Feng'er's live broadcast. Little Orange hasn't been here for two days."

"Except for a big wave of activities on the 15th, Xiao Xiao really doesn't come here very often recently."

"Just now I went to Feng'er's live broadcast room to take a look. Feng'er is dancing hotly. It must be more attractive than Xiaojuzi."

Zhao Ning's goal is to be a talent anchor, and her temperament is relatively calm.

Zhao Ning was quite open to the fact that brother Xiao Xiao hadn't come to the live broadcast room recently.

(End of this chapter)

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